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08-15 投稿


interrogate 发音

英:[?n?ter?ɡe?t]  美:[?n?ter?ɡe?t]

英:  美:

interrogate 中文意思翻译




interrogate 网络释义

vt. 审问;质问;[计] 询问vi. 审问;质问

interrogate 词性/词形变化,interrogate变形


interrogate 短语词组

1、interrogate monica avengers ─── 审问莫妮卡复仇者

2、interrogate interrupt ─── [计] 询问中断

3、interrogate part of speech ─── 询问词性

4、interrogate in ─── 在中询问

5、interrogate pubg ─── 审问公众

6、interrogate a witness ─── [法] 讯问证人

7、Interrogate Threat System ─── 审讯威胁系统

8、interrogate definition ─── 质询定义

9、interrogate sentence ─── 审问判决

10、interrogate in german ─── 用德语审问

11、interrogate bana xenoblade 2 2 ─── 号跑道的氙气叶片被审问

12、interrogate the aircraft ─── 询问飞机

13、interrogate a suspect ─── 审问嫌疑犯

interrogate 相似词语短语

1、interrogates ─── vt.审问;质问;[计]询问;vi.审问;质问

2、reinterrogate ─── vt.再审讯;重新审问

3、interrogated ─── [计]询问

4、interrogants ─── 审问者

5、interrogatees ─── 访谈

6、interrogative ─── adj.疑问的;质问的;n.疑问词

7、interrogable ─── 可质问的

8、interrogatee ─── 访谈

9、interrogator ─── n.质问者;询问机

interrogate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Go to their freaking leaders and interrogate them and threaten them with jail until they speak out. ─── 如果我们因此影响了工作与学习,就是错了,我们应该健康地支持球队。

2、You are the chief torturer who needs to interrogate a prisoner. ─── 你需要拷问一个囚犯,必须用聪明的手法才能获得口供。

3、Now that you have setup your list in this way following these rules, you are now ready to interrogate the list by applying criteria. ─── 你有你的格局,现在名单如下这样细则你现在准备用标准一览表审问。

4、The lawyer took a long time to interrogate the witness fully. ─── 律师花了很长时间仔细询问目击者。

5、The prisoner be Interrogate for three hour ─── 囚犯被讯问了3个小时

6、Inform the witnesses of their rights and obligations, interrogate the witnesses and read aloud the testimony of the witnesses who fail to appear before the court, ─── 告知证人的权利义务,证人作证,宣读未到庭的证人证言,

7、the right to interrogate ─── 审问的权利

8、The Debugger2 object is used to interrogate and manipulate the state of the debugger and the program being debugged. ─── [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。

9、In any case, you should summarise the influences which come into play to shape your research.The analysis should lead you to interrogate your own assumptions about why the problem is significant. ─── 尽管并非所有的计划书都需要包括详尽的“概念框架”,一份好的研究计划书必定是包括这些的。

10、To interrogate persistently ─── 打破砂锅问到底

11、If you ask an application to perform a function itself, the application should simply perform that function and not interrogate you about your precise configuration details. ─── 如果你要求程序自己执行一个功能,则程序应该简单地执行该功能,并且不询问你精确的设置细节。

12、Tony and Nina interrogate Jamey. ─── 托尼和尼娜继续审讯杰米。

13、In 2004, the commission ordered Microsoft to share information with competitors. This information could would help them develop software for server computers to interrogate "interoperate", or work easily, with windows. ─── 2004年,欧盟委员会命令微软公司与其竞争者分享信息。这些信息可帮助他们为服务器开发软件实现“交互式操作”,或是windows系统操作更加容易。

14、"It is not for you to interrogate, but to answer." ─── “我不是要你问话,而是要你回答。”

15、If the DBMS provides a way to interactively and update the database, as well as interrogate it capability allows for managing personal data-Aces however, it does not ... ─── 如果数据库管理系统提供一种方法来相互作用地进入和修改数据库,同时查询数据库,这种方法就为管理个人数据库创造...[全文

16、to torture sb. during interrogation; to interrogate with torture; to put sb. to (the) torture ─── 拷问

17、To examine (a witness, for example) by questioning; interrogate. ─── 审问:通过提问检查(如证词);审问

