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08-14 投稿


genie 发音

英:[?d?i?ni]  美:[?d?i?ni]

英:  美:

genie 中文意思翻译



genie 词性/词形变化,genie变形


genie 短语词组

1、the evil genie ─── 邪恶的精灵

2、genie in the bottle ─── 瓶子里的精灵

3、genie monster ─── 妖怪

4、bear genie ─── 熊精灵

5、a touch of genie ─── 一点精灵的味道

6、genie in a bottle mv ─── 瓶子里的精灵mv

7、Genie (feral child) ─── 天才(胎儿)

8、genie live ─── 精灵生活

9、genie lyy ─── 妖怪莱伊

10、genie in a bottle lyrics ─── 瓶中精灵歌词

11、space genie ─── 太空精灵

12、genie sim ─── 精灵sim卡

13、super genie ─── 超级精灵

14、oc genie oc ─── 精灵

15、optane genie optane ─── 精灵

16、genie exo ─── 精灵外星

17、nationalist genie ─── 民族主义精灵

18、genie law ─── 精灵法则

19、twall genie “ ─── 超级天才”

genie 相似词语短语

1、genies ─── 神怪;妖怪(genie的复数)

2、genin ─── n.配基;n.(Genin)人名;(俄)格宁

3、genae ─── n.颊(gena的变形)

4、gene ─── n.[遗]基因,遗传因子

5、Genie ─── n.妖怪;鬼

6、genic ─── adj.基因的;由基因引起的;遗传学的;有关胚胎的

7、Henie ─── n.(Henie)人名;(英)赫尼

8、genii ─── n.守护神;鬼,神灵;对某人有很大好(或坏)影响的人;(用魔法召来的)魔仆(genius和genie的复数);n.(Genii)(俄)格尼(人名)

9、genip ─── n.格尼帕果,格尼帕属果树

genie 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A postdoctor, a graduate student, and their professor are taking a walk outdoor during lunch when they come upon an old brass lamp.They pick it up and dust it off.Poof!Out pops a genie! ─── 午餐时分,一个博士后,一个研究生和他们的教授在户外散步时碰巧发现了一盏旧黄铜灯.他们把它捡起来,拂去上面的灰尘,"噗"地从地上蹦出一个妖怪!!

2、In the distance stood a terrible genie. ─── 在远处站着一个可怕的魔鬼。

3、Once the genie is let out of the bottle by allowing large quantum fluctuations of empty space, even a very basic notion such as dimension becomes changeable. ─── 一旦让精灵从瓶子里溜出来、允许空无的空间具有大型量子涨落,那麽就连维度也成了可变量。

4、Directly we finished our Koran reading in the morning I would throw down my wooden slate and dart off, quick as a genie, to my mother, hurriedly swallow down my breakfast, and run off for a plunge in the river. ─── 一等我们结束晨诵,我立刻扔下手中的木板,飞快地奔向我的母亲-一个精灵那样快,然后匆匆忙忙吞下早饭,又飞快地跑了出去跳入河中。

5、An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scot were stuck on a cliff when a genie appeared. "If you jump down thiscliffI will grant you a wish." Said the genie. ─── 一个英格兰人,一个爱尔兰人,还有一个是苏格兰人站在一个悬崖边。这时,出现了一个妖怪,妖怪对他们三个说:“如果你们敢跳下这个悬崖,我就会帮你们实现一个愿望!

6、Christina's big break came with her first #1 single Genie In A Bottle.This single stayed atop the charts for five consecutive weeks. ─── 她的第一首单曲《瓶中妖怪》成了她的突破,这首歌连续5周占据排行榜首位。

7、Even a relatively dovish Bernanke Fed cannot afford to let the inflation-expectations genie out of the bottle via a monetization of the fiscal bailout costs. ─── 即使是相对温和的伯南克美联储不能让的通货膨胀预期妖怪出了瓶子通过货币的财政援助费用。

8、Do not let Little Stars fell to the ground, to wipe out the genie may be treasures. ─── 不要让小精灵掉到地上,消灭小精灵有可能会得到宝物。

9、Card originally wrote Ender's Game inside the virtual space of the GEnie teleconferencing system, for an audience who appreciated the hyperreal aspects of online life. ─── 卡德最开始是在通用电气公司(GE)的一个电子会议系统的虚拟空间中写这本小说的。目的是读者能够欣赏或者认同网络生活的那种超等现实的方面。

10、Another genie was flying in front of him. ─── 另一个精灵飞到他的面前。

11、Conseil de Recherche en Sciences Naturelles et en Genie du Canada; ─── 加拿大自然科学和工程研究理事会;

