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08-15 投稿


specks 发音

英:[speks]  美:[speks]

英:  美:

specks 中文意思翻译





specks 同义词

meretricious | phony | hollow | unsound | spurious |colorable | gilded | sham | deceptive | erroneous | bogus | unfounded | wrong | fallacious | incorrect | untrue | inaccurate | phoney | baseless | misleading | false

specks 短语词组

1、spicks and specks ─── 点 ─── 点滴滴

specks 反义词


specks 词性/词形变化,specks变形

动词第三人称单数: specks |动词过去式: specked |动词过去分词: specked |动词现在分词: specking |

specks 常用词组

a speck of ─── 一点点

specks 相似词语短语

1、speckles ─── n.斑点,色斑;v.用斑点做标记;弄上斑点

2、species ─── n.[生物]物种;种类;adj.物种上的

3、speckle ─── n.斑点,色斑;v.用斑点做标记;弄上斑点

4、flyspecks ─── n.污点;小斑;蝇粪留下的污点;vt.弄脏;vi.弄脏

5、specked ─── adj.有斑点的;v.弄上斑点(speck的过去分词)

6、specs ─── abbr.规格,说明书(specifications);眼镜(spectacles)

7、speccy ─── adj.戴着眼镜的

8、copecks ─── n.俄铜板(货币单位);戈比(旧俄及苏联货币)

9、kopecks ─── n.戈比;苏联小铜板;货币单位(等于copeck)

specks 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A speck of dust on the patent leather of her boot. ─── 她的漆皮靴上沾了点土。

2、Why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye and not see the plank in your own eye? ─── 为什麽你只看见你兄弟眼中的木屑,而对自己眼中的大梁竟不理会呢?

3、But space is so great that the stars seem to us to be mere specks in the sky. ─── 但是太空如此的广阔,对于我们,星星看起来仅仅是天空中的斑点。

4、Instead of making him feel like a speck of dirt, be his friend. ─── 不要让他觉得自己不值钱,相反,()以作他的朋友。

5、No burr,flash,scratch, flow mark , bright speck ,shrinkage defects etc on the surface of product. ─── 外观表面不可有毛边、刮痕、流痕、亮痕、缩水等不良现象.

6、The sky is clear and bright without a speck of cloud. ─── 天空晴朗, 一星星云彩也没有。

7、Ten years ago it was just one more struggling speck on the prairie. ─── 十年前,斯威特沃特镇只是一个在北美草原上苦苦挣扎的弹丸之地。

8、The particle of sand representing the sun would be one million times larger than the speck of dust standing in for the earth. ─── 代表太阳的沙粒要比代表地球的微尘大一百万倍。

9、Only one vegetable oil lamp hung in front of the toilet.Its muddy light dotted the clear winter night with a speck of grime. ─── 只有厕所前面所挂的一盏植物油灯,光色昏浊,是清爽的冬夜上一点垢腻。

10、We had an umbrella to keep specks of dust off us. ─── 我们还打了把伞,用来挡灰。

11、The maid cleaned the specks off the carpet. ─── 女佣把地毯上的污点弄乾净了。

12、The fact that man's body is a speck of dust on a small planet leads to the illusion that humans are a small creation. ─── 人的身体是一颗小行星上的一粒尘埃,这一事实使人类产生自己是一个渺小的造物的幻觉。

13、Sunspots vary in size from what appear to be small specks on the sun's surface,to at least 90,000 miles long,and 200,000 miles in length,and are visible on most clear days. ─── 太阳黑子的大小不等,有的是在太阳表面看来很小的黑斑,有的则至少有90,000英里长,甚至200,000英里长。在绝大多数的晴天都能看到。

14、A speck of time is more precious than an ownce of gold. ─── 一寸光阴一寸金,千金难买寸光阴。

15、From five thousand feet the fishing boats were specks in the flat blue water, Breakfast Flock was a faint cloud of dust motes, circling. ─── 从五千英尺高空俯瞰,平静的蓝色海面上的渔船成了一个个小点。进早餐的鸥群像是一团稀薄的尘土,在慢慢地浮动。

