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extermination 发音

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extermination 中文意思翻译



extermination 网络释义

n. 消灭;根绝

extermination 短语词组

1、extermination by man ─── 人为灭绝

2、extermination dismemberment ─── 灭绝肢解

3、extermination day ─── 灭绝日

4、extermination of geometrical ─── 消灭几何学

5、racial extermination ─── [网络] 种族灭亡

6、extermination definition ─── 灭绝定义

7、extermination camps ─── 灭绝集中营

8、extermination order 1838 1838 ─── 年灭绝令

9、extermination dismemberment tour ─── 灭绝肢解之旅

10、Treblinka extermination camp ─── 特雷布林卡灭绝营

11、extermination method ─── 灭绝方法

12、extermination camp ( ─── 第二次世界大战期间纳粹德国的)灭绝(或死亡)集中营,大批杀人的集中营

13、extermination ps2 ─── 消灭ps2

extermination 词性/词形变化,extermination变形

动词过去分词: exterminated |动词现在分词: exterminating |动词过去式: exterminated |动词第三人称单数: exterminates |名词: extermination |形容词: exterminative |

extermination 相似词语短语

1、redetermination ─── n.重新决定;再决定

2、exterminative ─── adj.灭绝的;根除的

3、exterminator ─── n.根除者;(美)灭鼠药;(美)职业的消灭害虫者

4、termination ─── n.结束,终止

5、pretermination ─── 预终止

6、effemination ─── n.女性化(指男子)

7、determination ─── n.决心;果断;测定

8、exterminating ─── v.灭绝,根除;消灭(害虫),杀(虫)(exterminate的现在分词)

9、determinations ─── [分化]测定

extermination 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Frequent extermination of rats with poison by the whole people and forced extermination of rats in eptdemic areas were the effective and reliable methods for control of the focus of infection of EHF. ─── 全民连续性以药物为主的灭鼠和疫区强制灭鼠,是控制EHF疫源地有效、可靠的方法。

2、The extermination of poultry looks like what the Germans did to the Jews and the Japanese to the Chinese back in WWII. ─── 你不觉得像二战期间,德国人对犹太人、以及日本人对中国人的大屠杀吗?

3、The last proof of its silly cleverness is to be the extermination of all life on our planet. ─── 要用灭绝地球上的所有生命来最后证明它愚蠢的小聪明。

4、Extermination of species would be the most threatening change, the climate scientist said, as one ecological collapse led to another. ─── 气候科学家称 因生态系统的崩溃彼此相连, 物种绝种会是最大的威胁。

5、Is our race so destitute of wisdom, so incapable of impartial love, so blind even to the simplest dictates of self-preservation, that the last proof of its silly cleverness is to be the extermination of all life on our planet? ─── 人类是否如此缺少智慧,如此缺少无私的爱,如此盲目,甚至连自我保存的最简单命令都听不见,以致要用灭绝地球上的所有生命来最后证明它那缺乏理智的小聪明?

6、extermination of the antisocial mentality ─── 消除反社会心理

7、Make efforts for control and extermination of avian influenza ─── 为控制和扑灭禽流感而努力

8、But we shall say, with all the emphasis at our command, that the extermination of the Jewish people was not connected with any military action ─── 但是我们要说的,并且要尽力强调的是,灭绝犹太人的行为,与任何军事行动都扯不上关系。

9、One that exterminates, especially one whose occupation is the extermination of vermin. ─── 扑灭者,根除者扑灭者,根除者,尤指以消除害虫为业的人

10、Increasing salinity caused by the evaporation resulted in the extermination of scores of invertebrate species. ─── 蒸发引起的盐度增加导致了无脊椎动物物种的灭绝。

11、He built extermination camps, where he could kill many thousands of people at a time.Hitler blamed the German defeat in WWI on the Jews, and he hated them. ─── 二是利用早就深植于德及奥人心中的反犹意识和宗教情结,大肆鼓吹“犹太瘟疫”的谬论。