12、With the help of loyal Genie of the lamp, Aladdin builds a magnificent palace to live in.But then, the evil Haseem steals the lamp, takes Leila prisoner and flees to Africa. ─── 可是邪恶的哈辛却偷走了神灯,将罗拉公主囚禁,并使用魔法把公主连同宫殿一并移到非洲去。

13、Christina Aguilera appeared from the bottle of Chivas, referring to her famous song ‘Genie in a Bottle’. ─── 克里斯蒂娜从芝华士酒瓶中出来,不禁让人想起她的成名曲‘瓶中精灵’。

14、God is not your genie. ─── 神不是你的精灵。

15、"OK, you're up," the Genie says to the manager. ─── “好了,到你了”,妖怪对经理说。

16、She asked the genie for something nice to give the sultan. ─── 便向精灵要了一些可以献给苏丹王的好东西,

17、The latter-day Aladdin, still snugly abed, then presses a button on a bedside box and issues a string of business and personal memos, which appear instantly on the genie screen. ─── {此时仍舒舒服服躺在床上的那位现代阿拉丁紧接着便按下床头柜上的一个按钮,发出一连串公私事务上的备忘录信息,这些信息立刻便出现在那魔幻似的屏幕上。

18、"it is done," says the Genie, and graduate student disappears. ─── “你的愿望已经实现了”那妖怪一说完,“噗”地一声,研究生不见了。

19、On top of Genie Holy Mountain ─── 在格聂神山上

20、Just command your genie to acquire for you the things you want from the world, and you'll be happy. ─── 只是为了指挥你的精灵帮你从世间取得你想要的东西,好让你能快乐。

21、An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scot were stuck on a cliff when a genie appeared. ─── 一个英格兰人,一个爱尔兰人,还有一个是苏格兰人站在一个悬崖边。

22、So just as the Netscape browser could not access Prodigy or Genie, the Multiverse browser will not work with “World of Warcraft” or Second Life. ─── 因此就像Netscape浏览器无法接入Prodigy或Genie那样,Multiverse浏览器同样不能与“魔兽世界”或第二人生一起工作。

23、By further contract with the Genie, the folders could transform themselves into super humans known as "Origami Fighters. ─── 在与精灵签下契约的情况下,这个折叠器可以将自己变身成为超级人类,而这就是“折纸战士”了。

24、" The genie is out of the bottle. ─── “ 魔 鬼 已 经 从 瓶 子 里 出 来 了 。

25、He had to turn to the Genie of the Ring for help. ─── 他不得不向戒指神求助。

26、Then Aladdin asked the Genie to take him to Africa where he saw his house and the Princess. ─── 于是阿拉丁叫神怪把他送去非洲,带到房子和公主所在的地方。

27、Then he went home, took the lamp and rubbed it. The Genie stood in front of him, "What do you want? ─── 于是他回到家,拿出灯擦了擦,神怪就出现了:“你要什么?

28、"King Arthur" seems to be a continuation of "people-oriented" high quality, completely out of which Genie part of the legend. ─── 《亚瑟王》似乎延续着〈特洛伊〉“以人为本”的高尚品质,完全剔除其中神怪传说部分。

29、Jay Genie Yako Calire Carie Natsuyaki Miyabi I'll always love you! ─── 周杰伦卓文萱丫头郭静小开夏焼雅我永远爱你们!

30、The file-sharing genie was out of the bottle. ─── 文件共享已经是魔法瓶子逃出的精灵。

31、She found Aladdin's genie lamp, ─── 发现阿拉丁的神灯,

32、Directly we finished our Koran reading in the rrrx morning I would throw down my wooden slate ald dart off, quick as a genie, to my mother, hurriedly swallow down my breakfast, and run off for a plunge in the river. ─── 一等我们结束晨诵,我立刻扔下手中的木板,飞快地奔向我的母亲-像一个精灵那样快,然后匆匆忙忙吞下早饭,又飞快地跑了出去跳入河中。

33、He then tells the genie his third and last wish: "I wish I'd never have to work ever again." POOF!He's back in his government office. ─── 他这时告诉精灵他的第三个愿望,也就是最后一个愿望,:“我希望我再也不用工作了”POOF(灯熄灭的声音)他回到了他的政府办公室。

34、"This genie has not yet escaped from the bottle," he wrote. ─── 他说,妖怪还没有从瓶子里逃出来。

35、Secretly hoping that a genie would appear, ─── 他私下里希望能出现一个妖怪。

36、In the Arabian Nights there is a magical lamp from which Aladdin summoned a genie. ─── 《天方夜谭》中有一盏神奇的灯,阿拉丁可以从中召唤出一个妖怪。

37、the photo-thermo sensitive genie male sterile gene ─── 光温敏核不育基因

38、The servant looked around the palace.She found Aladdin's genie lamp, and gave it to the magician. ─── 仆人看了看宫殿内四周,发现阿拉丁的神灯,就把它给了魔术师。

