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08-15 投稿


firth 发音

英:[f??rθ]  美:[f??θ]

英:  美:

firth 中文意思翻译




firth 网络释义

n. 峡湾;河口湾,三角港n. (Firth)人名;(英)弗思

firth 短语词组

1、colin firth top ─── 科林湾顶

2、colligation firth ─── 综合湾

3、colin firth n. ─── 科林·弗思[人名] ─── 科林菲尔斯

4、firth of lorn ─── 洛恩湾

5、Moray Firth ─── 默里湾(北海伸入英国苏格兰东北部沿海地区的海湾)

6、colin firth bret michaels ─── 科林·弗斯·布雷特·迈克尔斯

7、firth love ─── 弗斯之爱

8、John Rupert Firth ─── [网络] 约翰·鲁伯特·弗斯;约翰·鲁珀特·弗斯;弗思

9、Firth of Forth ─── [网络] 福斯湾;佛斯湾;距离福斯湾

10、Firth of Clyde ─── [网络] 克莱德的生日

11、firth court ─── 弗斯法院

12、firth of fifth ─── 第五湾

13、Pentland Firth ─── 朋特兰湾(位于英国苏格兰北端和奥克尼群岛之间)

14、Solway Firth ─── 索尔威湾(英国)

15、firth ne weather ─── 薄雾

16、firth of forth bridge ─── 福斯桥湾

17、prosody FIRTH ─── 弗斯福利

18、J. R. Firth ─── [网络] 英国语言学家费斯;弗斯

firth 词性/词形变化,firth变形


firth 相似词语短语

1、furth ─── n.菲尔特(地名)

2、forth ─── adv.向前,向外;自…以后;n.(Forth)人名;(德)福特;(英)福思

3、girth ─── n.周长;围长;肚带;vt.围绕;包围;vi.围长为;n.(Girth)人名;(英)格思;(法、德)吉尔特

4、mirth ─── n.欢笑;欢乐;高兴

5、airth ─── n.(Airth)人名;(英)艾尔思

6、filth ─── n.污秽;肮脏;猥亵;不洁

7、fifth ─── adj.第五的;五分之一的;n.第五;五分之一;num.第五

8、birth ─── n.出生;血统,出身;起源

9、firths ─── n.(尤用于苏格兰地名)狭长海湾;n.(Firth)(美)弗思(人名)

firth 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A burgh of northern Scotland on the Moray Firth at the terminus of the Caledonian Canal. Thought to have been a Pict stronghold,it was chartered c.1200. Population,39,700. ─── 因弗内斯苏格兰北部一自治市,位于默里湾,是喀里多尼亚运河的终点。曾被人认为是皮克特人的堡垒,1200年特许设立。人口39,700。

2、There was the Firth family across the road and the Dabovitch couple next door. ─── 路对面住着弗思一家。隔壁住着戴伯维奇夫妇。

3、Firth's "Regret" and "Domain Left" for China Studies ─── 从弗思的“遗憾”到中国研究的“余地”

4、A burgh of northern Scotland on the Moray Firth at the terminus of the Caledonian Canal.Thought to have been a Pict stronghold,it was chartered c.1200.Population,39,700. ─── 因弗内斯苏格兰北部一自治市,位于默里湾,是喀里多尼亚运河的终点。曾被人认为是皮克特人的堡垒,1200年特许设立。人口39,

5、Colin Firth and wife Livia. ─── 科林·福斯和妻子利维亚。

6、His linguistic view is greatly influenced by the social view of language from Marlinowski, Firth and Halliday, which he tries to apply to current linguistics and language teaching research. ─── 深受Malinowski,Firth,以及Halliday等学者社会语言观的影响,并努力将其应用到语言学及语言教学研究中去。

7、The firth chapter is called The Market of Real Estate, which primarily includes the demand and supply of Real Estate, and the characteristic, system, running and adjustment of Real Estate market. ─── 第四章房地产市场,主要包括房地产需求与供给和房地产市场的特征、体系、运行与调控;

8、Since the 17th century, there have been about 4 000 books on Oliver Cromwell, among which Oliver Cromwell is the accepted best, by C. H. Firth. ─── 17世纪以来,在总数约达 4 000种有关克伦威尔的著作中,查理·费尔斯的《克伦威尔传》被公认为是最好的一本,它已被列为世界古典丛书之一。

