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08-15 投稿


shiftless 发音

英:['??ftl?s]  美:['??ftl?s]

英:  美:

shiftless 中文意思翻译



shiftless 短语词组

1、shiftless carver ─── 无能雕刻家

2、shiftless hiv ─── 无能艾滋病毒

3、shiftless meaning ─── 无意义

4、shiftless sol ─── 无换档电磁阀

5、shiftless scheming rascal ─── 诡计多端的流氓

6、shiftless definition ─── 无移位定义

7、shiftless means ─── 不择手段

8、shiftless define ─── 无移位定义

9、shiftless book ─── 无用功书

10、shiftless register ─── [计] 无移位寄存器

shiftless 词性/词形变化,shiftless变形

副词: shiftlessly |名词: shiftlessness |

shiftless 相似词语短语

1、shiftiness ─── 奸诈

2、giftless ─── adj.无礼物的;无天赋的

3、shirtless ─── adj.赤膊的;无上装的

4、thriftless ─── adj.浪费的,不节约的;无价值的

5、shaftless ─── adj.无轴的

6、hiltless ─── 希尔特莱斯酒店

7、driftless ─── adj.无定向的,无目标的

8、shiftlessly ─── 无动于衷

9、shitless ─── adj.极度;非常;adv.极度;非常

shiftless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Laziness brings on deep sleep, and the shiftless man goes hungry. ─── 懒惰使人沉睡,懈怠的人必受饥饿。

2、a shiftless student. ─── 一个懒惰的学生

3、looks like it is unable to change HID in windsor.......... what a shiftless place! ─── 价钱大概是多少?

4、Don't hang around that shiftless guy. You don't know what he will do. ─── 不要跟那个得过且过的混混在一起,你不知道他会做些什么事。

5、a shiftless student; studied in a shiftless way. ─── 不思进取的学生;以懒惰的方式学习。

6、She said with a very emphatic pronunciation "shiftless" . ─── 她加重语气说,“没有办法”。

7、a shiftless individual who never works and constantly borrows from others ─── 从不工作、专靠向人借钱度日的懒家伙

8、Who has not noticed the power of love in an awkward, crabbed, shiftless, lazy man? ─── 当一个笨拙、暴戾、无能、懒惰的人满怀爱的力量,谁会注意不到呢?

9、This may imbue Japan's shiftless youth with manliness, but it is unlikely to ease Japan's relations with its neighbours.There is no getting away from history. ─── 这可能会为懒散的年轻人注入刚毅,但不太可能缓解日本和邻国的关系。

10、Her final and ultimatum of contempt consisted in a very emphatic pronunciation of the word "shiftless" . ─── 当她加重语气说“没有办法”时,就是表示她登峰造极的蔑视。

11、In Germany they knew how to care for such things, but these Americans were so shiftless. ─── 这些事情,德国人是很注意的,美国人却大意得很。

12、Her final and ultimatum of contempt consisted in a very emphatic pronunciation of the word "shiftless" ─── 当她加重语气说“没有办法”时,就是表示她登峰造极的蔑视。

13、Pax had looked out for his brother ever since their shiftless, spice-addled parents had sold them into slavery. ─── 自从一无是处的瘾君子父母将他们卖为奴隶后,帕克斯就一直照顾着弟弟。

14、We can keep pretending that welfare is black program and a scheme for transferring our earnings to the pockets of shiftless, dark-skinned people. ─── 我们可以继续自欺欺人,假装福利制度是黑人制度,是将我们所得转移到懒惰无能的黑皮肤人种的口袋的计划。

15、Don't hang around that shiftless guy.You don't know what he will do. ─── 不要跟那个得过且过的混混在一起,你不知道他会做些什麽事。

16、shiftless, idle youth. ─── 游手好闲的青年人。

17、shiftless” Cherokees proudly did everything necessary. ─── 无能”的切诺基们自豪地做了所有一切事。

18、shiftless register ─── 无移位寄存器

19、4 They also gave him seventy silver shekels from the temple of Baal of Berith, with which Abimelech hired shiftless men and ruffians as his followers. ─── 他们遂从巴耳贝黎特庙里拿了七十块银钱给他,阿彼默肋客就用这些钱雇了一些放荡无赖之徒跟随他。