39、Suddenly, a cloud came out of the lamp. Another genie was flying in front of him. ─── 突然间,一阵烟从灯里面冒出来,另一个精灵飞到他的面前。

40、A Genie stood in front of her. ─── 一只神怪站到了她面前。

41、The club has an enormous space with four levels, three different sounds, an ice bar and funky genie bottle-shaped booths. ─── 俱乐部很大,有四层高、三个放音声道、一个冰吧台和设计成酒瓶状的新潮展台。

42、When they rubbed the bottle, a genie appeared. ─── 也是当他们擦这个瓶子时,精灵出现了。

43、"I am the Genie of the ring," he said, "What do you want?" ─── “我是戒指神,”他说,“你要什么?”

44、He found an old lamp, rubbed it, and a genie came out. ─── 他发现一盏古老的灯,一擦,竟然有一妖怪跳将出来.

45、CompuServe, GEnie, America Online, and the Internet all have active astronomy areas. ─── CompuServe、GEnie、美国在线都有活跃的天文专区。

46、photo-/thermo-sensitive genie male-sterile line ─── 光温敏核不育系

47、He asked us, "If a genie would grant you three wishes what would they be? ─── 他问我们:"如果一个神仙会满足你的三个愿望,那么你将会希望得到什么?"


49、The genie granted him three wishes. ─── 精灵准许他实现三个心愿。

50、The approaches of genie modification of the isolates are also cited. ─── 同时也提供了大豆分离蛋白基因工程改性方面的研究进展。

51、Host: You are still as humourous as ever. When did you get to know Genie? ─── 主持人:你总是那么幽默。你跟卓文萱是什么时候认识的。

52、P(T) GMS (photo or thermo-sensitive genie male sterile) ─── 光温敏核不育水稻

53、Smart Relay GENIE Series came into the market. ─── Smart Relay GENIE系列上市。

54、Photoperiod sensitive genie male sterile ─── 光敏核不育

55、Taigu genie male-sterile wheat;Recurrent Selection;S_1 family method;Polycross;Genetic improving effcet;Variety;Germplasm. ─── 01太谷核不育小麦;轮回选择;S_1家系法;聚合杂交;遗传改良效果;品种;种质

56、"I want to marry the princess Badrul. I want a fine house, fine clothes, jewels and money." The Genie did this. ─── “我要跟巴德瑞尔结婚。我要漂亮的房子、漂亮的衣服、珠宝和许多钱。”神怪帮他办好了这些事。

57、Although it didn't seem possible, the evil sorcerer Jafar - now the most powerful genie of all - has escaped from his lamp! ─── 另一方面,开心鬼马的精灵环游世界回来,他的趣怪见闻一定能令捧腹大笑!

58、Have clear assignments. I always call repairmen; the Big Man always empties the Diaper Genie. ─── 任务安排清晰。一定总是我打电话给修理工;一定总是大男人清理尿片罐。

59、Thermo-sensitive genie male sterile line ─── 两用核不育系

60、Osama looked amazed so he wished for a wall around Afghanistan the genie said the magic words and again the wish came true. ─── "加拿大人说:"我是个父亲我儿子将成为农夫,因此我想让加拿大的土地永远肥沃.

61、But the pearl remains and evocative symbol of nature's geni us, and a haunting reminder that huamans too often dest roy what they treasure most. ─── 但珠珍却始终是大自然神奇的符号并时刻提醒人们:人类总爱毁掉他们最珍视的东西。

62、"The genie is out of the bottle. The question is who should develop this technology. ─── “魔鬼已经从瓶子里出来了,现在问题的关键是由谁来开发这项技术。

63、The sudden appearance of small boys at crucial moments is an accepted phenomenon in the Middle East. They may well have suggested ancient tales of the genie of the lamp. ─── 在中东地区,小男孩在关键时刻突然出现被认为是正常现象,他们被看作是古代神话中被禁锢在罐中的恶魔。

64、He asked the genie to build him a nice palace. ─── 他要精灵帮他盖间漂亮的宫殿。

65、"We want food," said Aladdin. So the Genie set a wonderful meal down on the table. There is enough food for three days. ─── “我们要食物。”阿拉丁说。很快,神怪在桌子上摆满了食物,多得足够吃三天了。

66、The NSF liked the idea enough to stump up over $10 million in start-up funds for what is now called the Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI) project. ─── NSF对这个想法是如此的认同,因此支付了1000万美元作为这个被称为“全球网络创新环境”(GENI)的项目的启动资金。

67、Now the genie of his darkest and weakest side was speaking ─── 他心灵中最阴暗、最软弱的部分,有一个精灵在说话。

