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08-14 投稿


taunting 发音

英:[?t??nt??]  美:[?t??nt??]

英:  美:

taunting 中文意思翻译



taunting 词性/词形变化,taunting变形

动词现在分词: taunting |副词: tauntingly |动词第三人称单数: taunts |动词过去式: taunted |名词: taunter |动词过去分词: taunted |

taunting 短语词组

1、taunting defined ─── 嘲弄定义

2、taunting define ─── 嘲弄定义

3、taunting remark ─── 嘲讽的话

4、taunting remark crossword ─── 嘲讽性字谜

5、taunting vs teasing ─── 嘲弄与戏弄

6、taunting makes you lose control ─── 嘲弄使你失去控制

7、taunting definition ─── 嘲讽定义

8、taunting a ─── 嘲弄

taunting 相似词语短语

1、vaunting ─── n.自吹自擂;v.吹嘘,夸耀(vaunt的现在分词)

2、flaunting ─── vt.炫耀;飘扬;vi.飘扬;夸耀;n.炫耀;飘扬;招展

3、Banting ─── n.班廷(加拿大医学家)

4、tainting ─── 污染;腐败

5、daunting ─── adj.使人畏缩的;使人气馁的;令人怯步的

6、tauntingly ─── adv.辱骂地;嘲笑地

7、haunting ─── adj.不易忘怀的,萦绕于心头的;给人以强烈感受的;n.对(某地的)经常光顾;v.(鬼魂)出没;常去;缠住某人;萦绕在……心中(haunt的现在分词)

8、jaunting ─── n.远足;短途旅游;vi.远足;作短途旅游

9、truanting ─── n.旷课者,逃学者;逃避责任者;adj.旷课的,逃学的;懒惰的,闲散的;v.旷课,逃学;偷懒,逃避责任

taunting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They found a mistress because they wanted to have a baby, but once she had the baby, she began to mistreat and taunt the wife. ─── 为了生儿育女,只好娶了一妾,但这个小妾一怀上孩子就虐待和嘲讽正室。

2、Because your countenance is so charming that I were attracted.By the way, the purpose of studying English shouldn't be taunt whom you intend. ─── 但是当他看到那个女孩在他递给她那张字条又写起来的时候矮个子穿衣法,张凡的脸色有些不好,更有写心虚希望马上下课然后逃离这间教室。

3、"It was nice to see you again, " Jacob said, and I could tell he was taunting Mike just a bit. ─── “很高兴再次见到你。”雅克布说道,我敢说他是在小小地奚落了一下迈克。

4、Loses the game after today Derby war, Italian each big media is taunting, the accusation, to attack Muliniao. ─── 在今天德比战输球后,意大利各大媒体都在嘲讽、指责、抨击穆里尼奥。

5、The mocking taunt, See then whether you shall be master! ─── 嘲弄而威吓地说,看你能否自主!

6、So too had the 'guards' taken on their roles - taunting and abusing their prisoners. ─── 同样的情况也发生在“狱警”们的身上,他们辱骂并且虐待自己的囚犯。

7、Finding Shwedagon sealed off, I went to the middle of town to find groups of young people taunting soldiers at Sule. ─── 大金寺被封锁后,我转战市中心的苏雷宝塔,在那里,他发现一群缅甸年轻人正在辱骂军人。

8、The only real solution is to do something, anything, but that's small consolation when a project is taunting you with its unfinishedness. ─── 唯一的解决办法是随便做点什么,但这只是你对于任务没完成的小小安慰而已。

9、Don't taunt him with cowardice [with being a coward]. ─── 别嘲笑他胆小 [是懦夫] 。

10、Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho has admitted taunting Bryan Robson during his side's recent stormy win over West Brom. ─── 切尔西主教练穆里尼奥承认了在切尔西赢了西布朗时他对罗布森的嘲弄。

11、But there is a difficulty about offending people in that town who feel that use of this story is a deliberate exposure, taunt and insult. ─── 但是,有触犯该镇居民的麻烦,他们会认为使用这个故事是一种故意的揭露、奚落和侮辱。

12、It didn't help when the Jazz rookie did a little taunting in front of the bench. ─── “他有一次相当不错的得分,但是他接下来他跑到对方的替补席前。

13、Joe began to feel a slightly vicious glee in taunting Ken about being alone with Jun, and delighted in her joining in the innuendo. ─── / 乔开始在关于对六月感到孤独嘲弄肯恩方面感觉些微邪恶的欢乐, 而且在她里面愉快加入讽刺。

14、Vanessa endured months of taunting from women and even men around the world for staying in her unfaithful marriage. ─── 在那几个月里,瓦妮莎独自承受了男男女女关于“她和科比不忠贞婚姻”形形色色的指责。

