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08-14 投稿


surreptitiously 发音

英:[[?s?r?p't???sl?]]  美:[[?s?r?p't???sl?]]

英:  美:

surreptitiously 中文意思翻译



surreptitiously 反义词


surreptitiously 短语词组

1、surreptitiously definition ─── 隐秘的定义

2、surreptitiously m ─── 偷 ─── 偷地

3、surreptitiously view ─── 偷看

4、surreptitiously synonym ─── 隐秘的同义词

5、surreptitiously tap tables ─── 偷拍桌子

6、surreptitiously verb ─── 隐秘动词

surreptitiously 词性/词形变化,surreptitiously变形

副词: surreptitiously |名词: surreptitiousness |

surreptitiously 同义词

forgo | cession | up | yielding | forego | hand over | resign | give in | deliver | resignation | submit | abdicate | cede | spare | fall | capitulate | renounce | abandon | give | submission | addiction | lay down your arms | delivery |relinquish | yield | concession | sacrifice | give up | capitulation | part with | renunciation

surreptitiously 相似词语短语

1、repetitiously ─── adv.重复地;多次反复地

2、subreptitiously ─── 次重复

3、surreptitious ─── adj.秘密的;鬼鬼祟祟的;暗中的

4、adventitiously ─── adv.偶然地;偶发地

5、supposititiously ─── 假设地

6、superstitiously ─── adv.迷信地;被邪教所支配

7、irreligiously ─── 不虔诚地

8、subreptitious ─── adj.隐瞒事实的;以隐瞒事实而骗得的

9、surreptitiousness ─── 误传;秘密行动

surreptitiously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Instead of dictating relatively unrelated words, patterns were now surreptitiously inserted into the lists, sometimes whole sentences. ─── 不是对无关单词进行听写,现在听写的单词表中偷偷插入了模式,有时候是整句话。

2、Hundreds of ribs had to be constructed, predominantly formed from bed slats, but also from every other piece of wood the POW’s could surreptitiously obtain. ─── 成百上千条肋材需要拼装,这些肋材主要来自床板,但也来自战俘们所能偷取的每根木头。

3、But many continue surreptitiously trading and sharing tips through e-mails, instant messaging and texts. ─── 但许多人继续偷偷地进行交易并通过电子邮件、即时消息和文档来共享窍门。

4、insert surreptitiously or without warrant. ─── 秘密地或不经许可地插入。

5、someone who takes up a position surreptitiously for the purpose of espionage ─── 为了做间谍秘密地从事一个职位的人

6、But he kept his friend waiting a long while in the dining-hall while he himself ate surreptitiously in the kitchen before he sent out the tasty dishes he had prepared. ─── 但他让朋友在餐厅中等候很久,他自己则偷偷地在厨房里先吃他做好而还没端出的好菜。

7、4.Bathed in the moonshine. A dainty jasmine. Surreptitiously issuing fragrance. ─── 月光下。一朵小小的茉莉花。在悄悄地。香。

8、Even though they may have a valid marriage license from the mainland, some couples have still entered Taiwan surreptitiously and live under the shadow of deportation. ─── 虽有大陆合法的结婚证书,走上偷渡来台一途,总是蒙上遣返的阴影。

9、So he squarely proposed to disguise himself and go to Tilbury's village and surreptitiously find out as to the prospects. ─── 他直截了当地提议自己乔装改扮,打入提尔伯里的村子,偷偷地摸清情况。

10、To enter(an organization,for example,usually surreptitiously,so as to gain influence or information;infiltrate. ─── 打入,秘密潜入进入(例如,一个组织)以便获取事实或信息;秘密潜入

11、I looked out from the small booth, feeling ridiculous with a plastic mask strapped to my face, while lobby guests watched surreptitiously. ─── 当前厅的客人们暗暗四处观察时,我从狭小的房间向外看去,戴在脸上的塑料面具让我觉得可笑。

12、While the Prime Minister surreptitiously touched the wood of his desk, Fudge continued, "But Blacks by-the-by now. ─── 当首相鬼鬼祟祟的摸着桌子的木材时,福吉继续说,“但是布莱克,顺便提一下。

13、Webcams mounted surreptitiously in business offices or factories can reveal on-screen "secrets" from those unaware that they are being bugged. ─── 被偷偷安装在商业办公室或工厂的网路摄影机,可以把不知道自己被监控者的“秘密”显露在荧屏上。

14、Swiped a magazine from the doctor's waiting room. To liftis to pick or take something up surreptitiously and keep it for oneself ─── 从医生候诊室拿走一本杂志。指偷取某物归为己有

15、Increasingly, computer viruses are serving as a tool to surreptitiously use another person's computer to send out spam or collect personal financial information. ─── 正有越来越多的电脑病毒被用作是一种工具软件, 悄悄地利用他人的电脑发送垃圾邮件或是收集个人的财务资料.

