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08-14 投稿


Englishism 中文意思翻译



Englishism 相似词语短语

1、Englishing ─── 英博

2、Englishism ─── n.英国方式;英语语法;英国精神

3、Englishisms ─── 英语

4、Anglicanism ─── n.英国国教

5、Englishness ─── n.英国人作风;英国风格

6、English elm ─── 英国榆树;大叶榆

7、Englishes ─── n.英语;英语族;英国人(English的复数);v.使英语化(English的第三人称单数)

8、English ivy ─── 英国长春藤;[园艺]常春藤

9、Anglicism ─── n.英式英语;英国风格;英国式特征;典型的英国说法;对英国方式的崇尚

Englishism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I must brush up my English before I go to London. ─── 去伦敦之前,我必须好好温习一下英文。

2、He is crazy about Crazy English. ─── 他对疯狂英语很着迷。

3、He spoke scarcely a word of English. ─── 他几乎连一个英文单词都不会说。

4、He is still unable to express himself in English. ─── 他仍然不能用英语表达自己的意思。

5、He speaks English with a Chinese accent. ─── 他讲英语带有汉语口音。

6、He set out to break the record for the English Channel swim. ─── 他立志要打破横渡英吉利海峡的记录。

7、He qualified in London as a teacher of English overseas. ─── 他在伦敦取得了海外英语教师的资格。

8、He attributed his great progress in English study to our help. ─── 他把他在英语学习上所取得的极大进步归功于我们的帮助。

9、He speaks English so well, that he's often taken for a native. ─── 他的英语说的那样好,常被人误认为英国人。

10、As the only English speakers, we were rather thrown together. ─── 因为只有我们是说英语的,所以我们是这麽凑到一起的。

11、He is unqualified to teach English. ─── 他不适合教英语; 他没有教英语的资格。

12、Be you learning english for pleasure or for your work? ─── 你学英语是出於兴趣还是为了工作?

13、He married an English woman and took up his residence in London. ─── 他与一名英国女子结婚并且定居在伦敦。

14、He writes English better than he speaks it. ─── 他的英文写的比说的好。

15、Is he going to lecture in English? ─── 他准备用英语讲课吗?

16、He speaks English, but his native tongue is German. ─── 他会说英语,但他的母语是德语。

17、She knows no English, much less German. ─── 她不懂英语,更不用说德语了。

18、He committed himself to studying English. ─── 他致力于学英语。

19、When did you begin learning English? ─── 你何时开始学习英语的?

20、English revolution of 1688 was before the time of Queen Anne. ─── 1688年的英国革命发生在安妮女王时代之前。

21、He bit the file to English obstinacy and broke his teeth. ─── 他要打破英国人的顽固而折断了牙齿。

22、You should finish your English grammar drills in the class. ─── 你应该在课堂上完成语法练习。

23、Can you put it in simpler English? ─── 你能用更简单的英语说吗?

24、He ordered a full english breakfast. ─── 他点了一份地道的英式早餐。

25、There will be a meeting for the English faculty this afternoon. ─── 今天下午英语系的教职员工要开个会。

26、He have more English book than she. ─── 他的英语书比她的多。

27、Smith is a common English surname. ─── 史密斯是常见的英国姓。

28、His French and English vocabularies are not as large as his German. ─── 他的法语及英语字汇不如他的徵兆字汇多。

29、Are you familiar with English sounds yet? ─── 你已经熟悉英语的音调了吗?

30、He speaks not only English but also French. ─── 他不但会说英语,而且还会说法语。

31、Have you brought your English book with you? ─── 你带英语书了吗?

32、Most of the students got on well in die English exanimation. ─── 大多数学生在英语考试中成绩很好。

33、His English is improving little by little. ─── 他的英语渐有提高。

34、He knows no English, to say nothing of French or German. ─── 他连英语都不懂,更不用说法语和德语了。

35、He majors in English and I, in French. ─── 他主修英语,我主修法语。

36、Can you make yourself understood in English? ─── 你能用英语把意思表达清楚吗?

