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outlawry 发音

英:['a?tl??r?]  美:['a?t,l?ri]

英:  美:

outlawry 中文意思翻译



outlawry 网络释义

n. 被宣布为非法;非法化;逍遥法外

outlawry 反义词


outlawry 同义词

outcast | illegitimate | proscribe | banish | expel | suppress |criminal | lawless | forbid | outlawed | unlawful | desperado | runaway | crook | brigand | felon | bandit | censure | exile | prohibit | veto | illegalise | criminalise | bar | fugitive | illicit | malefactor | ban | convict | criminalize | illegalize | exclude

outlawry 短语词组

1、outlawry definition ─── 非法定义

2、outlawry def ─── 非法定义

3、outlawry of war ─── [法] 宣布战争为非法

4、outlawry in the united states ─── 美国的非法移民

5、outlawry in the middle ages ─── 中世纪的亡命之徒

6、outlawry means ─── 不法手段

outlawry 词性/词形变化,outlawry变形

名词复数: outlawries |

outlawry 相似词语短语

1、outlay ─── n.支出,开支,费用;经费;v.花费

2、outlawing ─── v.宣布……为不合法;剥夺……的法律保护(outlaw的现在分词);n.(Outlaw)(美、英、俄)奥特洛(人名)

3、outbark ─── 外皮

4、outlaws ─── n.违法者,不法之徒;(尤指过去的人)亡命徒,逃犯,草莽英雄,被剥夺法律权益者(outlaw的复数);v.禁止,取缔;宣布……不合法,使……成为非法;剥夺(某人的)法律权益(outlaw的第三人称单数)

5、outlawed ─── n.歹徒,罪犯;亡命之徒,逃犯;被剥夺法律保护者;v.宣布……为不合法;禁止,取缔;将……放逐;剥夺……的法律保护;n.(Outlaw)(美)奥特洛(人名)

6、outbar ─── 外滩

7、outlaw ─── n.歹徒,罪犯;亡命之徒,逃犯;被剥夺法律保护者;v.宣布……为不合法;禁止,取缔;将……放逐;剥夺……的法律保护;n.(Outlaw)(美)奥特洛(人名)

8、outbars ─── 户外运动

9、outlawries ─── n.被宣布为非法;非法化;逍遥法外

outlawry 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、this swirl of maritime outlawry can be found on the nearest shore, in Somalia. ─── 这个海上非法漩涡的成因可以在最近的陆地上找到,那就是索马里。

2、The condition of having been proscribed; outlawry. ─── 被放逐被放逐的状况;被放逐

3、was from the chaos and outlawry of this time that the legend of Robin Hood was probably born. ─── 就是这段战乱与放逐齐飞的年代,罗宾汉的传奇诞生了。

4、The reason for this swirl of maritime outlawry can be found on the nearest shore, in Somalia. ─── 这个海上非法漩涡的成因可以在最近的陆地上找到,那就是索马里。

5、the outlawry of atomic weapons ─── 宣布原子武器为非法

6、1.The condition of having been proscribed;outlawry. ─── 被放逐被放逐的状况;

7、It was from the chaos and outlawry of this time that the legend of Robin Hood was probably born. ─── 就是这段战乱与放逐齐飞的年代,罗宾汉的传奇诞生了。

8、By 1868 Frank and Jesse James had definitely joined their old friends in outlawry, when they joined [[Cole Younger]] in robbing a bank in [[Russellville, Kentucky]]. ─── 内战结束后密苏里州成了一片瓦砾,激进的联邦共和党掌控了当地政府,禁止南方派投票支持公共事业。

9、outlawry of war ─── [法] 宣布战争为非法

10、reason for this swirl of maritime outlawry can be found on the nearest shore. ─── 海上流亡者漩涡的原因可以在最近的岸上找到。

11、that same law of custom which gives the two to one another forbids under penalty of outlawry all intercourse outside the marriage groups that belong together. ─── 把双方结合起来的那个道德法则,同时又用剥夺权利的惩罚方法,禁止相互所属的通婚级别以外的任何性关系。

12、It was from the chaos and outlawry of this time that the legend of Robin Hood was probably born. ─── 就是这段战乱与放逐齐飞的年代,罗宾汉的传奇诞生了。

13、Saul chased after David, so he started life of outlawry. ─── 2撒上19:11-12大卫被扫罗追杀,所以开始逃难的生涯。

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