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08-14 投稿


audition 发音

英:[??'d??(?)n]  美:[?'d???n]

英:  美:

audition 中文意思翻译



audition 短语词组

1、chromatic audition ─── [医] 闻声觉色

2、audition 1999 1999 ─── 年海选

3、backdoor audition ─── 后门试镜

4、audition online ─── 在线试镜

5、audition cs ─── 海选cs

6、blind audition ─── 盲听

7、bright audition ─── 明亮的试听

8、adobe audition cs ─── 音频编辑

9、adobe audition ─── 音频编辑软件

10、audition mobile ─── 海选手机

11、photoshop audition photoshop ─── 试镜

12、audition movie ─── 试镜电影

13、audition shoes ─── 试镜鞋

14、audition of account ─── [经] 查帐

15、gustatory audition ─── [医] 闻声觉味

16、colored audition ─── [网络] 彩色试奏

17、adobe audition cc adobe audition cc

18、audition imdb ─── 试听imdb

19、audition ios ─── 试镜ios

audition 词性/词形变化,audition变形

动词过去分词: auditioned |动词现在分词: auditioning |动词第三人称单数: auditions |动词过去式: auditioned |

audition 相似词语短语

1、auditioned ─── n.(对演艺人员的)面试,试演;听觉,听能;v.试演,试唱;对(某人)进行面试,让(某人)试演(或试唱、试音)

2、auditioner ─── n.听力,听觉;试听(audition的变形)

3、erudition ─── n.博学;学识

4、auditions ─── n.试演;试听(audition的复数形式);[生理]听力;v.试演;作试听(audition的第三人称单数)

5、auditionee ─── n.参与竞争者,面试应试者

6、addition ─── n.添加;[数]加法;增加物

7、audion ─── n.[电子]三极管;三极真空管;三极检波管;n.(Audion)人名;(英)奥迪翁

8、ambition ─── n.野心,雄心;抱负,志向;vt.追求;有…野心

9、additions ─── n.附加物(addition的复数);附件;增加固定资产

audition 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An external audit is required for tax purpose. ─── 公司为税务需要,要进行外聘审计。

2、Be certified by Guangdong Guangzhou Quality Audit Office on 2003. ─── 2003年取得广东广州质量监督品质认证。

3、Original Tom Hanks audition tapes, with introduction by Howard. ─── 原始汤姆·汉克斯面试并由罗恩·霍华德导演。

4、The record company heard to my audition tape, now they want to meet us. ─── 唱片公司的人听过我们的试听带,现在想见我们。

5、Tags: audit parameter unix syslog. ─── Posted in it技术, oracle.

6、Not long after that less-than-1)promising start, Gibson showed up to 2)audition for another movie. ─── 在这个不怎么有希望的起步后没多久,吉布森参加另一部电影的试镜。

7、Does the factory complete its own final audit? ─── 工厂会进行成品检查吗?

8、The analysis on Enron's audit failure. ─── 对安然审计失败案进行剖析。

9、Disc company have listened our audition recording, they want to meet us now. ─── 唱片公司的人听过我们的试听带,现在想见我们.

10、She wrote to Paramount Studios and asked if they would audition her. ─── 她写了信给派拉蒙电影公司,问他们是否能让她试镜。

11、He made an audit of all the plants on his property. ─── 他将自己拥有的所有工厂都审计了一遍。

12、How to conduct on site audit of factoring borrowers? ─── 如何去对保理借款人进行现场检查?

13、How do I protect audit and log files? ─── 如何保护审核文件和日志文件?

