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08-15 投稿


disabused 发音

英:[?d?s??bju?zd]  美:[?d?s??bju?zd]

英:  美:

disabused 中文意思翻译



disabused 同义词

enfeeble | restrict | incapacitate | spike | cripple | deactivate | invalid | debilitate | put out of action | inactivate | handicap | disenable | wing |weaken | knock out | tire | lame | dismember | maim

disabused 反义词


disabused 短语词组

1、disabused of ─── 解除

2、disabused to the notion ─── 对这个概念的解惑

3、disabused of my notion ─── 消除了我的想法

4、disabused p ─── 解总线p

5、disabused synonym ─── 解构同义词

6、disabused meaning ─── 释义

disabused 词性/词形变化,disabused变形

动词过去分词: disabused |动词第三人称单数: disabuses |动词过去式: disabused |动词现在分词: disabusing |

disabused 相似词语短语

1、dishoused ─── vt.自家里赶出;抢夺住宅

2、disabuse ─── vt.使省悟;解迷惑;释疑;矫正

3、disused ─── adj.废弃不用的;v.废弃(disuse的过去分词)

4、abused ─── adj.(尤指药物)滥用的;受虐的;v.滥用;虐待;辱骂(abuse的过去式和过去分词)

5、disattuned ─── 取消调谐

6、disabled ─── adj.残疾的,有缺陷的;(设施等)为残疾人设计的;v.使失去能力(disable的过去式和过去分词)

7、disabuses ─── vt.使省悟;解迷惑;释疑;矫正

8、disabusing ─── vt.使省悟;解迷惑;释疑;矫正

9、disabusal ─── 退订

disabused 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、some people are still not disabused of the old idea that the universe revolves around the Earth. ─── 有些人仍没有从宇宙绕着地球转的老思想中醒悟过来。

2、Trinity's Mr Dooley observes that students often come with the expectation that they are going to secure jobs as managing directors when they leave and have to be disabused of that. ─── 圣三一学院的杜利认为,学生们入学时通常会预期自己离校后将获得董事总经理职位,他们必须破除这种臆断。

3、I have recently been disabused of this notion. ─── 而最近我对这种观念恍然大悟。

4、But if he genuinely believes, as he declared this week, that his “socialist project will emerge strengthened” from the world recession, he will soon enough be disabused. ─── 但如果查韦斯像本周宣布的那样,能真正地相信他的“社会主义工程能”从世界经济大萧条中“强有力地站起来”,那么他将很快能够消除外界对他的一切指责。

5、No one could live long in Berlin without being completely disabused of illusions. ─── 没有完全省悟这种幻想,那就没有人能够长时间呆在柏林。

6、I was disabused of the notion that the zinc lozenges that my family has always used actually had some effect. ─── 我家里常用的锌含化糖片确实有些效果,这个现象也提醒了我,我们人类确实是一个很容易被骗到的种族。

7、I have recently been disabused of this notion. ─── 最近我对这种观念恍然大悟。

8、2. and hence the inveterate impression, of which Europeans have only at a late period been disabused, concerning the great opulence of Oriental nations. ─── 因而在欧洲人的心目中,东方国家是极其繁荣昌盛的,这种根深蒂固的印象直到最近才被消除。

9、Still by himself abused, or disabused; ─── 滥用或纠正仍在继续;

10、Soviet gunners quickly disabused them of that erroneous notion. ─── 苏军火炮很快便使他们从错误想法中醒悟过来。

11、Any "American model" lecturer who ventures forth with a few bright beads of basic capitalism to wow the locals will be quickly and rudely disabused. ─── 任何“美国模式”教师如果胆敢凭着一星半点儿基础资本主义知识就想在当地人面前引起轰动,都将被迅速且粗鲁地惊醒。

12、Those who wanted to write him off as a right-wing Republican were disabused by the variety of radical causes he championed. ─── 有人曾想把弗里德曼贬低为右翼共和党人,但弗里德曼对各种激进事业的拥护,使他们打消了念头。

13、1. some people are still not disabused of the old idea that the universe revolves around the Earth. ─── 有些人仍没有从宇宙绕着地球转的老思想中醒悟过来。

14、He was soon disabused by his hosts. ─── 东道主很快就让他明白,他的想法是错的。

15、He was soon disabused by his hosts. ─── 东道主很快就让他明白,他的想法是错的。

16、And I was disabused of the notion that the zinc lozenges that my family has always used actually had some effect. ─── 我家里常用的锌含化糖片确实有些效果,这个现象也提醒了我,我们人类确实是一个很容易被骗到的种族。

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