16、a disposition to be sly and stealthy and to do things surreptitiously. ─── 做事狡猾而且掩人耳目。

17、Second, whether the property is offered "off the account book" or surreptitiously should be considered. ─── 第二,无论是物业提供的"落帐",暗中还是应该加以考虑。

18、”Japan knew that “the transfer of origin” surreptitiously trick from the normal channels difficult to publish, had no choice but to use unusual forms of disclosure. ─── 日方自知“转移籍贯”这种偷偷摸摸的伎俩难以从正常渠道公布,只好采用异常形式披露。

19、he was watching her surreptitiously as she waited in the hotel lobby. ─── 当她在酒店的大厅里等着的时候,他在暗中观察着她。

20、While the Prime Minister surreptitiously touched the wood of his desk, Fudge continued, "But Blacks by-the-by now. The point is, we're at war, Prime Minister, and steps must be taken." ─── 当首相鬼鬼祟祟的摸著桌子的木材时,福吉继续说,“但是布莱克,顺便提一下。重点是,我们处于战争中,首相,必须采取措施。”

21、someone who takes up a position surreptitiously for the purpose of espionage. ─── 秘密地从事一个职位为了做间谍的人。

22、To pass(troops, for example) surreptitiously into enemy-held territory. ─── 潜入偷偷将(如军队)派遣进入敌人占领的地区

23、a disposition to be sly and stealthy and to do things surreptitiously ─── 做事狡猾而且掩人耳目

24、To gain entrance gradually or surreptitiously. ─── 渗透逐渐地或秘密地获得进入权

25、Kao Kang and Jao Shu-shih schemed and conspired, operated clandestinely in the Party and surreptitiously sowed dissension among comrades, but in public they put up a front to camouflage their activities. ─── 高岗、饶漱石在党内玩弄阴谋,进行秘密活动,在同志背后进行挑拨离间,但在公开场合则把他们的活动伪装起来。

26、Unable to drop off, he thought of getting up surreptitiously and going back to the Cao house to have a look round. ─── 从织轴上退绕下来的纱线绕过后梁,向前穿过经停机构的停经片及综丝,综丝的作用是将经纱片分开形成梭口。

27、Second , whether the property is offered " off the account book" or surreptitiously should be considered . ─── 第二,无论是物业提供的“落帐”,暗中还是应该加以考虑。

28、When I checked my statement, they were surreptitiously billing me $30 [18] per month. ─── 当我查看我的结算单时,发现他们居然偷偷摸摸地给我开了每月30美元(18英镑)的账单。

29、Self sneaks them into the elevator.Then he surreptitiously squirts a black liquid onto the tan carpet of an office near Oren's. ─── 赛尔夫将他们送入了电梯,然后他消消地在靠近欧伦办公室的茶色地毯上喷洒了一些黑色液体。

30、Visitors to the house would find their shoelaces surreptitiously knotted together. ─── 来访的客人会发现鞋带被偷偷地绑在了一起。

31、She smiled surreptitiously and glanced at Eric frequently.“Quiet right; ─── 她诡秘地笑着,时不时地瞥向埃里克。

32、My mother — everyone, even kids, had called her Sunny — used to follow us to school quasi-surreptitiously. ─── 我母亲——每个人,每个孩子都称呼她作“阳光妈咪”——过去常半明半暗地跟着我俩去学校。

33、She walks back to her desk. He glances at her bouncing buttocks surreptitiously and walks away. ─── 她走回自己的桌子边。他偷偷瞄了一眼她那丰满的臀部,走开了。

34、to enter(an organization,for example),usually surreptitiously,so as to gain influence or information; infiltrate ─── 进入(例如,一个组织)以便获取事实或信息;秘密潜入