37、Can he speak English? Yes, he can (speak English). ─── 他会讲英语吗?是的,他会讲英语。

38、He can say the whole of the English Bible by rote. ─── 他能把整本英语《圣经》硬背出来。

39、He can speak English after a fashion. ─── 他多少能讲点英语。

40、He ranks with the best English authors. ─── 他名列英国第一流的作家之中。

41、He told me some anecdote about our English teacher. ─── 他告诉我几个关于英语老师的掌故。

42、I will teach you English provided circumstances permit. ─── 假如情况允许的话,我就教你英语。

43、Their English pronunciation is not good, but it is improving. ─── 他们的英语发音不够好,但正在改进。

44、The highway code is not itself part of English law. ─── 公路法规本身并非是英国法的一部分。

45、He hasn't much inducement to study English. ─── 他没有学习英语的兴趣。

46、Do you know who is the foremost writer in the English language? ─── 你知道谁是最重要的英语作家吗?

47、He is no more able to speak English than I am. ─── 和我不会说英语一样,他也不会说英语。

48、His broken English showed he was a foreigner. ─── 他的蹩脚的英语说明他是一个外国人。

49、He made progress in English bit by hit. ─── 他在英语方面逐渐取得进步。

50、He can speak English fluently and accurately. ─── 他能准确流利地说英语。

51、To do this job, you must have a degree in English. ─── 从事这个工作你必须具有英语专业的大学学位。

52、Origin of Englishism of Quebec French ─── 魁北克法语英语化现象的由来

53、The wall was covered with English ivy. ─── 墙上覆盖着长春藤。

54、He got a fell mark in English and lifted up his horn. ─── 他英语考了满分,于是便趾高气扬起来。

55、He will be ahead of others in English. ─── 他在英语方面将超过别人。

56、He will catch at any opportunity to practise English. ─── 他设法抓住一切机会来练英语。

57、He availed himself of the opportunity to learn English. ─── 他利用了这一学习英语的机会。

58、Never let a chance to improve your English slip by! ─── 决不要让提高英语水平的机会溜掉了。

59、He expresses himself in good clear English. ─── 他用正确而清晰的英语表达自己的意思。

60、He is studying English early and late. ─── 他一天到晚都在学英语。

61、At the new school he'll have room to get better at English. ─── 在新学校里,他的英语水平有可能会提高。

62、His English up to this point would hardly pass muster. ─── 他的英语到现在为止还未达到标准。

63、He's studying English literature. ─── 他在研究英国文学。

64、Once he swam the English Channel. ─── 他有一次横渡了英吉利海峡。

65、Can you translate the sentence into English? ─── 你能把这句话翻译成英语吗?

66、I'll tell you more about the use of tenses in English later on. ─── 以后我会告诉你们更多关于英语时态的用法。

67、Oh, dear! I failed in the English examination! ─── 哦!天啊!我英文没有考及格!

68、If I knew English, I should be able to read these English books. ─── 假如我懂英语,我就能读这些英语书了。

69、Can you speak either English or French? ─── 你会说英语或法语吗?

70、He learns English by listening to tape recording. ─── 他通过听录音的办法来学英语。

71、The Vikings harried the English coast. ─── 北欧海盗曾不断骚扰英国沿海地区。

72、English skills will accrue to you from speaking and reading a lot. ─── 多读和多说英语,英语能力就会培养起来。

73、His father ordered that he (should) keep a diary in English. ─── 他的父亲规定他要用英文写日记。

74、Where did you learn to speak English? ─── 你从哪里学会说英语的呢?

75、How much time do you spend practicing English everyday? ─── 你每天花多少时间练习英文?

76、Foreign words keep coming into English. ─── 外来词源源不断地进入英语。

77、Your English will not become better of itself. ─── 你的英语不会自己变好的。

78、They have had English grammar hammered into them. ─── 他们强制自己反覆学习英语语法。

79、He spares no pains to study English. ─── 他不辞劳苦地学习英语。

80、He set out his ideas in simple English. ─── 他用简单英文表达了他的想法。

81、He speaks Arabic and English with equal ease. ─── 他说阿拉伯语和英语都一样自如。

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