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08-15 投稿


impetuosity 发音

英:[?m?pet?u?ɑ?s?ti]  美:[?m?pet?u??s?ti]

英:  美:

impetuosity 中文意思翻译



impetuosity 网络释义

n. 性急,冲动;冲力,猛烈

impetuosity 短语词组

1、impetuosity antonym ─── 浮躁反义词

2、impetuosity meaning ─── 浮躁的含义

3、impetuosity definition ─── 浮躁的定义

4、impetuosity syn ─── 冲动综合征

5、impetuosity means ─── 冲动意味着

6、impetuosity define ─── 浮躁

7、impetuosity in spanish ─── 西班牙语中的浮躁

impetuosity 词性/词形变化,impetuosity变形


impetuosity 相似词语短语

1、sumptuosity ─── n.奢侈品;昂贵

2、imperiality ─── n.帝王;帝王之尊

3、impeticosing ─── 弹射

4、impetuosities ─── n.性急,冲动;冲力,猛烈

5、impecuniosity ─── n.身无分文;没有钱;贫穷

6、impetuous ─── adj.冲动的;鲁莽的;猛烈的

7、ampullosity ─── 安瓿

8、impetuously ─── adv.性急地,激烈地

9、halituosity ─── n.呼吸;蒸汽;发散物(halitus的变形)

impetuosity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my sentiments. . . my dear Scarlett. I mean, my dear Mrs. Kennedy. ─── 原谅我过分激动的情感伤害了你…亲爱的斯佳丽,我是认真的,肯尼迪夫人。

2、Even his good qualities of geniality and impetuosity counted against him. ─── 甚至他那些好品性,如待人亲切和办事有魄力都对他不利。

3、3.There shall never be anything in the world other than love that can warm the coldness of heart, cure the mania of brain, and modulate the absurdity of my impetuosity. ─── 世上除了爱再无他物可温暖我内心的冷峻,治愈我脑子的轻狂,甚而教养我莽撞的荒谬。

4、It often happened that comrades who arrived in a new area suffered from the lack of a rear area to support the fighting,so they were eager to establish one where wounded soldiers and leading bodies could be placed. This led to impetuosity. ─── 一般同志到新区后,苦于无后方作战的困难,急于建设一个后方,安置伤员和机关,也促成了急性病的发展。

5、Some of our comrades have good intentions,but unfortunately they are impetuous in their work. Therefore,leaders should always guard against impetuosity. ─── 我们有些同志主观愿望是好的,但是患急性病,因此领导上要经常防止急性子。

6、Moggy is indomitable and extremely confident;nevertheless, on one occasion, an advertisement production company files a lawsuit against him because of his rashness and impetuosity. ─── 摩基为人好胜及充满自信,有一次却因著他的冲动而差点被刑事起诉。

7、And the impetuosity of his passion also moved our veiled heart-bride in the seclusion of her corner. ─── 他的情感的恣肆狂热,也打动了我们那颗蒙着面纱的心---即居于幽深角落里的新娘。

8、Therefore, impetuosity and eagerness for quick success and instant benefit are worthless.What artists should pursue is unique art language and perfect art realm but nothing else. ─── 并指出,任何浮躁和急功近利都是不足取的,艺术家需要追逐的应该是独特的艺术语言和完美的艺术境界,而绝不是说不清、辩不明的什麽“实力”、什麽“派”。

9、In spite of his usual command over himself, Dants could not restrain his impetuosity ─── 唐太斯一向很能自制,但这次却再也压抑不住他的情感了。

10、guard against impetuosity ─── 防止急躁情绪

11、Impetuosity brewed the flavours of "mashed garlic" and "clam"--The Research into the relationship between the literati spirit and the style of the type of verse in Yuan Dynasty ─── 躁动酝酿出的"蒜酪"蛤蜊"味--元代文人精神与元曲风格之关系探析

12、The saying "Haste does not bring success" does not mean that we should not make haste, but that we should not be impetuous; impetuosity leads only to failure. ─── “欲速则不达”,这不是说不要速,而是说不要犯盲动主义,盲动主义是必然要失败的。

13、Impetuosity in the Academic Periodical Community and the Responding Countermeasures ─── 学术期刊的浮躁现象及其对策