15、All the while the rain pelted me in the face as if to taunt or test me.On the final 10 meters of that hill, I had to dismount my bike and walk up the rest of the way. ─── 只修读两个主科的他,现在也不用担心,只有一件事要做,就是作最后的努力,不要让这学年最后的机会也溜走。

16、KJV] So it shall be a reproach and a taunt, an instruction and an astonishment unto the nations that are round about thee, when I shall execute judgments in thee in anger and in fury and in furious rebukes. ─── [新译]我以怒气、怒和忿怒的责备向你施行审判的时候,你就必在你四围的列国中成为羞辱、讽和令人惊骇的对象,也成了他们的警戒。

17、Even reproofs from authority, ought to be grave, and not taunting. ─── 即使上官申斥,亦宜出之以严肃,而不应恶语伤人。

18、They were riding their bikes up and down the far bank of the river, taunting the water. ─── 他们在河对岸一面骑着车来回奔驰,一面戏弄河水。

19、If anything, he felt the injustice of the game as it stood, and was not cheap enough to add to it the slightest mental taunt. ─── 在目前这场游戏中,如果他感到对他的对手有所不公的话,他还不至于卑劣到在这不公之上再加上些精神上的嘲弄。

20、Growl taunt effectiveness reduced. ─── 咆哮的嘲讽效果降低。

21、NIV] you will take up this taunt against the king of Babylon: How the oppressor has come to an end! How his fury has ended! ─── 4[和合]你必提这诗歌论巴比伦王6说:“欺压人的何竟息灭?强暴的何竟止7息?

22、People were taunting him and shaking their heads at him in malice (v14). ─── 人们把他作为笑谈,带着恶意对他摇头(14节)。

23、The game got into combat very quickly with players of this high skill level, and I was amused by the teasing and taunting that passed between them. ─── 在他们那些高手的控制下,游戏很快就开打了。我被他们之间揶揄逗趣的聊天深深吸引。

24、Alternately taunt and jeer at someone ─── 冷嘲热讽

25、He tried to goad me into playing a match with him by taunting me and saying that I was a terrible player. ─── 他故意说我球打得很差, 想用激将法使我同意和他比赛。

26、Taunt: This macro makes use of the new Taunt ability every Paladin has. I highly encourage everyone to implement this macro. ─── 嘲讽,运用每个圣骑士新增加的技能。

27、However in yesterday's competition, when Bynum appears in the field, the general meeting brings in fan's taunt. ─── 不过在昨天的比赛里,当拜纳姆在球场上出现的时候,总会引来球迷的嘲讽。

28、It is in bad form to taunt your opponents. ─── 嘲笑对手是不礼貌的举动。

29、He took sadistic pleasure in taunting the boy. ─── 嘲讽这孩子让他感到施虐的快感。

30、Casting taunt causes three effects. ─── 使用嘲讽后造成3个效果。

31、Be black, he have to endure the taunt of his classmate. ─── 因为是黑人,他不得不忍受他同学的奚落。

32、"And now I have become their taunt, I have even become a byword to them. ─── 伯30:9现在这些人以我为歌曲、以我为笑谈。

33、Gross wasn't above talking smack: He provocatively ended his last investor letter with the taunt, 'Booyah Hank? ─── 在上一封致投资者信的结尾处,格罗斯用嘲弄的口吻写道“好哇,汉克(鲍尔森)?”

34、But in Bangladesh it's a taunt, and in other Islamic countries it's the equivalent of an upraised middle finger. ─── 但在孟加拉国却是对人的嘲笑,而在别的伊斯兰国家,其意义与翘起中指相同。

35、Suffering (Voidwalker): Ranks 5-8 had the incorrect taunt radius of 5 yards and have all been adjusted to a 10-yard radius. ─── 受难:等级5至等级8的受难的效果只有描述不符的5码范围,现在已经调整到10码。

36、He took to the airwaves and streets, taunting his opponents, blaming outside influence, and promising swift retribution. ─── 他控制广播电视和街道,嘲讽对手,谴责外部施加的影响,承诺迅速惩戒犯罪分子。

37、A taunting, scoffing, or derisive look or gibe. ─── 嘲笑奚落的、嘲笑的或嘲弄的表情或笑

38、mime keeps taunting the lion, the crowds grow larger, and his salary keeps going up. ─── 哑剧演员一直嘲弄狮子,观众人数也大增,还有他的薪水也跟着上涨。

39、For years I used to enjoy taunting my gun-nut friends about their psychosexual hang-ups---always in a spirit of good cheer, you understand. ─── 多年来,我曾经常喜欢嘲弄我那些枪迷朋友们的挥之不去的精神性欲----你们知道,他们总是精神振奋。

40、Children are more likely to taunt, tease, or torture their overweight classmates. ─── 因此,孩子更可能奚落,取笑折磨他们肥胖的同学。

