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08-14 投稿


excitable 发音

英:[?k?sa?t?bl]  美:[?k?sa?t?bl]

英:  美:

excitable 中文意思翻译



excitable 短语词组

1、excitable gap ─── [医]可激空隙,可激性空隙

2、excitable boy album ─── 易激动男孩专辑

3、excitable nodal tissue ─── 兴奋性淋巴结组织

4、excitable cell ─── 可兴奋细胞

5、excitable edgar john lewis ─── 易激动的埃德加·约翰·刘 ─── 易斯

6、excitable boy chords ─── 易激动的男孩和弦

7、excitable cells ─── [生理]可兴奋细胞

8、excitable activity ─── [医] 兴奋活动

9、excitable pavilion ─── 易激动的亭子

10、excitable boy ─── 易激动的男孩

11、excitable media ─── 激励介质 ─── 激发介质

12、excitable person ─── 易激动的人

13、excitable investors ─── 易激动的投资者

14、excitable edgar ─── 易激动埃德加

15、unrestrained excitable type ─── [医] 兴奋不可制止型

16、excitable area ─── [医] 运动区

17、excitable speech ─── 易激动的言语

18、excitable membrane ─── 兴奋性膜

19、excitable boy warren ─── 易激动的男孩沃伦

excitable 同义词

hot-blooded | irrepressible | irascible | impatient | brash | hasty | fiery | inflammable | high-strung | passionate | explosive | peevish | edgy | quick-tempered | sensitive | waspish | volatile | flappable |emotional | testy | choleric | precipitate | irritable | hotheaded | nervous | romantic | impetuous | short-tempered | impulsive | skittish

excitable 词性/词形变化,excitable变形

名词: excitability |副词: excitably |

excitable 反义词

sedate |unexcitable

excitable 相似词语短语

1、excogitable ─── 可辩解的

2、editable ─── adj.可编辑的

3、citable ─── adj.可引用的

4、excitably ─── adv.易兴奋地;易怒地

5、executable ─── adj.可执行的;可实行的

6、excisable ─── adj.可割取的;可抽税的;[税收]应交纳货物税的

7、elicitable ─── adj.可引出的

8、inexcitable ─── adj.冷静的;难以激动的

9、unexcitable ─── 不易激动的

excitable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In 2007 Mr Brown was goaded on by excitable young advisers. ─── 2007年时,鼓动布朗先生的都是些热血沸腾的年轻顾问。

2、unpredictably excitable (especially of horses). ─── 容易激动、不可预料(特别是指马)。

3、Mechanism for identification of chaotic firing interval in excitable cells ─── 可兴奋性细胞混沌放电区间的识别机理

4、as is often the case with excitable persons , he was possessed by fury , while still seeking an object for it. ─── 像肝火旺的人常有的情形,愤怒控制了他,但还没找到发泄对象。

5、Excitable, impetuous, or quick to be aroused ─── 易激动的:好激动的、鲁葬的或容易发怒的

6、Business Unit Description :EDS' Global Solution Centre in China is one our fastest growing divisions. Providing an excit...... ... ─── 公司名称:电子资讯系统(武汉)有限公司工作地点:湖北省武汉市发布时间:2009-7-8

7、There had always been excitable, but now he was beside himself: there was no reasoning with him. ─── 他过去老是很容易兴奋的,可是现在他简直神经错乱了;没有法子再去说服他。

8、Coherent Resonance and Phase Locking in Noise-driven Excitable System ─── 噪声作用下可激发系统的相干共振和相锁频

9、Covers ion channels in excitable membrane, synaptic transmission, and synaptic plasticity. ─── 可激发细胞膜上之离子通道,神经突触传导与神经突触可塑性。

10、Whole families had been brought into the waiting room, and the place was packed with excitable children, exhausted parents, even a flight attendant. ─── 所有家庭成员都被带进了等候室,那里挤满了兴奋的孩子、疲惫的父母,甚至还有一名空乘人员。

11、I'm no an excitable person,but I 'm excited in this exciting news. ─── 我不是一个易激动的人,但是对这个令人振奋的消息我也感到激动。

