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08-14 投稿


debilitated 发音

英:[d??b?l?te?t?d]  美:[d??b?l?te?t?d]

英:  美:

debilitated 中文意思翻译



debilitated 词性/词形变化,debilitated变形

动词第三人称单数: debilitates |动词现在分词: debilitating |名词: debilitation |动词过去式: debilitated |形容词: debilitative |动词过去分词: debilitated |

debilitated 短语词组

1、debilitated house ─── 衰弱的房子

2、debilitated patients ─── 体弱患者

3、debilitated pain ─── 衰弱的疼痛

4、debilitated verb ─── 弱化动词

5、debilitated spirit ─── 衰弱的精神

6、debilitated fatigue ─── 衰弱性疲劳

7、debilitated poe ─── 衰弱的坡

8、debilitated sun ─── 衰弱的太阳

9、debilitated syn ─── 衰弱综合征

10、debilitated f ─── 衰弱的f

11、debilitated their trust ─── 削弱了他们的信任

debilitated 相似词语短语

1、rehabilitated ─── v.使恢复;使复权;恢复名誉(rehabilitate的过去分词)

2、debilitation ─── n.衰弱;乏力

3、delimitated ─── v.给……划定界限(等于delimit);定义

4、debilitate ─── vt.使衰弱;使虚弱

5、nobilitated ─── 高贵的

6、debilitative ─── 退缩性;抑制性

7、debilitates ─── vt.使衰弱;使虚弱

8、habilitated ─── v.取得任职资格;(使)合适,有能力;给……穿衣;给(煤矿)提供设备(或资金)

9、debilitating ─── adj.使衰弱的;v.使虚弱(debilitate的ing形式)

debilitated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The siege of pneumonia debilitated him completely. ─── 肺炎的长期折磨,使他变得很虚弱。

2、Prolonged strike action debilitated the industry. ─── 长时间的罢工削弱了这个行业的活力。

3、He is debilitated by excess. ─── 他因生活不知节制而衰弱。

4、Her already debilitated constitution is being further weakenedby overwork and smoking. ─── 她那本已虚弱的身体由于劳累过度和抽烟而变得更弱了。

5、The dream came to me night after night until one day, I felt debilitated and fell down in the washroom with a shock and much sweating. ─── 这个梦重复了许多个夜晚,终于有一天,我病倒了,流了一身的虚汗,休克倒在了卫生间。

6、an enfeebled condition or debilitated state thought to result from such an influence ─── 由这种影响而导致的一种衰弱的情况或虚弱的状态

7、be debilitated by ─── 因 ... 而衰弱

8、Often this aspect creates a relationship in which you both feel inferior, unsuccessful, and debilitated. ─── 通常这带来的关系会让你们双方都感到自卑、失败和疲惫不堪。

9、One example is a part of the brain called the hippocampus, which is a primary locus of memory formation, but which can be seriously debilitated by chronic stress. ─── 有一个例子是大脑中有个部位被称为海马区的,是记忆最初形成的地方,但是会被长期的压力严重损坏。

10、As saidearlier, Mercury will be in a debilitated state now that it's retrograde, butto be confronted by Uranus too is overwhelming. ─── 像之前说到的,水星将会处在微弱状态逆行,但是与天王星的对冲威力也将势不可挡。

11、The troops were severely debilitated by hunger and disease. ─── 饥饿和疾病严重削弱了部队的战斗力。

12、it had debilitated him for a moment. ─── 这让他在一瞬间变得衰弱无比。

13、A kiss; the sight of such an act had almost debilitated him once, when Rick Hunter and Lisa Hayes performed it on a Zentraedi meeting table. ─── 一个吻;当年看到瑞克·卡特和丽莎·海斯在天顶星会议桌上上演这一幕时,他曾动弹不得。

14、Special patient population: Dosage should be reduced in the elderly or debilitated because these patients may be more sensitive to phenobarbital. ─── 特殊病人:老人或体弱病人应减少剂量,因为这些病人对苯巴比妥更敏感。

15、"Our task, therefore, is to ensure that Germany can fight the war for as long as possible so that an exhausted and debilitated England and France are in no condition to destroy a Sovietised Germany. ─── “因此我们的任务是确保德国会尽可能地打这场战争,以至于一个筋疲力尽和衰弱的英国和法国在没有任何条件下去摧毁一个苏维埃化的德国。”

16、Infortunes afflicting the place of children, if they be but a little weak, the Native may have children, if much debilitated, the children he has will die, if they be very weak he be wholly barren. ─── 凶星刑克代表孩子的宫位,如果其只是轻微弱势,盘主可能会有孩子;如果弱势较明显,盘主的小孩会夭折;如果相当弱势,那么盘主不会有小孩。

