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08-14 投稿


forwarded 发音

英:[?f??w?d?d]  美:[?f??rw?rd?d]

英:  美:

forwarded 中文意思翻译



forwarded 短语词组

1、auto forwarded indication ─── [计] 自动转发指示

2、forwarded ip ─── 转发ip

3、forwarded for delivery ─── 已转发以供交付

4、forwarded message ─── [计] 转发的电文

5、forwarded abstract ─── 发送摘要

6、forwarded IP message indication ─── [计] 转发的个人间电文指示

7、forwarded msg ─── 转发的消息

8、forwarded meaning in tamil ─── 泰米尔语中的转发意思

9、forwarded call ─── 转发的呼叫

10、forwarded to publisher ─── 转发给发布者

11、forwarded by ─── 转发人

12、abstract received and forwarded ─── [经] 发出和到达货物摘要

13、forwarded game ─── 转发的游戏

14、forwarded IP message ─── [计] 转发的个人间电文

15、forwarded def ─── 转发定义

16、forwarded from ─── 从……转寄

17、forwarded from me ─── 从我处转发

18、forwarded to the courier ─── 转发给快递员

19、forwarded to the carrier ─── 转发给承运人

forwarded 词性/词形变化,forwarded变形

过去分词:forwarded 原型:forward

forwarded 相似词语短语

1、forwardly ─── adv.在前方;热心地;冒失地

2、forwander ─── forwander公司

3、forewarded ─── 前言

4、forward ─── adv.向前地;按顺序地;迈向成功;进入显著的位置;向将来;提前;在(或向)船头;adj.向前的;(交通工具)前面的;早的;迅速的;与将来有关的;鲁莽的;预先的;v.发送;转寄;促进;运送;n.(运动队的)前锋;(货币的)期货协议;n.(Forward)(美、加、英、澳)福沃德(人名)

5、forwearied ─── adj.筋疲力尽的,极疲倦的

6、forwarder ─── n.运送者,促进者;传送装置

7、forwarders ─── n.货运承揽人;短材集运机;转发器(forwarder的复数)

8、forrarder ─── 福拉德

9、forwards ─── adv.向前;今后

forwarded 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The letter has been forwarded to him. ─── 信已经转给他了。

2、The soldiers crept forward under cover of darkness. ─── 士兵在夜色的掩护下匍匐前进。

3、The questions put forward at the meeting are of vital importance. ─── 会上提出的那些问题极其重要。

4、On their way forward, they are bound to run into twists and turns. ─── 在前进的道路上,他们是一定会碰到曲折的。

5、A variety of Russian goods are forwarded through Sweden . ─── 各种俄国货都是由瑞典转运来的。

6、He leaned forward the better to see(her face). ─── 他俯身向前,以便看得清楚些(以便更好地看清她的面容)。

7、Roll on Christmas! I'm looking forward to all the good food. ─── 圣诞节快点来吧!我期盼着那所有的美味佳肴呢!

8、The Forwarded field is preceded by a comma. ─── “转发”字段以逗号开头。

9、The people are looking forward to being delivered from the nasties. ─── 人民期待着从不愉快的状况中解脱出来。

10、An upward leap made by a trained horse without going forward and with the hind legs kicked out. ─── 原地腾跃一匹受驯马的向上跳跃但不向前走动,同时后腿踢出

11、Directed forward and upward, as the hairs on certain plant stems. ─── 向前的,向上的向前的、向上的,如某些植物茎上所生的绒毛

12、If we push forward, we can get home before dark. ─── 加紧赶路,在天黑之前就能够到家了。

13、They forwarded his mail to his new address. ─── 他们把他的邮件寄到他的新地址。

14、He denied he had forwarded the data to any other party or used it to benefit UBS and returned the information when Citibank requested it. ─── 他否认自己曾将这些信息传给任何其它一方,或是利用它们为瑞银谋取利益,并表示,在花旗银行提出要求之后,他交还了这些信息。

15、She go forward a few yards, checked and turn back. ─── 她向前走了几码,突然停住脚步又返回来。

16、He put forward a constructive suggestion. ─── 他提出了一个建设性的建议。

17、She stepped forward in order to see clearly. ─── 她向前走了一步以便能看得更清楚

18、An airplane built to fly vertically as well as forward. ─── 垂直升降飞机一种既可向前飞亦可垂直飞行的飞机