12、I am not a excitable person ,but i am excited in exciting news . ─── 我不是易激动的人,但对于这振奋人心的新闻,我也感到激动。

13、inhomogeneous excitable media ─── 不均匀激发介质

14、I was a wild and excitable child.My parents worried about me and often tried to punish me, but they never succeeded in changing me. ─── 我小时候是个野性十足、容易激动的孩子,我父母很为我操心,总想惩罚我,但他们从未成功地令我有所改变。

15、Nonlinear Dynamical Properties of Excitable Neurons ─── 可兴奋神经元的非线性动力学性质

16、"You are excitable," Chueh-hsin replied with a calm smile. ─── “你的性子真急,”觉新并不动气,反而微微地笑起来。

17、Beside them, excitable young men peddle DVDs and designer sunglasses. ─── 就在她们身边不远,热火朝天的年轻人们叫卖着DVD和设计新潮的太阳镜。

18、The most excitable bears are not so much polar as bipolar. ─── 最易激动的熊与其说是北极熊还不如说是双极熊。

19、unrestrained excitable type ─── [医] 兴奋不可制止型

20、Excitable Gap and Subdivision of Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia ─── 房室结折返性心动过速的可激动间隙及分区

21、an excitable breed of dog ─── 一种易受刺激的狗

22、Luke has a excitable nature. ─── 保罗认为开快车很令人兴奋。

23、Five minutes into the second-half Wycombe should have equalised. Bloomfield sprinted clear on to Mooney's pass but sliced his shot badly wide in an excitable moment. ─── 下半时的第5分钟,维康比错过了扳平的机会,布卢姆菲尔德接穆尼的传球高速插上射门,但射门质量太差,偏出了球门。

24、excitable and turbulent in trifling matters, when actual bodily danger threatened he was an abnormal quiet ─── 他往往会为了鸡毛蒜皮的小事脾气急躁,暴跳如雷,可是真正碰到了生命的威胁,却反而镇静异常。

25、All right, doc! Keep your shorts on. Take it easy. Gee, he's an excitable type. Now, let's see now, there...the garage...the car...for the front door... ─── 好的,医生!穿上你的短裤。别紧张。哎呀,他是容易激动的那类人。现在,让我们看看,那里...车库...汽车...前门...

26、excitable tissue ─── 易兴奋组织

27、The electronical coupling of excitable cell is implement by specific intercellular structure which is called gap junction. ─── 可兴奋细胞间的电耦联是通过一种特殊的胞间结构来实现的,这种结构即是缝隙连接。

28、But, seeing that if my desires were thwarted, then in my present excitable state, the consequences might prove fatal to me, he embraced me and begged me, almost tearfully, to come back to him soon. ─── 但是看到我当时满腔怒火,如果实现不了这个愿望可能会产生灾难性的后果。他抱吻了我,几乎流着眼泪要求我尽快地回到他的身边。

29、excitable membrane ─── 兴奋性膜

30、excitable media ─── 可激发介质

31、excitable adj. ─── 易激动的;

32、If you have an excitable nature, He can calm it. ─── 你若有一个天生易激动的性情,祂能平静它。

33、an excitable race of people ─── 容易冲动的民族.

34、excitable period ─── 易激期

35、flyingcandy:exciting about your words.may the excit,happy come at this night and stay with you all the night through. best wish.have he been right with you? ─── 对财物的执著,让我们无法过自由而高贵的生活。思想孕育一切,信念支撑未来,坚持成就自我,相信有一天我能改变这一切!

36、be excitable [placid] by temperament ─── 性情易激动[冷静]

37、He secretly looks down on more excitable nations, and likes to think of himself as more reliable then them. ─── 他心底时看不起那些很容易激动的民族,并认为自己比那些人更老成可靠.

