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08-15 投稿


warbling 发音

英:[?w??bl??]  美:[?w??rbl??]

英:  美:

warbling 中文意思翻译




warbling 短语词组

1、warbling bird ─── 鸣禽

2、warbling def ─── 颤音定义

3、warbling syn ─── 颤音同步器

4、warbling song ─── 颤音

5、warbling robots ─── 颤音机器人

6、warbling vireo ─── [医]歌绿鹃

7、warbling vireo sound ─── 颤声

8、warbling su ─── 瑟林苏

9、warbling out ─── 叽 ─── 叽喳喳地说

10、warbling-tone ─── [电] 颤音

11、warbling sound ─── 颤音

12、warbling vireos ─── 歌绿鹃

13、warbling robot ─── 颤音机器人

14、warbling vireo vs red eyed vireo ─── 视频旋转与红眼

warbling 词性/词形变化,warbling变形

动词现在分词: warbling |动词过去分词: warbled |动词第三人称单数: warbles |动词过去式: warbled |

warbling 相似词语短语

1、warling ─── 军阀

2、warblingly ─── 颤栗地

3、warstling ─── 战争

4、wabbling ─── 摆动;颤动

5、marbling ─── n.大理石花纹;大理石纹加工法;猪、牛肉的细脂肪纹路;v.把(书边等)弄上大理石花纹;把肉肥瘦均匀搭配好(marble的现在分词)

6、warsling ─── 华斯林

7、warblings ─── n.鸟啭鸣;颤声;v.鸟鸣;用柔和的颤声唱(warble的现在分词)

8、garbling ─── v.对……断章取义;(使)错乱(garble的现在分词)

9、wambling ─── n.反胃;蹒跚移动;v.(身体)扭动、摇摆;感到恶心反胃;(肠胃)翻滚;摇摇晃晃

warbling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、TITANIA First, rehearse your song by rote, To each word a warbling note; ─── 提泰妮娅:先要把歌儿练熟,每个字玉润珠圆;然后齐声唱祝福,手携手缥缈回旋。

2、"Imagination in its head . . . " Kruse added piano chords, a few warbling birds, and finally her own voice. ─── “想象在它的头上……”克鲁斯加上和弦,几段柔和的鸟鸣,然后是她的旁白。

3、The merry larks, habitual early risers, dance from twigs to twigs, warbling out ode to the sun. ─── 她容光焕发,笑容可掬,向人们问候晨安。

4、Bolivian Warbling Finch ─── n. 玻利维亚歌鹀

5、Rufous-breasted Warbling Finch ─── n. 棕胸歌鹀

6、The thrushes they were warbling, The violets they were charming ,To view fond lovers talking, a while I did delay. ─── 画眉学会了琴弦的颤抖,紫罗兰还在柔媚地绽放。

7、The victorious British squad pressed ahead by steering an inner tube through white water while warbling God Save the Queen. ─── 来自英国的获胜小组一边驾着内胎在激流中奋进,一边还用颤音哼唱着“天佑吾主”。

8、"Bluebirds have a call-note and a sweet warbling song, " said the ornithologists. ─── 鸟类学家说:「蓝知更鸟有呼唤的曲调,以及甜美的柔和歌声。」

9、The cuckoo ceases its warbling at twilight , With my spade I return and shut the doors tight. ─── 杜鹃无语正黄昏,荷锄归去掩重门。

10、He built these two warbling toasters, gave them both a vocal range and the ability to adapt, then put them in a room together for two weeks. ─── 他造了这两个鸣啭啁啾的烤面包机,给了它们一个声带范围和适应能力,然后把它们放在同一个房间里两个星期。

11、Rusty-browed Warbling Finch ─── n. 锈眉歌鹀

12、Where the thrushes they were warbling ─── 画眉鸟柔和的唱着歌

13、Black-capped Warbling Finch ─── n. 黑顶歌鹀

14、A blackbird was warbling from the branch. ─── 一只画眉鸟在枝头歌唱。

15、“The the thrushes they were warbling, The violets they were charming. ─── (画眉鸟柔和的唱着歌,还有那娇媚的紫罗兰竞相开放。

16、And what is the price of this warbling of change? ─── 这是片子的开场白。

17、These mouthparts sit below a massive protrusion that looks like a bell made of chitin, from which you can hear a faint, high-pitched warbling. ─── 这些口器长在一个巨大的钟形几丁质突起下面,从突起中传出微弱而尖锐的颤音。