12、Jewish experiences in the 20th century have included the Nazi extermination or "holocaust" of most of European Jewry ─── 20世纪犹太人的经历包含了纳粹把大部分欧洲犹太人加以消灭或对他们进行“大屠杀”。

13、"Animal epidemic prevention" referred to in this Law includes prevention, control and extermination of animal epidemics as well as quarantine of animals and animal products. ─── 本法所称动物防疫,包括动物疫病的预防、控制、扑灭和动物、动物产品的检疫。

14、After the extermination of the Jedi ranks, lightsabers became rare relics. ─── 在绝地组织灭亡后,光剑成为一种罕见的文物。

15、The influence of electromagnetic radiation on the hatchability of gypsy moth was studied to provide theoretical basis for the research and application of insect extermination by physical irradiation. ─── 摘要该文研究了电磁辐射对舞毒蛾卵孵化率的影响,其目的是为物理辐照灭虫的研究和实际应用提供理论依据。

16、Overseas experiences have shown that extermination of pigeons, such as trapping or poisoning, does not solve the problem. ─── 根据外国经验,灭绝野鸽,例如设陷阱捕捉或以毒药毒杀均不能解决问题。

17、All door and window is sealed for the extermination of mosquito. ─── 为了消灭蚊子,所有的门窗都被封闭起来了。

18、rodent extermination ─── 灭鼠

19、Two people will not have any occurring together originally, because actually this unfortunate extermination massacre has arrived at one, and has had one marvelous chemical reaction: Love. ─── 原本两人不会有任何交集,却因为这不幸的灭门惨案走到了一起,并且产生了一种奇妙的化学反应:爱情。

20、CABAL: The Tacitus is necesarry, the extermination of Tratos was necesarry. ─── 塔西佗是必须的,消灭特拉托斯是必须的。

21、He was largely responsible for the logistics of the extermination of millions of people during the Holocaust, in particular Jews. ─── 在大屠杀时期,他帮助杀死了上百万的人,尤其是犹太人。

22、A young knight of the Order, whose only purpose previously was the extermination of all demons, was immediately ordered to pursue the mysterious assassin.... ─── 一位在"魔剑教团"从以前只有扑灭所有恶魔为目标的年轻骑士,很快就被指派去追捕这位神秘刺客。

23、Naturalists like Clive Walker helped establish the Lapalala Wilderness to help bring animals like rhinos back from the brink of extermination . ─── 克莱夫。渥克等自然学家协助开拓了拉巴拉拉野地,以协助将犀牛等动物从绝种边缘拯救回来。

24、2,One could not hunt whales at will without risking their extermination or catch herring limitlessly without threatening survival of the stock. ─── 人们不可能随心所欲地捕鲸而不使其遭致灭绝的危险,或无限制地捕捞鲱鱼而不威胁到该物种的繁衍生息。”

25、General Younis said that without Nato action, Misrata residents faced extermination within a week. ─── Younis将军表示,如果北约不采取行动,米苏拉塔居民一周之内即将灭绝。

26、Her idealistic pacifism was just an outgrowth of her spoiled ways -- demanding the extermination of weaponry just because she said so. ─── 当她最后发觉武器的防御价钱时我总算感触她再有点希冀了。

27、Then it was found that the extermination was an accident, caused when an asteroid hit the Earth. ─── 然后人们发现灭绝是偶然的,是由小行星撞击地球引起的。

28、But not all Talons espouse the humans' extermination. ─── 但是不是所有的魔爪都支持杀光人类。

29、In summary, Stalin's measures included drawing togeter,assimilation, persecution, exploitage, extermination,etc. ─── 先后经历了拉拢和同化、迫害、利用、消灭等阶段。

30、and urban crows whose extermination he ordered after being pecked by one. ─── 因叨了他一下便被赶尽杀绝的乌鸦。

