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08-14 投稿


contractile 发音

英:[k?n?tr?kta?l]  美:[k?n?tr?kta?l]

英:  美:

contractile 中文意思翻译



contractile 短语词组

1、contractile reserve ─── 收缩储备

2、contractile vacuole ─── [医] 伸缩泡

3、contractile tail ( ─── 噬菌体)可收缩尾

4、contractile protein ─── [化] 收缩蛋白; 收缩蛋白质

5、contractile fiber cells ─── [医] 平滑肌纤维细胞, 可收缩纤维细胞

6、contractile vacuoles ─── 收缩的空泡

7、contractile root ─── 收缩根

8、contractile ring ─── 收缩环

9、contractile force ─── 收缩力

10、contractile element ─── [医]收缩成分

11、contractile power ─── 收缩力

12、contractile disc ─── [医] 肌小板

13、contractile organ ─── [网络] 收缩器官

14、contractile skin ─── 收缩性皮肤

15、contractile shealtb ─── 收缩性Shealtb

16、contractile stricture ─── [医] 收缩性狭窄, 再发性狭窄

17、contractile mechanism ─── [医] 收缩机理

18、contractile phenotype ─── 收缩表型

19、contractile portion ─── 收缩部

contractile 词性/词形变化,contractile变形

名词: contractility |

contractile 相似词语短语

1、contracture ─── n.[医]挛缩

2、contractable ─── adj.可感染的

3、contractive ─── adj.收缩的;有收缩性的

4、contractibly ─── 收缩的

5、contractible ─── adj.缩小的;[物]可收缩的

6、contractee ─── 招包者;招包人

7、contraction ─── n.收缩,紧缩;缩写式;害病

8、contracting ─── v.收缩,缩小;(肌肉)收缩;感染(疾病);(与……)缔结(同盟);订立合同;(经济、市场等)萎缩;参与计划,承担义务;退出计划,不承担义务;立约确保权利;立约雇佣;给人承包;订婚;缩约(词或短语);负债(contract的现在分词形式)

9、contrastive ─── adj.对比的

contractile 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Effect of Lactate on the Contractile Force of Ventricular Papillary Muscle and Cellular Action Potential ─── 乳酸对心肌收缩力和细胞动作电位的影响与运动能力的相关性

2、During wound healing, dermal fibroblasts switch from a migratory, repopulating phenotype to a contractile, matrix-reassembling phenotype. ─── 在创伤愈合过程中,真皮成纤维细胞从迁移、再生表型转变为可收缩、基质聚集表型。

3、Keywords hemorrhagic shock;endothelium-dependent;vascular contractile response;myo-endothelial gap junction; ─── 休克;失血性;内皮依赖性;血管收缩反应;肌内皮缝隙连接;

4、Mechanism of MAPK in contractile effects of Emodin on the smooth muscle cells of rat stomach ─── 丝裂原活化蛋白激酶在大黄素收缩大鼠胃平滑肌细胞中的作用

5、Hypoperfusion-induced contractile failure does not require changes in cardiac energetics ─── 低灌注引起的收缩功能减低并不需要心脏能力学改变

6、prolonged contractile duration ─── 收缩间期延长

7、Keywords T-wave normalization;Contractile reserve;Viable myocardium;Dobutamine testing; ─── 关键词T波假正常化;存活心肌;多巴酚丁胺负荷试验;

8、The contractile responses of DSV may be induced by 40uM Tet alone in nor-mal Krebs solution. ─── 对BayK8644诱发的DSV收缩。

9、It is concluded that histamine can modulate the dopamine response of canine tracheal smooth muscle by sensitizing, transiently, multiple receptors in the muscle which are responsible for the contractile response to dopamine. ─── 因此,我们认为组织胺可经由暂时性地活化肌肉细胞表面的几种接受器进而影响狗气管平滑肌对多巴胺的反应。

