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08-15 投稿


cuneiform 发音

英:['kju?n?f??m; kju?'ne??f??m]  美:['kj?n??,f?rm]

英:  美:

cuneiform 中文意思翻译



cuneiform 网络释义

adj. 楔形的;楔形文字的;楔状骨的n. 楔形文字;楔状骨

cuneiform 短语词组

1、cuneiform today ─── 今天的楔形文字

2、cuneiform definition ─── 楔形文字定义

3、cuneiform nucleus ─── 楔形核

4、cuneiform alphabet letters ─── 楔形文字

5、cuneiform script ─── 楔形文字

6、cuneiform osteotomy ─── [医] 楔形切骨术

7、cuneiform to latin ─── 楔形文字到拉丁语

8、cuneiform bone ─── 楔骨

9、medial cuneiform bone ─── [医] 第一楔骨

10、intermediate cuneiform bone ─── [医] 第二楔骨

11、cuneiform alphabet ─── 楔形文字

12、cuneiform cataract ─── [医]楔状内障

13、cuneiform of the foot bone ─── [医] ─── [足]楔骨

14、cuneiform writing ─── 楔形文字

15、lateral cuneiform bone ─── [医] 第三楔骨

cuneiform 相似词语短语

1、cubiform ─── adj.立方形的

2、curviform ─── 弯曲的

3、coniform ─── adj.圆锥形的

4、fungiform ─── adj.菌状的;真菌状的

5、cuneiforms ─── adj.楔形文字的;楔形的;楔状骨的;n.楔形文字;楔状骨

6、unciform ─── adj.[解剖]钩骨的;[动]钩状的;n.钩骨;钩状骨

7、cuneiformist ─── n.楔形文字研究者,楔形文字解释者

8、uniform ─── adj.统一的;一致的;相同的;均衡的;始终如一的;n.制服;vt.使穿制服;使成一样

9、calceiform ─── 鞋形

cuneiform 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、cuneiform osteotomy ─── [医] 楔形切骨术

2、cuneiform bone, intermediate ─── 中间楔骨

3、cuneiform bone, external ─── 外侧楔骨

4、cuneiform optical fiber ─── 楔形光纤

5、I was still in a corner of the humble found a BC in ancient Egypt, the stone engraved with the cuneiform, carefree and send the idea. ─── 我还在一个不怎么起眼的角落里发现过一座公元前的古埃及石碑,上面刻满了楔形文字,令人悠然而发思古之情。

6、With the cultural dissemination, other ethnic groups in west Asia and southwest Asia adopted cuneiform. ─── 楔形文字传播的地区主要在西亚和西南亚。

7、Cuneiform lobe ─── 楔状叶

8、Cuneiform facet of lateral cuneiform bone ─── 侧楔状骨楔状小面

9、The axis force of the Cuneiform pull clamp is decided by the three kinds of action . and the axiality is not the important action. and bring forward the logical project. ─── 楔形拉伸夹具的同轴度对初始轴向力的影响不起主要作用,初始轴向力是以上三种主要因素之间相互作用的结果,并针对三种因素分别作了说明并提出了相应的解决方案。

10、Cuneiform prism ─── 楔镜

11、One of the triangular characters of cuneiform writing. ─── 楔形字楔形方字的三角形字之一

12、cuneate, cuneiform ─── adj. 楔状的

13、cuneiform capillary plates ─── 楔形毛细板

14、I savor the gentle, quiet terror of reading cuneiform tablets that threaten to crumble at my very presence. ─── 我这个味道温和者,安静阅读的恐怖楔形的威胁在我的最出现崩溃的平板。

15、cuneiform characters ─── 楔形文字

16、The cuneiform osteotomy in collum metacarpi stale angled malformation ─── 掌骨颈骨折成角畸形愈合的手术治疗

17、In the capital of the Hittites 哈图沙什archives found useful mud Babylonian cuneiform writing copy version. ─── 在赫梯首都哈图沙什的档案库中发现有用巴比伦楔形文字书写的泥版复本。