17、Fish dragged white, mucosity and long shit The fish debilitated rapidly and died. ─── 鱼迅速衰弱,直至死亡。

18、be debilitated by excess ─── 因生活不知节制而衰弱

19、Chelsea's security has been debilitated by John Terry's absence. ─── 切尔西的后防因为的缺席出现了问题。

20、Oh, my dear teacher, you’re just like the red candle, your debilitated, thin body shakes like the flickering flame.But do you know, in your students’ eyes, you’re so steady! ─── 红烛啊,你摇曳的烛焰就像您疲惫、瘦弱的身躯那么飘摇,可在学生的眼里却是那么的坚定!

21、For the next eight years he struggled with suboptimal treatment that left him debilitated from musculoskeletal pain. ─── 在以后的8年里,他一直遭受着不大恰当的治疗,使他的身体因肌肉骨骼疼痛而虚弱不堪。

22、He was greatly debilitated by lack of food. ─── 他因吃不饱变得非常虚弱。

23、Diurnally becoming debilitated ─── 日趋衰弱

24、It is more practical and more easy to perform for aged and debilitated patients. ─── 且患者舒适,特别适合高龄和重症患者,便于临床推广应用。

25、It is preceded by bronchial infection and is commonest in children (measles and whooping cough) and the elderly (chronic bronchitis and hypostatic pneumonia in debilitated patients in bed). ─── 发病之前有支气管感染,这在儿童(麻疹及百日咳)及老年人(慢性支气管炎及卧床不起者的体位性肺炎)最常见。

26、Our politics are debilitated by the virus of cagey noncommitment. ─── 我们的政治立场减弱是受谨守中立之害。

27、We couldn't be debilitated because of working for several years. ─── 我们不会因为只辛苦工作几年就变得疲惫不堪。

28、this allowed her intestinal tract to recover and ascend into a new and less debilitated state. ─── 这允许她的肠胃回复并提升入一个少有疲劳的状态。

29、Dosages are reduced for debilitated patients and for the geriatric population. ─── 虚弱病人和老年病人适当减量。

30、She has been debilitated by dysentery. ─── 她让痢疾搞得身体非常虚弱.

31、Also, with your ruler, Mercury, debilitated, you won't be able to make deals and plans that stick in September. ─── 另外,由于您的主星水星的力量被削弱,因此您在9月中无法做出任何决定或制定任何计划。

32、He has unwittingly created a vicious cycle where the more he learns, the more debilitated he becomes; ─── 他不知不觉地制造了一个危险的循环,他学的越多,他变得越疲惫不堪;

33、Terror that he had lost her; it had debilitated him for a moment. ─── 他惧怕失去她;这让他在一瞬间变得衰弱无比。

34、They became progressiely more debilitated and profuse watery and bloody liquid filled the lungs. ─── 它们变得日益虚弱,大量水性带血的液体充斥于其肺部。

35、Often times the brain is so debilitated in the current limitation of form that more knowledge is stored in the nonphysical brain than in the physicality of the form. ─── 经常的,在当前身体的局限中大脑是如此操劳过度,所以更多的知识被储存在非物质的大脑,而不是身体物质层中。

36、The last part is a complex family drama about a debilitated father who forces his family to leave him, only to have a bittersweet reunion when his daughter's life is threatened. ─── 好丈夫因意外丧失性能力,不愿妻子痛苦,故作暴躁举动,让其妻带著女儿离去,十年后,一家才得以谅解,再次重聚。

37、In order to preserve quality of life, and lessen operative morbidity, a conservative local excision might be a treatment option for primary anorectal melanoma, particularly in debilitated patients. ─── 对于肝硬化或其它慢性病之病人,为保有良好之生活品质与减少术中或术后并发症,局部切除应为另一选择之手术方法。

38、An enfeebled condition or debilitated state thought to result from such an influence. ─── 瘫痪,无能状态由这种影响而导致的一种衰弱的情况或虚弱的状态

39、Her already debilitated constitution is being further weakened by overwork and smoking. ─── 她那本已虚弱的身体由于劳累过度和抽烟而变得更弱了

40、They are debilitated by the male sex hormone testosterone and, to make matters worse, men, who tend to be larger than women, are encumbered by their size. ─── 男性激素睾丸素导致男子的身体比较弱,更糟的是,男子往往比女子块头大,所以在体格上也吃了亏。

41、Steroids are usually prescribed to patients, who have breast cancer, low red blood cell count, delayed puberty and debilitated states resulting from surgery or sickness. ─── 类固醇通常是按处方服用,用于治疗乳癌、低于红血球计数、青春期延迟或由手术或疾病所造成衰弱等疾病。

42、In poor physical condition;sick or debilitated. ─── 身体不好的;

43、The czar was debilitated and couldn't take over, setting the stage for the rise of the Bolsheviks. ─── 沙皇独 裁者被这个病折磨得虚弱无力,没法接手王室,因此而出现了布尔什维克的崛起。

44、So why are Europe’s leaders so debilitated? ─── 为什么欧洲的领导人都是如此的软弱?