31、Then it was that the fire of rebellion blazed up among the people whose extermination had been decreed. ─── 接着,在这个被判处要被消灭的人民中暴发起反抗的烈火。

32、Later, the flood of human experience, ethnic extermination, Fuxi and Nuwa only brother and sister duo, the two had married human reproduction. ─── 后来人类遭遇洪水,人种灭绝,只剩伏羲与女娲兄妹二人,两人不得不成婚繁衍人类。

33、Nature is only emulating your own behavior in association with the mass extermination of mankind on the part of mankind. ─── 大自然只是仿效你们自己的行为:即由人类自身屠杀大多数人类的行为。

34、Oslash; The Aerospace Extermination Squadron decimates Cybertron. ─── 太空灭绝者军团横扫塞伯坦。

35、extermination camp ─── 灭绝营

36、Health Education in Extermination of Harmful Rodents in Jilin Province ─── 健康教育在吉林市农村灭鼠工作的应用

37、someone who exterminates; someone whose occupation is the extermination of troublesome rodents and insects. ─── 一个从事消灭工作的人;一个以根除啮齿动物和害虫为职业的人。

38、1.to become extinct; to die out 2.to exterminate; to kill off; to extirpate3.annihilation; extinction; disappearance; extermination ─── 灭绝

39、The forestry administration says it plans to launch an extermination campaign that includes insecticides and natural enemies of the moths. ─── 国家林业局说,计划进行灭虫运动,包括使用农药和白蛾的天敌。

40、Pol pot's eventual aim seems to have been the complete extermination of the Cham as a people ─── 波尔布特的最终目标似乎是使占族人作为一个民族彻底被消灭。这里的民族是使用

41、Failure to comply with this process will result in a cataclysmic system crash killing everyone connected to the matrix, which coupled with the extermination of Zion will ultimately result in the extinction of the entire human race. ─── 不[执行]此程序,系统将会遭到猛烈的当机,(而这)会杀死连接著矩阵的每一个人,(若是这样,再)加上锡安城的灭迹,人类最终(的结局)是绝种。

42、Children of fourteen were considered "independent" for purposes of transport to the extermination camps. ─── 为了把犹太人运往灭绝集中营,14岁的儿童就被视做“独立”的人。

43、Instant extermination of bacteria at milk, Soya- Bean milk and fruit juice etc, the features: high ef energy saving, simple operation and excellent effectiveness etc. ─── 本机广泛用于牛奶、豆奶、果汁等液态物料高温瞬时灭菌,它具。

44、Even if they're spared extermination, beasts lucky enough to survive the shelling and gun battles begin dying within a day or two from lack of water, then from lack of food. ─── 即便逃过此劫,有幸从炮击和枪战中幸存的动物也难以在缺乏水源和食物的条件下挨过几天。

45、Their extermination shall be for their own good. ─── 为了他们自己,他们必须被消灭。

46、Later, when it became clear that the Serbs were engaging in the systematic slaughter of Bosnian Muslims, especially targeting local leaders for extermination, I suggested lifting the arms embargo. ─── 后来,人们逐渐了解到,塞族人有计划地有步骤地屠杀波斯尼亚的穆斯林,特别是有目标地扫除当地领导人。

47、Officials in Mouding County in southwestern Yunnan Province had ordered the mass extermination of dogs, pets as well as strays, after three people died in a rabies outbreak. ─── 三个狂犬病患者死后,云南牟定当局已经要求集中灭绝全部的狗和流浪宠物。

48、This story deals in part with the Jewess Esther and how she managed to save her people from extermination after she became the wife of the king of Persia. ─── 残存的遗址、美丽的服装,动听的人声和唱、不时跳出来的主持解说人,很有意思。到了结尾,居然出现现代的汽车、房子、儿童,让我大吃一惊。

