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08-14 投稿


glorification 发音


英:  美:

glorification 中文意思翻译



glorification 短语词组

1、glorification kjv kjv ─── 荣耀

2、glorification syn ─── 荣耀syn

3、glorification of greed ─── 美化贪婪

4、self-glorification n. ─── 自命不凡

5、glorification define ─── 荣耀定义

6、glorification image ─── 美化形象

7、glorification noun ─── 美化名词

8、glorification definition ─── 美化定义

9、glorification defined ─── 荣耀的定义

10、indulge in self-glorification ─── 大肆自吹自擂

11、glorification of slavery ─── 颂扬奴隶制

12、glorification of labor ─── 劳动光荣

13、present a glorification of ─── 对…加以颂扬

glorification 相似词语短语

1、scorification ─── n.造渣;渣化

2、calorification ─── n.热的发生

3、gentrification ─── n.下层住宅高档化,乡绅化,(地区的)贵族化

4、aurification ─── n.变成金色,镀金

5、glorifications ─── n.赞颂

6、aerification ─── n.气化;充满气体;与空气化合

7、clarification ─── n.澄清,说明;净化

8、clarifications ─── n.澄清,说明;净化

9、gelatification ─── n.胶凝作用

glorification 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、there are many glorification for our teacher , we should appreciate our teacher . i will give telephone blessing to them . ─── 不停地爬上天空凝视大地,你是否累得苍白无力?在出身不同的星宿中漫游,可身边没有一个朋友。

2、Or is it the brave, undaunted by the glorification of the spirit? ─── 还是颂扬勇者无惧的精神呢?

3、Beauty of costumes always goes in hand in hand with the glorification of human body with the two well bonded and devoted to the same goal. ─── 服装的美与人体的美是一个统一体,服装设计的奥秘就在于突出和夸张人体的优美特征,弥补人体的某些不足之处。

4、This denial of past guilt, coupled with the glorification of the military spirit of Prussia, reveals a dangerous mindset that is gaining momentum among German citizens. ─── 抵赖过去的罪恶,同时宣扬普鲁士的军事精神,这彰显了一个危险的情绪在德国国民中正赢得动力。

5、10.Atharvaveda contains first class poetry coming from visionary poets, much of it being glorification of the curative powers of herbs and waters. ─── 阿达婆吠陀包含了来自好幻想的诗人的第一类诗集,很多都是赞颂草药和水的治疗力量。

6、the glorification of war ─── 对战争的颂扬

7、Thanks for your highly glorification to our company. ─── 感谢您对我们公司的高度赞扬和认可!

8、As part of the general glorification of the common man, Transcendentalists launched an attack on business leaders. ─── 先验哲学论者对平凡人之颂扬的一部分作法,是发起对商业领袖的攻击。

9、The dominant idea was to be the glorification of horticulture and the exaltation of agriculture. ─── 其主题是对园艺的赞颂,以及对农艺感到兴奋。

10、The glorification of the defeat is perhaps the modern Left's biggest problem, which only leads to a move away from power. ─── 对失败的赞美也许是现代左翼的最大问题,那只能导致权力的丧失。

11、He wants to avoid creating another "cult of personality" the euphemism for glorification of an all powerful leader. ─── 他想避免造成另一个“个人崇拜”,即全权领袖荣耀的委婉说法。

12、You also are men of the world, and your self-glorification is just the same, only a little more subtle. ─── 你们也是世俗之人,而你们的自我颂扬也没什么两样,只是更加微妙一些。

13、“Why should our praise and glorification, or even the celebration of this feast day mean anything to the saints? ─── 我们为什么要赞颂诸圣?我们为什么讴歌他们的光荣?甚至我们为什么庆祝今天的节日?

14、The work which was but an ineffectual repetition of a sterile condition, a lucid glorification ol the ephemeral, becomes here a cradle of illusions. ─── 荒谬作品曾为人类无果遭遇的苍白再现,并明确颂扬了短暂之生命,而在这里,它化身为摇篮,孕育了种种幻念。

15、affective meaning of euphemism makes it tend to be a commendatory term due to semantic glorification; ─── 由于语义上扬的特点,委婉语的情感语义显示出明显的褒义倾向;

16、With the possible confident appearance, neat clothing and gracious behavior, I will not care other's glorification and attack, carp at everything or interfere others. ─── 对任何事情都不挑毛病,也不干涉或教训别人。