18、To interrogate this hardened criminal, you have to squeeze every word out of him. ─── 审问这个惯犯就跟挤牙膏一样。

19、Because Olmert might be involved in a tax scandal in Israel.The police will interrogate him. ─── 因为奥尔默特可能在以色列会卷入一场税收丑闻。

20、"Come in, M. de Villefort," said the king, "come in." Villefort bowed, and advancing a few steps, waited until the king should interrogate him. ─── “进来,维尔福先生,”国王说,维尔福鞠了一躬,向前走了几步,等候国王垂询。

21、" Yes, we such city gate guards in asking only lays out the appearance, we do not interrogate the others, the others cannot come to manage us. ─── ”是啊,在问道里我们这样的城门守卫不过是摆摆样子,我们不盘问别人,别人也不会来理我们。

22、1. The lawyers took two hours to interrogate the witness. ─── 律师们花了两个小时的时间讯问证人。

23、Ralph and another operative head to the location.Elsewhere, Sucre and C-Note interrogate T-Bag. ─── 他们通过定位,知道了林肯手机的位置,拉尔夫和另一个特工向地址出发。

24、My parents were thrown in a coal cellar and next day they started to interrogate my father. ─── 我的父母被扔在了煤窖,第二天他们就开始审问我父亲。

25、Mrs. Arbour said the allegations that the United States was using secret facilities overseas to interrogate suspects undermined a global ban. ─── Arbour说有关于美国在国外使用秘密设施来审问嫌疑犯的指控破坏了全球禁止酷刑的禁令。我觉得很通啊。

26、The police took a long time to interrogate the offenders fully. ─── 警察花了很长时间对人犯进行了详细的审问。

27、The lawyer took two hours to interrogate the witness. ─── 律师费两个小时的时间讯问证人。

28、Should any one else interrogate you, say to him what you have said to me, but do not breathe a word of this letter. ─── “今晚之前,我得把你扣留在法院里,假如有谁来审问你,对于这封信你一定不要提。”

29、Now we shall interrogate you according to law. ─── 我们现在依法对你进行讯问。

30、As he paced slowly back and forth in the room, he began to interrogate me, speaking in conversational tones, never raising his voice. ─── 他慢悠悠地在屋里踱来踱去,开始用交谈的语气审问我,始终没有提高嗓门。

31、I do wish I would not interrogate you, but it seems to me that our time of interdependence is over, and I really should like to know why. ─── 我真的不希望审问你,但是我觉得我们互相依赖的日子已经结束了,我很想知道为什么。

32、This willingness to interrogate encouraged Madame Magloire,it seemed to her to indicate that the Bishop was on the point of becoming alarmed,she pursued triumphantly:--"Yes, Monseigneur. ─── 他既肯向她探问,马格洛大娘自然更起劲了,在她看来,这好象表明主教已有意戒备了,她洋洋得意地追着说:“是呀,主教。

33、As his story drew to a close it became more and more necessary for me to interrogate him about himself. ─── 他的叙述要结束时,我越发需要询问他自己的事情。

34、Foster a moderate and tolerant state of mind; when they beat interrogate and torture you, your mental state won't be agitated. ─── 培养温和、宽容的心态,就是对方打骂折磨,精神上也不受刺激。

35、Why? So you can interrogate him? ─── 为什么?这样你就可以审讯他了?

36、The lawyer took two hours to interrogate the witness. ─── 律师花费两个小时讯问证人。

37、To interrogate this hardened criminal, you have to squeeze every word out of him. ─── 审问这个惯犯就跟挤牙膏一样。

38、interrogate prisoners of war ─── 审讯俘虏

39、The camera was able to interrogate a volume approximately fivecentimeters cubed, and measurements were taken with the volumecentered at three downstream stations: one, eight, and ten chords. ─── 下面的这句话中的downstream和chord我该怎么理解呢?我对流体力学和空气动力学所知甚少,请各位帮帮忙吧。

40、After they had been travelling for another mile or two, the White Nun told Trinket that they should find some quiet, out-of-the-way place where they could stop and interrogate their prisoner. ─── 又行一程,白衣尼道:“有什么僻静所在,停下车来,问问那个喇嘛。”韦小宝应道:“是。”

41、One way to do this is to confine the anti-atoms in an inhomogenous magnetic field (one cannot use electric fields since the anti-atom is neutral) and interrogate them with lasers. ─── 一个做这的方法就是在一个不均匀的磁场(由于反原子是中性的不能够使用电场)中限制反原子并且用激光识别它们。

42、only the orks know where it is-but how do you interrogate an ork? ─── 只有兽人知道圣剑的所在-但是你能从对兽人的审问中得到有用的信息吗?

