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pelargonium 发音


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pelargonium 中文意思翻译



pelargonium 词性/词形变化,pelargonium变形


pelargonium 短语词组

1、pelargonium odorantissimum ─── 天竺葵

2、pelargonium asperum ─── 天竺葵

3、Pelargonium peltatum ─── [网络] 盾叶天竺葵;蔓性天竺葵;盾状天竺葵

4、pelargonium leptum ─── 细天竺葵

5、Pelargonium hortorum ─── [网络] 天竺葵;房子天竺葵;天竺葵属

6、Pelargonium species ─── 属

7、pelargonium appendiculatum ─── 天竺葵

8、genus Pelargonium ─── [网络] 天竺葵属

9、Pelargonium odoratissimum ─── [网络] 碰碰香;极香天竺葵;天竺葵属

10、pelargonium parviflorum ─── 发了一点酵。

11、pelargonium hystrix ─── 天竺葵

12、pelargonium punctatum ─── 点状天竺葵

13、zonal pelargonium ─── [网络] 带状天竺葵

14、Pelargonium roseum Ait. ─── [医] 香叶天竺葵

15、Pelargonium limoneum ─── [网络] 天竺葵

16、pelargonium crithmifolium ─── 以弗得的佩拉。

17、Pelargonium graveolens ─── [网络] 香叶天竺葵;香天竺葵;天竺葵属

18、pelargonium vs geranium ─── 天竺葵vs ─── 天竺葵

19、pelargonium alternans ─── 天竺葵

pelargonium 相似词语短语

1、telharmonium ─── n.电传乐器;电传簧风琴

2、perigonium ─── n.雄器苞;花被

3、pelargonic ─── 壬酸

4、spermogonium ─── n.性孢子器,精子器

5、zonal pelargonium ─── 天竺葵

6、spermatogonium ─── n.[细胞]精原细胞

7、spermagonium ─── n.性孢子器,精子器

8、carbonium ─── n.正碳;[有化]阳碳;正电离子

9、pelargoniums ─── n.天竺葵属植物

pelargonium 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The odor characteristics of the essential oil of Pelargonium roseum was different from that of P. graveolens Produced in Yunnan and was similar to that produced in Bourbon. ─── 其香气特征与云南产香叶天竺葵(Pelargonium graveolens)精油不同,更接近印度波尔蓬香叶油的香气。

2、Study on antioxidative effect of Pelargonium hortorum Bailey ─── 天竺葵花抗氧化作用的研究

3、Pelargonium leaf curl virus ─── 天竺葵曲叶病毒

4、Pelargonium odoratissmum ─── 蚊净香草

5、Any of various plants of the genus Pelargonium, native chiefly to southern Africa and widely cultivated for their rounded, often variegated leaves and showy clusters of red, pink, or white flowers. ─── 天竺葵属植物一种主要产于南美的天竺葵属植物,因其圆而通常杂色的叶子及艳丽的红、粉或白色花束而广泛种植

6、Pelargonium yellow spot virus ─── 天竺葵黄斑病毒

7、Some , such as the hairs on the leaves of geraniums(Pelargonium)are glandular. ─── 某些天竺葵(天竺葵属)叶上的毛是腺毛。

8、Green and Beautify Environment New Star -- Fish Pelargonium with Hoofs Line ─── 绿化美化新秀--蹄纹天竺葵

9、Ivy-Leaved Geranium is a group of plants with ivy-like leaves and trailing stemsin the Genus Pelargonium, and it includes many cultivars. ─── 吊篮天竺葵是让人联想到常春藤的天竺葵,有很多品种。

10、Clonal Propagation of Pelargonium citrosum Vanleenii and Main Factors Affecting its Large-scale Production ─── 驱蚊香草快繁体系的建立及工厂化育苗主要影响因素研究

11、Antioxidation and chemical characterization of essentialoil from Pelargonium graveolens. L'Her ─── 香叶天竺葵油抗氧化作用及其化学表征

12、Pelargonium roseum Ait. ─── [医] 香叶天竺葵

13、Keywords essential oil from Pelargonium graveolens.L Her;antioxidation;chemical characterization; ─── 香叶天竺葵油;抗氧化;化学表征;

14、Effects on induction and proliferation of Pelargonium graveolens ─── 驱蚊香草愈伤组织的诱导和增殖

15、Pelargonium species ─── 天竺葵属

16、Plant regeneration from petiole calli of Pelargonium citrosum ─── 驱蚊香草愈伤组织再生植株的诱导与培养

17、Pelargonium horlarurn ─── 天竺葵

18、Study on Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oils and Its Monomer from Pelargonium graveolens ─── 香叶天竺葵精油及单体抗氧化能力比较