14、Comrades who suffer from revolutionary impetuosity overestimate the subjective forces of the revolution and underestimate the forces of the counter-revolution. ─── 犯着革命急性病的同志们不切当地看大了革命的主观力量,而看小了反革命力量。

15、2.Third, they should exploit their own position to conduct propaganda and organizational work secretly and resourcefully, but they should guard against impetuosity. ─── 第三,利用自己的地位,以非常隐蔽和巧妙的方法,进行宣传组织工作,但不可操之过急。

16、in the new liberated areas impetuosity has occurred in our work,resulting in the broadening of the scope of attack and the adoption of a "Left" policy with regard to industry and commerce. ─── 在新的解放区我们的工作中犯了急性病,打击面宽,工商业政策“左”。

17、That which had really undertaken the direction of the uprising was a sort of strange impetuosity which was in the air. ─── 真正指挥暴动的,是空气中一种说不出的躁急情绪。

18、Slowness does not give rise to errors; impetuosity does. In handling other matters we should be neither impetuous nor proceed slowly, but in handling this matter, we should not be afraid of going slowly. ─── “慢性脖不会犯错误,急性病就要犯错误,别的事情既不能患急性病又不能患慢性病,这件事情不要怕患“慢性脖。

19、The impetuosity system, the law system and the finance supported system is the importment dependent route for blazing new trails in our country. ─── 激励制度、法律制度、金融支持制度是我国科技创新的重要的“路径选择”。

20、The coolness of his temper contrasts strongly with the impetuosity of mine, which I cannot conceal. ─── 他沉着的外表同我无法掩饰的不安静性格形成了十分鲜明的对照。

21、RHETT: Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my sentiments, my dear Scarlett, I mean my dear Mrs. ─── 瑞德: 原谅我,我的冲动吓着你了,我亲爱的思嘉,我是说我亲爱的肯尼迪太太。

22、Good sense has triumphed over unreasoning impetuosity. ─── 清醒的理智战胜了盲目冲动的急躁情绪。

23、At the same time, he hoped that two athletes guard against arrogance and impetuosity, make persistent efforts, strive for a greater victory. ─── 同时,他希望两位运动员戒骄戒躁、再接再厉,夺取更大的胜利。

24、It often happened that comrades who arrived in a new area suffered from the lack of a rear area to support the fighting, so they were eager to establish one where wounded soldiers and leading bodies could be placed. This led to impetuosity. ─── 巳、一般同志到新区后,苦于无后方作战的困难,急于建设一个后方,安置伤员和机关,也促成了急性病的发展。

25、Reasons of Impetuosity in the Late Period of Socialist Transformation of Agriculture ─── 农业社会主义改造后期急躁冒进原因探析

26、Career comes from persistence and is ruined by impetuosity. ─── 事业长成与坚忍,毁于急噪。

27、They are inclined to impetuosity and luxury. ─── 注重享受,消费心理尚欠成熟;

28、"overcome impetuosity and exercise patience; no haste, be patient" ─── 戒急用忍

29、The only weakness in the proposal was that it set a time limit of one year,which it should not have done,and so gave a flavour of impetuosity to the word ─── 那个建议的缺点就是,不该规定为一年,因此,影响到革命高潮快要到来的所谓“快要”,也不免伴上了一些急躁性。

30、Rhett: Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my sentiments, my dear Scarlett, I mean dear Mrs. Kennedy. ─── 瑞德:原谅我吧,我的冲动令你受惊了…我亲爱的斯嘉丽,甘太太。

31、Undoubtedly, the crisscross streets here are fraught with clamor and impetuosity, which I am the most reluctant to contact. ─── 上海阡陌纵横的街道无疑充斥着都市的喧嚣与浮躁,而这些正是我最不愿意接触的。

32、4. Third, they should exploit their own position to conduct propaganda and organizational work secretly and resourcefully, but they should guard against impetuosity. ─── 第三,利用自己的地位,以非常隐蔽和巧妙的方法,进行宣传组织工作,但不可操之过急。收藏指正

33、check impetuosity and rash advance ─── 纠正急躁冒进

34、For gusts of wind, which rose and fell with sudden impetuosity, swept the bosom of the firth, and impeded the efforts of the rowers. ─── 强劲的阵风时起时落,横扫峡湾,使船夫白白费劲。