16、One day, Horton the elephant hears a cry from help coming from a speck of dust. ─── 一天,大象霍顿听到来自空气中漂浮的一粒尘埃的求助的哭声。

17、There's not a speck of dust in their house. ─── 他们的屋里没有一点儿灰尘。

18、There was a speck of blood on his collar. ─── 他的衣领上有一点血斑。

19、Can you clean the specks off the wallpaper? ─── 你能把壁纸上的斑点清掉吗?

20、A speck of mouse dung will spoil a whole pot of porridge. ─── 只有一个洞的老鼠,很快就被抓住。

21、In my light they come and go as the specks of dust dancing in the sunbeam. ─── 在我的光中它们来来去去,像阳光下飞舞的尘埃。

22、Several research groups are in a race to recreate it in the laboratory in microscopic specks of ultracold gas. ─── 几个研究小组正相互竞争,要在实验室超冷气体的微粒里重现这种状态。

23、The sky was dark blue, without a speck of cloud. ─── 天是暗蓝的,没有一点云。

24、There wasn't a speck of truth about what he told us. ─── 他对我说的没有一点儿是真的。

25、Offsets the color hue. Use to mark the color with specks of different colors. The range is 0 to 1. The default is 0. ─── 偏移色调。习惯于标记颜色具有不同的斑点的颜色。范围是0到1.缺省的是0。

26、Too bad about that speck of lint on your tie. ─── 妳领带上的那个麻布斑点太糟糕了!

27、So long as there is a speck of memory and a bit of luck, so long as the story goes. ─── 只要还有一点记忆,一点机缘,一个故事就会永永远远.

28、He looked at a speck on the window glass. ─── 他看着窗玻璃上的一个污点。

29、A single speck of dust can damage a tiny transistor. ─── 因为一个微小的尘埃斑点就能损坏极小的晶体管。

30、Will you see if you can get die speck of dust out of my eyes? ─── 劳驾,你能不能帮我把眼睛里的沙子弄出来?

31、But space is so great that the stars seem to us to be mere specks in the sky. ─── 但是太空如此的广阔,对于我们来说星星看起来仅仅是天空中的斑点。

32、Do you ever see speck in front of your eyes? ─── 你是否有过眼前出现黑斑的现象?

33、She polishes the machine every day so that there's not a speck of dirt on it. ─── 她每天擦机器,不让渍一点油泥。

34、In 1950, with just 288,000 people, Lagos wasn't even a speck on the map of the largest urban centers. ─── 在1950年,只有28.8万人,拉各斯没有斑点甚至在地图上最大的城市中心。

35、Do you ever seem to see specks in front of your eyes? ─── 你眼睛前面曾似乎看见过小点吗?

36、How do you avoid making him feel like a speck of dirt if you're not that into him? ─── 如果你对他不是那么感兴趣,你怎么避免不使他觉得像颗砂粒一样的不值钱?

37、The pictures show four likely planets that appear as specks of white, nearly indecipherable except to the most eagle-eyed experts. ─── 四颗行星在照片上看起来像四个白色的污点,不是眼力最好的专家几乎辨认不出来。

38、In 1 second, the impacts of the molecules against the speck would be nearly equal in all directions. ─── 在一秒钟内,分子从各个方向对微粒的撞击将几乎相等。

39、Hubble found less embedded stars (specks of green) and stars in the foreground (blue). ─── 哈勃望远镜则找到了埋的较浅的恒星(绿色的)和前景星(蓝的)。

40、The planet would appear as a tiny speck, with neither blue ocean nor swirling, white cloud visible. ─── 从火星看,地球会显得像一个微小的斑点,既看不到蓝色的大海,也看不到旋转的白云。

