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08-15 投稿


diffident 发音

英:[?d?f?d?nt]  美:[?d?f?d?nt]

英:  美:

diffident 中文意思翻译



diffident 网络释义

adj. 羞怯的;缺乏自信的;谦虚谨慎的

diffident 反义词


diffident 短语词组

1、diffident define ─── 不自信的定义

2、diffident definition ─── 不确定的定义

3、diffident means ─── 缺乏自信

4、diffident defined ─── 不自信定义

5、diffident a ─── 缺乏自信

6、diffident noun ─── 不自信名词

diffident 同义词

bashful | retiring | reserved | of | reluctant | self-effacing | faint-hearted | a | unassertive | unobtrusive | shell | insecure | coy | shrinking | quiet | unsure | modest | verecund | unassuming | timorous | demure | self-conscious | hesitant | timid |shy | reticent | unsocial | oneself | fearful | in | abashed | fainthearted | sheepish

diffident 词性/词形变化,diffident变形

副词: diffidently |

diffident 常用词组

diffident about ─── 对…缺乏自信心

diffident 相似词语短语

1、diffidentness ─── 缺乏自信

2、diffluent ─── adj.流动性的;易溶解的

3、difficult ─── adj.困难的;不随和的;执拗的

4、incident ─── n.事件,事变;插曲;adj.[光]入射的;附带的;易发生的,伴随而来的

5、diffidently ─── adv.缺乏自信地;踌躇地;羞怯地

6、different ─── adj.不同的;个别的,与众不同的

7、dissident ─── n.持不同政见者;异议分子;批评政府者;adj.持不同政见的,意见不同的

8、diffidence ─── n.无自信;羞怯;内向

9、confident ─── adj.自信的;确信的

diffident 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、for though feeling almost secure, and with reason, for Charlotte had been tolerably encouraging, he was comparatively diffident since the adventure of Wednesday. ─── 虽说他当场看到夏绿蒂对他颇有情意,因此觉得这事十拿九稳可以成功,可是从星期三那场冒险以来,他究竟不敢太鲁莽了。

2、Be diffident aBout doing sth ─── 对于做某事缺乏信心

3、speak in a diffident manner ─── 羞怯地说话

4、"We be placed in an inside Chinese language to turn the extreme diffident ages. ─── “我们处在一个中国文化极度缺乏自信的时代。

5、Before last weekend's G20 summit, officials were almost diffident about Beijing's role in helping to design a new financial order. ─── 在最近G20峰会之前,官员们对于中国在协助制定新金融秩序的作用上,表现得几乎有些羞怯。

6、Dick was always diffident when it came to staff matters, and not been able to summon up the gumption to bang the table ─── 遇到手下的人事问题时,迪克总是缺乏信心。他不能拿出气概,一锤定音。

7、He was modest and diffident about his own success. ─── 他很谦虚,不愿谈及自己的成功。

8、2. He is diffident about expressing his opinions. ─── 他对于表达自己的意见感到胆怯。

9、While they speak softly, they are far from diffident. ─── 他们的声音虽小,却不含卑下。

10、Especially when students grow older, they care a lot about their face and do not want to be laughed at by others in class.Therefore, the more they feel diffident, the less they speak out in English. ─── 德基广场,除用一个有红蓝两色底色并绘有男女人形图案的大牌子贴在厕所墙外提示以外,在卫生间门边上的是统一灰色的男女人形标志,没有任何文字说明。

11、"I've had experience enough," said Hurstwood blandly, but he felt a little diffident about referring to Fitzgerald and Moy. ─── “我有足够的经验,"赫斯渥淡淡地说道,但他没敢提及费莫酒店。

12、The quality or state of being diffident; timidity or shyness. ─── 缺乏自信; 胆怯缺乏自信的性质或状态; 胆小的或羞怯的

13、He looked diffident, and amiable , and independent, and he, too, was evidently English. ─── 他显得忸怩羞怯,又和蔼又任性,显然他也是一个英国人。

14、The next day he received two more complaints, one from a man who came in diffident deprecation . ─── 第二天,他又接到两起申诉,一起来自一个男的,用温和的语气提出意见。

15、There was something shamefaced or diffident about the movement, as if the intention were to conceal any idea of stopping until the very last moment. ─── 这人的行动有些害羞或者有些胆怯,好像不到最后一刻都不打算暴露任何要停下来的想法。