19、Pelargonium graueolens ─── 驱蚊草

20、essential oil from Pelargonium graveolens. L' Her ─── 香叶天竺葵油

21、nonessential oil extracts of pelargonium graveolens ─── 香叶天竺葵叶非精油组分

22、pelargonium odoratissimum ─── 碰碰香

23、Study on Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Pelargonium ─── 驱蚊香草的组织培养和快速繁殖

24、In vitro Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Pelargonium odoratissmum ─── 蚊净香草的离体培养和植株再生

25、Fish pelargonium is a kind of wonderful balance agent. ─── 天竺葵是一种极好的平衡剂。

26、pelargonium oil ─── 天竺葵油

27、Pelargonium citrosum Vanleenii ─── 驱蚊香草

28、rose pelargonium herb ─── 香叶

29、Fish pelargonium special fight cold, need fixed crop only, or it is to irrigate it is OK to water. ─── 天竺葵非常抗寒,只需要定期修剪一下,或是浇浇水就可以了。

30、Pelargonium ring spot virus ─── 天竺葵环斑病毒

31、Study on tissue culture and high frequency propagation of Pelargonium graveolens L.Her ─── 香叶天竺葵组织培养快速繁殖技术研究

32、Studies on Technology of Isolated Culture of Pelargonium graveolens ─── 香叶天竺葵的离体培养研究

33、Application Effects of Plant Growth Regulator on Pelargonium odoratissmum in Pot Culture ─── 植物生长调节剂在盆栽蚊净香草上的应用初报

34、Beautician can choose oil of fish pelargonium essence to wait commonly, massage in order to arrange hour hand gently in labial ministry, clean labial ministry, preliminary purify makeup look. ─── 美容师一般会选用天竺葵精油等,在唇部以顺时针轻轻按摩,清洗唇部,初步去除妆容。

35、And fish pelargonium, mimosa and stone garlic, the contact also can cause child hair to fall off too much. ─── 而天竺葵、含羞草和石蒜等,接触过多也会引起孩子头发脱落。

36、Keywords: taxonomy, Uredinales, Pelargonium hortorum, new record, ─── 关键词:分类学,锈菌目,天竺葵,新记录

37、Fish pelargonium is natural hairdressing fine quality goods, be opposite especially dry skin, dermatitis, eczema, use the effect that wash bath very good. ─── 天竺葵是天然美容妙品,非凡是对干燥皮肤,皮炎,湿疹,用来洗浴效果很好。

38、I love fish pelargonium, excel other any flowers, especially gules . ─── 我爱天竺葵,胜于其他任何花,尤其是红色的。

39、pelargonium graveolens ─── 香叶天竺葵, n. 香叶天竺葵

40、Pelargonium roseum ─── 玫瑰天竺葵

41、pelargonium hortorum ─── n. 天竺葵, 天竺葵

42、Pelargonium radula ─── n. 菊叶天竺葵

43、Tissue culture and rapid propagation of Pelargonium odoratissmum ─── 蚊净香草的组培快繁技术

44、rosescent pelargonium ─── 头状天竺葵

45、Some , such as the hairs on the leaves of geraniums (Pelargonium)are glandular. ─── 某些天竺葵(天竺葵属)叶上的毛是腺毛。


47、The special booth antique equipment, melodious ease the guqin, Xiao Ye Ying's Tea performances, the public seems in fine chemicals in tea buds of Pelargonium. ─── 古色古香的特装展位,悠扬舒缓的古琴,笑靥盈盈的茶艺表演,市民们在隐隐茶香中细品着香叶嫩芽。

48、Pelargonium vein clearing rhabdovirus ─── 天竺葵脉明弹状病毒

49、fish pelargonium flower ─── 石蜡红

50、A Study of Induction Callus with Different Organs of Pelargonium Citrosum Vanleenii ─── 驱蚊香草不同外植体诱导愈伤组织的研究

51、purple pelargonium (pelargonium quinquevulnerum) ─── 紫花天竺葵

52、Study on the Technical System of Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Pelargonium Domesticum Bailey ─── 大花天竺葵的组培快繁技术体系研究

53、A Study of Induction Callus with Different Organs of Pelargonium Citrosum Vanleenii ─── 驱蚊香草不同外植体诱导愈伤组织的研究

54、An oriental floral fragrance for women Top notes are coriander, sweet pea, pelargonium, geranium Middle notes are peony, hibiscus blossom, rose Base notes are labdanum, sandalwood, musk, incense ─── 阿历珊度淡香水喷雾东方花卉女香,前调为胡荽,甜豆,天竺葵,中调为牡丹,木槿花,玫瑰,基调为劳丹脂,檀香,麝香,香。