49、fast extermination ─── 急剿

50、Any army which,losing the initiative,is forced into a passive position and ceases to have freedom of action,faces the danger of defeat or extermination. ─── 军队失掉了主动权,被逼处于被动地位,这个军队就不自由,就有被消灭或被打败的危险。

51、extermination of Buddhism in Northern Wei ─── 北魏灭佛

52、extermination of an entire family (a punishment in ancient times) ─── 夷族

53、extermination of the antisocial behavior ─── 消除反社会行为

54、There have also been reports of smaller extermination schemes in other parts of the country, notably in Sichuan Province. ─── 也有报道说四川也有少规模的的集中灭犬计划。

55、Mere size, on the contrary, would in some cases determine, as has been remarked by Owen, quicker extermination from the greater amount of requisite food. ─── 恰恰相反,只体格一项,如欧文所指出的,在有的场合,由于需要食物较多,已足以招致迅速灭绝。

56、It is fated that things run counter to his wishes.Taking actions means failure and extermination, which illustrates the absurdity of human life. ─── 事与愿违,这是命中注定的,行动就意味着失败与毁灭,人生悖谬莫过于此。

57、Which, coupled with the extermination of Zion will ultimately result in the extinction of the entire human race. ─── 再加上锡安被摧毁的命运,这就等于是全人类的灭亡。

58、The Karen people comprising mostly of poor Christian farmers have been singled out for extermination. ─── 卡伦帮内部从事农业耕种的、贫困的基督徒被挑选出来并屠杀。

59、Armenians say the mass extermination of their forebears was genocide. ─── 亚美尼亚国内声称对他们先辈的屠戮是一次种族灭绝。

60、The former Nazi extermination camp, which is now called the "Muzeum Auschwitz, " receives a few hundred thousand visitors a year. ─── 曾经的纳粹灭绝营,现在成为了奥斯维辛博物馆,每年接收十几万的游客。

61、If a people's revolutionary force is to avoid extermination by Chiang Kai-shek and to compel him to acknowledge its existence, it has no alternative but to wage a tit-for-tat struggle against his counter-revolutionary policies. ─── 任何的人民革命力量如果要避免为蒋介石所消灭,并迫使他承认这种力量的存在,除了对于他的反革命政策作针锋相对的斗争,便无他路可循。

62、Speaking to students in the eastern French city of Strasbourg, Mr. Obama said the spread of nuclear weapons could lead to the extermination of any city on the planet. ─── 奥巴马在法国东部城市斯特拉斯堡对学生说,核武器的扩散能毁灭地球上的任何一个城市。

63、The Use of Sodium Hypochlorite in Extermination of Aglae in The Circulative Water of Air Compressor ─── 次氯酸钠在杀灭空压机循环水藻类中的应用

64、The Contractor shall coordinate all extermination services, and heavy duty cleaning performed by other contracted services required within the designated Food service areas. ─── 承包者应协调所有灭绝服务,以及由指定餐饮服务区内所需的合同规定的其他服务进行的繁重的清洗。

65、One could not hunt whales at will without risking their extermination or catch herring limitlessly without threatening survival of the stock. ─── 人们不可能随心所欲地捕鲸而不使其遭致灭绝的危险,或无限制地捕捞鲱鱼而不威胁到该物种的繁衍生息。

66、Haman and his friends cast lots as to when they should carry out this extermination and decided that almost a year later would be the most suitable time. ─── 哈曼和他的谋士掣签来决定何时进行这个歼灭的行动,最后选定一年后的某日是最佳的时机。

67、All door and window were sealed for the extermination of mosquito. ─── 为了消灭蚊子,所有的门窗都被封闭起来了。

68、During the Holocaust, many of the Mallahs who stayed in Salonika or moved to France were deported to concentration and extermination camps. ─── 在大屠杀期间,很多有关的mallahs留在萨洛尼卡或转移到法国人被驱逐到浓度和灭绝营。

69、“THE choice for our people, Mr President, is between statehood and extermination. ─── “总统阁下,我们的人民的选择是,要么建国,要么绝种。”