18、Collared Warbling Finch ─── n. 领歌鹀

19、Black-and-rufous Warbling Finch ─── n. 棕黑歌鹀

20、2. A blackbird was warbling from the branch. ─── 一只画眉鸟在枝头歌唱。

21、Red-rumped Warbling Finch ─── n. 红腰歌鹀

22、A flock of birds was already warbling a cheerful morning chorus. ─── 一群鸟儿已经齐声唱起了欢快的晨曲。

23、Warbling Doradito ─── n. 莺多拉霸鹟

24、The world knows now that the adorable little girl we saw warbling “Ode to the Motherland” at the Olympics opening ceremony was not really singing. ─── 现在世界知道那个我们看到的在奥运开幕式唱“歌唱祖国”可爱的小女孩不是真正地歌唱。

25、Black-and-chestnut Warbling Finch ─── n. 黑栗歌鹀

26、Plain-tailed Warbling Finch ─── n. 平尾歌鹀

27、warbling of the oriole ─── 莺声呖呖

28、Ringed Warbling Finch ─── n. 黑领歌鹀

29、Rufous-sided Warbling Finch ─── n. 棕胁歌鹀

30、Bay-chested Warbling Finch ─── n. 桂胸歌鹀

31、The cuckoo ceases its warbling at twilight, ─── 在黄昏杜鹃停止了它的啼鸣,

32、A bird was warbling in a window cage. ─── 一只鸟儿在窗前悬挂的笼子里啭鸣。

33、The thrushes (they) were warbling, the violets (they) were charming ─── 可堪画眉啭清哢,紫罗兰迷眼似雾。

34、Larks were warbling high up in the sky. ─── 云雀在高空鸣唱。

35、When I was 8, he rigged up a rope swing in the spare bedroom and spent hours pushing me, his giggling son, while singing strange songs from the Big Band Era in his soft, warbling voice. ─── 当我8岁的时候,他在卧室的空地处草草搭建了一个绳子的秋千,然后花了数小时推动我荡秋千,他那格格傻笑的儿子,用颤音高声唱着摇滚乐队时代的奇怪的歌。

36、Its boss, Kim Jong Il, claims his latest rocket launched a satellite that is now warbling back patriotic songs from space. ─── 朝鲜领袖金正日宣称其最新的火箭已将一颗卫星送入了太空,如今它正对着地球吟唱爱国歌曲;

37、If a warmly warbling warbler warbles to another armly warbling warbler, which warmly warbling warbler warbles warmest? ─── 如果一只热情的鸣鸟对另一只热情的鸣鸟鸣啭,哪只热情鸣鸟鸣啭得最热情?

38、Cinnamon Warbling Finch ─── n. 桂红歌鹀

39、A red-breast was warbling in the thicket, on one side. ─── 一只知更鸟在旁边的树丛里低声啼唱。

40、Unlike the slow pitch change of wow, flutter is much more rapid giving a warbling effect. ─── 与“音幅失真”造成的音调上缓慢的改变不同,“脉冲干扰”放音失真会很快造成一种颤音音效。

41、The thrushes they were warbling, the violets they were charming ?To view fond lovers talking, a while I did delay ? ─── 那个鸟儿欢跃的春季 ? 沿着绿荫下的凉亭,我迷失了方向 ? 娇媚的紫罗兰引来画眉清吟 ?

42、warbling tone ─── 低昂音

43、Warbling Antbird ─── n. 啭蚁鸟

44、Warbling vireo ─── 歌绿鹃

45、Cinereous Warbling Finch ─── n. 灰歌鹀

46、The victorious British squad pressed ahead by steering an inner tube through white water while warbling God Save the Queen. ─── 来自英国的获胜小组一边驾着内胎在激流中奋进,一边还用颤音哼唱着“天佑吾主”。

47、A bird was warbling in a window cage. ─── 一只鸟正在一个窗户笼中鸟鸣。

48、2 The merry larks, habitual early risers, dance from twigs to twigs, warbling out ode to the sun. ─── 2快活的百灵一向早起,在枝条间婆娑起舞,向太阳娇啼婉啭,唱着颂歌。

49、It was getting dark, and the birds were warbling signals of flying back. ─── 暮色将至,树林里的鸟儿们在鸣叫着归巢的讯号。

50、Their warbling broke the dream wherein ─── 昨宵会夫婿

51、1. If a warmly warbling warbler warbles to another armly warbling warbler, which warmly warbling warbler warbles warmest? ─── 如果一只热情的鸣鸟对另一只热情的鸣鸟鸣啭,哪只热情鸣鸟鸣啭得最热情?

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