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08-14 投稿


cupidity 发音

英:[kju?'p?d?t?]  美:[kju'p?d?ti]

英:  美:

cupidity 中文意思翻译



cupidity 网络释义

n. 贪心,贪婪

cupidity 词性/词形变化,cupidity变形

名词复数: Cupid's bows |

cupidity 相似词语短语

1、sapidity ─── n.滋味;(尤指美好的)味道,气味

2、tepidity ─── n.微温;微热

3、humidity ─── n.[气象]湿度;湿气

4、stupidity ─── n.愚蠢;糊涂事

5、mucidity ─── 粘液性

6、rapidity ─── n.迅速,急速;速度;险峻

7、sipidity ─── 嗜酒

8、lucidity ─── n.明朗;清澈;清醒度

9、calidity ─── 口径

cupidity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Even the IRS' strangle hold on your wallet is no match for the grip Cupid has on lovers who want to please and delight their significant others. ─── 就连国税局给人们带来的纳税之忧也比不上爱神“丘比特”给那些想取悦对方的情侣们带来的烦恼。

2、Chinese Dunhuang Buddha And Grecian Cupid who are ideal images of Chinese and Western woman regard as distinct goddesses of two nations. ─── 希腊爱神与中国敦煌菩萨作为两个不同国度、不同类型的女神,是中西方各自女性的理想形象。

3、When this story took place, Cupid had grown into a very handsome young man, but still with the wings. ─── 当这个故事发生时,丘比特已是一个十分英俊的小伙子,当然背上仍长着翅膀。

4、The mirror held by her son, a plump Cupid, gives only the vaguest of reflections, indicating that the artist did not intend her face to be the prime object of our interest. ─── 她的儿子----丰满的丘比特为她扶着镜子,镜中的影像模糊不清,这说明艺术家并不打算让她的脸部成为我们感兴趣的主要目标。

5、I am Cupid, the motivation of procreation for begetting progeny and of poisonous single headed serpents, I am Vasuki. ─── 在生育者中,“我”就是爱神丘比特。在单头毒蛇中,“我”就是蛇王瓦苏克。

6、But if the scheme does not pay off, the starry-eyed lover could be paying off the bill for a very long time, looking rather a stupid Cupid in the process. ─── 但是,一旦这个方案失败,这个异想天开的求爱者可能需要很长一段时间才能付清债务,让他看上去更像一个傻瓜丘比特。

7、"And Cupid saw the justice in this. ─── "丘比特知道她是对的。

8、She won, and Cupid blind did rise. ─── 又输了,落得双眸紧闭,

9、If one can not conquer cupidity inside him or her, one may become a victim in the transformation period. ─── 如果是没有从金钱的占有欲面前超脱的话,他也可能会成为转型期的牺牲品。

10、As Cupid comes silently, appears red and numerous and disorderly on the face, I have a little , Know oneself, OK? ─── 当爱神悄悄降临,当脸上出现红纭,我是不是有点,不能认识自己?

11、In this game you are Cupid and your job is to make people fall in love. ─── 在这个游戏中你是爱神丘比特,你的工作就是让人们陷入爱河。

12、There was a glimmer of cupidity in those small, cunning eyes of his ─── 他狡猾的小眼睛里露出了一丝贪婪的神情。

13、Chiefly, the Cupid's bow was reconstructed with full-thickness skin excision, and the vermilion deficiency repaired with the mucosal flap from the lower lip. ─── 即上唇唇红缘皮肤条形切除重建唇弓,下唇粘膜瓣瓦合转移修复上唇凹陷畸形;

14、Cupid often appears on Valentine cards. ─── 丘比特常常出现在情人节卡片上。

15、Valentine's Day is not all about mushiness, flowers and chocolates, for now a new research has shown that Cupid's magic works as far as the health of your heart is concerned. ─── 情人节带给你的不仅仅是激动、花和巧克力,一项最新研究显示,爱神丘比特还能让你的心脏更加健康。

16、It's ok, i don't want to be cupidity. ─── 二.不俗气,还可以有点吸引人。

17、At the sight of the diamond, her eyes sparkled with cupidity. ─── 一看到那颗钻石,她眼中就露出贪婪的目光。

18、I uncover evidence of cupidity among our would-be legislators? ─── 我是否找到这些未来议员们贪财的一些证据呢?

19、Cupid is winged and doth range; Her country so my love doth change. But change she earth, or change she sky, Yet I will love her till I die. ─── 丘比特已鼓起双翼启程,我的爱将她而改变国度,纵然她改换天地,我也要爱她到死。

20、"Cupid appeared,"what is it? ─── "你想说什么?