68、There was a thunderclap, and the genie declared, “Your wish has been granted. ─── 在滚滚雷声中,妖怪宣布,“你的愿望已经实现了。”

69、He's so afraid that looks meeting a genie. ─── 他吓得直哆嗦,就好像看见了鬼一样。

70、Unfortunately, it was a very low-level genie and could only grant one wish. ─── 不幸的是,这是一个级别非常低的精灵,只能满足他们一个愿望。

71、Conseil de Recherche en Sciences Naturelles et en Genie du Canada ─── 加拿大自然科学和工程研究理事会

72、"Hello,"said Charley Craddock, appearing like a genie from nowhere ─── “你好啊!”查利·克拉多克像个精灵一样一下子冒了出来。

73、Photo-and thermo-sensitive genie sterility ─── 光温敏核不育性

74、Because I could not identify the position of my body in space, I felt enormous and expansive, like a genie just liberated from her bottle. ─── 因为我无法辨别我身体所处的位置,我还是感觉巨大而且膨胀,就像是从瓶中获得解放的小鬼。

75、How would such a genie get out of the bottle? ─── 这样一个妖怪如何能够破石而出的呢?

76、A Genie stood in front of her. "I am the Genie of the lamp." He said, "What do you want? ─── 一只神怪站到了她面前。“我是灯神,”他说,“你们要什么?

77、A man is walking down the beach and comes across an old bottle. He picks it up, pulls out the cork and out pops a genie. ─── 一个男人正沿着海滩走着,这时漂来一只破旧的瓶子.他把它拣起来,拔出塞子,这时砰的一声出现了一只妖怪.

78、A young genie, even by their standards, Brissa joined the Restoration War before she completed her training. What she lacks in training, she makes up in experience. ─── 博丽斯从没有接受过任何正规的训练,但她丰富的作战经验弥补了这一不足。

79、"I am the Genie of the lamp." He said, "What do you want?" ─── “我是灯神,”他说,“你们要什么?”

80、In 1963, a corporation known as the Centre isolated a young Pretender named Jarod and exploited his geni ... ─── 1963年,一个名为”中心“的社团隔离了这样一个伪装者,是个名叫杰瑞的小男孩,利用它的大脑进行研究

81、The case of Genie and the degeneration of language faculty with age ─── 吉妮案例与语言机制的退化

82、a genie appeared and granted him three wishes. ─── 一个妖怪出现了,答应满足他的三个愿望。

83、The Princess did as he said. Aladdin took the lamp. He rubbed it and the Genie stood in front of him. ─── 公主照他的话做了,于是阿拉丁取回了神灯。他擦了擦灯,神怪出现了。

84、A brunette is walking through the country, when she finds a bottle. She rubs it and, you guessed it, a genie appears. ─── 一个黑发女子走在乡间的路上,突然发现地上有个瓶子并捡了起来。她用力摩擦这个瓶子,猜猜看会发生什么。一个灯神跑了出来。

85、You want to have a feeling that you want to like and the sea calm, as if you unfurl All of a sudden became unruly and persevering sea genie. ─── 你想拥有一份情怀,你想和大海一样平静,仿佛顷刻间你幻化成了任性而执着的海之精灵。

86、He rubbed it and the Genie stood in front of him. ─── 他擦了擦灯,神怪出现了。

87、Aladdin was in trouble. He rubbed the magic ring on his finger, and a genie came out of the ground. ─── 阿拉丁遇到大麻烦,他搓了搓手指上的戒指,一只精灵从地底跑了出来。

88、and a genie came out of the ground. ─── 一只精灵从地底跑了出来。

89、You want to have a feeling that you want to like and the sea calm, as if you unfurl All of a sudden became unruly and persevering sea genie. ─── 你想拥有一份情怀,你想和大海一样平静,仿佛顷刻间你幻化成了任性而执着的海之精灵。


Genie翻译中文是:妖怪,魔鬼,精灵。萱萱说叫Genie主要表现出人的三种心理,还有Genie有点中文橘子的口音,萱叫摇滚桔子,英文Rock Genie,所以萱叫Genie有两个原因。


关于劳力士名字来历,汉斯·威尔斯多夫是这么说的"It was one morning, when I was sitting on the upper level of a double-decker powered at that time by horses, driving along Cheapside in London, that a good genie whispered in my ear: "Rolex." A few days after this fruitful journey, the Rolex brand was filed, and then officially registered in Switzerland by Wilsdorf & Davis."

有道翻译如下:有一天早上,我坐在一辆当时由马匹提供动力的双层巴士的上层,在伦敦齐普赛德(Cheapside)行驶时,一个善良的精灵在我耳边低声说道:“劳力士(Rolex)。”在这富有成果的旅程结束几天后,劳力士品牌被提交,然后由Wilsdorf & Davis在瑞士正式注册。

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