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08-14 投稿


freakish 发音

英:['fri?k??]  美:['frik??]

英:  美:

freakish 中文意思翻译



freakish 网络释义

adj. 畸形的;奇特的;朝三暮四的;异想天开的

freakish 词性/词形变化,freakish变形

副词: freakishly |名词: freakishness |

freakish 短语词组

1、freakish cast ─── 奇怪的石膏

2、freakish s3 ─── 怪异的s3

3、freakish season 3 ─── 怪诞第三季

4、freakish hulu ─── 怪异的hulu

5、freakish tv show ─── 怪异的电视节目

6、freakish hulu cast ─── 怪异的葫芦造型

7、freakish tv show cast ─── 怪异的电视节目演员

freakish 相似词语短语

1、freshish ─── 新鲜的

2、freakier ─── 畸形的,捉摸不定的(freaky的比较级)

3、freakiest ─── 畸形的,捉摸不定的(freaky的最高级)

4、bleakish ─── adj.阴冷的;荒凉的,无遮蔽的;黯淡的,无希望的;冷酷的;单调的(bleak的变形)

5、freaks ─── n.怪胎(电影名);畸形人

6、freakishly ─── adv.反常地;见异思迁地

7、freaking ─── v.(非正式)表现得异常激动;(使)表现狂妄;(使)有不规则的斑点(freak的现在分词);adj.(非正式)该死地;adj.(非正式)该死的

8、freakily ─── 畸形地;古怪地;迷幻地

9、peakish ─── 桃色

freakish 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A monstrous mutation, once implying freakish severity, was newly seen as simply a flip, a mere deviation from the average variation. ─── 从新的观点来看,曾经意味着严重畸形的怪模怪样的突变,只不过是一次翻转,仅仅是偏离了平均变异而已。

2、If you're unlucky, his freakish trajectory puts him directly on course to impact horribly in the centre of your world in a shocking mushroom cloud of dust and yellow cards. ─── 但假如你是个倒霉蛋,他那畸形的轨道就会把他直接送上一条可以带给你的世界可怕的巨大蘑菇云尘土和黄牌的道路。

3、That's the mindset that taken Kobe Bryant to the level of transcendent basketball player, as he reminded in a defensive effort of freakish dedication against Miami's Dwyane Wade on Sunday night. ─── 最好的就是像卓越的篮球运动员科比的水平看齐,就像他星期天晚上在对阵迈阿密的比赛中死防韦德。

4、Voters don't like non-traditional game plans, and his achievements might be seen as too freakish. ─── 投票选名人堂的人不喜欢非传统的比赛策略,他的成就可能被视作畸形战术所带来的畸形成就。

5、The smith, this fabled Hammer, proved to be a freakish-looking hulk with a left arm that appeared twice as thick as his right. ─── 铁匠,传说中的海姆尔和床文中一样是个看起来畸形的巨人。他的左臂有右臂两倍宽厚。

6、It was a freakish incident. If I tried it 100 or a million times it couldn't happen again. If I could; I would have carried on playing! ─── “那是一次神奇的意外,再让我踢100次甚至100万次也不会再发生这样的事情。如果我能故意踢中他,我应该穿上那双鞋上场比赛才对!”

7、Americans seem to view the increasing incidence of freakish weather as proof that climate change is real. ─── 美国人似乎将异常天气的频繁发生视作气候变化的真实写照。

8、The general sense of worry provided by the substance was amplified and focused into terror by the use of the empty spaceship setting, and freakish half-human enemies. ─── 焦虑感同时因为使用了空旷的太空飞船场景和畸形类人怪物作为敌人而得到增强而让人恐惧。

9、The strange thing is: even seasoned Klinsmann-bashers found it very hard to place any specific blame at his feet after this freakish match. ─── 奇怪的是,在这场反常的比赛之后,甚至连有丰富攻击克林斯曼经验的人也很难进行某项专门的指责。