70、overhunting an animal is an obvious form of extermination, but there are more subtle processes that often have the same fatal result. ─── 过量地捕杀一种动物是致使其灭绝的明显的形式,还有一些更隐晦的过程带有同样致命的后果。

71、gradual extermination ─── 渐剿

72、Extermination of Homes of Household Bacteria ─── 捣毁家居细菌的黑窝点

73、"Extermination is good doctrine, my wife," said Defarge, rather troubled; "in general, I say nothing against it. ─── “斩草除根是个好理论,老婆,”德伐日颇感到为难,“大体说来我并不反对。

74、The Study about Effect of DBD on Bacteria Extermination and Physiological Parameters of Paddy Grain ─── DBD对稻谷杀菌效果及生理参数的影响

75、One year later Jefferson continued anti-Indian statements by adding that America must “pursue [the Indians] to extermination, or drive them to new seats beyond our reach“. ─── 一年后,杰弗逊变本加利、公然宣告:媒国必须灭绝整个印第安种族,或将他们驱赶到人迹不至的天涯海角。

76、Officials there said their extermination plan was scheduled to begin later this month. ─── 当地官员说他们的灭犬计划这个月做好。

77、The best-known destination for dark tourism is the Nazi extermination camp at Auschwitz in Poland. ─── 波兰的纳粹奥斯威辛集中营是最有名的黑色旅游地点。

78、"The tribunal defined the offenses as crimes against peace (planning and waging of war in violation of treaties), crimes against humanity (extermination, deportation, and genocide), and war crimes. " ─── 军事法庭定义其罪名如下︰反和平罪(破坏国际条约,策画和进行侵略战争)、反人道罪(灭绝、驱逐和灭绝种族)和战争罪。

79、But when the second Jewish revolt began in 132AD he suppressed it with a fury that Mr Opper describes as “a slow extermination campaign”. ─── 但是,当公元132年爆发第二次犹太起义时,哈德良狂暴地将之镇压,奥珀先生称之为“一个缓慢的屠杀行动”。

80、We shall show you the photographs of their starved bodies thrown into manure wagons, of the helpless little ones on the threshold of the extermination chambers. ─── 从另一些照片,你们可以看到他们被饿坏的躯体被抛上粪肥车,看到即将送入毒气室的无助的小孩子。

81、But pond local police station Instructor Liu told the reporters, this extermination document is he the most flagitious case which has seen since the police 20 years. ─── 可塘派出所刘指导员告诉记者,这起灭门案是他从警20年以来看到的最为凶残的案件。

82、war of extermination ─── 歼灭战

83、What judgments does he offer about the enslavement of blacks and the extermination of Native Americans in America? ─── 对于黑人的奴役和美洲原住民的消灭,他提出怎样的批评?

84、" Self-denigration and the extermination of another race are entirely different matters, yet Wang conflates the two and thereby displays a disturbing ignorance concerning what racism actually is. ─── ”自我贬低和对其他民族的灭绝是完全两回事,但是王小东把二者混为一谈,暴露出他对什么是种族主义叫人讨厌的无知。

85、incapable of extermination or extirpation . ─── 不能够被消灭或者根除。

86、The retrieval of the Tacitus, the extermination of Tratos and other such endeavors. ─── 在整个第一次泰伯利亚战争中都能看到它们的身影。

87、The bipeds began firing at long range, setting the buildings ablaze to drive the prey out for more convenient extermination. ─── 双足兽开始在远处开火,点燃建筑物,好把里面的猎物赶出来,以便屠杀。

88、The reason is The humanity crazily kills The wild biology,Ecological environment pollution and destroy by, Making more and more species already or being extermination. ─── 由于人类对野生生物的狂捕杀,对生态环境的污染和破坏,使得地球上越来越多的物种已经或正在遭遇灭顶之灾。

89、extermination of disease and insect pest ─── 病虫害防治

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