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08-14 投稿


fractured 发音

英:[?fr?kt??rd]  美:[?fr?kt??d]

英:  美:

fractured 中文意思翻译




fractured 短语词组

1、fractured elbow ─── 肘关节骨折

2、fractured surface ─── 破裂面

3、fractured fairy tale ─── 破碎的童话

4、fractured leg ─── 腿部骨折

5、fractured bone ─── 骨折 ─── 骨

6、fractured minds ─── 精神分裂

7、fractured zone ─── 破裂带裂隙带

8、fractured fairy tales ─── 支离破碎的童话

9、fractured rocks ─── 裂隙岩体

10、fractured ankle ─── 踝关节骨折

11、fractured space ─── 裂隙间隙

12、fractured deflection ─── 断裂挠曲

13、fractured skull ─── 颅骨骨折断裂的头骨

14、fractured penis ─── 阴茎骨折

15、fractured part ─── 断裂部分

16、fractured friendship ─── 破碎的友谊

17、fractured rock ─── 破碎岩石

18、fractured indentation ─── 断裂压痕

19、fractured shrines ─── 破碎的神殿

fractured 常用词组

fractured formation ─── 裂隙地层;破裂地层

fractured 词性/词形变化,fractured变形

动词过去式: fractured |动词现在分词: fracturing |动词第三人称单数: fractures |动词过去分词: fractured |

fractured 相似词语短语

1、facture ─── n.制作;发票;制作法

2、fracturers ─── 压裂机

3、fractur ─── 德文黑体字

4、fracturer ─── n.破裂器;折断器

5、featured ─── adj.特定的;被作为特色的;有…的面貌特征的;v.使…有特色;起重要作用(feature的过去分词)

6、refractured ─── 再破裂

7、fracted ─── adj.破裂的;断裂的

8、fracture ─── n.破裂,断裂;[外科]骨折;vi.破裂;折断;vt.使破裂

9、fractures ─── n.[外科]骨折,骨伤;[力]断裂(fracture的复数形式);vi.破碎,破裂(fracture的第三人称单数);vt.使破裂(fracture的第三人称单数)

fractured 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He fell and fractured his arm. ─── 他跌了一跤,手臂骨折。

2、Your fractured ankle requires a plaster cast. ─── 你骨折的脚踝需要上石膏。

3、Perhaps most importantly, if intangibly, there is that other fractured covenant, between government and the people. ─── 可能最重要的是,政府和人民之间产生了无形的裂痕。

4、He fell and fractured his leg. ─── 他摔下来跌断了腿。

5、The X - ray shows a fractured ankle . ─── X光片显示足踝骨折。

6、Fractured zone has a crudity surface with a pitch. ─── 断裂带表面粗糙,并带有斜度。

7、It means the end of your fractured, broken lives and the beginning of living whole and unified in and within THE ONE LIFE. ─── 它意味着终结你们破碎的损坏的生命,和开始在内和在外活于“一体生命”的整体和统一。

8、They spoke a sort of fractured German. ─── 他们讲德语结结巴巴。

9、Chelsea goalkeeper Petr Cechsuffered a fractured skull earlier this season at Reading. ─── 切尔西门将皮特。切赫在本赛季早先对阵雷丁时曾经头骨骨折。

10、The doctor said his arm fractured. ─── 医生说他的手臂骨折了,

11、Manchester United striker Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has been ruled out for six to eight weeks with a fractured cheekbone. ─── 曼联射手奥莱.甘纳.索斯贾尔由于面部骨折确定要缺阵6-8周。

12、In a fractured neck or femur, for example, one leg may be shortened and externally rotated. ─── 例如,如果骨颈部或股骨骨折,则一条腿可能变短,而且向外旋转。

13、Almost all bear scratches of bullets.One broken baluster is placed on the pediment like a fractured leg. ─── 一条断了的石栏杆竖在平台的前端,如同一条断腿。