45、Van Vliet's research shows that people who feel debilitated by shame tend to internalize and over-personalize the situation. ─── 凡弗利特的研究表明,那些由于羞耻让他们感到疲惫不堪的的人们往往存在内部化和过度个性化的情况。

46、Stewart took over yesterday when Russell was debilitated by a stomach virus. ─── 昨天因拉塞尔患有肠炎身体变得虚弱,斯图尔特已经接管了他的工作。

47、Emphysematous cholecystitis is a comparatively rare but life-threatening disease, most frequently seen in elderly, debilitated, or diabetic patients. ─── 摘要气肿性胆囊炎是一种少见但致命性急性胆囊炎的并发症,特别是老年人、抵抗力差者、糖尿病色者。

48、In the South, on the other hand, you had a population that was either decimated or debilitated by the disease. ─── 而相反在南方,人们要么被黄热病害死,要么被这个病折磨得虚弱无力”。

49、Deprived of strength; debilitated. ─── 无力的;衰弱的

50、His grip on his kingdom weakened as he became increasingly mentally unstable and physically debilitated. ─── 当他逐渐心智失常、身体衰弱后,放松了控制王国的力量。

51、In poor physical condition; sick or debilitated. ─── 身体不好的;有病的,不舒服的

52、Symptom: there are some small spots nearby the forehead and eyes, then turned into big hole.Fish dragged white, mucosity and long shit The fish debilitated rapidly and died. ─── 症状:额头和眼睛附近有一个或数个小点,然后转变为大洞。病鱼排白色粘液便粘于肛门呈拖粪状。鱼迅速衰弱,直至死亡。

53、Sufferers are often debilitated and unable to read, recognize faces or drive, and the condition worsens with age. ─── 该病患者通常容易眼睛疲惫,并在阅读,认人和驾驶方面都有困难,而且情况会随着年龄增长而恶化。

54、The dream came to me night after night until one day, I felt debilitated and fell down in the washroom with a shock and much sweating. ─── 这个梦重复了许多个夜晚,终于有一天,我病倒了,流了一身的虚汗,休克倒在了卫生间。

55、Now I need some rest, this evening's game has really debilitated me. ─── 现在我需要休息一下,这个夜晚让我精疲力竭。”

56、Their top-ranking massage art will bring debilitated you to sweet dreamland quickly, just like magician. ─── 一流的按摩技术,如魔术师般让疲惫的您瞬间进入甜蜜的梦乡。

57、The patient had been so debilitated by the fever that he lacked the strength to sit up. ─── 病人热得虚弱之极,他都没有力气坐起来。

58、We are all debilitated by the extreme heat. ─── 我们都因为酷热而虚弱无力。

59、One woman was so debilitated after treatment stopped that doctors could not even give her a psychological examination, and she died less than two years after beginning therapy. ─── 其中一位妇女在停药后仍十分衰弱,医生甚至连心理评估都无法进行;她于治疗开始后两年内就过世了。

60、We desire to see ascension come forth in the human species, and consumption of flesh is necessary for most humans due to the debilitated nature of the intestinal tract. ─── 我们希望看见提升出现在人类种族之中,由于肠道的衰弱本性,大部分人类还是有食用肉类的必要。

61、The problem is that patients who wait too long become so debilitated that recovery is harder and function is often not fully regained. ─── 问题在于,有些病人等得太久,拖得太虚弱,使得治疗变困难了,常常无法痊愈。

62、Terror that he had lost her; it had debilitated him for a moment. ─── 他惧怕失去她;这让他在一瞬间变得衰弱无比。

63、The whole Body quickly became debilitated, and hands, feet, mouth, and eyes, when too late, repented of their folly. ─── 整个身体很快地就衰弱了,手、脚、口以及眼,这才悔恨他们的愚蠢,但是为时己晚了。

64、Sufferers are often debilitated and unable to read, recognize faces or drive, and the condition worsens with age. ─── 该病患者通常容易眼睛疲惫,并在阅读,认人和驾驶方面都有困难,而且情况会随着年龄增长而恶化。

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