41、And now I have become their taunt, I have even become a byword to them. ─── 伯30:9现在这些人以我为歌曲、我为笑谈。

42、According to the criminal complaint file today, they are accused of taunting , spitting on and groping residents who suffered from Alzheimer's disease . ─── 依据今天的犯罪陈述报告,她们罪行是对患者进行辱骂、猥亵和吐口水鄙视。

43、Do not think I am taunting the society. ─── 不要认为我是在嘲笑这个社会。

44、He took sadistic pleasure in taunting the boy. ─── 嘲讽这孩子让他感到施虐的快感。

45、Their complaint also accuses the company of harassing and taunting Thomas after she was fired by calling the police to watch her pack her belongings and leave. ─── 同时,他们还指控公司对托马斯进行骚扰和辱骂,因为她被解雇后,公司打电话报了警,让警察监视她收拾东西离开。

46、It is easy to show that taunt does not give the warrior any constant amount of threat.Have player 1 body pull a mob, but do no damage to it.He now has 0 threat, but has aggro. ─── 嘲讽并不会给战士增加固定数值的仇恨,这很容易解释:当一个玩家通过视线仇恨吸引了一个怪物,这时他拥有0的仇恨,但是在怪物的仇恨列表上。

47、He will taunt an opponent endlessly, even during battle, raising their ire until they make a fatal mistake - and then take advantage of them. ─── 即使在战斗中,他也会无休止的嘲弄对手,激起他们的怒气直到他们犯下致命错误,然后他就会取得优势。

48、Thus she will be a reproach and a taunt, a warning and a horror, to the nations that surround you, when I execute judgments upon you in anger and wrath and furious rebukes. ─── 15这样,我必以怒气和忿怒,并烈怒的责备,向你施行审判;那时,你就在四围的列国中成为羞辱、讥刺、警戒、惊骇。

49、Some financial workers have been wearing jeans instead of suits to blend in with the crowd.Others have been leaning out of the office windows, taunting the protestors. ─── 一些金融从业人员也穿上与抗议人群一样的便装而非正装(上班),而另外一些金融从业人员从办公室窗户中探身出来嘲弄抗议者。

50、Taunting is just not right. ─── 冷嘲热讽就不对了。

51、He‘s toyed/taunted with my mind, taunting me with that rat. ─── 他嘲弄了我,和那只老鼠一起嘲弄我.

52、At noon Elijah began to taunt them.'Shout louder!'he said. ─── 到了正午,以利亚嬉笑他们,说,大声求告吧。

53、Joe's neutral pose is different. Taunt is from2001. His tiger kick burns the opponent now. ─── 东丈的姿势变化。它的虎芒踢现在将对手烧着。

54、It's too cruel to taunt Jim with his failure in the examination. ─── 嘲笑吉姆考试不及格太残忍了。

55、His sole weapon seems to be his mouth, whether by taunting or biting. ─── 他唯一的武器似乎就是他的嘴,无论是用咒骂或用咬的。

56、The Doc tells me he keeps It on his desk to taunt the other prisoners. ─── 博士告诉我说他把那个放在他的桌子上,并且大骂了其他的囚犯。

57、A scoffing or taunting remark or shout. ─── 嘲笑讥笑的言语

58、He would tease and taunt, now and then revealing Himself, but always keeping at a distance. ─── 他会戏弄和辱骂,不时地显示出自身,但总是保持一段距离。

59、Be careful in battle grounds though, as this makes your pet susceptable to Stoneclaw Totem and other taunt abilities like the growls of other hunters' pets! ─── 不过在战场上你还是要小心,比如可以让你的宠物变得不听话的石爪图腾和那些嘲讽技能比如其他猎人宠物的低吼。

60、She hated him, sitting there in his dandified attire, taunting her. ─── 地板上撒满了沾着烂泥的木屑,而且到处是尘土和脏物。

61、You are a docile guy living in a street inhabited by these speedster goons who always taunt you for your demeanor. ─── 你是一个容易教的人住在被总是为你的态度嘲弄你的这些以高速行走的人呆子居住的一条街道。

62、Taunt yourself well. ─── 嘲讽好你自己。

63、Some preferred to tease and taunt him to his death, and then continued to taunt his hanging corpse. ─── 一些人不断地嘲笑和辱骂他,直到他被吊死,他们还在继续用嘴“鞭尸”。

64、Don't taunt him with cowardice. ─── 别嘲笑他胆

65、Paolo explained that Siviglia was booed because he was taunting the Lazio Ultras and apparently, he had chosen the wrong time to do such an antic. ─── 保罗解释给我说,西维格利亚进球后的动作显然惹怒了拉齐奥的死忠,他在错误的时间做了这样的举动。

66、'He was publicly taunting me by calling me a coward in front of everyone.' ─── “他对我进行公然挑衅,在大伙面前说我是个胆小鬼。”

67、For those who stood before him jeering him, reviling him, taunting him, and actually thrusting their tongues out at him in mockery. ─── 那些站在祂面前,嘲弄祂、辱骂祂、讥笑祂和戏谑祂的群众。

68、Why do the other children taunt him with having red hair? ─── 为什么别的小孩子讥笑他有红头发?