43、However, sire, if I might advise, your majesty will interrogate the person of whom I spoke to you, and I will urge your majesty to do him this honor." ─── 可是,陛下,假如您能允许我再进一谏言的话,陛下不妨问一下我刚才对您提起过的那个人,而且我请求陛下赐给他这种荣幸。”

44、More sentries were posted to interrogate and examine the passersby. ─── 加设岗哨,盘查行人。

45、Only occasionally did his lips move;at other times he raised his head and fixed his gaze upon some point of the wall, as though there existed at that point something which he wished to elucidate or interrogate. ─── 不过有时他的嘴唇频频启闭,另外一些时候他抬头望着墙上随便哪一点,好象恰巧在那一点上他有需要了解或询问的东西。

46、Then, sitting next to me on the mini-bus ride back to the hotel, he began to interrogate me. ─── 在回宾馆的小巴上,他坐到我旁边,审问开始了。

47、Some programs need to directly interrogate the dynamic type of an object at run time. ─── 一些程序需要在运行时直接询问对象的动态类型。

48、To examine(a witness,for example)by questioning;interrogate. ─── 审问通过提问检查(如证词);审问

49、As he paced slowly back and forth in the room, he began to interrogate me, speaking in conversational tones, never raising his voice. ─── 他慢悠悠地在屋里踱来踱去,开始用交谈的语气审问我,始终没有提高嗓门。

50、Where is his son? I need interrogate him at once. ─── “他儿子在哪里?我要马上审问他。”

51、Judicial personnel may interrogate and question the witnesses and expert witnesses. ─── 审判人员可以询问证人、鉴定人。

52、Starts to interrogate to me, scolds. ─── 开始对我质问,责骂。

53、"We must interrogate you: the constitution stipulates that citizens have freedom of correspondence and of secret correspondence.Have you complied with this mother of laws? ─── “闲来审查一下你们自己吧:宪法规定中华人民共和国公民的通信自由和通信秘密受法律的保护。

54、On Law Exhibition Modality of Spy into Interrogate Activity ─── 侦讯活动法律表现形式论

55、Object is used to interrogate and manipulate the state of the debugger and the program being debugged. ─── 对象用于询问和操作调试器和正在调试的程序的状态。

56、interrogate a prisoner ─── 审问犯人

57、"During college and graduate school, " Dr. Okie wrote, "I had to interrogate her to find out what was happening in her personal life. " ─── “在读大学和研究生期间,”奥基写道,“我必须得盘问她,才能知道她的生活中发生了什么事。”

58、"This makes ERCP and other techniques that interrogate the pancreas not suitable for screening. ─── 为了光散射特性的变化与组织定量的方法,他们也分析了一系列的光学标记。

59、color]12. I will not interrogate my enemies in the inner sanctum -- a small hotelwell outside my borders will work just as well. ─── 我不会在我最机密的指挥室审问我的敌人,外面随便那一家小旅馆都可以.

60、Multiple Radar Interrogate ─── 多雷达询问

61、I decide to interrogate the abductors. ─── 我决定去质问那帮绑架犯。

62、the car to interrogate him with a dialog box, nor would the carpenter appreciate one (like the one in Figure 10-2) appearing on her hammer. ─── 司机当然不期望车子通过对话框与自己交互,木匠更不希望看锤子上显示这样的信息(参见图10-2)。

63、To examine(a witness, for example) by questioning; interrogate. ─── 审问通过提问检查(如证词);审问

64、In ASP, the content type and the charset are specified separately through the Response object. The ServerVariables collection allows us to interrogate the Accept HTTP header. ─── 在ASP中,内容类型和字符集设定(charset)通过Response对象指定。ServerVariables集合允许程序员重定义Accept HTTP头信息。