14、A thin rod for securing the ends of fractured bones. ─── 不锈钢钉一种固定裂开骨头的末端的细钉

15、He fell and fractured his upper arm. ─── 他跌了跤,并且折断了上臂。

16、To fix the position of(a joint or fractured limb,as with a splint or cast. ─── 固定用夹板或模子固定(联结的或骨折的四肢)的位置

17、Yet other pieces can be fractured in yet other emotions such as shame, pain, anger or fear. ─── 其它的片段可能断裂在其它的情绪中,例如羞辱、痛苦、愤怒或恐惧。

18、Today humans are so fractured that they consume objects in order to fill themselves. ─── 今天的人类是如此粉碎,他们为了充盈自己而消耗物品。

19、He fell and fractured his right arm. ─── 他摔了一交,右臂骨折了。

20、Your fractured leg shall be plastered cast. ─── 你那条骨折的腿要上石膏。

21、Adhesive skin traction is used for a fractured femur in the child less than two years of age. ─── 胶布皮肤牵引法用于两岁以下的小儿,以治疗股骨骨折。

22、To fix the position of(a joint or fractured limb), as with a splint or cast. ─── 固定用夹板或模子固定(联结的或骨折的四肢)的位置

23、His leg fractured in two places. ─── 他的一条腿有两处骨折。

24、I fractured my left leg while skiing. ─── 我滑雪时把左腿折断了。

25、The fractured tubing was analyzed by fractographic inspection,metallographic examination,and mechanic property testing. ─── 对油管进行了断口分析、金相检验、材料力学性能试验。

26、A special type vehicle's main transmission shaft of transmission equipments fractured during test-drive. ─── 摘要某特种车辆在试车过程中传动装置主传动轴断裂失效。

27、He suffered a badly fractured arm. ─── 他的手臂严重骨折。

28、The x ray show a fractured ankle. ─── X 光片显示足踝骨折。

29、It is set up trinomial equation for fractured well on low-permeability gas reservoirs based on percolation mechanics. ─── 文章从渗流力学基本理论出发,建立了低渗透气藏压裂井三项式产能方程。

30、The pothole fractured a bolt on the axle. ─── 壶穴使车轴上的一只螺钉破碎。

31、A clinical study of acute extradural hematomas with temporal bone fractured. ─── 急性硬膜外血肿伴颞部骨折的临床探讨。

32、He fell from a tree and his leg fractured in three places. ─── 他从树上掉下来, 腿三处骨折。

33、The author review the research progress in the reattachment of fractured tooth. ─── 本文对断牙再接的研究进展作一综述。

34、One case fractured again as a result of suffering a new trauma in 11 months later, 2 of incision infe... ─── 其中1例术后11个月外伤再骨折,2例切口感染,2例患肢膝关节屈曲受限。

35、Cech has come back as if he never had any injury at all, never mind three months out with a fractured skull. ─── 切赫带着完美的状态回来了,就像他从来不曾受过伤一样,很难想象他刚刚从头骨骨折的三个月伤病中回归。

36、I slipped and fell from the staircase and fractured my arm. ─── 我在楼梯上滑了一下,摔倒了,手臂被摔断了。

37、She fell and fractured her skull. ─── 她跌倒摔裂了颅骨。

38、The reductor shaft were fractured after running for not more than one week. ─── 减速机轴在使用不到一周发生断裂。

39、The fractured leg must be kept in plaster. ─── 必须把骨折的腿打上石膏。

40、He dishes out jobs to loyalists but harasses businessmen suspected of helping the fractured opposition. ─── 他为忠诚分子提供大量工作,但为涉嫌支持四分五裂的反对党的企业家制造诸多非难。

41、The fall had fractured a bone in her neck, and a stabbing pain ran down her spine with each step. ─── 她从山上跌落当中,摔断了脖子的一根骨头,所以每走一步,她的脊椎骨就会窜起一股巨痛。