18、If they are, in fact, writing, they predate the commonly accepted origin of cuneiform writing in Mesopotamia by 200 years. ─── 果真如此的话,那它们就可能比公认的美索不达米亚最早的楔形文字早大约200年。

19、Methods Based on the anatomic study, the vascularized periosteal flat of the first cuneiform bone was designed to transplant into navicular. ─── 方法在解剖学研究基础上,设计带血管的第一楔骨骨膜瓣植入舟状骨。

20、It was at the start already suspected that cuneiform developed from another hitherto unknown language. ─── 它一开始的时候就令人怀疑楔形文字是从另一种迄今为止也未知道的语言发展而来。

21、cuneiform of the foot bone ─── [医] [足]楔骨

22、Cuboidal facet of lateral cuneiform bone ─── 侧楔状骨骰骨小面

23、During excavations in 1843 and 1845 CE large collections of clay tablets were found carrying cuneiform signs. ─── 在1843年和1845的出土期间,大量的泥版收藏品都发现刻有楔形文字。

24、Among the cases,the cuneiform incise was madeinto the soft palate along the each side of Uvula. ─── 结果:术后6个月复查并均行多导睡眠监测,治愈8例,显效17例,有效25例,无效5例,总有效率90.9%。

25、Cuneiform nucleus of midbrain ─── 中脑楔状核

26、It used the cuneiform writing system derived ultimately from ancient Sumerian, an unrelated, non-Semitic language. ─── 楔形文字书写体系的使用基本上是源自古代闪族人,是一种不相干的非闪族语系语言。

27、The curved cuneiform characters for forever ─── 用楔形文字刻下了永远

28、Thousands of clay tablets, written in a cuneiform writing system, are buried deep under the ruins of ancient cities, when they were sacked and set into fire. ─── 数千块泥版,上面写着楔形文字,在这些古代城市被洗劫和放火烧毁的时候,它们被深深地埋在古代城市的废墟底下。

29、cuneiform law ─── 楔形文字法

30、The word “cuneiform” itself gives hints on the basic appearance of the ancient language of Mesopotamia. ─── 楔形文字这个名称表达了古代美索不达米亚文字最本质的外在特征。

31、The shape of the olfactory sac of the eel is cuneiform. ─── 结果表明:中华须鳗嗅囊呈楔型;

32、cuneiform osteotomy of tibia ─── 胫骨楔形切骨术

33、cuneiform bone, first ─── 第一楔骨

34、cuneiform eminence of head of rib ─── 肋头嵴

35、To ensure that their legal, administrative, and economic institutions functioned effectively, the Babylonians used the cuneiform system of writing developed by their Sumerian predecessors. ─── 为了确保他们的法律、管理和经济机构职能的有效性,巴比伦人使用了由他们的苏美尔人前辈发明的楔形文字书写系统。

36、The Sumerian cuneiform deciphering skills of Zecharia Sitchen, a linguist in command of many ancient languages, has set the scientific world on its ear with his astounding interpretations of ancient writings. ─── 扎查里亚西特切的闪族楔形文字破译技巧,一位语言学家在指挥着很多古代语言,已经把科学世界设计在它的倾听上,连同着他对古代作品惊人的解释。

37、While the Sumerian language ceased to be spoken after about 2000 BC, the influence of its written form (Cuneiform) is still felt today. ─── 然而,公元前两千年左右之后,苏美尔语口语销声匿迹,但是它的文字(楔形文字)仍流传至今。

38、The origin, course and branch distribution of the arteries to the dorsomedial side of the first cuneiform bone were observed on 30 adult cadaveric feet. ─── 在30侧成人下肢标本上,解剖观测了第一楔骨动脉的来源、走行、分支和分布.

