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marginal 发音

英:[?mɑ?rd??n(?)l]  美:[?mɑ?d??n(?)l]

英:  美:

marginal 中文意思翻译




marginal 词性/词形变化,marginal变形

复数--marginals;比较级--more marginal;最高级--most marginal。

marginal 短语词组

1、marginal abscess ─── [医] 边绿脓肿

2、extra-marginal ─── [经] 超边际

3、long-range marginal cost ─── [经] 长期边际成本

4、long-run marginal cost ─── [经] 长期边际成本

5、law of diminishing marginal productivity ─── [经] 边际生产递减律

6、combined maximum marginal tax rate ─── [经] 最高综合边际税率

7、law of equi-marginal productivity ─── [经] 同等边际生产率的法则

8、increasing marginal cost ─── [经] 递增边际成本

9、equi-marginal returns ─── [经] 平衡边际收益率

10、marginal accounts ─── [经] 边缘户头

11、decreasing marginal cost ─── [经] 递减边际成本

12、incisor marginal ridge ─── [医] 切缘嵴

13、diminishing marginal utility ─── [经] 边际效用递减率

14、Lissauer's marginal zone ─── [医] 利骚厄氏缘区, 利骚厄氏背外侧束(脊髓表面与后角尖间的白质)

15、constant marginal cost ─── [经] 不变边际成本

16、Lowenthal's marginal bundle ─── [医] 勒文塔耳氏缘束, 顶盖脊髓束

17、crossed marginal tract ─── [医] 背外侧束

18、gingival marginal atrophy ─── [医] 龈缘萎缩

19、gingival marginal trimmer ─── [医] 龈缘修整器

marginal 常用词组

marginal cost ─── 边际成本(经济学专有名词)

marginal utility ─── 边际效用

marginal propensity ─── 边际倾向

marginal 相似词语短语

1、marginally ─── adv.稍微,略微地;轻微地,很少地;边缘地;在页边;最低限度地

2、marginate ─── adj.有边缘的;vt.加边于

3、cardinal ─── n.红衣主教;枢机主教;鲜红色;【鸟类】(北美)主红雀;adj.主要的,基本的;深红色的

4、marginalia ─── n.旁注,标注;次要的东西

5、margin ─── n.边缘;利润,余裕;页边的空白;vt.加边于;加旁注于;n.(Margin)人名;(俄、意)马尔金

6、marginals ─── adj.微不足道的,不重要的;边缘的;临界的;末端的;n.边缘席位

7、imaginal ─── adj.(昆虫)成虫的;与图像相关的

8、anginal ─── adj.心绞痛的;咽炎的

9、carinal ─── adj.有稜的;隆突状的

marginal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He made some notes in the margin. ─── 他在页边空白处做笔记。

2、In word processing, an editing feature in which the system automatically adjusts the right hand margin for insertion or deletion of copy during playback. Word and sometimes page wraparound is automatically performed as needed. ─── 字(词)处理技术中的一种编辑特性,在此特性下,系统在副本中插入或删除后,右边自动对齐。在需要时,系统自动完成卷字和卷页。

3、He made notes anyhow in the margin. ─── 他胡乱注了些眉批。

4、Mps representing marginal seat are worried about the government's poor show in the opinion poll. ─── 代表边际席位的下院议员对政府在民意测验中的坏的表现表示忧虑。

5、Leaf apex usually acute; calyx lobe margin ciliate. ─── 叶先端通常锐尖;萼裂片边缘具缘毛。

6、Like hoar-frost on the margin of my dreams. ─── 在我的梦的边上那像白霜一样。

7、Where is the northern margin of the Indian plate? ─── 印度板块的北缘在哪里?

8、Principle 3 rational people think at the margin. ─── 原则的3,人们在差额上的合理思考。

9、Leaves undivided or 3-lobed, margin serrate. ─── 叶不裂或者3裂,边缘有锯齿。

10、In this instance, the only known is our actual profit margin. ─── 在这种场合下,唯一能知道的事是我们实际可得的利润