10、contractile component ─── 收缩成分

11、Systolic heart failure, defined as contractile failure of the myocardium leading to a reduced ejection fraction, is the most common type. ─── 收缩性心力衰竭,作为导致射血分数降低心肌收缩失败的定义,是最常见的类型。

12、the commonest protein in muscle cells,responsible for the elastic and contractile properties of muscle. It combines with actin to form actomyosin ─── 在肌肉细胞中最普通的蛋白质,对肌肉的弹性和收缩性的特性很重要,它与肌动朊结合形成肌动球朊

13、The heart is a highly contractile organ. ─── 心脏是具有高度收缩性的器官。

14、peritubular contractile cell ─── 小管周围收缩细胞

15、myocardial contractile state ─── 心肌收缩状态

16、Effects of garlicin on the contractile force in deported frog's heart cardiac muscles ─── 大蒜素对离体蛙心心肌收缩力的影响

17、contractile force ─── 收缩力

18、myocardial contractile force ─── 心肌收缩力

19、contractile wings ─── (昆虫等)可收折于背上的翅翼

20、A characteristicstria of contractile tissue. ─── 收缩组织的特细线。

21、Inhibition effects and mechanisms of anisodamine on calcium transient and contractile function in isolated adult rat ventricular myocytes ─── 山莨菪碱抑制成年大鼠离体心室肌细胞钙瞬变和收缩及其机制

22、Endothelin can affect the contractile properties of cardiacmyocyte, stimulate myocyte growth and myofibrillogenesis, and increase resistance to apoptosis by intracellular signaling pathways. ─── 内皮素通过多种心肌细胞内信号途径调节心肌细胞的收缩特性,刺激心肌细胞生长和肌原纤维的产生、抗凋亡等作用。

23、Maximal physiological velocity of contractile element shortening, Vpm ─── 实测心肌最大收缩速度

24、Myocardial Contractile and Relaxant Function in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Assessed by Doppler Tissue Imaging ─── 多普勒组织成像技术评估肥厚型心肌病心肌舒缩功能

25、Myocardial Contractile and Relaxant Function in Dilated Cardiomyopathy Assessed by Doppler Tissue Imaging ─── 多普勒组织成像技术评估扩张型心肌病心肌舒缩功能

26、Effect and its mechanism of NO on NA action on contractile activity of duodenum muscle strips of mouse ─── 小鼠十二指肠运动中NO对NA作用的影响及机制

27、Effects of cestrum nocturnum n-butyl alcohol extract on contractile characteristics of right atrium in isolated guinea pig ─── 夜来香正丁醇提取物对离体豚鼠右心房收缩特性的影响

28、Both EM 0.14 and 1.4mmol/L increased the mean contractile amplitude (except LMDC) and the contractile frequency of all strips. EM 0.14 and 1.4mmol/L also increased the resting tension of CMPC, LMDC and CMDC. ─── 0 14和 1 4mmol/L红霉素明显增加结肠各部位肌条的收缩幅度 (LMDC除外 )和频率 ,同时增大CMPC、LMDC和CMDC的张力。

29、Contractile effect and mechanism of 15-HETE on hypoxic rat ICA rings ─── 15-羟廿碳四烯酸对缺氧性大鼠颈内动脉环的收缩作用及机制

30、Objective: To investigate the effects of arecaidine on contractile activity of isolated uterine smooth muscle strips of virginal rats and explore their action mechanism. ─── 摘要目的:观察不同浓度的槟榔次碱对未孕大鼠离体子宫平滑肌运动的影响及研究其作用机理。


32、The traditional view of airway smooth muscle (ASM) in asthma, as a purely contractile tissue, seems to be inadequate. ─── 传统观点的气道平滑肌(学会)在哮喘,作为一种纯粹的收缩组织,似乎是不够的。