39、At first, The letterpress is expatiate on the actuality and develop of cuneiform pull clamp by the angle, the electric clamp and the original axis force. ─── 本文主要研究试验机楔形拉伸夹具的电动夹紧和初始轴向力问题。

40、The Curative Effects of Glass-ion Cement in the Repair of the Cuneiform Defects of the Senior Teeth ─── 玻璃离子水门汀修复老年人楔形缺损患牙的疗效观察

41、Methods 32 patients were operated by incomplete cuneiform osteotomy and nylon line internal fixation.Results The cubitus varus of all cases was correctted. ─── 方法采用楔形不全截骨加尼龙线内固定法,治疗32例肘内翻畸形。

42、Cuneiform tablets from 1600 B.C. showed that the Babylonians feared the world was already too full of people. ─── 公元前1600年遗留的楔形文字泥板,就记载著巴比伦人对于世界已经人满为患的忧虑。

43、Keywords glass-ion cement;the repair of cuneiform defects;clinically curative effects; ─── 关键词玻璃离子水门汀;楔形缺损修复;临床疗效;

44、cuneiform bone, third ─── 第三楔骨

45、Investigation and evaluation of cuneiform prism and neutral glass slices used as laser attenuator[J]. ─── 引用该论文 高雪松,高春清,高明伟,李家泽,魏光辉.

46、cuneiform bone, middle ─── 中间楔骨, 第二楔骨

47、Artifacts discovered there in the 19th century included hundreds of cuneiform tablets. ─── 19世纪时发现许多工艺品,包括数百块楔形文字泥版。

48、cuneiform body ─── 楔形体

49、Keywords Material testing machine;Electric clamp;The Cuneiform angle;Axis force; ─── 材料试验机;电动夹紧;楔形角度;轴向力;

50、1000 B.C. Phoenician script invented in what is now Lebanon as an alternative to cuneiform; written from right to left. ─── 公元前1000年,腓尼基书写体在黎巴嫩地区被发明。这是另一版本的楔形文字。也是从右到左书写。

51、Application of new cuneiform operation to preserve the ascending uterine arteries ─── 保留子宫动脉上行支子宫楔形切除术在临床的应用

52、The Application of Columnar And Cuneiform Mixed Cut in TianHe Coal Mine ─── 柱状、楔形混合掏槽在天河煤矿的应用

53、This article focuses on the process of shaping the mixed rifle with a large spiral angle in the cannon, and proposes a cone-like cathode structure with asymmetric cuneiform working tooth. ─── 分析了火炮身管大缠角混合膛线的成型过程,提出圆锥体单边切进楔形工作齿的阴极结构,经试验确定了阴极体锥度、长度与楔形工作齿角度的匹配关系。

54、transform complicated block problem into some of cuneiform, flat surface problems, and the complicated problem turns in brief. ─── 把复杂块体转换为若干楔体、及平面问题,使复杂问题简单化。

55、I was still in a corner of the humble found a BC in ancient Egypt, the stone engraved with the cuneiform , carefree and send the idea. ─── 我还在一个不怎么起眼的角落里发现过一座公元前的古埃及石碑,上面刻满了楔形文字,令人悠然而发思古之情。

56、The code is set down in horizontal columns of cuneiform writing: 16 columns of text on the obverse side and 28 on the reverse. ─── 法典以楔形文字记录在一块水平的柱子上:正文被刻在16根柱子的正面以及28根柱子的反面。

57、Treatment of ischemic necrosis of navicular by transposition of vaseularized periosteal flat of first cuneiform bone ─── 带血管蒂的第一楔骨骨膜瓣移位治疗足舟状骨缺血性坏死

58、L. w. King provides us with a qualified translation of the tablets which were originally written in cuneiform script. ─── 国王为我们提供了合格的翻译片原本写剧本楔形。

59、cuneiform cataract ─── 楔状内障

60、The chicken scratch is cuneiform. ─── 鸡爪印是楔形文字。

61、They are mentionedin cuneiform documents from Borsippa in Babylonia and from the Persiancapital Persepolis . ─── 他们提到的楔形文字文件Borsippa在巴比伦和波斯首都波斯波利斯。