35、For a long time he stood there, and the world seemed dead. There was not a sound; nothing stirred. The greywhite snow seemed to be taking this chance to flurry lightly and persistently down, to bury the whole world surreptitiously. ─── 他在桥上立了许久,世界像是已经死去,没一点声音,没一点动静,灰白的雪花似乎得了机会,慌乱的,轻快的,一劲儿往下落,要人不知鬼不觉的把世界埋上。

36、As I opened the fridge door in my silk robe, a little surreptitiously, I heard the cat hissing at me from the kitchen table. ─── 身穿一件丝绸长袍,有点偷偷摸摸地打开冰箱时,我听见那只猫在我厨房桌子上发出声音。

37、But should it happen that such a person might creep in surreptitiously it will be easy enough to identify him and apostrophize him ruthlessly. somewhat thus: "Be off, you scoundrel. ─── 但是如果碰巧有这样的人可能偷偷摸摸的混了进来,那也很容易被识别并且无情的将他拒之门外。

38、Grandmother and his father spoke, I surreptitiously watched his father slower to catch, thin face framed Jue black with little eyes like me. ─── 奶奶和爸爸说话时,我偷偷看了爸爸几眼,黑黑瘦瘦的脸上镶厥着和我一样的小眼睛。

39、chloral hydrate in combination with alcohol; usually administered surreptitiously to make the drinker unconscious. ─── 氯醛与酒精联合在一起形成的氢氧化物;通常在不知不觉中使饮者丧失意识。

40、To enter (an organization, for example), usually surreptitiously, so as to gain influence or information; infiltrate. ─── 打入,秘密潜入:进入(例如,一个组织)以便获取事实或信息;秘密潜入

41、Code Red surreptitiously infects computers running Microsoft Corp.'s Windows NT or 2000 operating systems and its IIS Web server software and then makes infected machines scan the Internet for more victims. ─── “红色代码”专门攻击微软公司的WindowsNT、Windows2000,以及IIS网络服务器软件,然后通过被感染的电脑传播给网上的其他机器。

42、To have someone within the group do this surreptitiously, he suggests, would be a betrayal of the group's trust and throw the authenticity of everything in the event into doubt. ─── 他认为如果在小组里有人偷偷地扮演角色,就可能是背叛了小组的信任,让所有人都觉得任何事都不具有可信性。

43、Editor's Note: May 31, 2006.Somewhere between May 18 and May 30, 2006, this mind control index page was surreptitiously erased from my web server and even from my hard drive. ─── 编者注:2006年5月31日2006年5月18日至5月30日期间的某个时候,这个精神控制索引页被暗中从我的网络服务器上甚至从我的硬盘上删除了。

44、Still more crowded at the sides, lower and surreptitiously slinky. ─── 在它边上,还有别的更矮小的,鬼鬼祟祟的身影。

45、Dirty float A technique for managing the exchange rate in which a government publicly renounces direct intervention in the foreign exchange markets while continuing to engage in intervention surreptitiously. ─── 肮脏浮动又称管理浮动,一种管理汇率的手法,指在浮动汇率制度下,中央银行公开放弃对外汇市场的直接干预,但仍秘密的维持干预。

46、E-mails are surreptitiously thrown over an electronic transom in yhe dead of night, packaged in plain manila envelopes. ─── 电子邮件包裹在不署名的简易信封里,趁着死寂的夜色,偷偷穿过电子端口,不请自来。

47、To enter(an organization, for example), usually surreptitiously, so as to gain influence or information; infiltrate. ─── 打入,秘密潜入进入(例如,一个组织)以便获取事实或信息;秘密潜入

48、He mourns the turn of events by which Palestinians have come to move “in our own country surreptitiously, like unwanted strangers, constantly harassed, never feeling safe”. ─── 对于这种形势转变、这种巴勒斯坦人“像被遗弃的陌路人在自己的祖国迁徙也必须偷偷摸摸的,还经常遭到骚扰,始终无安全感”的状况,舍哈德先生备感哀伤。

49、The local Hellenes are at once bemused, suspicious and surreptitiously grateful. ─── 当地的希腊人立刻变得困惑,有疑心但心里暗地发出感激。

50、following surreptitiously; keeping under surveillance. ─── 秘密的跟随;保持在监视中。

51、The irony is that Bryant was caught over the summer in a surreptitiously shot amateur video maligning the Lakers for not trading Bynum for New Jersey Nets star Jason Kidd. ─── 这赛季湖人变得有点不同了,科比不再一个人得分了但是球队仍能不断的赢球。