11、Labellum obovate, large, apical margin undulate. ─── 唇瓣倒卵形,大的,顶端的边缘波状。

12、Write down a note on the margin of the page. ─── 在页边空白处写上一注解。

13、He was elected by a narrow margin. ─── 他以微弱多数当选。

14、Secure order even sacrifice margin. ─── 即使牺牲利润,也须保住订单。

15、Mr Murdoch's News Corp estimates that the marginal revenue from an occasional browser is less than one tenth of a penny a year. ─── 默多克的新闻集团(NewsCorp)估计,一位偶尔浏览者每年带来的边际收入少于0.1便士。

16、Galea with 2 marginal teeth near apex, beakless. ─── 加利亚具2边缘的齿近先端,无喙。

17、Leaves simple, hairy, margin serrate. ─── 单叶,有毛,边缘有锯齿。

18、He left early and caught the train by a good margin. ─── 他很早动身,有充裕的时间赶上火车。

19、A change in earnings of any factor can be found by analyzing the impact of the event on the value of the marginal product of that factor. ─── 任何一种要素收入的变化,都可以通过分析某一事件对其边际产值的影响来发现。

20、He owns a small, marginal business. ─── 他经营一个收益不大的小生意。

21、She asked me to leave a margin when I write . ─── 他告诉我写的时候要留边儿。

22、Greenspan is of marginal interest as a prognosticator now. ─── 人们已经不怎么把格林斯潘视作市场预言者了。

23、Text that appears in the bottom margin of printed pages, such as a document title, page number, or data. ─── 在有印刷文字的页面底部空白处出现的文字,如文件标题、页面号码或日期等。

24、He backed the car into the space with a narrow margin to spare. ─── 他将车倒进一个非常窄的停车位置。

25、Labellum deep red with yellow margin. ─── 唇瓣深红色具黄的边缘。

26、They were an old couple living on the margin of respectability. ─── 他们是一对老夫妻,过着几乎是不太体面的日子。

27、The general price level declined by small margin. ─── 价格总水平小幅下降。

28、Export picked up by a large margin. ─── 出口大幅度回升

29、Buying entirely with cash, as opposed to on margin. ─── 完全用现金购买,与保证金购买相反。

30、A street lantern reddened the margin of the quay. ─── 一盏路灯照红了河岸的边石,

31、You leave yourself an enormous margin. ─── 你必须让自己保有相当的缓冲。

32、Put a mark in the margin to show the omission . ─── 在页边作个记号表示有遗漏.

33、Labellum obovate, large, margin incurved. ─── 唇瓣倒卵形,大的,弯曲的边缘。

34、She won by a comfortable margin. ─── 她获胜成绩远远超过其他人。

35、call something "marginal" means it is not very good. ─── 所谓“边缘”意味着它不是很好。

36、The manufacturers appear to have underbid the contracts by a wider margin than usual. Costs escalated beyond all expectations. And few were privy to the problems because the program was financed in the secret part of the Pentagon budget. ─── 厂家对合同投的标似乎较一般低得太多。成本节节升高,超出任何人的预料。由于该计划系五角大楼秘密预算所支付,很少人知悉问题的同情。

37、Any proposal for a negative income tax must have at least three elements-an income floor, a marginal tax rate, and a cutoff point. ─── 负所得税的任何方案必须至少包括3个方面:最低收入,边际税率及中断点。

38、His house was located in a marginal position of a mountain. ─── 他的家在一座山的边缘地带。

39、NLeft The width of the new left margin, in pixels. ─── 以像素表示的新的文本左边距宽度。

40、Make notes on the margin of a page. ─── 在一页的页边空白处作注解。

41、Leaf blade margin sharply serrulate. ─── 叶片边缘锐有细锯齿。

42、Petiole and leaf margin glabrous. ─── 叶柄和叶缘无毛。

43、She won the seat by a margin of ten votes. ─── 她以十票优势赢得席位.

44、The corporation's bottom line is a good profit margin. ─── 公司的基本要求是好的利润。

45、A column of text set with a ragged right margin. ─── 一段右边缘参差不齐的课文

46、There has been a marginal improvement in the firm rs sales. ─── 公司的销售额略有增长。

47、Marginal writingability; eked out a marginal existence. ─── 写作能力很低;勉强维持生计。

48、With the margin irregularly toothed, as if gnawed. ─── 叶缘具参差不齐的齿,好象被啃过似的。

49、A curved margin of a highway was reflectorized for safety. ─── 为安全起见公路的弯道边上装设了反射镜。