20、He lives in a shiftless way. ─── 他过着得过且过的日子。

21、faineant kings under whose rule the country languished; an indolent hanger-on; too lazy to wash the dishes; shiftless idle youth; slothful employees; the unemployed are not necessarily work-shy. ─── 治下凋敝的懒惰国王;懒惰的寄生虫;懒得不洗碗;懒散的少年;懒惰的雇员;失业的人不一定是懒惰的人。

22、He's lazy and shiftless. ─── 他很懒,得过且过。

23、In retrospect, I was a sad little boy and a standard-issue, shiftless, egotistical, dejected teen-ager. ─── 回顾往事,我曾是一个悲哀的小男孩,一个无能的、任性的、沮丧的标准问题少年。

24、but woe to the luckless husband or lover who was too shiftless to do his share of the providing. ─── 但是,倒霉的是那种过于怠惰或过于笨拙因而不能给公共贮藏品增加一分的不幸的丈夫或情人。

25、studied in a shiftless way. ─── 得过目过地学习

26、shiftless "a. ─── 无计谋的,偷懒的,不中用的,"

27、16.Such shiftless management, such waste, such confusion, I never saw. ─── 这样 无能的管理方法,这种浪费,这种混乱现象,我 从来 没有见过。

28、Dress a scarecrow in your last shift, you standing shiftless by, who would not soonest salute the scarecrow? ─── 你给稻草人穿上你最后一件衣服,你自己不穿衣服站在旁边,哪一个经过的人不马上就向稻草人致敬呢?

29、2.Rare, indeed, is the Harlem citizen, from the most circumspect church member to the most shiftless adolescent, who does not have a long tale to tell of police incompetence, injustice, or brutality. ─── 的确,哈莱姆区的居民,从最谨慎的神职人员到最懒散的青年,无一不对警察的无能、不公和粗暴抱怨连连。

30、shiftless idle youth; ─── 懒散的少年;

31、Laziness brings on deep sleep, and the shiftless man goes hungry. ─── 懒惰使人沉睡。懈怠的人,必受饥饿。

32、She said with a very emphatic pronunciation "shiftless". ─── 她加重语气说,“没有办法”。

33、This may imbue Japan's shiftless youth with manliness, but it is unlikely to ease Japan's relations with its neighbours. ─── 此举也许会向懦弱的日本年轻人灌输些男子汉气概,但却不大可能对缓解日本同其邻邦的关系有何裨益。

34、She looked at him the same evening she had made up her mind to go, and now he seemed not so shiftless and worthless, but run down and beaten upon by chance. ─── 就在她打定主意要走的当天晚上,她看着他,发现这时的他不再显得那么既无能又无用,而只不过是被倒霉的运气压垮和打败了。

35、Jabba surrounded himself with the shiftless dregs of society, ensuring his protection with a screen of henchmen and hired guns. ─── 贾巴身边总围着无能的社会渣滓,打手和雇佣枪手保证他的人身安全。

36、Rare, indeed, is the Harlem citizen, from the most circumspect church member to the most shiftless adolescent, who does not have a long tale to tell of police incompetence, injustice, or brutality. ─── 的确,哈莱姆区的居民,从最谨慎的神职人员到最懒散的青年,无一不对警察的无能、公和粗暴抱怨连连。

37、A lazy or shiftless person, especially one who seeks to live solely by the support of others ─── 懒鬼,游手好闲的人一个懒惰或得过且过的人,尤指靠别人施舍过生活的人

38、47. Such shiftless management, such waste, such confusion, I never saw. ─── 这样无能的管理方法,这种浪费,这种混乱现象,我从来没有见过。

39、person without ambition is said to be shiftless . ─── 没有雄心的人被称为没出息的或者懒惰的人。

40、Old Slattery, who clung persistently to his few acres, in spite of repeated offers from Gerald and John Wilkes, was shiftless and whining. ─── 老斯莱特里死死抱住他那几英亩土地,任凭杰拉尔德和约翰?威尔克斯一再出价购买也不放手,他就是这么个刻板而又爱发牢骚的人。

41、The other has been lazy and shiftless. ─── 另一个懒惰成性,碌碌无为。

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