16、He was to diffident to do justice to himself. ─── 他过于羞怯,不能适当地处理自己。

17、She is diffident about expressing her opinions. ─── 她怯于表述自己的意见。

18、feel rather diffident ─── 心里有点虚

19、Kant's conclusion is in perfect accord with Newton's diffident awareness about the limits of his knowledge, and Bacon's warning against sweeping generalizations. ─── 康德的结论,完美地符合于牛顿对自己知识限界的认识,同时与培根对大刀阔斧通用性的警告一致。

20、He was too diffident to do justice to himself. ─── 他腼腆得使自己的表现不能恰如其分。

21、If students do not wear the same uniforms, students wearing cheap clothes may have the feeling of self-contempt and be diffident about expressing one`s opinions in class. ─── 如果学生不穿统一的校服,穿廉价衣服的学生可能会有自卑情绪,在课堂上怯于表述自己的意见。

22、The next day he received two more complaints, one from a man who came in diffident deprecation. ─── 第二天,他又接到两起申诉,一起来自一个男的,用温和的语气提出意见。

23、She was of a helpless, fleshy build, with a frank, open countenance and an innocent, diffident manner. ─── 她体格无力而多肉,一张坦率真诚的面容,一副天真无邪而羞怯神气。

24、be diffident about ─── 对于做

25、Even with Honey, with whom he had an unspoken understanding of marriage when he came into his property next fall, he was diffident and silent. ─── 甚至跟红妮在一起时,他也是没有自信,默默无言,虽然他和红妮有过默契:明年秋天他继承了财产以后,他们就结婚。

26、He was modest and diffident about his own success. ─── 他很谦虚,不愿谈及自己的成功。

27、Are you diffident and panic when found yourself make a mistake in working or performance in duty make the whole thing out of control. ─── 若您发现在工作或执行任务时出错,是否会感到缺乏信心或惊慌失措,好象事情完全失控?

28、I am fond of a diffident way which I see you to exhibit. ─── 我喜欢您表现出来的谦卑。

29、He is diffident about expressing his opinions in the public. ─── 他在公开场合表达自己的意见感到胆怯。

30、Custodians who took care of children whose parents were away were markedly different from the children's parents in age, education and economic condition, and these children were liable to be agitated, diffident and susceptible. ─── 结果 :托管人 (研究组 )与孩子父母在年龄、文化程度、经济状况等方面存在明显差别 ,接替父母的作用后 ,孩子易焦虑、内向且敏感性增高。

31、He is diffident of his success. ─── 他对成功缺乏信心。

32、I was diffident about saying so. ─── 我不好意思这么说。

33、He has a politely diffident manner. ─── 他的态度是客气中带有羞怯。

34、The quality or state of being diffident; timidityor shyness. ─── 缺乏自信;胆怯缺乏自信的性质或状态;胆小的或羞怯的。

35、In cool weather, serpents do not tempt; they grow diffident, recede and hibernate. ─── 在凉爽的天气里,蛇是不会出来引诱人的,它会胆怯、退避,还要冬眠。

36、His great powers, his masterly manner, and the experience which I had had of his many extraordinary qualities, all made me diffident and backward in crossing him. ─── 他的毅力,他自以为是的态度和我所体验过的他那许多非常的性格,都使我胆怯而不愿惹他不高兴。

37、But in a recent interview with Fox News , the president sounded diffident and nervous about his economic policy . ─── 但最近在接受福克斯新闻网采访的时候,奥巴马总统对自己的经济政策出言谨慎,听起来充满了心虚和不安。

38、Western sinologists like Dudbridge and Schipper are renowned for their scholarship but diffident in the extreme. ─── 事实上,西方汉学家如杜德桥、施博尔,实名重士林,却谦抑有加;

39、stood in the doorway diffident and abashed; problems that call for bold not timid responses; a very unsure young man. ─── 羞怯而又局促不安的站在门口;需要大胆而不是羞怯的回答的问题;一个非常不自信的年轻人。

40、a diffident manner/smile ─── 畏首畏尾的态度;羞怯的一笑

41、Even relationships within the family are managed by the 1,200-person IHA, which has not been diffident in sharing its views. ─── 即便是这个家族的内部关系也由1200人组成的宫内厅打理,而这个组织并不缺少公开自己观点的自信。