50、You can note down your comments on the margin . ─── 你可以把意见写在边儿上。

51、You just get improvements on the margin. ─── 你只能作点边边角角的改进。

52、Initial Margin See Independent Amount. ─── 初始保证金请见独立金额。

53、In word processing systems, a feature that enables blocks of recorded text to be indented with different margins, while still retaining the original(fixed) margin settings. ─── 字(词)处理技术中的一种功能特性,它使记录的正文块按不同边线缩排,同时仍然保持原来(固定的)边线设置。

54、She won the champion by a narrow margin. ─── 她以微弱优势赢得冠军。

55、Control the cost strictly to gain the maximal marginal profits. ─── ·严格控制成本费用,使边际利润最大化。

56、Head margin The margin at the top of a page. ─── 书页上边的空白部份。

57、We had to avoid risking everything for marginal gains. ─── 一定要避免为了某些没有把握的收益而使一切都遭受危险。

58、He passed the exam by a narrow margin. ─── 他勉强通过考试。

59、The Europeans have been trying to manage the sovereign debt crisis for over a year now with only marginal success. ─── 过去的一年中,欧洲各国一直都在努力控制主权债务危机,但是收效甚微。

60、Click the margin type that you want. ─── 单击所需的页边距类型。

61、Students like to take notes in the margin. ─── 学生们喜欢在课本的页边空白处记笔记。

62、Smith passed into the military academy by the narrowest margin. ─── 史密斯以十分勉强的成绩考进了陆军军管学校。

63、He inserted a comment in the margin. ─── 他在页边加了评注。

64、He is on the margin of bare subsistence. ─── 他正处在挨饿的边缘。

65、Head margin: The margin at the top of a page. ─── 头白边:书页上边的空白部份。

66、Half hearted efforts will only bring marginal results. ─── 三心二意难成大事。

67、Marginal writing ability;eked out a marginal existence. ─── 写作能力很低;勉强维持生计

68、She outpolled her rival by a wide margin. ─── 她获得的票数远远超过对手

69、He owns a marginal business. ─── 他经营小生意。

70、She win the seat by a margin of ten votes. ─── 她以十票优势赢得席位。

71、Pandas are on the margin of extinction. ─── 大熊猫已濒临绝种。

72、A margin of freedom or variation, as of activity, time, or expenditure; latitude. ─── 余地,余裕自由或变化的余地,比如行动、时间或花费等; 回旋余地

73、British Guiana, however, was a marginal problem. ─── 可是,英属圭亚那仍然极不稳定。

74、Does the margin change with currency traded? ─── 保证金交易是否改变货币?

75、He beat the other runners by a margin of ten seconds. ─── 他比其他运动员早10秒钟到达终点。

76、National tax revenue grew by a large margin every year. ─── 国家税收连年大幅度增长。

77、The body has a 3 centimeter margin (on all sides). ─── 主体部分的四条边上包含了宽为3厘米的边界。

78、Extensive operating costs and marginal advertising revenue in the economic downturn have made it a challenge for YouTube to turn a profit. ─── 在经济低迷的时期,巨额的运营成本以及微薄的广告收入使得YouTube盈利面临着巨大的挑战。

79、Put a mark in the margin to show the omission. ─── 在页边作个记号表示有遗漏。

80、He won the most marginal seat by only two votes. ─── 他只以两票的微弱优势当选。

81、To inscribe or enter in the margin of a page. ─── 在书页边上作注释或记录

82、High marginal tax rates may act as a disincentive to working longer hours. ─── 边际税率过高也许会抑制加班时间。

83、The margin of safety has grown thin. ─── 安全系数已变小了。

84、Margin calls for and disposal of collaterals. ─── 三、担保品之追缴与处分。

85、Providing a margin for error or shortcomings. ─── 仁慈的容许有错误或缺点的

86、The unit is often used on a marginal field that is surrounded by several marginal satellite fields or used for production testing. ─── 这种平台常用于由几个边际卫星油气田所围绕的一个边际油气田,或用于生产测试。

87、The analysts applaud the cuts in marginal businesses, but insist the company must make deeper sacrifices. ─── 分析家们赞同对边际业务的削减,但坚持认为公司必须作出更大牺牲。

88、The margin of flesh around a wound. ─── 伤口的边缘围绕伤口的肉边

89、He was saved from those savage beasts by a narrow margin. ─── 他从那些猛兽口中死里逃生。

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