62、3500 B.C. Cuneiform first used by Sumerians in present-day Iraq for economic records. ─── 公元前3500年,生活在现在伊拉克地区的闪族人首先使用楔形文字记录经济活动。

63、Among the finest cultural achievements of Assyria was literature, which initially used a cuneiform alphabet from the Babylonians written on clay tablets until 750 BC. ─── 亚述人的最佳文化成就之一就是文献,起初是用来自巴比伦的楔形文字书写体系,把字刻在泥版上,直到公元前750为止。

64、She wrote hymns to the gods in cuneiform. ─── 她用楔形文字写下了献给神祇的颂歌。

65、Seeds numerous, cuneiform, small. ─── 种子多数,楔形,小。

66、cuneiform tubercle ─── 楔状结节

67、The cuneiform script is a great invention by the Sumerians. ─── 楔形文字是苏美尔人的一大发明。

68、Keywords cuneiform;chiral carbon atom;R/S configuration;working on plane; ─── 楔形式;手性碳原子;R/S构型;平面操作;

69、cuneiform bone, internal ─── 内侧楔骨

70、cuneiform a. ─── 楔形的;

71、cuneiform nucleus ─── 楔形核

72、It also includes a sign list and a number of texts in cuneiform and also one translated text for comparison. ─── 它还包括一个清单,并签署了一系列文件,并在楔形文字一个翻译的文字进行比较。

73、The Origin of Writings and the Similarities and Differences Between Hieroglyphs, Cuneiform, Chinese Characters and Alphabet ─── 文字起源及象形文字、楔形文字、中国文字和字母文字之异同

74、Keywords engineering geology;karstic collapse columns;cuneiform;mechanics analysis;mine area of north China; ─── 工程地质;陷落柱;楔形;力学分析;华北煤矿区;

75、The code is set down in horizontal columns of cuneiform writing: 16 columns of text on the obverse side and 28 on the reverse. ─── 法典以楔形文字记录在一块水平的柱子上:正文被刻在16根柱子的正面以及28根柱子的反面。

76、cuneiform slumping ─── 楔体滑塌

77、cuneiform part of vomer ─── 犁骨楔状部

78、Dilmun and Mesopotamian International Sea-borne Commerce--Bahrain Island in the Cuneiform Texts and Archaeological Discoveries ─── 古代两河流域和巴林的海上国际贸易--楔形文字文献和考古发现中的狄勒蒙

79、cuneiform duck-rostra ─── 楔形鸭嘴

80、cuneiform bone ─── 楔骨蝶骨

81、cuneiform body peak track ─── 楔形体顶点轨迹

82、Preliminary Study on the Cuneiform Charge Liner ─── 关于楔形罩的初步研究

83、Gradually, these pictographs became more stylized and wedge-like or cuneiform (Latin for wedge = cuneus) and adapted to write the local language, or Sumerian. ─── 渐渐地,这些象形文字变得更加规范化,变成了楔形文字,适合于书写当地的语言,或者是苏美尔语。

84、Avitzur Upper Bound Model in Plain Strain Forward Extrusion of the Cuneiform Mould ─── Avitzur上限模式在楔形模平面应变正挤压中的运用

85、The Simple Method to Deterine the Configuration of Chiral Molecule Showed by Cuneiform ─── 确定楔形式手性分子构型的简易方法

86、cuneiform cartilage ─── 楔状软骨

87、1500 B.C. Ugarit language of southern Syria written in simplified cuneiform. ─── 公元前1500年,出现在南叙利亚的乌加里特文,是一种简化的楔形文字。

88、The ancestors of modern alphabets were the iconographic and ideographic symbols developed by ancient man, such as cuneiform and hieroglyphics. ─── 原始人发展出的图示和表意符号是如今现代字母的原型,比如楔形文字和象形文字。

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