41、Carol: They pay you for this!!?? A speck of protoplasm could do better. ─── 卡罗尔:你这样他们也给钱?凡是游生物,都能干的好。

42、In Beijing there is not a speck of dirt anywhere, not even in the tourist areas which were thronging with people. ─── 一位出租车司机告诉我们15年前的北京贫穷的什么都没有。

43、Even a tiny speck of dirt can cause visible scratches in the newly applied finish. ─── 即使很小一点灰尘颗粒都会造成新制漆面划伤。

44、I was a bit concerned about getting the dress dirty and tried not to brush against any of the cave walls. We had an umbrella to keep specks of dust off us. ─── “我有点担心婚纱会被弄脏,所以尽量不让裙子碰到洞壁。我们还打了把伞,用来挡灰。”

45、One day, Horton the elephant hears a cry of help coming from a speck of dust. ─── 一天,大象霍顿听到大声呼救,喊叫发自一个灰尘斑点。

46、Into the soul's essence no speck can ever fall. ─── 在灵魂的中心,没有丁点儿灰尘散落。

47、First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. ─── 先去掉自己眼中的梁木,然后才能看得清楚,去掉你弟兄眼中的刺。

48、You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. ─── 太7:5你这假冒为善的人、去掉自己眼中的梁木、后才能看得清楚、掉你弟兄眼中的剌。

49、The light illumines the specks, but does not depend on them . Nor can it be said to create them . It cannot be even said to know them. ─── 光线照著但并不依存于尘埃。它也不可以说成制造它们。它甚至不认识它们。

50、He rejoices at every speck of dust that receives it and lives. ─── 他为所容纳而又让其生存的每一粒灰尘而高兴。

51、Even her delft-blue irises were dotted, if you looked, with tan specks of melanin. ─── 如果你仔细观察,会发现她陶蓝色的虹膜也因为日晒而出现色素沉着的斑点。

52、There's not even a speck of cloud in the sky. ─── 天空中连一片云都没有。

53、Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? ─── 你不见自己眼中有梁木。怎能对你弟兄说,容我去掉你眼中的刺呢。你这假冒为善的人,先去掉自己眼中的梁木,然后才能看得清楚,去掉你兄弟眼中的刺。

54、Nothing can prepare you for the scale in which giant cruise ships are mere specks in the vast panorama of mountain and sound. ─── 你怎么都无法想象它的雄伟:巨大的游轮就好像是已融入群山与海峡中的一个微小墨迹.

55、You can't eat bread covered with dark specks. ─── 你可不能吃满是黑斑的面包啊。

56、He flipped a speck of dust off . ─── 他把一点尘迹弹掉。

57、SPF15 UV protection system protects the skin from specks and other damages due to UV and resists free radicals. ─── SPF15的UV防护系统及抗自由基等复合物,能保护肌肤免受紫外线的伤害及预防斑点的形成;

58、The light illumines the specks, but does not depend on them. Nor can it be said to create them. It cannot be even said to know them. ─── 光线照著但并不依存于尘埃。它也不可以说成制造它们。它甚至不认识它们。

59、Meanwhile, optimizing selection of process parameters are made to reduce fibre white specks. ─── 同时,对减少纤维泛白的工艺参数,进行了优化选择。

60、He sees a speck or two in the valley. ─── 他看到了山谷中有一、两处斑点。

61、So it's common for a system on five-day operation to begin producing black specks only a few weeks after a complete teardown and cleaning. ─── 所以,在一个设备完全拆卸和清洗后的几个星期中,一个每周开五天的设备通常会产生黑点。

62、Her hand brushed a speck of lint from her skirt. ─── 她的手掸掉衣裙上的一点棉花絮。

63、In the year 40,176, it should come within 1.7 lightyears of the star Ross 248, a cool, red speck of twinkling gas. ─── 在40176年,它应当到达离凉飕飕的闪烁着红斑的气态星体“罗斯248”1.7光年的范围以内。