9、A burgh of southwest Scotland at the mouth of the Ayr River on the Firth of Clyde. It is a resort and a fishing port. Population,48,600. ─── 埃尔苏格兰西南部特区,在克莱德湾的艾尔河河口处,是一个旅游胜地和渔港。人口48,600。

10、Firth Peter ─── 彼得·费思

11、Tony's mother looked in his month, she said tony will lose his firth tooth. “leave it alone, and let it come out on its own.” ─── 托尼的妈妈看了看他的口腔,她告诉托尼他要开始掉牙了。“不要管它,让它自己掉出来”

12、She gave firth to a healthy baby last night. ─── 她昨晚生下了一个健康的婴儿。

13、A burgh of southwest Scotland at the mouth of the Ayr River on the Firth of Clyde.It is a resort and a fishing port.Population, 48, 600. ─── 埃尔苏格兰西南部特区,在克莱德湾的艾尔河河口处,是一个旅游胜地和渔港。人口48,

14、In Prison My Whole Life sees William Francome go on a journey to understand the case. Firth's wife Livia also acts as producer. ─── 他说,"我一开始就被这个故事吸引了.一个白人男孩踏上了他艰难的历程,为的是一个跟他完全不是一代的而且终生都囚禁在监狱的黑人."

15、and the sails were drawn up, and the wind blew, and slowly the ship slipped away down the long grey firth;and the light of the glass of Galadriel that Frodo bore glimmered and was lost. ─── 船帆扬起,海风吹拂,船缓缓地离开港口,佛罗多所戴著的宝石发出闪光,就消失在迷雾中。

16、Bringing firth new ideas make us flourish.Sticking to old ways leads to decline.The vitality of conventional enterprise is to make innovations. ─── 创新则盛,守旧则衰,传统行业的企业的生命力在于创新,创新的源泉在于人才。

17、Firth will autograph a number of the silk clothes, which will also bear Kate''s name. ─── 但是,开发商在“精兵简政”、“积极瘦身”的同时,若不及时做好安抚善后工作,后果还是很严重。

18、Firth will autograph a number of the silk clothes, which will also bear Kate's name. ─── 当然,如果机房装修较小,用水冷式空调就不太划算,因为其系统较为复杂。

19、A burgh of southwest Scotland at the mouth of the Ayr River on the Firth of Clyde. It is a resort and a fishing port. Population,48, 600. ─── 埃尔苏格兰西南部特区,在克莱德湾的艾尔河河口处,是一个旅游胜地和渔港。人口48,600

20、Firth's win was an extremely popular choice by the jury, whose president this year was the Oscar-winning director Ang Lee. ─── 费斯是本届以奥斯卡获奖导演李安为主席的评委团最热门的选择。

21、This week he saw 40 common dolphins playing in the sea close to his home in north west Scotland but he recommends the Moray Firth close to Inverness for dolphin-watching. ─── 本周,他在苏格兰西北部他家附近的海面上看到40只海豚在嬉戏,但他建议在接近伊凡尼斯的马里湾观赏海豚。他说:“你常可以看到大西洋宽吻海豚,他们通常在春天更为活跃。

22、After him, many other scholars alsoprobe into this fie1d, such as HyInes, Lyons, Firth and Leech, etc. ─── 其后,许多学者如弗斯、莱昂斯、海姆斯和利奇等都对语境进行过探讨和研究。

23、The hotel is situated on the sheltered shores of the Moray Firth. ─── 旅馆位于马里湾的下风岸。

24、[Children's book ]/Martin Waddell ;illustratedby Barbara Firth. ─── 第 12 笔 Can't you sleep, little bear?