42、The contacting trace, microstructure and stress state of fractured gas turbine tenon were analyzed. ─── 对某烟气轮机的动叶片榫齿接触痕迹特征、组织和受力进行综合分析。

43、Be like a man who's fractured his skull, always careful in case someone will touch him. ─── 就像头骨骨折的人,老是小心翼翼,惟恐别人碰到他一样。

44、It came just weeks after his return to action for the Magpies following his recovery from a fractured metatarsal. ─── 他不过是他再次为喜鹊比赛后的几个星期,而他刚在一次跖骨折断的伤患中康复不久。

45、Methods QUS of tibia was measured in 2672 nomal people aged 7-92 and 105 fractured patients aged 46-91 in Taiyuan area. ─── 方法:对2672例7-92岁居住在太原地区的健康人群和105例46-91岁的骨折患者,采用定量超声骨量分析仪测定胫骨QUS值。

46、Intensely fractured rocks may render traps ineffective by causing leakage. ─── 强烈破碎的岩石造成石油、天然气泄漏而使得圈闭变得不起作用。

47、The landscape changed when Finland began trying to remold its bloody, fractured past into a unified future. ─── 当芬兰开始试着把血腥断裂的过去重新塑造成一个统一的未来时,一切都变了。

48、The doctor: But how could a man with a fractured bone and a splint on his leg go about the boat murdering people. ─── 医生:但一个腿部骨折,上了夹板的人怎么可能在船上四处杀人呢?

49、The X-ray shows a fractured left arm. ─── X光片显示你的右臂骨折。

50、Meanwhile,the mechanism of MMH drilling fluid protecting fractured reservo... ─── 文中还对MMH正电胶钻井液保护裂缝性储层的机理进行了分析。

51、He was too fractured to drive. ─── 他喝得太醉了,不能开车。

52、His leg fractured in two places. ─── 他的一条腿有两处骨折。

53、To become securely joined or mended together closely, as a fractured bone. ─── 接合紧密地联结在一起或紧密地愈合,如断裂的骨头

54、Voldemort's fractured soul.Though many see the title as ominous and boding ill for Harry, I disagree. ─── 尽管许多人认为这题目很不详,预示哈利将遭到不幸的事情,可我不同意这一点。

55、He had two broken ribs and a fractured skull. ─── 他两根肋骨被折断,头颅骨折。

56、The front glass of the cafe is fractured in the pattern of a cobweb, with a small bullet-sized hole in the middle. ─── 网吧正面的玻璃有这蛛网那样的裂纹,裂纹中间有一个子弹大小的洞。

57、Combination of Fractured Reservoir and Cap Rock and Accumulation Relationship of Oil and Gas in YiNan Area. ─── 依南地区裂缝型储盖组合与油气聚集关系测井评价

58、The fractured zone where the geological diseases are highly concentrated is themost weak zoic of the rock mass. ─── 断裂带是岩体中最软弱地带,地质灾害高度集中,山区工程深受其害,是极易发生造价、工期、质量三失控地带。

59、The only heartening news is that the goalkeeper Petr Cech may be back from a fractured skull next month. ─── 唯一的好消息是下个月切赫将会从头骨断裂的伤病中康复。

60、The correlation between the reduction of a fractured vertebra and the recurrent kyphotic deformity was also analyzed. ─── 同时进行伤椎复位度和后凸畸形再发之间的相关性分析。

61、I couldn't believe Harry slipped on a slice of carrot cake and fractured his pelvis? ─── 哈利失足摔在了一块胡萝卜蛋糕上以至于摔坏了骨盆?

62、The blade of a gas turbine fractured and the unit stopped unnaturally in a refinery. ─── 某炼化厂烟气轮机一动叶片断裂引起停机事故。

63、Is the spine or the hip bone fractured? ─── 是脊骨还是臀骨骨折?

