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08-14 投稿


vitrified 发音

英:[?v?tr?fa?d]  美:[?v?tr?fa?d]

英:  美:

vitrified 中文意思翻译




vitrified 常用词组

vitrified bond ─── 陶瓷粘结剂;玻璃熔结剂

vitrified 短语词组

1、vitrified dch ─── 玻化dch

2、vitrified hond ─── [机] 熔接合剂

3、vitrified definition ─── 玻璃化定义

4、vitrified clay ─── 缸化粘土,易熔化粘土

5、vitrified porcelain ─── 陶瓷

6、vitrified enamel ─── [医] 玻面釉质

7、vitrified tiles ─── 陶瓷砖

8、vitrified duality ─── 玻璃化二元性

vitrified 词性/词形变化,vitrified变形

过去分词:vitrified 原型:vitrified

vitrified 相似词语短语

1、devitrified ─── v.(玻璃、玻璃岩)变硬,析晶;(使)变硬,反玻璃化(devitrify的过去式及过去分词)

2、nitrified ─── v.(使)硝化;使与氮化合;用氮饱和

3、micrified ─── vt.使变小

4、lithified ─── (使)岩化(lithify的过去式和过去分词);岩化的,石化的

5、metrified ─── v.改用公制;写成诗

6、citified ─── adj.都市风尚的;有都市气概的

7、unvitrified ─── 未硝化

8、nigrified ─── vt.使…成黑色;变黑

9、vitrifies ─── vi.玻璃化;使成玻璃状;vt.使…成玻璃;使…玻璃化

vitrified 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The artificial shrinkage prior to vitrification could improve the survival rate and hatching rate of the vitrified expanded blastocyst. ─── 冷冻前人工皱缩囊腔体积能明显提高扩张囊胚玻璃化冷冻的效率。

2、The Experimental Research on Grinding of 45 Hardened Steel with Home Made Vitrified Bond CBN Grinding Wheels ─── 国产陶瓷结合剂CBN砂轮磨削45淬硬钢的试验研究

3、Traditional wetting agent often leads to defects in vitrified abrasive wheel. ─── 传统的润湿剂在陶瓷砂轮中存在不可避免的缺陷。

4、After hydrolytic lactal bumin was added into media,the vitrified seedlings reduced,but the contamination rate was always very high. ─── 培养基中加入水解乳蛋白后玻璃苗减少,但污染率一直很高。

5、It offered a new method to improve the properties of vitrified bond of CBN grinding wheel. ─── 这也为今后CBN砂轮陶瓷结合剂性能的提高提供了新方法。

6、Porcelain: Vitrified pottery with a white, fine-grained Body that is usually translucent. ─── 瓷器:一种用白色细颗粒的材料制成的通常为不透明的玻璃化陶瓷。

7、Study on Vitrified Method of Lats Knock-out Mice Embryo ─── Lats基因敲除小鼠胚胎玻璃化冷冻的研究

8、vitrified hond ─── [机] 熔接合剂

9、Ancient cities whose brick and stonewalls have literally been vitrified, that is-fused together, can be found in India, Ireland, Scotland, France, Turkey and other places. ─── 古城的砖块和石墙都成了玻璃状,一起烧焦了,可以在印度、爱尔兰、苏格兰、法国、土耳其和其他地方找到。

10、The invention discloses a modified vitrified micro bubbles thermal insulation mortar and a preparation method thereof. ─── 本发明公开了改性玻化微珠保温隔热砂浆及其制备方法。


12、Keywords vitrified bond;IR spectra;bending strength;thermal expansion coefficient; ─── 关键词玻璃结合剂;红外光谱;抗折强度;热膨胀系数;

13、In modern decorative ceramic, vitrified tiles, especially white vitrified tiles is wide application because of its unique appearance has been widely applied. ─── 在现代陶瓷装饰中玻化砖、尤其是超白玻化砖因其独特的外观有着广泛的应用。

14、Titanium coated CBN products are used for vitrified and some high-temperature metal bond system the coating can reduces the destruction by thermal and chemical corrade. ─── CBN镀钛产品用于陶瓷和某些高温结合剂体系,镀层可减弱CBN晶体所受的热破坏和化学侵蚀。