19、The summer crops were forward this year. ─── 今年夏季农作物成熟得早。

20、information you requested is being forwarded to you under separate cover. ─── 另函寄上所要资料。

21、He is forward in his English. ─── 他的英语有进步。

22、Put your best foot forward and you will succeed. ─── 只要全力以赴你会成功。

23、He tried to forward his father's plan. ─── 他努力想促成父亲的计划。

24、Bidding on forward contracts for corn. ─── 为玉米的期货交易叫价

25、Requests the acceptance of a fountain pen forwarded herewith. ─── 奉上钢笔一支,聊表敬意,务请笑纳。

26、After eating out of packets and tins for a fortnight while camping. I'm really looking forward to a decent square meal. ─── 在野营中吃了两星期的罐头食品,现在我真想吃一顿象样的美味饭菜。

27、He pitched (forward) on his head. ─── 他(向前)一头栽倒。

28、She found herself looking forward more and more eagerly to this great day. ─── 她发现自己越来越殷切地期待着这个伟大的日子。

29、The spring flowers are rather forward this year. ─── 今年春天的花儿开得相当早。

30、She rushed forward in complete contempt of danger. ─── 她完全不顾危险往前冲去。

31、It's not fair, he got to the front by shouldering his way forward; make him move to the back! ─── 他是用肩膀挤到前面去的,这不公平; 把他弄到后面去!

32、Zhao said the information was not at hand but would be forwarded shortly through email or SMS. ─── 赵说,这些资料是不是在手,但会通过电子邮件或短信转发不久。

33、Dear Sir, I'm writing to you to complain about the goods forwarded to us a week ago. ─── 我给你写信是投诉你们一周前发来的货物,这些货物无法令人满意。

34、Of course, you shall put your best foot forward. ─── 你当然应该尽量给人留下个好印象。

35、In rugby football, passing forward is against the rules. ─── 在橄榄球比赛中,往前传球是犯规的。

36、He put forward a new theory. ─── 他提出了一种新理论。

37、It was forwarded to me by various people, including a female Financial Times reader based in London. ─── 好几个人将这份电邮转给了我,其中包括一位常驻伦敦的英国《金融时报》的女性读者。

38、He put forward a very good suggestion at the meeting. ─── 他在会上提出了一个很好的建议。

39、The meeting had been put forward an hour. ─── 会议提前一小时举行。

40、The theory he put forward at the meeting was entirely at fault and was therefore unacceptable. ─── 他在会上提出的理论完全不可靠,因此是不能接受的。

41、Kindly forward these by fast freight. enclosed please find a draft as per memorandum bill you send us. ─── 上述货物,请尽快发货。按照贵公司寄我司的价格单,同函寄上汇票一份,请查收。

42、As he moved threateningly forward she shrank (back) from him. ─── 他步步逼近,把她吓得直(向後)退缩。

43、He fast-forwarded the tape past the explosion. ─── 他让磁带快进,跳过了爆炸部分。

44、Can you bring forward any proof? ─── 你能提出证据吗?

45、They dashed forward in contempt of danger. ─── 他们不顾危险冲上前去。

46、If you send email that gets forwarded to a pager or telephone, that device might be unable to display the special formatting, too. ─── 如果您发送的邮件被转发到寻呼机或电话,该设备可能无法显示特殊格式。

47、He shouted for them to go forward. ─── 他大叫,要他们向前进。

48、A usually high-speed ski turn used for changing the direction of descent or stopping, performed by shifting the weight forward and turning with the skis kept parallel. ─── 作制动转弯在转变下滑方向或停止时的高速滑雪旋转,通过向前转移重量并平行地旋转滑雪板来完成

49、Looking farther forward to the end of the century ... ─── 再向前展望到本世纪末 ...