17、Glorification of the Chosen One Glorification de l'Elue ─── 赞美被选中者

18、The base of which is the soundness of psychology.The important of which is the legal and moral education, and glorification of "three Representative". ─── 内容的基础和重点在于加强大学生的心理健康、法纪道德教育、弘扬“三个代表”重要思想;

19、When the origin sound of all the glorification or execrative issued from the manito,Bodhisattva felt heavy shock. ─── 这所有赞颂与诅咒的起始之声,从大神口中发出时,菩萨心中感到了一种深刻的震荡。

20、On the contrary, it is obvious even from the translation of this poem that the poet is invoking a glorification upon the Persian Emperor, rather than any indication of any form of worship. ─── 穆斯林声称阿拉是单一个体,那里在没有人的复数在他是之内,因此它意味着阿拉不可能祈祷对他自己。或他?可能阿拉实际上祈祷对他自己。

21、Of the survivors, only Miss New Hampshire sees the pageant as an objectification rather than a glorification of women. ─── 在所有幸存者中,只有新汉普郡的选美小姐视选美为对女人的物化而非荣耀。

22、glorification of the ideals of a professional military class ─── 尚武精神崇高职业军人阶层的理想

23、Institute for the Glorification of Literature ─── 文馆

24、and (4) his advocate of glorification of good and his wholehearted call of comedy forms and aesthetic ideas. ─── 其四,倡导歌颂光明并对新的喜剧形式及其美学观念表现了一种深情呼唤。

25、There was no glorification of the body, no upstanding breasts, no sturdy thigh displays, no ruddy, glowing Womanhood, nor any attempt to glorify a national or a class ideal. ─── 演员们并不焰耀自己的体型,不故意托高乳峰和展示大腿,不卖弄风骚,也毫无赞颂民族或阶级理想的意图。

26、We are to groan for glorification, but we are to wait patiently for it, knowing that what the Lord appoints is best. ─── 但我们必须耐心等候,因为知道主的时刻是于我们最有利的。

27、Militant devotion to and glorification of one's country; fanatical patriotism. ─── 沙文主义对国家的军事效忠以及美化; 狂热的爱国主义

28、The very basis of Tantra is the Motherhood of God and the glorification of woman. ─── 坦陀罗的最基础部分就是神的母性,是赞颂女性。

29、Thereby, the ultimate result would be the glorification of God. ─── 由此,最后的结果,是上帝得到荣耀。

30、The judge commended the jury for their patience and hard work.To extol is to praise highly;the term suggests exaltation or glorification ─── 法官赞扬了陪审团耐心及辛勤的工作。指高度赞扬;该词表达了一种赞扬和赞颂的意思

31、they mainly focused on four aspects: the deep concern over the situation of the State, the bemoaning of their fate, the exclamation of people's life and the glorification of the state situation. ─── 在题材上主要有对国势的深切忧虑,对自身命运的哀叹,对人生无常的慨叹,对国势的歌颂和赞美四个方面。

32、The theme"human beings'poetic living on earth"is expressed by the glorification of the earth, as well as the memory of the old days. ─── 作品通过对大地的赞颂,对往日生活的回忆,表现“人诗意的栖居”在地球上这一主题。

33、militant devotion to and glorification of one's country; fanatical patriotism ─── 沙文主义对国家的军事效忠以及美化;狂热的爱国主义

34、This is not a romantic glorification of the bayonet; ─── 这不是对刺刀见红的浪漫歌颂;

35、The dog answers: "Archaic dog suffers less than glorification, guard the entrance can take care in night only so, by day fawn. ─── 狗答道:“古代的狗受不到赞颂,所以只能夜里小心看门,白天摇尾乞怜。

36、Any glorification diminishes what is being glorified. ─── 任何美化都减少了原有的美丽。

37、Their desire for the glorification of self manifested itself even in the service of the sanctuary. ─── 他们专求自己荣耀的心,甚至在圣殿的礼拜中也有所表露。

38、Among normative irrationalists may be included D.H Lawrence for his glorification of primal instinct as against bourgeois prudence and calculation. ─── 规范的理性主义者可包括D.H.劳伦斯,因为他赞美原始本能而鄙视资产阶级的谨慎和算计。

39、"Only women and villains difficult custody", "to children," "the wedding night, a nurse nomination," is the glorification of men and women in the belittle; ─── 所谓"唯女人和小人难养也","养儿防老","洞房花烛夜,金榜提名时",均是对男性的歌颂,对女性的贬低;