42、Dick was always diffident when it came to staff matters, and not been able to summon up the gumption to bang the table. ─── 遇到手下的人事问题时,迪克总是缺乏信心。他不能拿出气概,一锤定音。

43、In the diffident manner was nothing of the art of the courtesan. ─── 她羞怯的举止迥然不同于妓女的惺惺作态。

44、Obama, perhaps inhibited by his desire to transcend partisanship (and avoid praising the last Democratic president?), has been surprisingly diffident about attacking the Bush economic record. ─── 的渴望或许使他畏首畏尾,以至于一直以来自信心异常不足,不愿意攻击布什的经济记录。

45、This boy, still midget but already diffident with a kind of rangy ease, is the best of the six. ─── 这个男孩是那六个中打得最棒的,他个头虽然不高,但瘦长的四肢已使他羞怯中显出几分自如。

46、She is a diffident student. ─── 她是位缺乏自信的学生。

47、Synonyms SHY , bashful, coy, demure, diffident, modest, rabbity, retiring, ─── 自信的:羞怯的::开朗的:害羞的(反义关系)

48、8.He was a little diffident, but quite self-possessed. ─── 他有点信心不足,但很镇静。

49、an able but diffident young student ─── 能干但缺乏自信的青年学生

50、The Communist Party is diffident about laying claim to any development model that other countries might copy. ─── 共产党在宣称自身拥有可供其他国家效仿的发展模式上十分低调。

51、6. Corporal punishment makes a child diffident, withdrawn, and pessimistic. ─── 体罚使小孩变得自卑、自闭、性格悲观。

52、His fault is that he's too diffident. ─── 他的过失是太缺乏自信啦。

53、Even really talented people are made to feel diffident and nervous when they are queuing in a long line for an interview. ─── 排着长队等待面试时,哪怕是最有能力的人也会觉得没有信心,紧张。

54、Don' t be so diffident about your talents. ─── 别对自己的才能如此缺乏信心.

55、Some people are born diffident, who may become more fear of mixing with others if they are not able to adjust their mental conditions during adolescence. ─── 有的人生来性格内向,内向的人在青春期过程中如果不注意调整心理状态,就会变得惧怕与人交往。

56、Therefore, the more they feel diffident, the less they speak out in English. ─── 建筑(室内)效果图制作培训班.

57、The changing of the guard features diffident pomp, halfhearted ceremony, and a clearly bored marching band. And it's crowded, too. ─── 卫士换岗仪式表现出缺乏自信的盛况,心不在焉的仪式,一个明白无疑的无聊的行军乐队,而且,还很拥挤。

58、With extraordinary speed, China has morphed from a diffident player in international finance into an impatient table-banger. ─── 中国在国际金融方面的角色转变得飞快。

59、Now, Hugh Elsing, Rene, the Simmons boys, Andy Bonnell and the others found him pleasant, diffident about putting himself forward and embarrassed when they spoke of the obligation they owed him. ─── 现在休 - 埃尔辛、雷内、西蒙兄弟、安迪 - 邦内尔和其他很多人都感到他可亲而又谦虚,不愿意突出自己,而且他们谈到他的恩惠时还显得很难为情呢。

60、In the pilot, Bette is presented as being so strong and sure of herself, but within that, I recognized that she was a little bit insecure and maybe diffident. ─── 在第一集里,Bette被呈现为非常坚强和有自信,不过我认清她的内心其实有些缺乏安全感,也许还有点懦怯。

61、Many people believe I am a diffident person,but as a matter of fact I’d like to have long talks with close friends. ─── 许多人认为我很内向,实际上我很愿意与好朋友长谈。

62、In this great hotel she felt diffident after so long a period of complete retirement. ─── 她经过许多年的隐居生活,如今走进这个大旅馆里来,已觉有点羞怯了。

63、The quality or state of being diffident;timidity or shyness. ─── 缺乏自信;胆怯缺乏自信的性质或状态;胆小的或羞怯的

