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08-14 投稿


guardsman 发音

英:[?ɡɑ?rdzm?n]  美:[?ɡɑ?dzm?n]

英:  美:

guardsman 中文意思翻译



guardsman 词性/词形变化,guardsman变形


guardsman 短语词组

1、guardsman film ─── 卫兵电影

2、guardsman warranty ─── 警卫员保证

3、guardsman furniture protection ─── 卫士家具保护

4、guardsman pass utah ─── 犹他州卫兵通道

5、national guardsman n. ─── 国民警卫队队员

6、guardsman touch-up markers ─── 警卫补漆标记

7、guardsman synonym ─── 卫兵同义词

guardsman 相似词语短语

1、guardswoman ─── 女警卫

2、Guardsman ─── n.卫兵;(英)禁卫军官兵;(美)国民警卫队士兵

3、goadsman ─── 守门员。

4、guard's van ─── 警卫车厢(挂在货运列车最后一节的车厢)

5、gadsman ─── 年

6、guardsmen ─── n.卫兵;(英)禁卫军官兵;(美)国民警卫队士兵

7、guildsman ─── 基尔特公会会员

8、guardian ─── n.[法]监护人,保护人;守护者;adj.守护的;n.(Guardian)人名;(西)瓜尔迪安

9、guards vans ─── 警卫车

guardsman 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Thanks to his dress of a National Guardsman, he had made his way without difficulty. ─── 幸亏他那身国民自卫军的制服,很顺利地就通过了。

2、Guardsman Lee Williams, 18, is one of the Desert Rats' Royal Scots Dragoon Guards battle group. ─── 18岁的李·威廉是英国"沙漠之鼠"苏格兰皇家近卫团卫兵。

3、a palace guardsman stiff as a poker. ─── 刚强得像铁棒一样的宫廷守卫。

4、Guardsman Lee Williams,18,of the Desert Rats'Royal Scots Dragoon Guards battle group,found a new pair of boots in an abandoned barracks which he said were ─── 18岁的李·威廉是英国“沙漠之鼠”苏格兰皇家近卫团卫兵。他在一个废弃的兵营里捡了双崭新的靴子,跟自己的英国战靴比起来,他觉得新鞋"又轻巧又舒适。

5、The Socialist Red Guardsman is a character who used his solar powers to carry out the Cultural Revolution." ─── 这才是最赞的,比起刘老的文革科幻更伟大啊。

6、The doll is like a guardsman who keeps an eye on farms and houses to protect thieves. ─── 这类玩偶就像门卫一样,看守你的农场和家,防小偷。

7、You are asking my guardsman not to empty the magazine of his weapon into the compound wall from which he is being shot at. ─── 这就等于告诉我的士兵不要清空武器的弹仓,到被他人瞄准射击的复合墙体处。

8、I am Guardsman Valleroy, adjutant to Lt. Mumphreys. ─── 我是守卫瓦罗瑞,马姆利少尉的副官。

9、Guardsman lee Williams 18 is one of the desert rats 'royal Scots dragoon guards battle group. ─── 18岁的李·威廉是英国“沙漠之鼠”苏格兰皇家近卫团卫兵。

10、When I come back, I see the guardsman take an package of something and left it as a garbage. ─── 回到社区,警卫将一个塑胶袋扔在垃圾桶边。

11、The child was dressed as a National Guardsman, owing to the insurrection, and the father had remained clad as a bourgeois out of prudence. ─── 由于处于动乱时期,孩子穿一身国民自卫军的服装;而父亲仍是有产者的打扮,而这是为了谨慎。

12、as a National Guardsman delivering U. S. mail during a postal strike, he secretly gathered information for a Times story. ─── 在一次邮政大罢工中,路易斯作为一名国民警卫队士兵执行任务,负责投递邮件。

13、You are asking my guardsman not to empty the magazine of his weapon into the compound wall from which he is being shot at. ─── 你问我为何要求我的士兵不能空弹进入场院,那是因为他在内时可能正受枪击。