10、"But, whether influenced by the jealousy that seems instinctive with every petted child towards a dangerous rival, or from whatever caprice of her freakish nature, Pearl would show no favour to the clergyman." ─── 但是,不知是出于一切受宠的小孩子那种似乎是本能的对危险的对手的妒嫉,还是她那种异想天开的天性又发作了出来,珠儿不肯对牧师表示丝毫好感。

11、Flossing is no longer freakish. ─── 用牙线剃牙不再古怪。

12、The real humanitarian fi asco is not the inadequate preparation of these nations, and many others, for freakish catastrophes. ─── 在人道主义方面真正遭到尴尬失败的不是这些国家和其它许多国家对突发的自然灾害没有充分的准备。

13、It's some freakish garish beauty pageant that has nothing, frankly to do with health and welfare. ─── 它是某种奇特扎眼的选美,坦率地说与健康和福利毫无关系。”

14、He felt trapped and isolated by the freakish particulars of a romance that Pam, even now, was endeavoring to celebrate in a film script. ─── 他感到被怪异的浪漫细节弄得困惑不解和孤立无助,即使现在,帕姆都一心想着要用一部电影剧本去颂扬这种浪漫的色彩。

15、Blizzard is freakish, it is to acquire larger interest apparently. ─── 暴雪见异思迁,显然是为了获得更大的利益。

16、No doubt the recent increase in the extreme and freakish winter weather is due to the wobble. ─── 最近极端和古怪天气的增加无疑是由于(地球)的抖动。

17、effectively fatherless Obama is clearly a freakish outlier. ─── 实际上没有父亲的奥巴马,无疑是无父者中的一个特例。

18、24 Moaning that you never cook dinner, and then getting all control freakish when you try to take over the kitchen. ─── 24抱怨你从来不做饭,然后当你试图接管厨房的时候变得歇斯底里。

19、Susan will probably win Britain's Got Talent. ... But Susan Boyle will be the freakish exception that makes the rule. ─── 另外,捧起苏珊,我们也能够原谅自己曾经取笑打击那些像苏珊这样的人。

20、freakish weather; a freakish combination of styles. ─── 奇怪的天气;奇特风格的组合

21、Paul Robinson falls foul to a freakish divot when England are already losing and who takes every single headline? ─── 罗宾逊在英格兰已经落后的情况下,被一块小小的草皮愚弄,而他这个失误却占满了各家报刊的头条。

22、It was a freakish incident. If I tried it 100 or a million times it couldn't happen again. If I could I would have carried on playing! ─── 这是一次诡异的事件,如果我再尝试100万次这也不能再次发生,如果我可以的话,我就会去参加比赛!

23、In the third chapter, a question survey on freakish children"s rhyme is presented. ─── 第三章是对另类童谣进行问卷调查。

24、freakish weather ─── 反常的天气

25、As a linguistic phenomenon, freakish children"s rhyme is prevalent in campus whose emergence and dissemination exert certain influence on students" physical and mental growth. ─── 另类童谣是流行于校园中的一种语言现象,它的产生和流传对学生的身心健康成长具有一定的影响。

26、Most LeBron fans would say he is better than Kobe because of his domination on the stats sheet, his leadership skills, and his freakish athleticism at such a young age. ─── 大部分詹姆斯球迷会说詹姆斯比科比更伟大因为他在得分榜上的统治力,他的领袖能力,以及他那年轻的魔鬼体质。

27、The freakish winter storms that coated much of central and southern China in snow and ice have left 129 people dead so far this year, a senior Chinese official said Saturday. ─── 中国一位高级官员在周六说,今年冬天异乎寻常的暴风雪使中国中南部很多地区覆盖在冰雪之中,已造成129人死亡。

28、The other 10 per cent are guilty of freakish and anti-social behaviour on websites. ─── 另外还有10%的人有畸形的犯罪心理,并且在网络上有反对社会的行为。