33、Contractile root A specialized root developed by certain bulb-and corm-forming plants that serve to pull the bulb or corm down to the appropriate depth in the soil, e.g. ─── 收缩根:在某些具有形成鳞茎或球茎的植物中特化的根结构。

34、Cardiac myocyte hypertrophy and apoptosis have been implicated in the loss of contractile function during heart failure. ─── 心肌细胞具有复杂的信号网络,从而调节其心脏节律性的泵出功能中的作用。

35、Some inflammatory cytokines may contribute to the development and progression of heart failure by promoting myocardial hypertrophy,provoking contractile dysfunction,and inducing apoptosis. ─── 一些炎症因子能通过促进心肌细胞肥厚、恶化心肌收缩功能以及诱导凋亡,在心衰的发展过程中具有重要作用。

36、Their functions range from enzymes and hormones to electron-transfer molecules, contractile elements, and important genetic elements such as the histones that coat DNA in eukaryotic chromosomes. ─── 他们的功能很多,像酶、激素、电子传递分子,与收缩性有关的物质、以及重要的遗传物质,如在真核生物染色体中与DNA结合的组蛋白。

37、Ablation of junctin was associated with enhanced cardiac function in io, and junctin-deficient cardiomyocytes exhibited increased contractile and Ca-cycling parameters. ─── 敲除连接素可增强在体心脏功能,此外,连接素缺陷的心肌细胞可以出现收缩力和钙循环参数提高。

38、BER and common properties of smooth muscle should be known, and different contractile types such as receptive relaxation in stomach, sengamentation contraction in small intestine also need know. ─── 了解咀嚼、吞咽、食管的蠕动。掌握胃的运动、胃的排空,胃运动的调节。掌握小肠的运动形式,了解小肠运动的调节。了解大肠运动的形式及调节。了解排便动作,便秘和腹泻。

39、Research on the decreasing function of rhein on contractile activity of uterine smooth muscle strips of virginal rats ─── 大黄酸对大鼠离体子宫平滑肌运动的影响

40、Left ventricular contractile dysfunction ─── 左室收缩功能减退

41、The contractile effect of U-II is more pronounced in arteries of SHR compared to WKY rats. ─── U II对SHR收缩作用强于WKY。

42、Contractile root A specialized root developed by certain bulb-and corm-forming plants that serve to pull the bulb or corm down to the appropriate depth in the soil, e.g. Crocus. ─── 收缩根:在某些具有形成鳞茎或球茎的植物中特化的根结构。收缩根的作用是把形成的鳞茎或球茎定位于土壤的某一特定深度,例如番红花属的植物。

43、Effect mechanism of sulfonate daidzein on contractile activity of isolated ileum segments in guinea pigs ─── 大豆甙元磺酸盐对豚鼠离体回肠收缩的影响及途径分析

44、The observation of the effects of baicalin on the contractile activity in the presence of neostigmine, acetylcholine, histamine and atropine respectively were also studied. ─── 在正常克氏液中分别观察黄芩苷对新斯的明、乙酰胆碱、组胺及阿托品存在下平滑肌收缩性的影响。

45、Changes of contractile protein expression and its effect on vessel contraction during neointimal formation ─── 收缩蛋白在血管新生内膜形成过程中的表达变化及其对血管收缩力的影响

46、contractile disc ─── [医] 肌小板

47、Filaments of contractile apparatus ─── 收缩器丝

48、the fractal dimension of EMG signals at different contractile states of muscles are apparently different. ─── 在同一训练阶段,肌肉在不同收缩状态的肌电信号的分形维数也明显不同。

49、The stability of the tibiofemoral joint is maintained by passive (non-contractile) and dynamic (contractile) mechanisms. ─── 稳定的胫股关节是由被动(非收缩)和动态(收缩)机制。

50、symmetric contractile effort ─── 对称的收缩力

51、The contractile response of SO to KCl increases while the activities of BKCa and KV in SO cells decrease in HC rabbits, which might be one of the reasons why SO dysfunction is caused in the condition of HC. ─── HC兔SO肌环的收缩反应增强,SO细胞BKCa及KV通道活性降低,BKCa通道蛋白表达量降低,这可能是导致HC兔发生SO功能紊乱的原因之一.