64、Speak out, my boy--don't be diffident. ─── 说出来吧,孩子——别害怕。

65、feel extremely diffident ─── 心里直打鼓

66、The diffident adolescent that tested the pride and patience of regulators is changing as another generation of employees contribute their ideas. ─── 公司羞涩的青春期曾经考验了公司掌舵人的骄傲与耐心的,随着新一代员工开始贡献出他们的智慧,这一状况也在改变。

67、she was diffident when offering a comment on the professor's lecture. ─── 在评价教授的演讲时她很胆怯。

68、Tall, thin and diffident around the edges, he speaks at twice normal speed, often inserting parenthetical commentary on his thoughts as he gallops ahead. ─── 他个子很高,不过很瘦,说话比正常语速快一倍,谈话的时候经常 会插进一些自己的评论。

69、John was as bouncy and ebullient as Helen was diffident and reserved. ─── 约翰活泼、热情;而海伦却羞怯、矜持。

70、How to express politely in writing and observe the politeness principle is one of the most important and diffident tasks in English for International Business Letter Writing. ─── 摘要如何在外贸英语函电写作中实现礼貌化表达是外贸英语函电教学的重难点之一。

71、(4) The more inactively students world of warcraft goldparticipate, the more they feel diffident, the less they speak out in English. ─── 宝吉机械设备厂徽标和宝吉牌商标已注册,敬请认准宝吉牌,假冒必纠!

72、Having or proceeding from a disinclination to call attention to oneself;retiring or diffident. ─── 羞怯的有或出自不愿引起别人对自己注意的;避世的或缺乏自信的

73、The simulation test can study the movement law of pollutant diffusion under the diffident hydrodynamic condition. ─── 模拟试验能够更好地研究不同水动力条件下污染物的扩散运移规律。

74、" He felt a little diffident about asking concerning her success. ─── 他感到有点胆怯,不敢问她是否成功了。

75、Having or proceeding from a disinclination to call attention to oneself; retiring or diffident. ─── 羞怯的有或出自不愿引起别人对自己注意的,避世的或缺乏自信的。

76、He was diffident and silent. ─── 他是那么冷淡,那么默默无声。

77、I was very diffident, unsociable and eccentric when studying in middle school, even blushed with shame when talking to girls. ─── 中学时我的性格特别内向孤僻,跟女孩子说话也要脸红。

78、I know I am very diffident and introversive, even seriously depressed. ─── 我知道自己很自卑而自闭,甚至有严重的抑郁症。

79、handicapped and passive; timid in a restrained manner; diffident ─── 缩手缩脚

80、for though feeling almost secure,with reason, for Charlotte had been tolerably encouraging, he was comparatively diffident since the adventure of Wednesday. ─── 虽说他当场看到夏绿蒂对他颇有情意,因此觉得这事十拿九稳成功,可是从星期三那场冒险以来,他究竟不敢太鲁莽了。

81、stood in the doorway diffident and abashed; ─── 羞怯而又局促不安的站在门口;

82、The quality or state of being diffident. ─── 胆怯缺乏自信的性质或状态。

83、I'd be less diffident if the men wouldn't differentiate between us all the time. ─── 如果男人们一向区分不出我们两,我就不会那么缺乏自信了。”

84、He was too diffident to express his opinion. ─── 他太不自信,不敢发表自己的见解。

85、Dick was always diffident when it came to staff matters, and not been able to summon up the gumption to bang the table. ─── 遇到手下的人事问题时,迪克总是缺乏信心。他还未能发挥才智,一锤定音。

86、stood in the doorway diffident and abashed; problems that call for bold not timid responses; a very unsure young man ─── 羞怯而又局促不安的站在门口;需要大胆而不是羞怯的回答的问题;一个非常不自信的年轻人

87、Are you? diffident and panic when found yourself make a mistake in working or performance in duty make the whole thing out of control. ─── 若您发现在工作或执行任务时出错,是否会感到缺乏信心或惊慌失措,好象事情完全失控?

88、Wary and diffident, the daylight struggles to reach the highest wires, the last rooftiles of the city, while the newly awakened sparrows chatter like mad things in the trees of the park. ─── 谨慎且羞涩的清晨努力的爬上城市最高屋顶上的电线,此时,刚刚醒来的麻雀兴奋的像疯了一样叽叽喳喳的在公园的树林中叫个不停。

89、I don't know much about the job, and I'm diffident about my ability to do it properly. ─── 对于这种生疏的工作,我感到心虚。

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