65、The prosecutors should pay attention to the strategies and the rules of relativity, anti-abduction, anti-composition, and non-tentative when appear in court and interrogate the accused. ─── 出庭讯问被告人时,需要注意相关性规则、反对诱导规则、反对复合性规则、不得假设规则,也要讲究运用策略。

66、interrogate the accused ─── 审问被告

67、interrogate a witness ─── 对证人进行讯问

68、interrogate the soul ─── 拷问灵魂

69、Marquis Dongming, field Bao-Cheng one and capture two people, and brings back to the local police station to interrogate. ─── 侯东明、田宝成将两人一并抓获,并带回派出所审讯。

70、We will interrogate the two suspects separately. ─── 我们要对这两个嫌疑人进行背对背的审讯。

71、interrogate; question ─── 审问

72、But this battle too ultimately ended in defeat, leading Optimus Prime to interrogate him as to the whereabouts of Megatron. ─── 但是这场战以失败告终,让擎天柱有机会审问他威震天的下落。(致使擎天柱向他打听威震天的下落)

73、One way to do this is to confine the anti-atoms in an inhomogenous magnetic field( one cannot use electric fields since the anti-atom is neutral) and interrogate them with lasers. ─── 一个做这的方法就是在一个不均匀的磁场(于反原子是中性的不能够使用电场)限制反原子并且用激光识别它们。

74、The Debugger2 object is used to interrogate and manipulate the state of the debugger and the program being debugged. The Debugger2 object supersedes the Debugger object. ─── [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。

75、To interrogate a criminal suspect or prisoner of war again and again ─── 六问三推

76、In PHP, the MIME type is set through the header function. The $_SERVER array contains the server variables, allowing us to interrogate the Accept HTTP header. ─── 在PHP语言中,MIME类型通过hader函数实现。$_SERVER序列变量包含了服务器端变量,允许程序员重定义Accept HTTP头信息。

77、Conderations on the Right to Keep Silent and tne Pelice's Right to Interrogate ─── 对沉默权与警察讯问权的几点思考

78、You wish to Interrogate the prisoner? ─── 你想要质问那个囚犯?

79、interrogate a suspect ─── 审问嫌疑犯

80、But, leaving buy interrogate and arrest to be passed on property is different. ─── 但是,留置盘问与拘传在性质上是不同的。

81、The people’s procuratorate shall interrogate the criminal suspect in examination and decision and approval of arrest. ─── 人民检察院在审查决定、批准逮捕中,应当讯问犯罪嫌疑人。

82、Judicial personnel also may interrogate and question the defendant. ─── 审判人员可以讯问被告人。

83、When police officers make an arrest, they commonly interrogate the arrestee. Usually they are trying to strengthen the prosecution's case by getting the arrestee to provide some evidence of guilt. ─── 当警官实施拘捕后,一般会审问被捕者。他们经常试图让被捕者提供一些犯罪证据,以便最后确立诉讼案。

84、At the simplest level pupils can interrogate the library stock database using the simple keyword search module, which supports reading levels and book reviews. ─── 在简单的水平,学生可以审问图书馆股票数据库使用简单的关键字搜索模块,它支持阅读水平和书评。

85、The lawyers took two hours to interrogate the witness. ─── 律师们花了两个小时的时间讯问证人。

86、My wife said she would tackle Director Liu about this, and interrogate him about why he made me drunk. See how much trouble he has caused ! ─── 密司黄说要跟刘主任去算账呢; 要质问他为什么要把我灌醉。 你看

87、Home minister would definitely interrogate me on why I had left it there. ─── 所以,我就将整篮的衣服夹都放在它旁边,大家有个“照应”,内政部长也毕竟会问起此事。

88、With the reflection of these moral issues, many persons interrogate the responsibility of school moral education customarily. ─── 当人们反思这些道德问题时,常常习惯性地把它与学校道德教育的责任对应起来。

89、The driver certainly doesn’t expect the car to interrogate him with a dialog box, nor would the carpenter appreciate one (like the one in Figure 10-2) appearing on her hammer. ─── 司机当然不期望车子通过对话框与自己交互,木匠更不希望看锤子上显示这样的信息(参见图10-2)。

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