25、A lake of north-central Scotland.It drains through the Ness River into the Moray Firth and is part of the Caledonian Canal system.The Loch Ness Monster is reputed to inhabit its deep waters. ─── 根据最近公布的数字,主要因传奇的尼斯湖怪兽而知名的苏格兰是我们星球上不明飞行物目击率最高的地区。

26、At present the level of culture building in college is generally low, and there are many puzzled problems exsting in its building and bringing firth new ideas. ─── 目前大学校园文化建设水平普遍较低,构建与创新存在诸多困惑。只有理念先行,培育践行校园文化之魂;

27、The author reviews some famous studies, which are made by well-known English philosophers and linguists, such as Firth and Halliday. ─── 作者首先简要介绍语境,回顾了一些著名哲学家和语言学家的重要研究,比如弗斯和韩礼德。

28、Approaching the Facing Challenge and Countermeasure of Quanzhou Bay Firth Development ─── 泉州湾河口湿地资源可持续发展面临的挑战及对策探讨

29、We are honored to have industry professionals like Colin Firth &Bill Pullman and directors Neil LaBute, John Madden, and Paul Schrader. as part of our jury. ─── 我们很荣幸能有业内专业人士一样,科林河口&比尔普尔曼及董事内尔拉布特,约翰麦登,和保罗施拉德。作为我们的陪审团。

30、Firth is married to an Italian and spends much of his time there. ─── 费斯与意大利妻子结婚后,大多时间都居住在意大利。

31、You will have a fine view of Moray Firth by the way. ─── 在途中你将欣赏到马里湾的美丽景色。

32、For gusts of wind, which rose and fell with sudden impetuosity, swept the bosom of the firth, and impeded the efforts of the rowers. ─── 强劲的阵风时起时落,横扫峡湾,使船夫白白费劲。

33、A burgh of northern Scotland on the Moray Firth at the terminus of the Caledonian Canal. Thought to have been a Pict stronghold, it was chartered c.1200. Population, 39, 700. ─── 因弗内斯苏格兰北部一自治市,位于默里湾,是喀里多尼亚运河的终点。曾被人认为是皮克特人的堡垒,1200年特许设立。人口39,700

34、WANG Mei qin; JIANG Jin fen LAI Han jiang; et al.Department of Clinical Laboratory Xiaoshan District firth people's hospital of Hangzhou(Zhejiang 1311201); ─── 浙江省杭州市萧山区第一人民医院;浙江省杭州市萧山区卫生防疫站;311201;

35、Solway Firth ─── 索尔威湾

36、Bill Firth’s garden is larger than Joe’s.Bill works harder than Joe and grows more flowers and vegetables, but Joe’s garden is more interesting. ─── 比尔.弗里斯的花园比乔的花园大,他比乔也更为勤奋,种植的花卉和蔬菜也更多,但乔的花园更富情趣。

37、Firth might have been far more dashing, but Mr. ─── 他外表傲慢内心却缺乏安全感,并且极为敏感。

38、David Firth ─── n. 大卫·弗斯,剑桥大学动画专业学生,flash动画作者

39、firth hardometer ─── 富氏硬度计

40、Firth, D., Cunningham, S. U.. U. K. Patent. No. 1196901 ─── 安部克朗,油压迴転机,日本特许公报,昭47-38484


42、After Firth, many linguists have elaborated context from the different perspectives, such as Hymes, Halliday, Lyons and so on. ─── 继弗斯(Firth)之后,韩礼德(Halliday),里恩(Lyons)等语言学家相继从各种角度对语境进行了阐述。

43、Pentland Firth, between Orkney and mainland Scotland, could produce 10% of the country's electricity with banks of turbines under the sea. ─── 和苏格兰大陆之间的彭特兰湾发电站,就可以利用海底涡轮机产生10%的全国发电量。

44、However, apart from Malinowski and Firth, the Egyptologist Gardiner's contribution should also receive due credit. ─── 但是,除了马林诺夫斯基和弗斯,还应该看到语言学家加德纳的贡献。

45、the Firth of Clyde ─── 克莱德湾

46、Firth's test ─── 弗斯(氏)测验:测试视敏度

47、Firth developend his own theory of context of situation, which can be summarised as follows ─── 弗斯提出了自己的情景语境理论,总结如下

48、estuary firth ─── 河口湾

49、A burgh of southwest Scotland at the mouth of the Ayr River on the Firth of Clyde. It is a resort and a fishing port. Population, 48,'00. ─── 埃尔:苏格兰西南部特区,在克莱德湾的艾尔河河口处,是一个旅游胜地和渔港。人口48,'00

50、Firth will autograph a number of the woven bag, which will also bear Kate's name. ─── 当时,公司有关技术人员与管理人员对项目管理培训的意识,大多是一片空白,对管理体系更是陌生,更不要说模板的应用。