64、Even though he can't see anyone on the speck, he decides to help it. ─── 即使他在灰尘斑点上看不见有任何人,他还是决定帮助它。

65、There is not a speck of dust. ─── 一点灰尘也没有。

66、The earth is only a speck in the universe. ─── 地球在宇宙中只不过是一个小点罢了。

67、We could see a speck of light at the end of the tunnel . ─── 但是我们认为最终在隧道尽头看到了亮光。

68、See the pretty black specks? ─── 看到漂亮的香草碎了吗?

69、There is not a speck of cloud in the sky. ─── 天空没有一片云。

70、Reverse and wear with specks facing inwards thereafter. ─── 一周后,穿时将内裤反转,矿物质微粒面向内。

71、After I'd painted the door , I found specks of paint all over the floor . ─── 我给门上完漆后,发现地板上全是油漆斑点。

72、Thanks to the sand, there was not a speck of mud; thanks to the rain, there was not a grain of ashes. ─── 多谢细沙,这里没有一点泥迹,幸亏雨露,这里没有一粒灰尘。

73、A soft breeze sends a tiny speck of dust flying through the air. ─── 一阵和风将一粒小灰尘吹向了天空。

74、Hello, may I speck to Dr Li please? ─── 你好,请找李医生听电话,好吗?

75、Kate: I'm starved. Promise there is not a speck of meat in this? ─── 凯特:噢,我饿死了,肯定里面一点肉都没有?

76、The blue specks are likely naturally occurring seashell particles or minerals. ─── 蓝色斑点很可能是自然产生的海贝颗粒或矿物质。

77、born all in the dark wormy earth , cold specks of fire , evil lights shining in the darkness. ─── 这些统统产于黑暗而蠕动着蚯蚓的土壤。火焰的冰冷颗粒,不祥之物,在黑暗中发光。

78、But the ball disintegrated at once, little fish gulping the floating specks. ─── 可是小肉球遇水马上就碎裂开来,小鱼儿追逐着散开的肉末。

79、You can't eat fish covered with dark specks. ─── 你可不能吃满是黑斑的鱼。

80、I found a few specks of dirt on the wallpaper. ─── 我发现壁纸上有一些污点。

81、Why would something as random as flying specks of space debris gather into showers? ─── 为什么这些乱飞的太空碎片会集结形成流星雨呢?

82、Photographs of the test scoop showed white specks in the soil, which could be salt or ice. ─── 在回传的照片上,探测掘铲上可以看到有土壤里有白色的斑点,它们可能是盐或者是冰。

83、Just a few minutes before the exact time of the full moon, in the far distance, a tiny speck can be seen in the sky. ─── 仅是满月准确时间之前的几分钟,在很远的那边,可以看到天空中很少的一个斑点。

84、What he hears are the Whos, who live on the speck, screaming as their whole world trembles. ─── 他所听到的声响是来自住在灰尘上的呼呼镇镇民,他们因为居住的世界剧烈晃动而大声尖叫。

85、We are all new migrates,we come from the same country and speck the same languge. ─── . 大傢都要加油哦.!我们都是中国人.我们是不会比外国人差的.!别以为中国人英语差.

86、What in your case occupies the entire field of consciousness, is a mere speck in mine. ─── ?拙菽阏?鲆馐冻〉模?谖抑皇歉霭叩恪

87、You can use the button to add forests.These are represented by green specks on your map.The lower scrollbar enables you to choose how dense you want your forests to be. ─── 你可以用按钮创建森林.以绿色斑点显示在地图上.下卷轴可以设置森林密度.

88、A speck of green caught his eye. ─── 一个绿色的微粒进入他的眼帘。

89、You can see a speck of dust in another's eye but cannot see the beam in your own. ─── 你看得见别人眼中的沙粒,却看不见自己眼中的横梁。








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