21、Later Aphrodite herself brought ambrosia,the food and the drink of the gods and gave them to Psyche and once she had done that,Psyche,too,became immortal and went to live on Mount Olympus with Cupid happily ever after. ─── 后来,阿芙洛狄特亲自带了神水仙肴给波西卡享用。而后,波西卡也获得永生,从此和丘比特一起幸福地生活在奥林匹斯山上。

22、Cupid is the personification of love. ─── 丘比特是爱的化身。

23、Cupid stirred up the little ant to take compassion on her. ─── 丘比特唤起蚂蚁对她的同情心。

24、Cupid spends no second arrow on the same heart. ─── 丘比特不会把第二支箭射到同一颗心上。

25、Cupid shot an arrow in my heart and now I can't help but loving you. ─── 丘比特的箭射中我的心,我没有办法不爱你。

26、This is a bit unfair on the innocent stare - especially when a flirting gaze is the cupid’s arrow of many Saturday night discos. ─── 如果是没有恶意的看,那就有点不公正了,尤其是在好多的周六迪斯科舞厅之夜,丘比特之箭会引起调情的凝视。

27、May this Valentine bless us with the cupid of love and warmth of romance. Happy Valentine's Day Honey! ─── 愿情人节带给我们丘比特之爱和暖融融的浪漫。情人节快乐!

28、Although he is badly off, he was beloved by Cupid, he met Ploy who do research at the Himalayas. ─── 寥落不羁的天,突然受到爱神的眷顾,让他遇到珀伊,来喜玛拉雅山研究的女孩。

29、at the sight of the diamond , which was as large as a hazel - nut , la carconte sees sparkled with cupidity . ─── 一看到那颗象榛子般大的钻石,卡康脱女人立刻显露出贪婪的目光。

30、So she went to find her son, the god, Cupid. ─── 于是阿芙洛狄特找来她的儿子,丘比特神。

31、Later Aphrodite herself brought ambrosia, the food and the drink of the gods and gave them to Psyche and once she had done that, Psyche, too, became immortal and went to live on Mount Olympus with Cupid happily ever after. ─── 后来阿芙洛狄特亲自带了神水仙肴给波西卡享用。而后,波西卡也获得永生,从此和丘比特一起幸福地生活在奥林匹斯山上。

32、Cupid flew down to the Earth. He found Psyche sleeping in her room. ─── 于是丘比特飞到了人间,他发现波西卡正在她的房间里熟睡。

33、There was a glimmer of cupidity in those small , cunning eyes of his . ─── 他狡猾的小眼睛里露出了一丝贪婪的神情。

34、And I could not imagine a human being so blinded by cupidity as to sell poison to such an atrocious creature. ─── 我简直不能想象一个人居然因贪心而如此盲目,就好似把毒药卖给一个残暴的人。

35、So Venus devised a plot: She asked her son, Cupid, the god of love, to make Psyche fall in love with the most detestable creature in the world. ─── 她设计了一项阴谋来报复普绪客:叫她的儿子爱神丘比特使普绪客爱上世上最面目可憎的生物。

36、I wish my mother would stop playing cupid and inviting me round to her house to meet all the eligible bachelors of the neighbourbood. ─── 我希望母亲不要再扮演丘比特的角色,不要再邀请我去她家与左邻右舍那些条件相当的未婚男子见面。

37、Phoenix's question: If the Aladdin's lamb give a chance to you to make a wish, what is it? (Except "Please let me make 3 more wishes!!". Cupidity leads to ruined ending. ─── 凤凰的题目是:如果阿拉丁神灯让你许一个愿望,你会想要什么?(除了那种“再让我许三个愿望”之类的愿望!贪心没有好下场!)

38、Cupid is usually depicted as a winged child with a bow and arrows. ─── 丘比特被描绘出的形象,通常是一个带著弓与箭并长著一对翅膀的小孩。

39、One of their children was Eros (Cupid), the winged god of love. ─── 他们的几个孩子中有一个名叫厄洛斯(即丘比特),就是那长有翅膀的爱神。

40、A caricatured lady might have heart-shaped eyes and Cupid's bow lips, or a dove nesting in an outlandish hat. ─── 一幅漫画中的少女也许长着一双心瓣状的眼睛和丘比特弓形的嘴唇.甚至还会有一只鸽子在她古怪的礼帽上筑巢。

41、Tellson's had whitewashed the Cupid, but he was still to be seen on the ceiling, in the coolest linen, aiming (as he very often does) at money from morning to night. ─── 台尔森把小爱神用白粉涂掉了,但天花板上还有一个小爱神穿着凉爽的薄绡,从早到晚望着银钱(这倒是他的一贯行径)。

42、In the bare premises of an Abidjan Internet cafe, 12-year-old schoolboy Mohammed plays Cupid. ─── 尽管12岁的穆罕默德还是个在校就读的孩子,但是在阿比让网吧那幢光秃秃的楼房里,他却每天努力扮演着爱神“丘比特”的角色。