55、Structure and Development of Glandular Trichomes in Pelargonium fragrans ─── 肉豆蔻天竺葵腺毛结构及其发育的研究

56、Rose, Pelargonium, grapefruit. ─── 玫瑰、天竺葵、葡萄柚。

57、Oil of fish pelargonium essence is the leaf distill that uses it and, have the sweet smell of the rose. ─── 天竺葵精油是采用它的叶子蒸馏而得,有玫瑰的香味。

58、Geranium (Pelargonium gravolens) - Inhaled: reduces stress. ─── 天竺葵:吸入: 缓解紧张情绪。

59、Rapid Propagation of Pelargonium graveolens in Vitro ─── 香叶组培快速繁殖的研究

60、Pelargonium graveolens L' Her ─── 香叶天竺葵

61、Analysis on Content and Composition of Essential Oil in Different Month of Growth in Pelargonium graveolens ─── 不同月份香叶天竺葵精油的含有率与成分变化分析

62、Pelargonium X Citrenella stem ─── 驱蚊草茎段

63、Tissue culture and rapid multiplication of pelargonium odoratissmum ─── 驱蚊香草的组织培养及快繁技术

64、Any of various herbs and shrubs of the genus Pelargonium,which includes the geraniums. ─── 天竺葵任一包括天竺葵的天竺葵属草本或灌木植物。

65、Pelargonium crinkle virus ─── 天竺葵皱缩病毒

66、Single out with oil of fish pelargonium essence, thyme, rosemary every week same or mix much bubble bath. ─── 每周用天竺葵精油、百里香、迷迭香选出一样或混合多泡澡。

67、This company controller says to us, defecate herb is vivacious herb, fish pelargonium is belonged to. ─── 该公司负责人给我们介绍说,净清香草是多年生草本植物,天竺葵属。

68、Study on leaves in vitro culture of Pelargonium graveolens ─── 蚊净香草叶片离体培养研究

69、Pelargonium graveolens L'Her oil from tissue-culture plantlet ─── 组培香叶油

70、In Vitro Promot Proliferation of Pelargonium graveolens ─── 香叶天竺葵的组织培养快速繁殖

71、Any of various herbs and shrubs of the genus Pelargonium, which includes the geraniums. ─── 天竺葵任一包括天竺葵的天竺葵属草本或灌木植物

72、Effect of substrate poral lacuna characteristics on cutting effect of Pelargonium hortorum ─── 基质孔隙特性对天竺葵扦插效果的影响

73、Keywords nonessential oil extracts of pelargonium graveolens;free radical;DNA oxidative damage;antioxidant; ─── 香叶天竺葵叶非精油组分;自由基;DNA氧化损伤;抗氧化剂;

74、Is composed by the pure natural pelargonium and the fresh orange plant essence fluid, with skin surface layer affinity, can the good softe... ─── 由纯天然天竺葵及鲜橙植物精华液组成,与皮肤表层亲和力强,能较好的软化角质,祛除死皮,令肌肤柔嫩光滑,具水润健康状态。

75、Every week with the pelargonium volatile oil, hundred miles fragrances, the rosemary selects same or mixes the multi-soaking-baths. ─── 每周用天竺葵精油、百里香、 迷迭香选出一样或混合多泡澡。

76、Pelargonium domesticum ─── n. 家天竺葵

77、Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Pelargonium graveolens ─── 香叶天竺葵的组织培养和快速繁殖

78、Pelargonium zonal ─── 马蹄纹天竺葵

79、The ideas for unusual foliage plants are exceptional, ranging from lovely purple-leaved cabbages to aromatic pelargonium. ─── 不寻常的观叶植物的想法是例外,从可爱的紫叶白菜芳香天竺葵。

80、Pelargonium leaf curl tombusvirus ─── 天竺葵曲叶番茄丛矮病毒

81、pelargonium peltatum ─── n. 盾叶天竺葵, 蔓性天竺葵

82、Comparison on Rooting Capacity of Different Segments at the Same Branch of Pelargonium odoratissmum ─── 蚊净香草同一枝条不同切段扦插生根能力的比较

83、I love fish pelargonium, excel other any flowers, especially gules. ─── 我爱天竺葵,胜于其他任何花,尤其是红色的。

84、Pelargonium fragrans is cultivated as a source of essential oil as w ell as used for food flavouring or cosmetics. ─── 肉豆蒄天竺葵是一种含有精油的植物,其精油被广泛应用于香料与化妆品。

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