52、a characteristic stria of contractile tissue. ─── 收缩组织的特细线

53、Release of norepinephrine evoked by adrenergic nerve stimulation and contractile response to exogenous norepinephrine were not increased by L-NA. ─── L-NA对血管神经末梢去甲肾上腺素的释放及对外源性去甲肾上腺素的血管收缩后作用均无明显影响。

54、Relations between Myocardial Contractile Function and Blood Flow Reserve in the Presence of Chronic Coronary Stenoses of Non-Flow-Limiting at Rest ─── 在静息血流无限制的慢性冠状动脉狭窄中静息心肌收缩功能与血流储备的关系

55、Effect of Lactate Solution of Different Concentration on Contractile Force of Rabbit Ventricular Papillary and Cellular Action Potential in Vitro ─── 不同浓度乳酸对家兔离体心室乳头肌收缩力和细胞动作电位的影响

56、Any of the threadlike fibrils that make up the contractile part of a striated muscle fiber. ─── 肌原纤维一种线状的纤维,它组成了有条纹肌肉的可收缩部分

57、Objective To research the effects of rhein on contractile activity of uterine smooth muscle strips of virginal rats. ─── 摘要目的观察大黄酸对人工动情期大鼠离体子宫平滑肌条的作用及探讨其作用机制。

58、After 7d recovery, the difference of contractile response of femoral arterial rings to NE between recovered group and control group was nonsignificant. ─── 尾吊 1 4d恢复 7d后 ,大鼠股动脉对NE的收缩反应与同步对照组相比无显著差异。

59、Each of the troponin complexes appears to determine the ability of seven actin monomers to participate in the contractile process. ─── 每个肌钙蛋白复合物决定着七个肌动蛋白单体参加收缩过程的能力。

60、left ventricular contractile function ─── 左室收缩功能

61、Left ventricular contractile functie of 60 casesfor each group is evaluated with Heather index(HI) of cardiac impedance plethysmogr-aphy in coronary heart disease, suspected coronary heart disease and normal. ─── 应用心阻抗微分图的Heather指数(H1),评定冠心病、可疑冠心病及健康人(每组各60例)的左心室收缩功能。

62、3 Chai SS,Webb RC. Extracellular calcium, contractile activity and membrane potential in arteries from genetically hypertensive rat[J] J Hypertens 1992;10:1137 ─── 4孙岩,王磊一,刘志向,等.硒引起冠状动脉平滑肌舒张和细胞膜电位的降低[J]生理学报1993;46:552

63、Research the increasing frunction of Fuctus Mume decotion on contractile activity of uterine smooth muscle strips of virginal rats and its action mechanism ─── 乌梅水煎剂增强大鼠离体子宫平滑肌运动作用的研究

64、Relationship between metal elements and contractile response in aorta of alloxan- induced diabetic rats ─── 四氧嘧啶糖尿病大鼠主动脉金属元素含量与收缩反应的相关性

65、contractile function ─── 收缩功能

66、The contractile interior core pulling mould structure was designed for the molding of the concave part of inner side of outer casing of flow meter. ─── 摘要为成型流量计外壳内侧凹进部分,设计了收缩内抽芯模具结构。

67、Observation on Effects of Ear Acupuncture in the Contractile Function of Gallbladder by B-mode Ultrasonograthy ─── B超观察耳针对胆囊收缩功能的影响

68、The circular muscle strips of rat colon were suspended.The average contractile amplitude of colonic muscle strips was recorded. ─── 取大鼠结肠环形肌条,置于恒温灌流肌槽内,通过多导生理记录仪记录紫苏梗在结肠环形肌条收缩活动中的效应。