69、No matter people, to our rotten flesh, To our astray sadness and failing anguish, Will show their touching tears and deep sympathy, Or give their scornful smile and sharp taunt. ─── 不管人们对于我们腐烂的皮肉那些迷途的惆怅、失败的苦痛是寄予感动的热泪、深切的同情还是给以轻蔑的微笑、辛辣的嘲讽。

70、Increase the cooldown to 10 seconds, make the Taunt a bit more effective to make up for the increased cooldown but add a Pummel effect to it as well. ─── 增加冷却时间到10秒,增加嘲讽的效果,并增加冷却时间,并增加拳击效果也许更好。

71、He's toyed/taunted with my mind, taunting me with that rat. ─── 他嘲弄了我,和那只老鼠一起嘲弄我。

72、KJV] And I will deliver them to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth for their hurt, to be a reproach and a proverb, a taunt and a curse, in all places whither I shall drive them. ─── [新译]我必使他们成为地上万国所惊恐、讨厌的;在我赶逐他们到的各地方,成为被人羞辱、笑、弄、诅的对象。

73、After network psychosis patient was definite as above, many people are taunting this law. ─── 但这种把自己关在房间里的冲动正是推动我们作为的动力。

74、During one sequence the words of the taunting messages even seem to float in the air around the frustrated investigators. ─── 片中有一幕,这些嘲弄警方的信息甚至似乎萦绕在屡屡受挫的刑侦人员周围。

75、Don't make taunting retorts to each other, as it can not help solve the problem. ─── 你们不要互相辩难了,这样解决不了问题。

76、I feel life is taunting me with having over lingered my welcome. ─── 万一,万一有点什么,那种感觉,绝对是生不如死。

77、But in England if the palm faces inward it's a taunt, especially if executed with an up-ward jerk of the fingers. ─── 可在英国,做该手势时如果掌心向内,特别是还同时把手指往上伸的话,则表示对人的辱骂。

78、Musical snobs often deride the harmonica as a serious instrument.Togibeis to make taunting, heckling, or jeeringremarks ─── 假充在音乐上内行的人经常嘲笑口琴作为严肃乐器的事实。指进行奚落、质问或戏弄的评论

79、He became a taunt to his neighbours. ─── 他成了邻居们嘲讽的对象。

80、He'll suck,the other kids will taunt him,and he'll wanna quit again. ─── 他会搞砸的 其他孩子会嘲笑他 他会再次退出的

81、You hear them words echoing, almost haunting, that taunting ring ─── 你听到他们的声音,那辱骂的声音永远忘不了

82、At first he was scared, but when he sees that the shark is trapped, he gets cocky.Mark starts to taunt the shark. ─── 他一开始吓坏了,但他发现鲨鱼被困住后,就趾高气昂了起来,并开始嘲笑那只鲨鱼。

83、The unauthorized video showing witne es taunting the former dictator before his execution has worsened sectarian te io in Iraq and has drawn international criticism. ─── 一段用手机录下的非官方的录像显示,有人在萨达姆行刑前对他进行嘲弄。这段录像使得伊拉克教派之间紧张升级,并招致国际间的批评。

84、His genial sufficiency was a taunt and a mockery to many ─── 他那么和蔼自满的态度,许多人都认为是一种辱骂和嘲弄。

85、"Hearing this, the hunter armed with a bow said, 'I will kill the lizard.' But upon meeting his opponent, he held back, taunting, 'Who's afraid of a reptile? ─── 但将近遇到他的对手时,他却退缩了,他嘲笑自己:“谁会害怕那爬虫动物?”

86、Taunt - Causes nearby enemies to switch their attack to the Mountain Giant. ─── 嘲讽-使附近的敌人转而攻击这个山岭巨人。

87、Maybe Deke got the technical for wagging his finger at you! They thought he was taunting the crowd. Be more careful next time man. ─── 也许木大叔是因为朝你摇手指而吃的技术犯规!裁判可能觉得木大叔是在侮辱观众。下一次要小心点,伙计。

88、When David arrived at the battlefield, he found thousands of young men cowering on the side of the battlefield because a pagan giant was taunting the God of Israel. ─── 他看到数千名年青人在战场的一旁发抖,因为有一个外邦的巨人,在那儿辱骂以色列的神。

89、Be black, He has to endure the taunt of his classmate ─── 因为是黑人,他不得不忍受他同学的奚落

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