15、Keywords Low-temperarure Vitrified Bond Pyrometric Cone Equivalent (PCE) Strength of Bond Shock-strength Resistance; ─── 低温陶瓷结合剂;耐火度;结合剂强度;抗冲击强度;


17、Keywords vitrified micro-drop;thermal insulating material;imbibition;pitchstone; ─── 玻化微珠;保温材料;膨化;松脂岩;

18、vitrified tile ─── 瓷化瓦玻璃化瓦

19、"Stoneware: Pottery fired at a high temperature (about 2,200 f, or 1,200 c) until vitrified (made glasslike and impervious to liquid)." ─── "石陶器: 一种在大约1,200℃(2,200℉)高温中烧成达到玻化(即类似玻璃而不透明)的陶瓷。"

20、vitrified bond performance ─── CBN砂轮

21、The artificial shrinkage prior to vitrification could improve the survival rate and hatching rate of the vitrified expanded blastocyst. ─── 冷冻前人工皱缩囊腔体积能明显提高扩张囊胚玻璃化冷冻的效率。

22、CBN230 Yellow mono-crystal, transparent, regular shape, high toughness and hardness. Suitable for electroplated, vitrified and metal bond tools, wheels etc. The tools have long service life. ─── CBN230金黄色立方氮化硼单晶,等积形透明晶体,高韧性,高强度。适用于电镀、瓷、属结合剂体系磨具、轮、具制造。其制品使用寿命长。

23、Standard Test Method for Low-Pressure Air Test of Vitrified Clay Pipe Lines ─── 上釉陶土管道的低压空气试验方法

24、Keywords Atomic absorption spectrophotometry Vitrified HLW form Leaching solution Sodium Lithium Strontium Iron; ─── 原子吸收光谱法;高放废液玻璃固化体;浸出液;钠;锂;锶;铁;

25、vitrified enamel ─── 搪瓷

26、Expanded and vitrified small ball ─── 玻化微珠

27、What is interesting, Mill presents as a gift the present is pair of vitrified pot chopsticks. ─── 有意思的是,米勒赠出的礼品是一双瓷质的筷子。

28、The ceramic tiles in the food preparation areas have also been vitrified for extra strength. ─── 灶台用瓷砖构造成玻璃状增机了额外的力量。

29、bond vitrified ─── 熔融粘结

30、Quality ceramic materials become fewer, vitrified tiles have low whiteness, therefore need new opacifier. ─── 优质的陶瓷原料越来越少,玻化砖的白度较低,因此需寻找新的乳浊剂。

31、Effects of Surface Properties of Brown Fused Alumina on the Strength of Vitrified Abrasive Tools ─── 棕刚玉表面性能对陶瓷磨具强度的影响

32、vitrified pipe ─── 玻化管釉面瓦管

33、Ancient cities whose brick and stone walls have literally been vitrified, that is-fused together, can be found in India, Ireland, Scotland, France, Turkey and other places. ─── 古城市的砖和石墙逐渐地成了玻璃样,是融化在一起的,在印度,爱尔兰,苏格兰,法国,土耳其和其它的地方中都能被发现。

34、The most effective preventative measure is to select a pipe material resistant to corrosion, such as vitrified clay or plastic. ─── 最有效的预防措施是选择抗腐蚀的管道,比如玻璃化的粘土或塑料。

35、Study on ultra- high speed vitrified bonded CBN wheel based on cutting and grinding test-bed ─── 基于车磨试验台的超高速陶瓷CBN砂轮研究

36、Vitrified matter expelled by a volcano. ─── 熔岩火山喷发的玻璃化物质

37、Vitrified solution ─── 玻璃化冷冻液

38、The smelting high temperature liquid slag discharged from blast furnace, without water quenched,but with additive, can directly vitrified and be used to produce decorative material. ─── 冶炼高炉排放的高温液态渣不经水淬,添加外加剂直接进行玻化处理,可制得饰面材料。

