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08-14 投稿


vexatious 发音

英:[vek?se???s]  美:[vek?se???s]

英:  美:

vexatious 中文意思翻译



vexatious 反义词


vexatious 短语词组

1、vexatious litigant ─── [法] 缠讼的诉讼当事人, 诬告的诉讼当事人

2、vexatious phlegm ─── 烦痰

3、vexatious nz ─── 无理取闹的新西兰

4、vexatious definition ─── 无理取闹的定义

5、vexatious action ─── [法] 滥用诉讼

6、vexatious band ─── 无理取闹的乐队

7、vexatious litigation ─── [网络] 滥诉;恶意诉讼;濫诉

8、vexatious appeal ─── [法] 不能受理的上诉, 无理的上诉

9、vexatious define ─── 无理取闹的定义

10、vexatious litigator ─── 无理取闹的诉讼人

11、vexatious conduct ─── [法] 挑衅行为, 滋扰行为

12、vexatious litigants ─── 无理取闹的诉讼当事人

vexatious 词性/词形变化,vexatious变形

名词: vexatiousness |副词: vexatiously |

vexatious 同义词

commove | displease | puzzle | pose | distress | agitate | dumbfound | devil | nonplus | shake up | harry | intrude | trouble | gravel | perplex | stick | get to | irk | provoke | ruffle | amaze |annoy | skin | rile | needle | chafe | upset | plague | nark | bother | tease | stir up | torment | baffle | harass | confound | confuse | worry | disturb | nettle | pester | rag | aggravate | bewilder | get | beat | irritate | raise up | stupefy | incense | mystify | flummox | get at

vexatious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Bush, on his final presidential trip to east Asia, seemed visibly relieved yesterday to be leaving behind the vexatious foreign policy challenges that go with his office. ─── 昨日,他看上去明显有一种抛开伤脑筋的外交政策挑战的解脱感,这些外交政策挑战是美国总统必须应对的。

2、Purchase and decoration of real estate is vexatious for the white-collars today. ─── 如今,买房、装修对于白领来说是件很伤脑筋的事儿。

3、vacant room and the price of housing in addition to the vexatious issue, many other factors also determine payments in the current issue can only exist on paper. ─── 空置房和经济适用房除了在价格上的问题纠缠不清外,许多其他因素也决定着并轨问题在目前还只能停留在纸面上。

4、He chewed over a vexatious problem of personnel. ─── 他思考着伤脑筋的人事问题。

5、4 After third ten days, the king was vexatious and impatient because he lost his faces for long failures in the cock fighting stanza. ─── 这样又过了十天,国王有-点儿犯著急了。堂堂一国之君,在斗鸡场上老是屈居于下风,那实在是太没面子了;

6、How get datas from RSview32 through RSsql? I am very vexatious,please help me! Thank you! ─── 楼主发帖时间:2006-4-109:50:00博客播客收藏回复加为好友发送消息建议删除该贴!!

7、the company's vexatious refusal to pay an apparently valid claim ─── 公司蛮横无理地拒绝了明显正当的要求

8、Freed, as from blame or a vexatious obligation ─── 脱身:免于责备或烦人的责任

9、"Fortunately, I found my wife.She is very smart, very rational, not vexatious, self-anguish, hysteria, but also help me create a Jiangshan. ─── “幸运的是,我发现我的妻子,她是很聪明,很理性,而不是无理取闹的,自我的痛苦,歇斯底里,而且还帮我创建一个江山”。

10、December 24, 2006 morning, state harassment Hong couples will be entered homes vexatious SONG Huai stabbed. ─── 2006年12月24日凌晨,不堪骚扰的张红夫妻将闯入家中无理取闹的宋怀刺死。

11、vexatious litigant ─── [法] 缠讼的诉讼当事人, 诬告的诉讼当事人

12、Were the same fair prospect to arise at present as had flattered them a year ago, every thing, she was persuaded, would be hastening to the same vexatious conclusion. ─── 想起了一年以前,她们曾经满怀希望,沾沾自喜,如今虽然眼见得又是好事在即,然而只消一转眼的工夫,便会万事落空,徒感懊丧。

13、It is truly vexatious that so small a parcel of goods shall remain on hand a whole twelve - month. ─── 这样少的货物,还要保管整整12个月,太麻烦了。

14、"My dear," said she, as she took the pen, "is it not vexatious? ─── “亲爱的,”她一面说,一面接过笔来,“这太令人恼火了?