40、Chauvinism: militant devotion to and glorification of one's country; fanatical patriotism. ─── 沙文主义对国家的军事效忠以及美化;狂热的爱国主义。

41、The glorification of the individual produced a dislike for all human institutions and organizations. ─── 颂扬个人造成对所有群体机构或组织的憎恶,人们应该由所有的组织中独立出来。

42、He was pampering the poor girls's lust for singularity and self - glorification(Charles Kingsley. ─── 出于怪癖和自命不凡,他纵容着这个可怜的女孩的贪欲(查尔斯 金斯利)。

43、As part of the general glorification of the common man, Transcendentalists launched an attack on business leaders. ─── 先验哲学论者对平凡人之颂扬的一部分作法,是发起对商业领袖的攻击。

44、Blossoming carefully And striving perseveringly contribute to the best promise And glorification to life. ─── 认真地绽放,不懈地奋斗就是对于生命最好的承诺,最好的赞颂。

45、The theme "human beings'poetic living on earth" is expressed by the glorification of the earth, as well as the memory of the old days. ─── 作品通过对大地的赞颂,对往日生活的回忆,表现“人诗意的栖居”在地球上这一主题。

46、The judge commended the jury for their patience and hard work.To extol is to praise highly;the term suggests exaltation or glorification: ─── 法官赞扬了陪审团耐心及辛勤的工作。指高度赞扬;该词表达了一种赞扬和赞颂的意思:

47、But to disobey is our loss, it is the end of us, not by any means the end of God's sanctification and glorification. ─── 但是不顺从是我们的损失,是我们的末日。却不是神的尊崇和荣耀的结束。

48、glorification of Team Refugees and the vilification of refugees coexist. ─── 难民代表团的赞美和对难民的诋毁同时存在。

49、Secondly, the glorification to the former emperors and ancestors is developed into the praises to the heroes and moral models in current life. ─── 其次,由对先王祖妣的赞颂发展到对现世生活实践英雄、道德楷模的美赞;

50、glorification and irony ─── 美刺作用

51、This holiday is mother's praise and glorification, is to remind us always remember: Thanksgiving our mother. ─── 这个节日,是对母亲的赞美和颂扬,是提醒我们时刻记住:感恩我们的母亲。

52、Salvation is eschatological inasmuch as it entails deliverance from judgment to final glorification. ─── 救恩是末世性的,由于它讲到从审判中被拯救,进入最后的荣耀里。

53、The basic theme is the glorification of love and friendship. ─── 其基本主题是歌颂爱情和友谊。

54、Chauvinism:Militant devotion to and glorification of one's country; fanatical patriotism. ─── 沙文主义:对国家的军事效忠以及美化;狂热的爱国主义.

55、Of course, having a fulfilling career is a personal goal I long to achieve. However, working towards materialistic things and personal glorification has never been my first priority. ─── 当然,事业有成是我渴望实现的一个个人目标,但为了物质的东西和个人的荣誉而工作却从来不是我最优先考虑的东西。

56、In his glorification of revolutionary ideas, Shelley had sought out William Godwin, author of Political Justice, who had married Mary Wollstonecraft, author of The Rights of Women. ─── 雪莱赞颂各种革命思想,更看中了《政治正义论》的作者威廉·葛德文的观点,葛德文已与《妇女的权利》一书的作者玛丽·伍尔斯特奈克拉夫特结了婚。

57、This short period will, in quick succession, cover my humiliation, the breaking of my silence, my glorification and my violent physical end. ─── 在下一个七百年期间,这种一体感将逐步取代分裂倾向,并将统摄所有人的心,驱走造成痛苦的仇恨、妒嫉与贪婪。

58、Glorification of youth and indifference to the aged have left many older people alienated and alone. ─── 对年轻人的颂扬,以及对老年人的冷漠使得许多老年人感到疏远与孤独。

59、Knit it, then, to Thy most great Ocean, that from it may flow out the living waters of Thy wisdom and the crystal streams of Thy glorification and praise. ─── 然后,让它与祢的至伟之洋连接,以使祢的智慧活水及祢的荣耀与赞美之清泉倾泻而出。”

60、The Secularization and Glorification of Phoenix Image in Tang Poetry ─── 唐诗中凤凰意象的世俗化和唯美化

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