50、He said he could beat any man there singled-hand-ed, but he pulled in his horns when Jack came forward. ─── 他说他能单枪匹马打败任何对手,但当杰克出现时,他退缩了。

51、At this critical moment, several of the men stepped forward. ─── 在这关键时刻,几位战士挺身而出。

52、They looked forward very much to seeing him again. ─── 他们非常盼望再次见到他。

53、He spurred forward to his destination. ─── 他驱马疾驰,直奔目的地。

54、Most cars have four forward gears. ─── 大多数汽车有四个前进挡。

55、They are looking forward to her visit. ─── 他们在期待着她的来访。

56、The forward part of the deck of a ship, usually the main deck. ─── 前甲板船甲板的前面部分,通常是主甲板

57、It's not like him to put forward suggestions wholly void of sense. ─── 他才不会提毫无见识的建议呢。

58、The meeting has been brought forward from 10 May to 3 May. ─── 会议已由5月10日提前到5月3日召开。

59、The injured left forward was compelled to sit out the rest of the play. ─── 受伤的左前锋只好退出比赛,在剩下的时间里坐在一旁。

60、He put forward a plan for improving the rate of production. ─── 他提出了一个提高生产率的计划。

61、They never met from that day forward. ─── 他们从那天以後再也未能相见。

62、He listened to all the suggestions put forward, took notes from time to time, but kept his own counsel. ─── 他倾听提出的所有建议,不是地做着记录,但不发表任何意见。

63、The two teams were drawing with only three minutes of play left in the Cup Final when Chelsea's centre forward pulled a master stroke and headed the ball into the net from outside the penalty area. ─── 在足球锦标赛的最后3分钟时,两队还是不分胜负,突然切尔斯队的中锋非常出色地在罚球区之外将功赎罪球顶入了网内。

64、Instead of pressing forward, then drew back. ─── 他们不仅没有前进,反而后退了。

65、The forward, discharging end of the barrel of a firearm. ─── 喷嘴消防队员用的水管的末端排出口部分

66、In1860, a better plan was put forward by an Englishman, William Low. ─── 1860年,一位名叫WilliamLow的英国人提出了一项更好的计划。

67、His head sank forward on his breast. ─── 他的头垂向胸前。

68、She rushed forward in contemning dangers. ─── 她不顾危险往前冲。

69、You ought to put your watch forward ten minutes. ─── 你应该把表朝前拨快十分钟。

70、Only one witness of the accident has come forward. ─── 只有一人站出来为这次事件作见证。

71、They decided to bring forward the date of the next meeting. ─── 他们决定将下一次会议的日期提前。

72、He has decided to go forward with his plans. ─── 他己决定实施自己的计划。

73、He put forward a baffling question. ─── 他提出了一个难题。

74、He bent forward to listen to the child. ─── 他弯下身来听那孩子说话。

75、He said he could beat any man there single-handed, but he drew his horns when Jack came forward. ─── 他扬言能单独击败在场的任何人,但当杰克走过来时他便缩头了。

76、Perhaps if he prayed, the wish to see Christ Minster might be forwarded. ─── 也许他祷告一番,就可以帮助他实现他想看见基督寺的愿望。

77、A player in certain games, such as basketball, soccer, or hockey, who is part of the forward line of the offense. ─── 前锋在一些运动中(如篮球,足球或曲棍球)在前线进攻线上的运动员

78、A forward spin on a ball resulting from such a stroke. ─── 上旋上部击球形成的向前向上旋转

79、A projecting forward part, such as the front end of a ski. ─── 前端的突出部分向前突出的前端,比如滑雪板的前端

80、That is, no information is available for messages to be forwarded. ─── 也就是说,不提供任何有关要转发的消息的信息。

81、He sent the horse forward with a slap on its rump. ─── 他拍了一下马的屁股,马便向前跑去。

82、The central forward portion of the lower jaw. ─── 下巴下颚中间向前突出的部分

83、When he's out on the road, office calls are forwarded to the cellular phone in his truck. ─── 当他外出在路上时,打到办公室的电话便被转到他卡车中的移动电话上。

84、He forwarded his friend's plan. ─── 他曾协助他朋友的计划。

85、It was getting dark, so the travellers pressed forward. ─── 天快黑了,因此旅客们加紧赶路。

86、He hurried forward to meet her. ─── 他急匆匆地往前赶去和她会面。

87、The soldiers crept forward under the cover of darkness. ─── 士兵在黑夜的掩护下向前爬行。

88、They were pushing the work forward. ─── 他们正在推进工作。

89、A stroke that lands above the center of a ball, as in golf or tennis, giving it a forward spin. ─── 上部击球击于球中心以上的抽球,使球向前旋转,例如在高尔夫或网球中

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