38、Super 3D Golf gives you the most realistic and excit... ─── 一款不错的3D高尔夫球游戏。

39、I am not a excitable person, but I am excited in this exciting new. ─── 我不是易激动的人,但对于这个振奋人心的新闻,我也感到激动。

40、He was of an excitable nature. ─── 他天生易激动。

41、excitable cell ─── 可兴奋细胞

42、excitable system ─── 可激发系统

43、Relationship between thickness of tongue coating and excitable hormone in patients with acute myocardial infarction ─── 急性心肌梗死患者的舌苔厚度与应激激素间关系的研究

44、He is excitable by temperament. ─── 他性情易兴奋。

45、Perhaps he may become extremely nervous and excitable ─── 他可能会变得极度神经质与极度兴奋。

46、excitable calcium channel ─── 可兴奋钙通道

47、They can become uncertain of themselves, either withdrawn, or nervously excitable worriers, sullenly discontented, hard and irritable, with "Self" looming ever larger in their struggles. ─── 他们会变得对自己没把握,要么孤僻,要么兴奋又紧张地担忧,郁郁寡欢,容易受伤,在两个自我(是非,善恶,天使与恶魔....)挣扎。

48、{6}The cortex is the outside layer of the brain and the motor cortex is known as the “excitable area” because magnetic stimulation has been shown to cause a muscle twitch. ─── {6}大脑皮层位于大脑的外层,而大脑活动皮层又称为“易感区”,因为电磁波刺激证明可导致那里的肌肉阵颤。

49、Turbulence synchronization and suppression by coupling in excitable media ─── 可激发介质湍流的耦合同步及控制

50、Mary sat beside Elaine, who today seemed excitable. ─── 玛丽坐在了伊莱恩旁边,伊莱恩今天似乎容易激动。

51、excitable type ─── 兴奋型

52、Effects of atrial excitable period on the stability of atrial fibrillation in goats ─── 心房可兴奋间期对山羊心房颤动稳定性的影响

53、They need alternatives-and, faster than even the most excitable information age prophet would have dared predict a year ago, they are going to get them. ─── 他们需要有换代网络,而且这种网络的速度要比几年前最让人兴奋的关于信息时代的最大胆预言还要快。

54、Numerous lakes excit in both islands with the major south island lakes set in beautiful mountain scenery. ─── 岛上湖泊星罗棋布,其中大部分南岛湖泊坐落在风景秀丽的群山之中。

55、Numerical experimental study of collision-annihilate of pair of spiral waves in cardiac excitable media ─── 心肌可激媒质中一对螺旋波的碰撞湮灭的数值实验研究

56、excitable gap ─── 可激空隙, 可激性空隙

57、It happens in the heat of a game that you get over excitable, but the referees and the powers that be have got to react to it. ─── 在比赛进行的如火如荼处于焦灼状态的时候发生这种事你会变得过于激动,但是裁判和执法官员已经做出了判罚。

58、The magnetic stimulation is the process that the excitable human tissue is acted with the electric field induced by the changing magnetic fields. ─── 摘要磁刺激是利用变化磁场产生的感应电场作用于可兴奋人体组织的过程。

59、If your animal is untrustworthy around people, overly aggressive to people, excitable, or is a fear-biter, do not breed it. ─── 如果你的犬,在与人相处时不值得信任,过于攻击性,易于被激怒,恐惧性的凶猛,那么不要繁育它。

60、Barney's pub is the best in this part of the world, and Barney himself is a bit of a character; a tall excitable man with wild blue eyes and a restless tongue ─── 巴尼开设的酒店是这个小天地里最好的一家酒店了,巴尼本人也是个活宝,大高个子,好激动,瞪着一对大蓝眼睛,一说起话来就没完没了。

61、Properties of optical wave propagation in photonic crystal made of LHM and excitable media ─── 光波在由左手材料和激活介质构成的光子晶体中的传输

62、Excitable cells ─── 可兴奋神经元

63、Hot-headed and excitable ─── 暴躁嚣张

64、There is no doubt that he was in a highly excitable condition just now. ─── 很可能他刚才处于极度兴奋状态之中。

65、With 30% unemployment in Vorpommern, it should be simple to find 400 jobless Germans for battle exercises who could play excitable Serbian crowds or Taliban sympathisers, he added. ─── 他还说,以佛波门达三十%的失业率,要找到四百名失业的德国人在战斗演习中扮演激动的塞尔维亚群众或神学士同情者应该不是难事。

66、I feel excit... ─── 倒数第二日...