14、This was the epoch when a National Guardsman fought like a Zouave. ─── 在那个时代国民自卫军打起仗来就象轻步兵一样。

15、Under the complaisant eye of Mr Ahmadinejad, a former guardsman, it has won a big, even dominant, place in the economy. ─── 内贾德也曾是一个卫兵,在他听之任之的眼皮底下,卫队占领了大片重要的经济领域。

16、In an unthinkable display of treachery, it was a Royal Guardsman who was partially responsible for his demise. ─── 令人难以置信的是,有一名皇家卫兵背叛了他,对他的死负有一定责任。

17、Guardsman Lee Williams, 18, of the Desert Rats' Royal Scots Dragoon Guards battle group, found a new pair of boots in an abandoned barracks which he said were "lighter and more comfortable" than the British footwear. ─── 18岁的李·威廉是英国"沙漠之鼠"苏格兰皇家近卫团卫兵。 他在一个废弃的兵营里捡了双崭新的靴子,跟自己的英国战靴比起来,他觉得新鞋"又轻巧又舒适。

18、One theory was that a Guardsman panicked or fired intentionally at a student and that others fired when they heard the shot. ─── 一个说法是,一个警卫由于过于惊慌而故意的向一个学生开枪,其他警卫听到了枪声以后也开了枪。

19、Another spread out over his coat the cross-belt and cartridge-box of a National Guardsman, the cover of the cartridge-box being ornamented with this inscription in red worsted: Public Order. ─── 另一个在他的骑马服外面系上一副国民自卫军用的那种皮带和一个盛子弹的方皮盒,盒盖上还有装饰,一块红毛呢,上面印了“公共秩序”几个字。

20、regiment of guardsman ─── 禁军

21、Guardsman Group Medical Services Ltd. ─── 卫兵小组医疗服务有限公司。

22、National Guardsman ─── n. 美国国民警卫队成员,指美国国民警卫队的一员

23、Wailing Guardsman: Screams of the Past will no longer have multiple applications on a target.Recast time has been increased. ─── 哀嚎的卫兵:往日的尖啸不再对同一目标多次叠加,而是互相刷新。

24、Thus saying, the King left the apartment, followed by his young guardsman; ─── 说罢,国王便在年轻卫士的跟随下走了出去。

25、was the epoch when a National Guardsman fought like a Zouave. ─── 在那个时代国民自卫军打起仗来就象轻步兵一样。

26、Guardsman Williams, accepted that his footwear problems would not prevent him fighting effectively, but said that he was disappointed that he was having to wear Iraqi boots. ─── 威廉说这些困难并不影响他英勇作战,唯一使他感到遗憾的是他不得不换上伊拉克士兵的靴子。

27、a rigid strip of metal; a table made of rigid plastic; a palace guardsman stiff as a poker. ─── 坚硬的金属条;用坚硬的塑料做成的桌子;刚强得像铁棒一样的宫廷守卫。

28、In an unthinkable display of treachery, it was a Royal Guardsman who was partially responsible for his demise. ─── 令人难以置信的是,有一名皇家卫兵背叛了他,对他的死负有一定责任。

29、One theory was that a Guardsman panicked or fired intentionally at a student and that others fired when they heard the shot. ─── 一个说法是,一个警卫由于过于惊慌而故意的向一个学生开枪,其他警卫听到了枪声以后也开了枪。

30、Ok, I know the Lieutenant. What can I do for you, Guardsman Valleroy? ─── 好吧,我认识那少尉。我能为你做什么,守卫瓦罗瑞?

31、Before the bayonet had touched Gavroche, the gun slipped from the soldier's grasp, a bullet had struck the municipal guardsman in the centre of the forehead, and he fell over on his back. ─── 刺刀还没有碰到伽弗洛什身上,那步枪已从大兵的手里脱落:一粒子弹正打中他的眉心,仰面倒在地上。






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