15、1. Moving house is a vexatious business. ─── 搬家是件麻烦的事情。

16、vexatious complaint ─── 无理取闹的投诉

17、They describe him as a genuine person, very approachable, but nevertheless not to be pestered on certain vexatious subjects. ─── 他们形容他为人诚恳,平易近人,但还是最好不要用某些敏感问题骚扰他。”

18、No more vexatious teachers, stressful tests, NO MORE SCHOOL! ─── 没有讨厌的老师,紧张的考试,再也不用上学了!

19、How vexatious to miss one's train! ─── 没赶上火车真气人!

20、Perhaps he thought Curcuma in vexatious that Curcuma is just chess pieces that Curcuma is optional. ─── 也许他认为姜黄,姜黄只是在无理取闹的棋子,姜黄是可选的。

21、Dejected and vexatious without peace ─── 忧满不安

22、Mr Heathcliff and his man climbed the cellar steps with vexatious phlegm: I don't think they moved one second faster than usual,though the hearth was an absolute tempest of worrying and yelping. ─── 希刺克厉夫和他的仆人迈着烦躁的懒洋洋的脚步,爬上了地窖的梯阶: 我认为他们走得并不比平常快一秒钟,虽然炉边已经给撕咬和狂吠闹得大乱。

23、Legal bullying - the bringing of a vexatious legal action to control and punish a person - is one of the nastiest forms of bullying. ─── 法律欺负--带来伤脑筋的法律行动从此来控制和惩罚一个人--是欺负的一种最为肮脏的形式。

24、vexatious tax ─── 苛捐杂税

25、Legal bullying - the bringing of a vexatious legal action to control and punish a person - is one of the nastiest forms of bullying. ─── 法律欺负--带来伤脑筋的法律行动从此来控制和惩罚一个人--是欺负的一种最为肮脏的形式。

26、Mr Heathcliff and his man climbed the cellar steps with vexatious phlegm: I don't think they moved one second faster than usual, though the hearth was an absolute tempest of worrying and yelping. ─── 希刺克厉夫和他的仆人迈着烦躁的懒洋洋的脚步,爬上了地窖的梯阶:我认为他们走得并不比平常快一秒钟,虽然炉边已经给撕咬和狂吠闹得大乱。

27、Causing irritation or distress; vexatious. ─── 烦人的令人发怒或苦恼的; 令人烦恼的

28、Whether advocates and orators had liberty to plead in causes manifestly known to be unjust, vexatious, or oppressive? ─── 如果判案明显不公平,故意与人为难,或者欺压一方,辩护人和原告有没有申明抗辩的自由?

29、I won't mention before your good, not vexatious also won't bother. ─── 我不会提及从前你的好,不会无理取闹也不会再打扰。

30、If these issues are of Housing itself later because of the design of a property dispute is a problem exists, there will not be vexatious phenomenon. ─── 记下这些问题后如以后再因为房屋本身的设计配置出现问题引发物业纠纷便有据可查,不会再出现纠缠不清的现象。

31、Since his wife doesn't like the mother-in-law to come, and the mother wants to come even more often for exactly this reason, CrazyDaddy was so vexatious to be in between. ─── 因为妻子不喜欢他母亲的来访,而他母亲意识到这以后又更为频繁地来访,他作为中间人着实为难不已。

32、I now have to record a small but at the time vexatious military episode ─── 现在我不得不记述一段军事上的插曲,事情虽小,但在当时却令人恼恨。

33、Mr.Lawyer, and that's vexatious. ─── 律师先生,这挺逗的。

34、Over the age of vexatious, and I should also sensible of the. ─── 无理取闹的年龄过了、我该懂事了。

35、4.Causing irritation or distress;vexatious. ─── 烦人的令人发怒或苦恼的;

36、It was not in him to say to the wife of his bosom that Mr. Slope's sermon was ill-timed, impertinent, and vexatious ─── 他不会把内心想的对他的贤内助说,说斯洛普先生的讲道文是不合时宜,傲慢无礼和惹人气恼的。

37、vexatious rules and regulations ─── 烦人的规章制度.