43、Cupid told the whole story to Father Zeus, and asked him to talk to his mother. ─── 丘比特把整件事情的经过告诉了父王宙斯并请他与母亲谈谈。

44、Your strongest allegiance is to your own cupidity. ─── 你对贪婪的忠诚才是最坚定的。

45、Now Dasher, now Dancer, now Prancer, now Vixen! On Comet, on Cupid, on Donner, and Blitzen! ─── 一会儿喊勇士,一会儿叫舞者,一会儿道跃进,一会儿说雌狐,然后是彗星、丘比特、雷声和闪电(都是驯鹿的名字)。

46、Jennifer: Oh, stop it! We don't need another cupid in this office. ─── 喔,不要再说了!我们办公室里不需要再来一个爱神(邱比特)!

47、But if Cupid has struck and you find yourself attracted to a co-worker, these actions will minimize any possible damage to your career. ─── 但如果爱神丘比特之箭射中了你,使你发觉自己被一位同事所吸引,那么以下这些行为会使你的事业可能遭受的任何损害都降至最低程度。

48、You might also select your favourite from our silver, rhinestone or CUPID accessories. ─── 你亦可以选择你的心爱银制、硞石及八心八箭饰物。

49、Just warning you, Cupid's been flying around... ─── 你得小心了,丘比特可就在附近转悠...

50、Cupid's arrow is certainly not founded with gold coins. ─── 丘比特的箭自然不是黄金硬币所造.

51、I never saw such an expression of cupidity as the flickering lamp revealed in those two countenances. ─── 跳动的灯光照亮了那两张脸,我从没在人的脸上看到过那种贪婪的表情。

52、Peter played cupid for Tim and me, by arranging for us to meet at a party. ─── 彼得扮演提姆和我的月下老人,安排我们在舞会上见面。

53、He was very regretful for his cupidity when he felt very thirsty and wanted to buy a bottle of drink or an ice cream, but he had no money. ─── 当感觉非常口渴,想买瓶饮料或者一个冰激凌,却一分钱没有时,他为自己的贪心而感到后悔。

54、Wearing a garland and a yellow garment, He directly appeared as one who can bewilder the mind of Cupid, who himself bewilders the minds of ordinary people. ─── 祂戴着一个花环和穿着黄色的衣服,爱神迷惑普通人的心意,奎师那象一个能够迷惑爱神心意的人那样直接地出现。

55、sight of the diamond, her eyes sparkled with cupidity. ─── 看到那颗钻石,她眼中就露出贪婪的目光。

56、As a whole,these results showed that the extended CUPID model could correctly simulate the spatial distribution and diurnal variation of the soil component temperature. ─── 总体来说,模拟与实测数据吻合较好,说明扩展模型能够较为真实地反映土壤组分温度分布及其变化。

57、Cupid flew down to the Earth. ─── 于是丘比特飞到了人间。

58、Entrepreneurs of our generation have rights that been legalized and also need to conquer cupidity inside them.How to achieve this? ─── 我们这一辈权益合法化后的企业家,同样需要从金钱的占有欲中超脱出来。

59、May cupid arrest you and lock your finger with an engagement ring. ─── 愿丘比特逮捕你,并用一枚订婚戒指锁住你的手指。

60、Cupid has flown the co-op. ─── 丘比特已经都飞走了。

61、We would have a party in our classroom, with cupcakes and juice and tiny candy hearts, which also had Valentine messages printed on them -- "You're Sweet" or "Cupid" or "Love". ─── 我们就在教室里开派对,有纸托蛋糕、果汁,还有小小的心形糖果,上面还印着瓦伦丁节的特有词语--"你可爱"、"丘比特"或是"爱"。

62、Cupid shot golden arrows into 'the hearts of those his mother wanted to unite in marriage. ─── 丘比特把金色的箭射入他母亲想要使之成为眷属的那些人的心。

63、Cupid, another symbol of the holiday, became associated with it because he was the son of Venus, the Roman god of love and beauty. ─── 丘比特是这个节日的另一个象征,之所以与这个节日有联系,是因为他是罗马爱情和美丽的女神维纳斯的儿子。

64、Eight. Their names are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen. In some stories, there is a ninth, named Rudolph. ─── 八只。牠们的名字分别为冲锋、舞者、跳跃、悍妇、慧星、丘比特、甜甜圈和闪电。在某些故事中,还有第九只,名叫鲁道夫。

65、I just hope Cupid ’s at this party too; otherwise she may never notice me. ─── 只希望丘比特也在这个聚会上,要不然她永远注意不到我。

66、But God still hope to have a hand in it. So he sends Cupid, the little angel to be in charge of everything about love. ─── 不过上帝仍要管,就派小天使丘比特负责爱情那一挡子事。

67、Cupid's arrows are magical, they bring colour in your life and a spring to your step, so why not take your chances and play a little cupidity. ─── 你就是爱神丘比特,快在这个特别的日子来人间促成情侣吧?!一切掌握在你的手中.