29、freakish weather/behaviour ─── 反常的天气;怪异的行为

30、“It was a freakish incident. ─── “这是个意想不到的意外。

31、a capricious summer breeze; freakish weather. ─── 反复无常的夏风;反复无常的天气。

32、Think about it...LeBron averages more points because he gets to the rim with ease;using speed, athleticism, and freakish strength. ─── 想想吧,勒布朗场均分更高,是因为他能靠着他的速度、身体素质和超常的力量轻松冲到禁区。

33、Susan will probably win Britain's Got Talent. But Susan Boyle will be the freakish exception that makes the rule. ─── 苏珊很可能赢得《英国达人》的冠军,但是她将是开辟这个规则的一个罕见的例外。

34、His understanding of probabilities and payoffs was freakish. ─── 他对概率和回报的理解是不可思议的。

35、“It was a freakish incident. If I tried it 100 or a million times it couldn't happen again. If I could I would have carried on playing!” ─── “这是一次诡异的事件,如果我再尝试100万次这也不能再次发生,如果我可以的话,我就会去参加比赛!”

36、Freezing temperatures in NSW and Victoria may get worse before they get better, as the two states continue to shiver through a freakish cold snap. ─── 两个州(新州和维州)还会继续颤抖着度过这个不寻常的寒冬。

37、Despite what the media would have you believe, a freakish monster made up of spare parts from Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama is not the current President. ─── 尽管传媒总是要试图让你相信,但是占用了希拉里和奥巴马大选激烈争夺之余时间的那个有点异想天开的怪物真的就不是现任总统。

38、Once, this freakish, elvish cast came into the child's eyes, while Hester was looking at her own image in them, as mothers are fond of doing; ─── 一次,当海斯特象做母亲的喜欢做的那样,在孩子的眼睛中看着自己的影象时,珠儿的眼睛巾又出现了那种不可捉摸的精灵似的目光;

39、Strange or unusual; freakish. ─── 奇怪或不正常的

40、I don't like going over to her apartment. She's got this freakish cat that has only three legs and one eye. ─── 我不想去她的公寓。她的畸形猫只有三条腿和一只眼睛。

41、Since they graft human genes onto animal bodies and alter human genes with animals strains, this mutual genetic modification produces a freakish, mutant, hybrid that resembles neither parent. ─── 它也不是真正的动物。于是,在人与动物基因互相交流的情况下,就产生了各式各样的突变种。

42、Parents these days invest loads of time and research into coming up with the perfect name岸not too common or trendy, but hopefully not too freakish that the kid will get a complex. ─── 如今,父母们都将大量的时间和精力用到钻研好名字上面,不要太普通,也不要太新潮,但也不要太怪异,免得对孩子的心理产生不好的影响。

43、a freakish extra toe. ─── 一个畸形的特大脚趾。

44、I think the problem is that Chinese guys can often be freakish and weird in their attentions. ─── 我觉得问题源于中国男人在他们的关注某人的时候常常很古怪而奇异。

45、Later, I was told that Duncan's fight, which lasted nearly a fortnight, was the result of freakish strength and willpower. ─── 过了一会,我被告知邓肯是靠着惊人的力量和毅志在抗争,坚持了差不多两星期。

46、freakish behavior ─── 古怪的行为

47、Still, he has a freakish level of athleticism and a propensity for making exhilarating plays. ─── 尽管如此,他还是有著变态级的运动天赋和打出激情比赛的倾向。

48、Alan Freakish: What would you say if man walked in here with no shirt, and I gave him a job? ─── 假设有个人不穿着正装就跑过来面试,然后我却录用了他,你会怎么评价?

49、Every kind of strange and freakish behavior you can imagine. ─── 就是一切你所能想得出的各种奇怪而颠倒的行径。

50、So I survived the darkest moment of my freakish sickness this time.Cheers! ─── 不过因为前几天的症状奇怪 (从周五开始), 所以我现在也不敢吃感冒药.