35、The coolness of his temper contrasts strongly with the impetuosity of mine, which I cannot conceal. ─── 他沉着的外表同我无法掩饰的不安静性格形成了十分鲜明的对照。

36、Impetuosity kills you. ─── 冲动是魔鬼;

37、After new China was founded, the Party exhorted all its members to remain modest and prudent, guard against conceit and impetuosity, and retain the revolutionary spirit of arduous struggle for good. ─── 新中国成立后,党告诫全党同志谦虚谨慎,戒骄戒躁,永远保持艰苦奋斗的革命精神。

38、4. During these ten months of war all kinds of views which are indicative of impetuosity have also appeared. ─── (四)抗战十个月以来,各种表现急性病的意见也发生了。

39、sense has triumphed over unreasoning impetuosity. ─── 理智战胜了盲目冲动的急躁情绪。

40、Red wine or white wine, dry or sweet, still or sparkling, still with the impetuosity of youth or rather with the distinction of maturity? ─── 红酒或白色的酒,干或甜蜜,剧照或闪闪发光的,仍然以年轻人的激烈或宁可以成熟的区别?

41、We are opposed to tailism, but we are also opposed to adventurism and impetuosity. ─── 我们反对尾巴主义,但又反对冒险主义和急性玻

42、Some of our comrades have good intentions, but unfortunately they are impetuous in their work. Therefore, leaders should always guard against impetuosity. ─── 我们有些同志主观愿望是好的,但是患急性病,因此领导上要经常防止急性玻

43、Such seemingly revolutionary "Left" opinions originate from the revolutionary impetuosity of the petty-bourgeois intellectuals as well as from the narrow conservatism of the peasant small producers. ─── 这种看起来好像革命的“左”倾意见,来源于小资产阶级知识分子的革命急躁病,同时也来源于农民小生产者的局部保守性。

44、Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my sentiments...my dear Scarlett. I mean, my dear Mrs. Kennedy. ─── 原谅我过分激动的情感伤害了你....亲爱的斯佳丽,我是认真的,肯尼迪夫人.

45、Impetuosity--The formidable Enemy of Modernized Construction ─── 浮躁--现代化建设的大敌

46、Be on guard against conceit impetuosity; guard against pride and haste ─── 戒骄戒躁

47、Slowness does not give rise to errors; impetuosity does. In handling other matters we should be neither impetuous nor proceed slowly,but in handling this matter,we should not be afraid of going slowly. ─── 慢性病不会犯错误,急性病就要犯错误,别的事情既不能患急性病又不能患慢性病,这件事情不要怕患慢性病。

48、Rhett: Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my sentiments,my dear Scarlett, I mean dear Mrs. ─── 瑞德:原谅我吧,我的冲动令你受惊了...我亲爱的斯嘉丽,甘太太。

49、Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my sentiments. ─── 原谅我.我的情感放任吓着你了.

50、Therefore, it has been possible to avoid impetuosity and rashness on the one hand and conservatism and drift on the other, and thus correctly apply the Central Committee's policy of "active leadership and steady advance". ─── 因此,既可以防止急躁冒进,又可以防止保守自流,从而正确地实现了中央的‘积极领导,稳步前进’的方针。”

51、"Say rather," said the King, "that I will not give way, Dunois, to the headlong impetuosity, which, on some punctilio of chivalry, would wreck yourselves, the throne, France, and all. ─── “我主人的第二个要求,”特使说道,“是请陛下不再和公爵的城市根特、列日和马林暗中来往。

52、55.However, it is unknown whether this is due to a defect in the gene-seed, a result of their high gravity world, or comes about from the Chapter's doctrines against hastiness and impetuosity. ─── 目前依然不能肯定是基因的缺陷还是由于他们高度恶劣的家园所导致,甚至是因为来源于他们教条中的对于急躁冒进的鄙视。

53、Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my sentiments, my dear Scarlett. . . ─── 请原谅,我一时冲动吓着你了,我亲爱的斯佳丽……

54、I have but to watch that moment, like one of the tauridors (Spanish bull fighters) whom we saw at Burgos, and his impetuosity places him at my mercy. ─── 我只消像我们在布尔戈斯见到的斗牛士那样看准时机,就可以利用他的莽撞,左右他的命运。”

55、Summer, the Jiangnan where rain is also under emergency impetuosity, it seems especially with the Jiangnan looks and gentle nature of the character. ─── 落在嫩嫩小草上,使小草儿更增添了几份绿间与生机,雨中的绿色似乎更引人注目,令人陶醉。要不要撑把伞出去呢?