14、Original Daryl Hannah audition tapes with introduction by Howard. ─── 原始达丽尔·汉纳面试并由罗恩·霍华德导演。

15、The audit had gone well,but I was relieved it was over. ─── 审计进行得挺顺利,而我总算松了一口气。

16、To be reviewed in the beginning of the audit. ─── 在审核的初步阶段进行检查。

17、From the moment it was announced, Nine was a film that nearly every actress wanted a role in and was willing to audition for. ─── 从对外宣布那一刻起,《九》成为了每一位女演员心目中的影片,并都期望能够试演其中。

18、They made her audition several times and finally decided just to wait for her to grow up enough to do the role. ─── 迪斯尼让塞勒斯多次试镜,最后决定等塞勒斯长大并能胜任这个角色后再开拍。

19、To take part in deviation, change and audit. ─── 参与偏差调查、变更执行、审计执行;

20、He has32 years of audit, IPO and computer audit experience. ─── 他拥有三十二年的审计,上市集资及电脑审计之专业经验。

21、Auditors shall not audit their own work. ─── 审核员不应审核自己的工作。

22、Prepare selected year-end audit schedules. ─── 完成部分年底审计底稿;

23、Sandra went to every casting call and audition she could. ─── 她不错过任何一个选演员和试演的机会。

24、Do you think the audition process was fair? ─── 你觉得海选公正吗?

25、College is like an audition. ─── 大学就像一次试演。

26、The audit will be completed at your expense. ─── 审计费用将由你支付。

27、Then the field was narrowed down, and I was one of about 10 invited to actually cook for the first lady, a luncheon audition. ─── 后来竞争圈子逐步缩小,大约有十人左右收到邀请,为第一夫人试做一顿午餐,我是其中之一。

28、Participate annual supplier audit program. ─── 参与合格供应商的开发及评审。

29、Head of audit team is responsible for making the audit plan. ─── 审核组长负责编制审核计划.

30、He had taken the day off school to go the audition with his mother Maggie and father Trevor, who watched anxiously from the wings. ─── 小盆友今天是请假来参加海选的,妈妈麦琪和爸爸特来佛陪他一起,两口子在后台看得超紧张。

31、Audit was a sitting of the council in Exchequer . ─── 审议是该会议在财政部的一次例令。

32、An audit trail of system access and activity is maintained. ─── 对系统存取和活动实施审计。

33、Go out and audition another boss. ─── 你可以拂袖而去,再面试下一位老板。

34、Establishment of clear audit trails for e-banking transactions. ─── 为电子银行交易建立清晰的核查记录。

35、Assist audit issues for HongKong and Macau. ─── 协助香港和澳门财务审计.

36、And if tampering occurs, a clean audit of the votes is impossible. ─── 如果这种手脚发生了,对选票的彻底清查就变得不可能了。

37、Rare footage from inside a Jessica Alba audition. ─── 芭试镜中的罕见镜头。

38、He had read the audit chief's report about the embezzlement and cash loss. ─── 他已读过查帐部主任关于这件贪污加现款盗窃案的报告。

39、Coordinate audit engagement efforts with. ─── 与各方面协调审计业务工作

40、He is the manager of the Internal Audit Department. ─── 他是内部审计部主管。

41、Participate in set down annual audit plan. ─── 参与制定公司内部年度审计计划。

42、La. Britney was signed soon after her audition and began working on what would become @Baby One More Time. ─── 她参加了试演,不久获得签约,开始制作流行歌曲,这就是后来的“爱之初告白”。

43、At the same time tax audit was reinforced. ─── 同时,税收检查要加强。

44、State audit is an agent of Parliament. ─── 国家审计就是议会的代理。

45、We'll start to audit your accounts next week. ─── 下星期要查你们单位的账。

46、Thus the principle: Audit, don’t edit. ─── 因此存在这样一个原则,即审核,而不校正。

47、Audit risk is avery important concept. ─── 审计风险是一个非常重要的概念。

48、How does the hospital check audition commonly? ─── 医院检查听力一般怎么检查的?

49、The audition was attended by a score of young hopefuls . ─── 参加试音的是20个有成功希望的年轻人。

50、ICAO conducted security audit on Hong Kong. ─── 國際民航組織在香港進行保安審計。

51、The Audit Commission was formerly known as the Audit Department. ─── 审计署(前称核数署)根据《基本法》而设立。

52、Arrange the internal quality system audit. ─── 安排质量体系内审。

53、Is There A Regular Quality Audit On Finished Goods? ─── 对已完成产品,是否有定期之质量检验?