38、In fact you are aware that this is your somewhat vexatious. ─── 事实上你也清楚,这次是你有点无理取闹。

39、All this will lead to vexatious property disputes. ─── 凡此种种,都会酿成令人烦恼的楼市纠纷。

40、It was not in him to say to the wife of his bosom that Mr. Slope's sermon was ill-timed, impertinent, and vexatious. ─── 他不会把内心想的对他的贤内助说,说斯洛普先生的讲道文是不合时宜,傲慢无礼和惹人气恼的。

41、Having seen some of your previous submissions, I will consider any further items of correspondence from you as vexatious and will delete them unopened. ─── [看了你以前的一些投稿,我认为你以后的任何来信都是使人烦恼的,我将不开封就删除。]

42、The world's most important politicians showed up and no one, bar a handful of vexatious foreigners, staged protests. ─── 世界上最重要的政客们如数捧场,除了一些伤脑经的外国抗议者之外,没有发生什么抗议活动。

43、He got an injunction against vexatious litigation by his enemies. ─── 他由于敌人的诬告而被法庭下达了一项禁令。

44、Love is such a vexatious. ─── 爱情就是这样的无理取闹。

45、Causing irritation or distress;vexatious. ─── 烦人的令人发怒或苦恼的;令人烦恼的

46、The term “victimization” covers any adverse action taken by any person with respect to a seafarer for lodging a complaint which is not manifestly vexatious or maliciously made. ─── “受迫害”一词包括由任何人因海员提出投诉而对其采取的任何不利行动,只要该投诉不是明显的刁难或恶意而为。

47、To German intelligence, Major de Coverley was a vexatious enigma . ─── 对德国的情报机关来说,德?科弗利少校是个老猜不透的谜。

48、Purchase and decoration of real estate is vexatious for white-collars today. ─── 如今,买房、装修对于白领是件伤脑筋的事儿。

49、vexatious appeal ─── 无理的上诉, 不能受理上诉

50、vexatious conduct ─── 挑衅行为, 滋扰行为

51、buyers and sellers have been vexatious controversy surrounding property prices, consumers should also be said that the sharp drop in prices, developers said almost dropped it down. ─── 买家、卖家围绕楼价的争论一直纠缠不清,消费者说房价还应大幅下降,开发商则称几乎降无可降。

52、I face the vexatious, you no longer just smile. ─── 面对我的无理取闹,你不再只是笑笑.

53、vexatious action ─── 无理之诉

54、Setting very low speeds in a wind tunnel is always a vexatious problem. ─── 在风洞中调出低风速来始终是一个麻烦问题。

55、I said I had never heard of such a rule being attempted to be put in force at any respectable theater before, and that I considered it a most absurd and vexatious regulation. ─── 我说,没听说有哪家像样的戏院有这种强制规定,我认为这是最荒谬最可气的规定。

56、However,if the AVO is not made, the magistrate may tell you to pay the defendant's costs, but only if the defendant can convince the magistrate that your complaint was frivolous or vexatious. ─── 但是,如果法庭没作出AVO,地方法官可能会让你支付被告的费用,但是只是在被告说服法官你的控诉是无关紧要的或是麻烦的情况下。

57、To German intelligence, Major-de Coverley was a vexatious enigima. ─── 对德国的情报机关来说,德·科弗利少校是个老猜不透的谜。

58、The case, the U. S. Chamber of Commerce argues in its brief, "is necessary to prevent vexatious litigation in foreign forums. " ─── 美国商会在其对本案的意见中称,本案“有必要阻止外国法院的无理缠讼。”

59、In fact you also make it clear that this is something you vexatious. ─── 事实上你也清楚,这次是你有点无理取闹。

60、vexatious suit ─── n. 缠讼

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