68、Valentine's date to dream of or a night of stupid Cupid? ─── 一掷千金,只为浪漫情人节?

69、The reason why Cupid became associated with the holiday is because he was the son of Venus, the Roman god of love and beauty. Cupid often appears on Valentine cards. ─── 丘比特之所以与这个节曰相关,是因为他是罗马爱情与美丽女神维纳斯的儿子。丘比特常常在情人节卡上出现。

70、Cupid is the most famous of Valentine symbols and everybody knows that boy armed with bow and arrows, and piercing hearts. ─── 丘比特是最有名的爱的标志。大家都知道那个肩上背着箭和弓、射人心脏的小男孩。

71、He played cupid for us two, by arranging for us to meet at the party. ─── 他是我们两个人的红娘,安排我们在派对上碰面.

72、The culmination of love is blindness. Who, at the peak of happiness, can remember the number of Cupid, or any of the fun days around. ─── 在幸福的峰巅,谁还记得住爱神的电話号码,谁还記得住周围许多有趣的日子。

73、Get your bow and arrow Cupid!You will conquer hearts, but you will haveto watch out for the little devils, birds, flying piggies and weird little monsters that are trying to stop you on your mission. ─── 丘比特拿出你的弓箭,你将征服人心,但你要提防小魔鬼,鸟类,和飞行的猪,他们试图阻止你的使命。

74、Cupid's butt-shaft is too hard for Hercules' club, and therefore too much odds for a Spaniard's rapier. ─── 不消一两个回合,我的剑法就要完全散乱了。

75、It was not brought about by accident, but by the malice of Cupid. ─── 事情的发生绝非偶然,而是丘比特故意捣的鬼。

76、Peter played cupid for John and me, by arranging for us meet at a party. ─── 彼得当约翰和我的邱比特,安排我们在派对上见面。

77、Lovers have it tough in India's teeming financial capital, but some of the city's cinemas are playing Cupid to couples longing for time away from prying eyes. ─── 印度的金融中心孟买人多眼杂,情侣们的日子不太好过,不过这个城市里的一些电影院为渴望远离窥探眼光的爱侣们充当起了丘比特的角色。

78、And Cupid saw the justice in this. ─── 丘比特知道她是对的。

79、Who, at the peak of hapiness, can remember the number of Cupid, or any of the fun days around. ─── 在幸福的峰巅,谁还记得住爱神的电话号码,谁还记得住周围许多有趣的日子。

80、He was very regretful for his cupidity when he felt very thirsty and wanted to buy a bottle of drink or an ice cream, but he had no money. ─── 当感觉非常口渴,想买瓶饮料或者一个冰激凌,却一分钱没有时,他为自己的贪心而感到后悔。

81、Among the events Romancing Singapore has planned to give Cupid a helping hand is an evening date on the newly-opened Singapore Flyer, the world's tallest observation wheel of 42 storeys high. ─── 在“浪漫新加坡”筹划的一系列活动中,晚间派对活动“帮丘比特一个忙”将在新建的新加坡摩天观景轮上举行,新加坡摩天观景轮有42层楼高,是世界上最高的摩天轮。

82、In the many mantitos of the Olympus Mons,the young Cupid was the most naughty one. ─── 奥林匹斯山的众神中,最叫人无可奈何的,就是小爱神丘比特。

83、A long mutual gaze is the best way to let Cupid's arrows hit their marks. ─── 一个长时间的相互凝视是让丘比特之箭射中目标的最好的方式。

84、A representation of Cupid as a naked, cherubic boy usually having wings and holding a bow and arrow, used as a symbol of love. ─── 丘比特画像丘比特作为小天使般的少年裸体画像,通常有双翼并手持弓箭,被用作爱的象征

85、Hello. Cupid called. He says to tell you that he needs my heart back. ─── 你好,丘比特打过电话。他告诉我你他要把我的心拿回去。

86、Career and cupid have collided head on. ─── 事业与爱情迎头相撞。

87、I think I've been hit by Cupid's arrow. ─── 我好像是中了丘比特的箭。

88、Her cupidity is well known. ─── 她的贪婪尽人皆知。

89、Youthful and engaging, the goddess of love disarms Cupid of the arrows he uses to inflict desire. ─── 年轻与魅力,绝世美神的爱使爱神邱比特的放下了本来用来施以欲望的箭。

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