69、Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is characterized by the dilatation of left ventricle or biventrical accompanied by the impairment of the contractile force. ─── 扩张型心肌病(DCM)以左心室或双心室扩张及收缩功能受损为特征,其发病机理主要与病毒感染后的自身免疫反应有关。

70、contractile vacuole ─── 伸缩泡收缩泡

71、Objective: To investigate the change of TDI parameters after right ventricular pacing, and to reveal the effects of VVI and DDD on myocardial contractile function. ─── 摘要目的:应用组织多普勒成像(TDI)技术检测组织运动速度、应变与应变率等参数,评价其在右室心尖起搏(VVI)与房室顺序起搏(DDD)的改变规律对节段性心肌功能的影响。

72、The heart is a highly contractile organ ─── 心脏是具有高度收缩性的器官。

73、Three molecular forms of somatostatin stimulated contractile activity of antral circular strips increasing the mean contractile amplitude,but failed to influence fundus,body and pylorus in rats. ─── 三种形式的生长抑素均兴奋大鼠胃窦环行肌条的活动,使其收缩波平均振幅增大,而对胃底、胃体和幽门等部位肌条的活动均无明显的影响。

74、The experiments were made to studies the effect of uracil on the cardiac contractile force and beating rate of the isolated toad hearts. ─── 尿嘧啶对蟾蜍离体心脏具有明显的加强心肌收缩作用,作用随剂量增加与时间延长而逐渐增强,且不影响心率,认为是一种新型的强心成分,为首次发现。

75、Effect of pituitrin on myocardiac contractile force in the heart of the toad in vitro ─── 垂体后叶素对离体蟾蜍心脏收缩力的影响


77、Circadian Rhythm of Gene Expression of Myocardial Contractile Protein, Left Ventricular Pressure and Contractility ─── 心肌收缩蛋白基因表达、左室压及收缩力的近日节律

78、Cardiac contractile function ─── 心肌收缩功能

79、Evaluation of the myocardial contractile function of right ventricular pacing by tissue Doppler imaging ─── 应用组织多普勒成像技术评价右心室起搏室壁收缩功能

80、BACKGROUND: Most cardiomyopathies recognizable in utero are the dilated type-with dilated, poorly contractile left ventricle. ─── 背景:多数心肌病,子宫内识别是扩张型与扩张,左心室收缩不良。

81、The concept of myocardial hibernation implies a downregulation of contractile function as a adaptation to a reduction in myocardial blood flow. ─── 心肌冬眠是心肌适应性地下调其收缩功能以适应心肌血流的减少。

82、Inducing ureteral contractile response using KCl and its application ─── KCl溶液诱导输尿管平滑肌收缩及其应用

83、One of the contractile elements in skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle fibers. ─── 于骨骼肌、心肌和平滑肌中的一种可收缩纤维。

84、Effects of dietary flaxseed on vascular contractile function and atherosclerosis during prolonged hypercholesterolemia in rabbits ─── 亚麻子对持续高胆固醇血症兔血管收缩功能和动脉粥样硬化的影响

85、Cardiac contractile proteins are the material basis of cardiac contractility. ─── 心肌收缩蛋白是心肌产生收缩的物质基础。

86、It felt very flabby, and the myocardium was poorly contractile. ─── 摸上去非常软,心肌收缩力下降。

87、Keywords Hepatocyte growth factor(HGF);Atrophy;Wet weight;Contractile function; ─── 关键词肝细胞生长因子;肌萎缩;湿重;收缩功能;

88、aortic ventricle contractile function ─── 地高辛

89、Feldman MD. Deficient production of AMP: pharmacological evidence of an important cause of contractile dysfunction in patients with end-stage heart failure[J].Lirculation. 75:331. ─── 刘海牛,李爱静,程玉才.美心力治疗矽肺合并难治性心力衰竭的临床观察[J].中华劳动卫生职业病杂志,2000,18(1):56

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