39、But there is a little higher water sorption content and faster velocity of water sorption for the expanded and vitrified small balls. ─── 但膨胀玻化微珠因其微孔数量略多于膨胀珍珠岩而呈现出略大的吸湿性和较快的吸湿速率。

40、A single crystal diamond was ground with vitrified diamond wheel to research on the grinding efficiency. ─── 为了考察单晶金刚石的研磨效率,试验采用陶瓷结合剂金刚石砂轮对单晶金刚石刀片进行研磨。

41、Study on cryopreservation of mouse oocytes vitrified with SSV ─── 小鼠卵母细胞SSV法冷冻保存技术的研究

42、The numbers of vitrified plantlet increased with decreasing of sugar and agar concentration and increasing of BA concentration. ─── 玻璃化苗的数量随着糖分及琼脂浓度的降低、BA浓度的增加而加重;

43、Amber transparent mono-crysal,high toughness.Used for electroplated,metal and vitrified bond,grinding wheels and abrasive ools,suitable for grinding ferrous metals and alloy. ─── 琥珀色,透明单晶,较高韧性,用于电镀、金属陶瓷结合剂磨具、砂轮、工具,适合磨削黑色金属材料及合金。


45、vitrified polymer ─── 玻璃化聚合物

46、vitrified decorative tile ─── 全瓷饰面砖

47、The question and prospect of vitrified cryopreservation on animal tissues and cells are suggested. ─── 并提出了玻璃化冻存动物以及组织细胞的问题与展望。

48、Influence of Pore - forming Materials upon the Performances of Vitrified Bond ─── 不同造孔剂对陶瓷结合剂性能的影响

49、After hydrolytic lactalbumin was added into media, the vitrified seedlings reduced, but the contamination rate was always very high. ─── 培养基中加入水解乳蛋白后玻璃苗减少,但污染率一直很高。

50、Method 1: Take the vitrification technology route and destroy the organic substances in the soil and get and soil vitrified. ─── 方式一:采用玻璃化技术路线将土壤中的有机物摧毁,将土壤玻璃化。

51、Study on structure and properties of vitrified bond for CBN tools ─── CBN磨具用玻璃结合剂的结构与性能研究

52、SY expansion vitrified micro-heated and fire-proof mortar ─── SY膨胀玻化微珠保温防火砂浆

53、Vitrified Clay Pipe and Joints for Use in Jacking, Sliplining and Tunnels ─── 牵引道、滑道和隧道用上釉粘土管和接头

54、Develop new vitrified products and optimize the process line to reduce manufacturing cost or improve product quality for Asian market. ─── 为亚洲市场开发新的陶瓷砂轮产品和通过优化生产线来降低生产成本或提高产品质量。

55、vitrified resistor ─── 涂釉电阻器

56、vitrified clay tile ─── 玻化瓦

57、The microstructure and sorption properties are studied on the expanded and vitrified small balls which are developed to decrease the sorption properties of the expanded perlite particles. ─── 以膨胀珍珠岩为参照,研究了旨在减少膨胀珍珠岩吸水吸湿性而开发的膨胀玻化微珠的微观结构和吸湿性能。

58、Vitrified glazes, eg on ceramics ─── 呈玻璃状的釉料(如制陶工艺的).

59、The vitrified surface of glass microspheres can realize the chemical corrosion resistant, and reflex action on light. ─── 玻璃微珠玻化质的表面更抗化学腐蚀,对光有反射作用。

60、Vitrified Clay Pipes and Fittings and Pipe Joints for Drains and Sewers - Part 6: Requirements for Vitrified Clay Manholes ─── 污水管道用陶土管异型件及管连接件第6部分:陶土井筒的要求

61、A partially vitrified brick or a mass of bricks fused together. ─── 炼砖部分玻璃化的砖或熔凝在一起的一堆砖

62、CBN115 Black mono-crystal, regular shape, medium toughness. Mainly used for resin, vitrified bond and electroplated tools and wheels. ─── CBN115黑色立方氮化硼单晶,中等韧性,主要用于树脂、陶瓷、电镀结合剂磨具、砂轮、工具制造。