52、Surreptitiously Mark looked at his watch. ─── 马克偷偷看了看表。

53、E-mails are surreptitiously thrown over an electronic transom in the dead of night, packaged in plain manila envelopes. ─── 电子邮件包裹着普通的马尼拉信封,在夜晚的死寂中被秘密地从电子端口投了进来。

54、1.in the dark; without light; 2.secretly; on the sly; surreptitiously; behind closed doors; with closed doors; in confidence; by implication; by stealth ─── 暗中

55、Instead of field workers, the farmers surreptitiously implored them to give their kids a first rate education. ─── 农民们不让这些人在田里干活,而是秘密地雇用他们教自己的孩子,使之接受第一流的教育。

56、1.to steal; to pilfer; 2.secretly; surreptitiously; furtively ─── 窃

57、No longer could I count on people to stare only surreptitiously, to take precautions against invisible microbes, or to stand in an orderly way one behind the other on the basis of time of arrival to obtain a service. ─── 我再也不能指望人们仅仅偷偷地看,不能再担心看不见的细菌,或井然有序地按先来后到顺序一个个排队来获得某项服务。

58、So nervous was the company about commercial confidentiality that Gosset published surreptitiously under his pseudonym. ─── 该公司对待其商业机密非常谨慎,戈塞特只能用假名发表自己的研究成果。

59、Brokerage firm CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets noted this week that some food producers are slightly reducing the amount of product in each package as a way of surreptitiously raising prices without attracting attention. ─── 经纪公司里昂证券亚太区市场于本周指出,一些食品生产商正在稍微地减少每包产品的数量,去偷偷摸摸地提价。

60、He surreptitiously slips a sapphire ring on her finger and asks her to move in with him! ─── 他突然偷偷地替她戴上一只戒指,并叫她与他同居。

61、Or perhaps you surreptitiously make a phone call to your business partner. ─── 或者你会偷偷打电话给你的生意伙伴。

62、An injured seven-year-old in a hospital was the victim of a car crash, according to a note passed on surreptitiously by a nurse. ─── 根据一名护士暗中提供的字条,医院里的一名7岁伤患只是某次车祸的受害者。

63、but surreptitiously sold the rights to the Circle of Friends to their competitors in Philadelphia, Joseph K. Davison's Sons. ─── 但德意茨兄弟又悄悄的地把这个章牌朋友圈系列章牌的继续发行权利卖给了威尔斯兄弟在费城的竞争对手,

64、The Honor often protected independent merchants from privateers and raiders surreptitiously sponsored by the Trade Federation. ─── 该舰经常保卫着独立商人免受由贸易联盟暗中支持的私掠船与匪徒的攻击。

65、Chloral hydrate in combination with alcohol,usually administered surreptitiously to make the drinker unconscious. ─── 氯醛与酒精联合在一起形成的氢氧化物,通常在不知不觉中使饮者丧失意识。

66、This is not the telephone, with its brutally personal, audible contact...... E-mails are surreptitiously thrown over an electronic transom in the dead of night, packaged in plain manila envelopes. ─── 与电话这种对个人隐私会造成直接侵犯的有声接触不同。电子邮件则在天明时,已被悄悄的以最简易的形式通过电子手段送达。

67、During the Warring States Period, in order to defend the Qin state, deputies from the states of Qi and Lu met surreptitiously with each other. ─── 战国时期,为了对付秦国,齐国与鲁国偷偷会盟。

68、Slowly and surreptitiously past memories came back. ─── 回忆慢慢袭来。

69、That is you go and her surreptitiously dating afraid his wife ran into the woman. ─── 就是你偷偷摸摸地去和她约会又怕妻子撞见的女人。

70、We surreptitiously logged on to the ESPN Web site. ─── 我们偷偷上网登入体育专业频道ESPN的网站。

71、Surreptitiously, Peter Loaklry yawned. ─── 彼得?柯克兰偷偷地打了个哈欠。

72、If the test fails, the ticket-user has obtained (perhaps surreptitiously) another person's ticket. ─── 如果测试失败,说明使用者(也许是偷偷的)使用了别人的票。

73、He turned to inspect her further and found her surreptitiously checking him out. Her eyes were dark, bright and possibly stubborn looking. ─── 他转过头来看翠平,发现她也在偷偷地看他,黑眼珠晶亮,但眼神却很执拗。

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