51、"It was a freakish incident.If I tried it 100 or a million times it couldn't happen again. ─── “那是一次神奇的意外,再让我踢100次甚至100万次也不会再发生这样的事情。

52、The first book in the Riverworld series follows the adventures of a lone explorer trying to puzzle out the mysteries of the freakish ‘afterlife. ─── “江河世界”系列的第一本书讲述了一个孤独的探索者试图解出奇异的“来世”的秘密。

53、Thus the freakish geographical distribution of a curious and useless botanical product threw together two peoples who were about as widely separated geographically as it was possible to be. ─── 这个令人好奇而且没用的货物因为它的地理分布,将可能是地理上相隔最远的两种族群给拼凑起来。

54、This thing, this freakish compulsion, may be the hardest element of the game to quantify. ─── 这种东西,这种畸形的渴望,可能会是比赛中最难衡量的因素。

55、“You could see really freakish things and we probably will,” he warned. ─── 他警告说,“我们可能真的会碰到离奇的事情。”

56、An upcoming jewelry offering from Disney's fashion collection for young men is a ring that depicts a rabid-looking Mickey Mouse with freakish long fangs. ─── 迪士尼年轻男性时尚系列即将推出的首饰是一个戒指,雕刻的米老鼠有怪异的长尖牙,看起来像狂犬病。

57、It were a freakish affair, weren't it? ─── 这是一场妖异的比赛,不是吗?

58、The first book in the Riverworld series follows the adventures of a lone explorer trying to puzzle out the mysteries of the freakish afterlife. ─── “河上世界”系列的第一本书讲述了一个孤独的探索者试图解出奇异的“来世”的秘密。

59、In a freakish incident, the visitors briefly levelled after a long punt from goalkeeper Floyd Croll was caught by the wind and bounced over the backpedalling Tim Howard. ─── 对方守门员弗洛伊德.卡罗尔的大脚球由于被大风改变运行轨迹,在弹地后越过了急忙回防的蒂姆.霍华德而使得威根意外的扳平了比分。

60、The real humanitarian fi asco is not the inadequate preparation of these nations, and many others, for freakish catastrophes. ─── 在人道主义方面真正遭到尴尬失败的不是这些国家和其它许多国家对突发的自然灾害没有充分的准备。

61、When the two crews recover, they find that the two ships have fused together in a freakish amalgam. ─── 两方的船员惊魂未定,突然发现两艘船以一种不可思议的方式"融合"在了一起。

62、Baseball can always use more freakish and unusual performances, if nothing else to remind all of us know-it-alls that cats can be skinned more than one way. ─── 棒球场上总是有奇特及异于寻常的杰出球员,这种例外的例子就如俗语说的,猫有九条命,即可印证。

63、were the freakish effects of fallout blown in from Japan, proclaimed CDU and FDP spin doctors. ─── 基民盟和自民党的公关专家宣称,这次选举败北是受到日本核泄漏事故的意外影响。

64、But, whether influenced by the jealousy that seems instinctive with every petted child towards a dangerous rival, or from whatever caprice of her freakish nature, Pearl would show no favor to the clergyman. ─── 但是,不知是出于一切受宠的小孩子那种似乎是本能的对危险的对手的妒嫉,还是她那种异想天开的天性又发作了出来,珠儿不肯对牧师表示丝毫好感。

65、After many generations of increasingly weird finny fish, I evolved a fish so freakish that it wouldn't breed anymore. ─── 日益奇异的多鳍鱼繁衍许多代之后,我得到一条鱼,它是如此怪异,以至于不能再行繁殖而变得更怪了。

66、Freakish Mutant Link Seen in: CD-i games best forgotten Special Abilities Terrifying small children ─── 畸形的基因突变林克出现于:CD-i游戏,最好你还是忘了吧特技:恐吓孩子们

67、Snyder, who possesses freakish athleticism and should benefit from a more open offense under Adelman, unfortunately is just not as good as the other options. ─── 如果威尔斯打出期待的水平,施奈德的上场时间会被压缩甚至成为交易的对象。

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