56、Unplanned action, recklessness, impetuosity and carelessness will only lead to defeat. ─── 盲动、乱干、急躁或粗枝大叶,都必然招致失败。

57、Under the form of the economy became the seven seas,science and technology change with each passing day ,international competebecame more and more impetuosity. ─── 在经济全球化、科技日新月异、国际竞争日趋激烈的形势下,

58、in the new liberated areas impetuosity has occurred in our work, resulting in the broadening of the scope of attack and the adoption of a "Left" policy with regard to industry and commerce. ─── 新区工作中犯急性病,打击面宽,工商业政策“左”。

59、From now on, it is of paramount importance to wage a political struggle against Rightist pessimism in the War of Resistance, although it is still necessary to keep an eye on "Left" impetuosity. ─── 在今后的抗日形势中,从政治上反对右的悲观主义,将是头等重要的;但是在同时,反对“左”的急性病,也仍然要注意。

60、Along with the complexity of business management and impetuosity of competition, the interface of knowledge alliance has been becoming increasingly important. ─── 摘要随着现代企业管理内容的日益复杂和竞争的日益加剧,企业知识联盟界面管理问题显得日益重要。

61、It is a milestone in the end, is also the next milestone, our staff and impetuosity, to better for tobacco companies and pharmaceutical enterprise service. ─── 它即是一个里程碑的结束,同时又是下一个里程碑的开始,指引着我们全体员工戒骄戒躁,去更好的为烟草企业和制药企业服务。

62、Impetuosity is the synonym of incompetence. ─── 浮躁是无能的同义语。

63、In the past,people in other areas experienced troubles. An important cause was their impetuosity. ─── 过去其他地区出了些乱子,其中极重要的原因就是患急性玻。

64、Under the form of the economy became the seven seas, science and technology change with each passing day, international competebecame more and more impetuosity. ─── 在经济全球化、科技日新月异、国际竞争日趋激烈的形势下

65、he announced he was leaving school. ─── 他宣布要退学。

66、Blind faith and impetuosity have led them into their present difficulties. ─── 盲从和狂热使他们陷入目前的困境。

67、Impetuosity in sci-tech academic periodical publishers and its countermeasures ─── 科技学术期刊界的浮躁现象及其对策

68、Impetuosity will only make things worse. ─── 急躁只能坏事。

69、Overbearingness and Impetuosity and the Doctrine of the Mean--A Study of the Diversity of the Life and Art of the "Four Monks" and the "Four Wangs" ─── 狂狷与中行--简论清初"四僧"与"四王"人生、艺事的分流

70、The customers rensponsed very impetuosity. ─── 顾客反响很热烈。

71、The campaign to "check impetuosity and rash advance" was a gust of wind, wasn't it?As it blew from above, it brought down a number of agricultural producers' co-operatives that should have survived. ─── “纠正急躁冒进”,总是一股风吧,吹下去了,也吹倒了一些不应当吹倒的农业生产合作社。


1. The rapidity of change follows the impetuouspace of man rather than the deliberate pace of nature. 环境改变的速度不再顺从大自然。

2.James Purnell An impetuous young minister.詹姆斯·珀内尔年轻浮躁的大臣。

3. He is an impetuous, headstrong workaholic, who is reluctant to delegate.他是个冲动倔强的工作狂,是个不愿意放权的人。


压力有两种表示方法:一种是以绝对真空作为基准所表示的压力,称为绝对压力;另一种是以大气压力作为基准所表示的压力,称为相对压力。由于大多数测压仪表所测得的压力都是相对压力,故相对压力也称表压力。当绝对压力小于大气压力时,可用容器内的绝对压力不足一个大气压的数值来表示。称为”真空度”。它们的关系如下: 绝对压力=大气压力+相对压力 真空度=大气压力—绝对压力 我国法定的压力单位为Pa(N/㎡),称为帕斯卡,简称帕。由于此单位太小,因此常采用它的106倍单位MPa(兆帕)。

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