63、Keywords Low-temperature vitrified bond;Thermal expansion coefficient;Computer;Calculation; ─── 低温陶瓷结合剂;热膨胀系数;计算机;计算;

64、Keywords PCD tools;vitrified bond;diamond grinding wheel;microstructure; ─── PCD刀具;陶瓷结合剂;金刚石砂轮;微观结构;

65、vitrified china ─── 玻化瓷

66、In vitro Maturation of Vitrified GV Stage Oocytes in Pig ─── 猪GV期卵母细胞玻璃化冷冻后的体外成熟

67、Research on low-temperature high-strength vitrified bond ─── 低温高强度陶瓷结合剂的研究

68、vitrified bonding agent ─── 烧结粘合剂

69、ceramic tiles in the food preparation areas have also been vitrified for extra strength. ─── 瓷砖构造成玻璃状增机了额外的力量。

70、vitrified tube resistor ─── 玻化管电阻器

71、vitrified brick ─── 烧结砖玻璃砖缸化砖

72、CBN280 Dark brown mono-crystal, regular shape with smooth surface, transparent, high toughness, suitable for vitrified, electroplated, metal bond tools and wheels. ─── CBN280深棕色立方氮化硼单晶,等积形,光滑透明晶体,高韧性。适用于陶瓷、电镀、金属结合剂体系磨具、砂轮、工具制造。

73、CBN230 Yellow mono-crystal, transparent, regular shape, high toughness and hardness. Suitable for electroplated,vitrified and metal bond tools, wheels etc. The tools have long service life. ─── CBN230金黄色立方氮化硼单晶,等积形透明晶体,高韧性,高强度。适用于电镀、陶瓷、金属结合剂体系磨具、砂轮、工具制造。其制品使用寿命长。


75、low temperature vitrified bond ─── 低温陶瓷结合剂

76、Our vitrified Bond Wheels for Machining PCD/PCBN Tools have been exported to the US, Japan and the European countries on a massive scale. ─── 我公司还代理美国丹瑟国际有限公司的世界顶级修整器产品。

77、Effect of incident angle on laser processing of a small vitrified CBN grinding wheel ─── 激光入射角对修整圆柱形CBN砂轮影响

78、vitrified clay pipe ─── 玻化粘土管缸瓦管

79、Performance of thermal insulation paste blended with vitrified microsphere and EPS and its application to external wall thermal insulation ─── 双掺玻化微珠和EPS保温浆料的性能及其在外墙外保温中的应用


81、Vitrified Clay Pipe and Joints for Use in Jacking, Sliplining and in Tunnels (Metric) ─── 牵引道、滑道和隧道用上釉粘土管和接头(米制)

82、Research on the control of pores in the vitrified bond used in CBN abrasive tools ─── CBN磨具用陶瓷结合剂气孔控制研究

83、vitrified slag ─── 熔渣

84、CBN115 Black mono-crystal, regular shape, medium toughness. Mainly used for resin, vitrified bond and electroplated tools and wheels. ─── CBN115黑色立方氮化硼单晶,中等韧性,主要用于树脂、瓷、镀结合剂磨具、轮、具制造。

85、Effect of pyrophyllite and dolomite on the microstructure and properties of vitrified bond grinding tools ─── 叶蜡石、白云石对陶瓷结合剂磨具微观结构和性能的影响

86、Standard Specification for Vitrified Clay Pipe and Joints for Use in Microtunneling, Sliplining, Pipe Bursting, and Tunnels ─── 微型隧道工程、滑动内衬、管子爆裂及隧道中使用的釉面陶土管和接头的标准规范

87、Vitrified matter expelledby a volcano. ─── 熔岩火山喷发的玻璃化物质。

88、Evaluation of vitrified cryopreservation of parathyroid cells ─── 大鼠甲状旁腺细胞玻璃化冻存效果评价

89、Mainly used for metal, vitrified bond and electroplated tools, wheels.The tools have longer service life, suitable for grinding ferrous metals and alloy. ─── 主要用于电镀、金属、陶瓷结合剂磨具、砂轮、工具,使制品具有更长的使用寿命,适合磨削黑色金属材料及合金。

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