51、Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland, in the eastern part of the country on the Firth of Forth. ─── 爱丁堡是苏格兰首府,位于苏格兰东部的福斯湾畔。

52、Julianne Moore and Colin Firth are in it. ─── JulianneMoore和ColinFirth是阵容之一。

53、Firth, Sir Charles (Harding) ─── 弗思

54、His foster father, Karney Firth, the Laird or ruler of the Firth, has raised him as his own son. ─── 他的养父KarneyFirth,苏格兰港湾的地主或称支配者,拉拔他长大如同对待自己的亲生骨肉一般。

55、A river of southwest Scotland flowing about 7 km (0' mi) northwest to the Firth of Clyde, an estuary of the North Channel. The river is navigable to Glasgow for oceangoing vessels. ─── 克莱德河:苏格兰西南的一条河,流程约7公里(0'英里),向西北流至克莱德河口,北海海峡的一个港湾。海船可以从此河口航至格拉斯哥

56、A burgh of northern Scotland on the Moray Firth at the terminus of the Caledonian Canal. Thought to have been a Pict stronghold it was chartered c. 1200. Population 39700. ─── 因弗内斯:苏格兰北部一自治市,位于默里湾,是喀里多尼亚运河的终点。曾被人认为是皮克特人的堡垒,1200年特许设立。人口39700

57、From Malinowski, Firth and Halliday, moreand more alleniion has been paid to the study of context. ─── 从马林诺斯基、弗斯和韩礼德开始,语境的研究受到越来越多的学者的关注。

58、WWF Scotland are saying that proposals to carry out ship to ship transfers of Russian crude in the Firth of Forth pose a threat to the environment. ─── 基金会指出,在苏格兰佛斯湾以船只转运俄罗斯原油,对环境造成威胁。

59、28 Saving Hugh Grant and Colin Firth from being unemployed. ─── 28使得休格-兰特和科林-菲尔斯免于失业(两个帅哥)。

60、Analyzing Pollution Pattern in Seaward Firth of Jiulong Jiang with a Numeral Method of Nonlinear Diffusion ─── 九龙江河口海域污染规律分析及非线性扩散数值解法的研究

61、A lake of north-central Scotland. It drains through the Ness River into the Moray Firth and is part of the Caledonian Canal system. The Loch Ness Monster is reputed to inhabit its deep waters. ─── 尼斯湖苏格兰中北部的一个湖。湖水流经尼斯河注入马里湾,是喀里多尼亚运河流域的一部分。尼斯湖怪兽以栖息于深水中而闻名

62、A burgh of northern Scotland on the Moray Firth at the terminus of the Caledonian Canal. Thought to hxdye been a Pict stronghold, it was chartered c. 1200. Population, 39,700. ─── 因弗内斯:苏格兰北部一自治市,位于默里湾,是喀里多尼亚运河的终点。曾被人认为是皮克特人的堡垒,1200年特许设立。人口39,700


64、Firth's face is a picture of misery in the opening scene, under his top hat, as if attending his own funeral. ─── 科林费斯刚开场就流露出掩盖大礼帽下痛苦的表情,好像要参加自己的葬礼。

65、A river of south-central Scotland flowing about 187 km (116 mi) eastward to the Firth of Forth, a wide inlet of the North Sea. ─── 福思湾:苏格兰中南部的一条河流,向东187公里(116英里)流至福思湾河口,是北海的一宽阔入口

66、Pentland Firth ─── 彭特兰湾

67、Lorne, Firth of ─── 罗恩 湾

68、Located between the Humber River and the Firth of Forth, it extended from the Irish Sea to the North Sea. ─── 位于亨伯河与佛斯湾之间,从爱尔兰海延伸至北海。

69、and the sails were drawn up, and the wind blew, and slowly the ship slipped away down the long grey firth; ─── 船帆扬起,海风吹拂,船缓缓地离开长长的灰色港口,弗罗多所戴著的凯兰崔尔星瓶里光焰闪动了一下,消失了。

70、Although born in Glasgow, brown grew up in Kirkcaldy, a Fifeshire industrial town that hugs the banks of the Firth of Forth. ─── 布朗虽在格拉斯哥出生,却在克科底长大。