67、Includes the structure and biophysical properties of excitable cells, synaptic transmission, neurochemistry, neurodevelopment, and integration of information in simple systems and the visual system. ─── 其中包括易兴奋细胞的结构与生物物理性质、触传递、经化学、经发育以及简单系统与视觉系统信息的整合。

68、an excitable child ─── 易兴奋的孩子

69、Luke has a very excitable nature. ─── 卢克生性易激动。

70、An excitable child should be surrounded by and dressed in the red or reddish-yellow colours, whereas for a lethargic child one should have recourse to the blue or bluish-green shades of colour. ─── 一个易激动的孩子应该穿上红色黄橙色的衣服,而一个安静的孩子应该穿蓝色或者蓝绿色的衣服,因为孩子内在反映的是外在事物的补色。

71、Frank Rich, an excitable liberal columnist, gloats that conservatives are “re-enacting Stalinism in full purge mode”. ─── FrankRich,激进的自由专栏作家洋洋自得地望着保守派是在“重新制定全斯大林清洗模式”。

72、Quickly or easily aroused to strong emotion; excitable. ─── 易怒的很快或很容易就能被激起强烈感情的;可激怒的

73、Action potential (AP) is a very important physiological signal in excitable cells including neurons and neuroendocrine cells. ─── 动作电位,对于可兴奋细胞,包括神经元和一些内分泌细胞,是一种非常重要的生理信号。

74、Moreover, their speech is often rapid, excitable and intrusive, and their thoughts move quickly and fluidly from one topic to another. ─── 再者,他们的言谈通常急速、激动且具有侵入性,思想则快速流畅地从一个主题跳到另一个主题。

75、As an important sample to enrich the contents of medical physics, excitable system in nonlinear dynamics is inducted, and used to character the properties and behavior of neuron and cardiac cell. ─── 作为充实医学物理学教学的一个重要尝试,我们将非线性动力学中的可激发系统引入教学当中,用来描述神经元、心肌细胞等的性质和行为。

76、He was seventeen when the adventures began: bigmouthed, perhaps not quite as quick on his feet as he liked to imagine, and tending to be, like many optimists, a little excitable. ─── 他的冒险经历始于17岁:当时他总在滔滔不绝的吹牛,当然,脚下的步调可能就没有他想象中的那么快咯。他也同很多乐天派一样,无时无刻都显得有点过于兴奋了。

77、Keywords medical physics;cardiac cell;FHN model;excitable system; ─── 医用物理学;心肌细胞;FHN模型;可激发系统;

78、Spatiotemporal chaos control in excitable media by using complete synchronization method ─── 可激发介质时空混沌的同步控制法

79、a class of excitable ten-year-olds ─── 一群易兴奋的十岁儿童

80、Moreover, their speech is often rapid, excitable and intrusive, and their thoughts move quickly and fluidly from one topic to another. ─── 再者,他们的言谈通常急速、激动且具有侵入性,思想则快速流畅地从一个主题跳到另一个主题。

81、excitable activity ─── [医] 兴奋活动

82、Children with reported insomnia had impaired CAM with a shift towards more sympathetic or excitable activation of the heart rhythm. ─── 报告有失眠症的孩子CAM受损,交感神经调节较多或心节律激活兴奋。

83、They were whipping up nationalist frenzy among the excitable crowds. ─── 他们在情绪浮动的群众中,激起民族主义的冲动。

84、Activation and Reaction volumes of Ion Channels in Excitable Membranes. ─── 敏感细胞膜中离子通道容量的活化与反应。

85、excitable area ─── [医] 运动区

86、non excitable cel ─── 不可兴奋细胞

87、Now that we are no longer staring over the precipice, wasn't this all just a little excitable? ─── 既然我们不再濒临绝境,这不是有些令人兴奋吗?

88、Though the development speed of e-commerce in our country is very fast, some corresponding questions do excit. ─── 尽管电子商务在我国的发展速度很快,但也相应的存在一些问题。

89、Excitable and pompous ─── 嚣张浮夸

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