54、However, a message will be logged in audit trail. ─── 不过,会有一条消息记录在审核跟踪中。

55、His time to such organizations as the British Council, helping to audition young people with ambitions to dance. ─── 但是他愿为英国文化委员会这样的组织慷慨地献出时间,帮助面试那些在舞蹈方面有抱负的年轻人。

56、Audition is required for this programme. ─── 学员须通过甄选程序,获取录者,方能参加是次计划。

57、Hearing(or audition or sound reception ):Physiological process of perceiving sound. ─── 听觉:感受声音的生理作用。

58、An applicant will then be notified of a day for audition. ─── 其后申请者将获通知试音日期。

59、The producer plans to audition dancers tomorrow morning. ─── 导演计划明天上午让舞蹈演员试演。

60、Participate to audit of different control cycles. ─── 参与内控方面的审计工作。

61、Audition Call for TTP’s 2010 Rock Musical! ─── 实践剧场2010年度大制作演员招募!

62、He audit the account by himself. ─── 他亲自审计那项帐目。

63、GAO is required to audit these statements. ─── GAO(美国总审计局)对报告进行审计。

64、The audit account has a sequence number of 1. ─── 审核帐户的序列号为1。

65、Compliance function shall be separate from internal audit function. ─── 合规部门应当同银行内部审计部门分开.

66、They made an audition of the new recordings. ─── 他们对新录制的材料进行了试听。

67、Why is the audit opinion implementation so difficult? ─── 审计决定执行何时不难?

68、Will she be able to pass this audition? ─── 她能否通过这次考试呢?

69、Do you plan to audition for the part? ─── 你打算试演这个角色吗?

70、Assist project management and external audit. ─── 协助项目管理与外部审计等。

71、With any audition, you come to a point where you're like, you know, wait, you won't let the whole world. . . ─── 无论是什么试听,你只要你喜欢你就会做好,你知道,等下,你不想让整个世界···。

72、Prepare the quality file material for the audit. ─── 准备相关的审核资料。

73、The audition routine is the same for a road company as for a Broadway show. ─── 巡回剧团对演员的试听测验与百老汇的做法毫无二致。

74、Run through Setup completely and finish in a manual audit mode. ─── 完整地运行安装程序,并以手动审核模式结束。

75、Supplier audit, periodic or randomly. ─── 协助公司对供应商的例行或临时性稽核。

76、Carry out the audit process with QA dept. ─── 与质量部协调进行供应商审核;

77、How did your audition go Adriana? ─── 你的试镜结果怎么样呢?

78、They work non - stop to finish the audit on time. ─── 他们不停地工作以按期完成审计工作。

79、He will audit three courses next semester. ─── 下个学期他将旁听三门课程。

80、Rita: Sure. Did you know Deborah Hall bad an audition here? ─── 丽塔:当然了。你知道德伯拉.霍尔曾经在这里试过镜吗?

81、An ear does not have the child audition, folk prescription can cure? ─── 小孩一只耳朵没有听力,有偏方能治好吗?

82、So if you've never acted, what made you go to the audition? ─── 你本身没演过任何戏,什么事使你去面试呢?

83、Which course do you want to audit? ─── 你想旁听哪门课?

84、Do you have what it takes to battle the best? Come one, come all! Welcome to Audition! ─── 你是否想参与一个最好的舞蹈竞赛呢?来吧,大家一起来!欢迎来到劲舞团!

85、We had to pass an audition to buy the house we are moving to. ─── 对于我们即将搬进去的房子,我们必须得通过一次审查才行。

86、Apparently he made a mess of his audition. ─── 显然他把试演搞得一团糟。

87、Filming for the day would sort of be an audition to see how I would fit in with the show. ─── 拍摄当天她作为一个观众看看我是否适合这个演出中的角色。

88、Then audit risks come into being. ─── 于是,审计风险就产生了。

89、To prepare internal process audit of Plant. ─── 参与准备工厂内部的过程审核。


如何做好面试前的准备? 用英语表达 翻译如下: How to prepare for the interview before? 重点词汇释义: 做好 complete 面试 an oral quiz; an audition 准备 prepare; get ready; intend; plan; ready; provision;


分享下我的经验吧:你要下载一个手机app 美册,打开后进入制作,然后找到热门工具,里面视频变声,加速功能区都有,再导入视频一键生成就可以了。

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