71、With the above analysis, the firth part proposes to perfect the connection of our country"s administrative reconsideration and administration lawsuit, trying to realize the benign interaction. ─── 结合上述分析,在第五部分,提出了对我国行政复议与行政诉讼制度衔接进行完善的构想,力图实现行政复议与行政诉讼的良性互动。

72、Roman Britain north of the Antonine Wall,which stretched from the Firth of Forth to the Firth of Clyde ─── 安东尼墙北部的罗马大不列颠,从弗尔斯湾延伸至克莱德湾

73、The "R " rating was made because King George VI , played by Colin Firth, is shown swearing as he tries to overcome his stammer . ─── 这部电影被贴上“限制级”标签是因为,科林菲尔斯扮演的英皇乔治六世在克服结巴的毛病时脏话连篇。

74、It drains through the Ness River into the Moray Firth and is part of the Caledonian Canal system. ─── 湖水流经尼斯河注入马里湾,是喀里多尼亚运河流域的一部分。

75、Analyzing Pollution Pattern in Seaward Firth of Jiaolu Jiang with a Numerical Method of Nonlinear Diffusion ─── 河口海域污染非线性扩散数值解法研究

76、With the firth cup of tea you are a stranger. ─── 敬上一杯茶,你是一个陌生人;

77、A burgh of northern Scotland on the Moray Firth at the terminus of the Caledonian Canal. ─── 因弗内斯苏格兰北部一自治市,位于默里湾,是喀里多尼亚运河的终点。

78、After GeZhou dam impoundment, the firth which had characteristic of lake and reservoir comes into being in Huangbaihe lower reach. ─── 葛洲坝水库蓄水以后,在黄柏河下游形成具有湖库特征的库湾。

79、Roman Britain north of the Antonine Wall, which stretched from the Firth of Forth to the Firth of Clyde. Today the term is used as a poetic appellation for all of Scotland. ─── 古苏格兰安东尼墙北部的罗马大不列颠,从弗尔斯湾延伸至克莱德湾。今天,该词用作对整个苏格兰的一种诗意的称呼

80、They took their oars and began to pull from the shore, then spread their sail, and drove merrily across the firth. ─── 他们先摇了一阵橹使船离岸,接着扬起帆,驾着小船欢乐地渡过河口。

81、Professor Michael Arthur Firth Hong Kong Economic Journal Chair Professor of Finance ─── Michael Arthur Firth教授信报财经新闻财务学讲座教授

82、Reimer, R. B., Clough,-R. W. and Raphael, J. M., "Evaluation of the Pacoima Dam Accelerogram", Proceedings of the Firth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Rome, Italy, Vol. 2, 1974 ─── 张楚汉、王綦正,紧水滩拱坝动力分析,拱坝技术(中国拱坝情报网刊物),1985年三期.

83、They took their oars and began to pull from the shore, then spread their sail, and drove merrily across the firth ─── 他们先摇了一阵橹使船离岸,接着扬起帆,驾着小船欢乐地渡过河口。

84、A river of southwest Scotland flowing about 7 km (0' mi) northwest to the Firth of Clyde, an estuary of the North Channel.The river is navigable to Glasgow for oceangoing vessels. ─── 克莱德河:苏格兰西南的一条河,流程约7公里(0'英里),向西北流至克莱德河口,北海海峡的一个港湾。

85、We urge you lesser forms of firth not to push the bounds and cross over into ture corruption. into our domain. ─── 我们只要求你们不犯下均可饶恕的恶行,别成为十恶不赦之徒,进入我们的领地。

86、Firth of Lorne ─── 罗恩湾

87、To stand on the holes viewing the Firth of Forth is breathtaking and reminiscent of the golf games of yesteryear. ─── 站在球洞上面观望福斯海湾,呼吸、回忆这经年不久的运动。

88、After the reduction, Firth宁波安still holding 1535 shares of WMC shares, representing 0.6442% of the total share capital. ─── 减持后,宁波安瑞盛仍持有西部矿业股票1535万股,占总股本的0.6442%。

89、Firth here seemed to suggest the creativity and diversity of linguistic idiosyncrasy in language use. ─── 弗斯在这里指出了语言使用中语言的创造性和多样性。

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