64、Owen, 26, had a metal pin inserted to his right foot on Tuesday to help repair his little toe's fractured bone. ─── 26岁的欧文于周二在右脚外侧植入一根钢钉帮助治疗他骨折的小脚趾。

65、Abstract The reductor shaft were fractured after running for not more than one week. ─── 摘要 减速机轴在使用不到一周发生断裂。

66、In ascension, the fractured pieces of soul become whole again. ─── 提升中,灵魂的分裂碎片再次成为整体。

67、Meanwhile, Don, his leg fractured, crawls out of the water at the wharf. ─── 同时,赛尔夫拖着受伤的腿,从水中爬上了码头。

68、His son suffered from a fractured pelvis. ─── 他儿子出现骨盆骨折。

69、Title: Azimuthal AVO inversion of P-wave in fractured medium. ─── 关键词:方位AVO;反演;裂缝介质;近似反射系数

70、He fractured his skull, lapsed into a coma and was released four months later, after undergoing surgery and therapy. ─── 他打碎了他的颅骨,陷入昏迷,后被释放四个月后,接受手术和治疗。

71、Her leg fractured in two places. ─── 她的腿有两处骨折。

72、Wedged together at the broken ends. Used of a fractured bone. ─── 挤入的,插紧的在断裂的末端挤在一起的。用来描述断裂的骨头

73、They then found out that Wayne Ronney could miss anywhere between two to four weeks of action with a fractured foot. ─── 他在热身赛时很努力的表现给大家看, 而他也是我们很重要的球员。"特维斯很有可能即将在周三的比赛上场了。

74、She suffered facial bruising and a fractured vertebra in the attack. ─── 在那次袭击中她脸部擦伤,椎骨破裂。

75、As the ertebral bodies were not fractured, the setup actually mimics healing of the cortical shell. ─── 对于没有骨折的椎体,这一设计,实际上是模仿已经愈合的皮质骨外壳。

76、He's fractured his elbow. ─── 他肘部骨折。

77、As one knits one's dreams together, one will also release the persona that exist only in a fractured dream state. ─── 当你将自己的梦想编结在一起时,你也将会解除只生存在一个破碎梦想状态中的人格。

78、His reputation for integrity was permanently fractured. ─── 他那刚正不阿的声誉被永远地毁了。

79、After a hurricane totaled Makalu base camp, Nives fractured her leg when descending in a hurry to Hillary BC. ─── 30左右的时候,我们终于看到俄罗斯直升机在风中出现了.风太大了,直升机都在风中盘旋,摇晃,很难靠近我们。

80、It would be wrong to judge any country, let alone one as fractured and complicated as Afghanistan, on an anecdote. ─── 仅仅凭一小条轶事就判断出一个国家的状况是不正确的,尤其是对于阿富汗这个分裂而又纷乱的国家来说。

81、Her skull had been fractured by two separate blows. ─── 她的头骨在两次重击下骨折。

82、Trevor Ariza learned Monday he would be sidelined for about eight weeks because of a fractured bone in his right foot. ─── 星期二时阿里扎被告知他将因为右脚一块骨头断裂而缺席大约八周。

83、He died in the car collision with his skull fractured. ─── 他在那次撞车事件中因头骨碎裂而死去。

84、Reattachment is a new treatment method for the fractured tooth. ─── 摘要断牙再接是目前临床治疗牙折的新方法之一。

85、Soon afterwards, she fractured her foot in a drunken fall. By then she was drinking up to three bottles of white wine a day. ─── 不久,她的脚因喝醉跌倒而骨折,在那时她一天能喝三瓶白酒。

86、His fractured wrist is healing rapidly. ─── 他的手腕骨折正在迅速痊愈。

87、She's a fractured collarbone and will go straight to the hospital. ─── 他的索骨断裂并将直接前往医院。

88、Laurence Fishburne, aka Morpheus, fractured an arm in another training incident. ─── 劳伦斯费什伯恩,阿卡墨菲斯,在另一次训练事故中断了胳膊。

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