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08-15 投稿


necessity 发音

英:[n??ses?ti]  美:[n??ses?ti]

英:  美:

necessity 中文意思翻译



necessity 短语词组

be under the necessity of doing sth.

1. 必须做某事

We are now under the necessity of doing the work.


1、make a virtue of necessity ─── 把必须做的事装成出于好心做的 [法] ─── 把非做不可的事装成出于好心而做的

2、bow to necessity ─── 屈服于需要, 做不得不做的事

3、apparent necessity ─── [法] 明显的必要性

4、daily necessity ─── [经] 日用品

5、certificate of necessity ─── [经] 必要证书

6、motion of urgent necessity ─── [法] 紧急动议

7、as a necessity ─── 必然地

8、in necessity ─── 家境贫困, ─── 家徒四壁,一贫如洗;必要时

9、be impelled by necessity ─── 迫不得已

10、feel the necessity of ─── 感到有必要…

11、in case of necessity ─── 在危急时

12、in dire necessity ─── 在贫困中

13、military necessity ─── [法] 军用必需品

14、by necessity ─── 必然地, 不可避免地

15、do sth of necessity ─── 不得 ─── 不做某事

16、agency of necessity ─── [法] 紧急处分的代理

17、logical necessity ─── 逻辑的必然

18、necessity certificate ─── [经] 需要证明书

19、homicide by necessity ─── [法] 因不得已杀人

necessity 反义词

unnecessary | chance

necessity 同义词

compulsion | basic | imperative | demand | neediness | obligato | penury | necessary | want | pressure | inescapability | impecuniosity | component | certitude | pauperism | requisite | requirement | necessity | vital | certainty | indigence | prerequisite | constraint | need | essentiality | desire | force | indispensability | coercion | impoverishment | beggary | privation | ineluctability | duress | must |essential | obligation | indispensable | urgency | exigency | needful | poverty | stipulation | mandatary | destitution | inevitability

necessity 常用词组

of necessity ─── 必然地;不可避免地

out of necessity ─── 出于需要,必定

by necessity ─── 不得已;必然地,不可避免地

necessity 词性/词形变化,necessity变形


necessity 相似词语短语

1、necessitous ─── adj.贫困的,贫穷的;紧急的

2、necessary ─── adj.必要的;必需的;必然的;n.必需品;n.(Necessary)(英)内塞瑟里(人名)

3、of necessity ─── 必然地;不可避免地

4、necessitate ─── vt.使成为必需,需要;迫使

5、needcessity ─── 需要性

6、necessarily ─── adv.必要地;必定地,必然地

7、necessitied ─── 必要的

8、nonnecessity ─── 非必要性

9、necessities ─── n.必需品(necessity的复数)

necessity 习惯用语

1、under the necessity (of doing sth.) ─── 不得己而(做某事), 不得不(做某事), 被迫(做某事)

2、N-[Need] knows [has] no law. ─── [谚]需要面前无法律。

3、be in necessity ─── 处于贫困的境地

4、bow to necessity ─── 被迫而为, 出于被迫, 迫不得己

5、N-is the mother of invention. ─── [谚]需要是发明之母。

6、make a virtue of necessity ─── 爽爽快快地做非做不可的事, 将就不如意的情况

7、of necessity ─── 必然地, 不可避免地, 不得己地

necessity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Any statesman is in part the prisoner of necessity. ─── 任何政治家都或多或少地是一些当务之急事情的俘虏。

2、The paper is trying to analyze the necessity of this accreditation. ─── 在教育不断向前发展的形势下,建立社会中介评估机构是十分必要的。

3、He felt great necessity to talk about his problem. ─── 他觉得很有必要谈谈自己的问题。

4、He was driven by necessity to steal. ─── 他迫不得已而偷窃。

5、If only they would realize above all that an artist works of necessity, that he himself is only an insignificant part of the world. ─── 要是人们能认识到最重要的是一个艺术家的必要的作品,艺术家本人只是世界无关紧要的一部分。

6、He said so out of necessity. ─── 他这样说是出于需要。

7、New means must of necessity be had recourse to. ─── 人们必然求助于新方法。

8、Living in London, he felt, was a necessity. ─── 他感觉,生活在伦敦是一种宿命。

9、We must all bow to necessity, ie accept what is inevitable. ─── 对无可奈何的事, 我们都得听之任之.

10、He left his village from necessity. ─── 他无奈离开家乡。

11、N is for necessity,Necessity konws no law. ─── 代表“需要”。需要前面无法律。

12、They have to do this test of necessity. ─── 他们出于需要不得不做这项试验。

13、They are in need of food,food is a necessity for all living things. ─── 他们需要食物,食物对一切生物是必不可少的。

14、It is out of necessity to acquire a good knowledge of business. ─── 学好商务知识十分必要。

15、Be unemployed make it difficult to afford even the basic necessity. ─── 失业使人连基本生活必需品都买不起了。

16、Your conduct lays me under the necessity of dismissing you. ─── 你的行为使我必须解除你的职务。

17、Cooper's sea stories are sometimes weakened by the necessity for a heroine. ─── 库珀的海上小说有时因硬加上一个女主角而显得逊色。

18、The necessity of the macro-economic control system. ─── 宏观调控的必要性。

19、Good maps are a necessity to travelers. ─── 好的地图是出门旅行必不可少的。

20、Disposing of the "ash" is a necessity for these reactors. ─── 对这些反应堆来说,处置“灰渣”是必要的。

21、He commanded those powerful armies till then assembled in modern warfare, he enforced conscription of soldiers for the first time in American history and under imperative necessity he abolished the rights of Habeas Corpus. ─── 他命令强大的军队集结投入现代战争,他在美国历史上首次厉行征兵制度,在紧急形势的要求下,他废除了人身保护令所赋予的权力。

22、Of necessity they are sited near the coasts or tidal water. ─── 它们的位置不可避免地都靠近海岸线或靠近潮水河流。

23、World Factory: Necessity or Goal of Chinese Economic Development? ─── 世界工厂是中国经济发展的必然而不是目标?

24、You must understand the necessity of education. ─── 你必须懂得教育的必要性。

25、She felt the necessity of accepting the invitation. ─── 她感到必须接受这一邀请。

26、Your bad behavior lays me under the necessity of punishing you. ─── 你表现很差,使我不得不处罚你。

27、He felt a great necessity to talk about his problems. ─── 他觉得很有必要谈谈自己的问题.

28、This was done largely out of necessity, as the fiber crops that were previously used for the process were experiencing a shortage. ─── 这样做主要是出于需要,作为纤维作物,以前使用的过程中经历了短缺。

29、Most athletes can see the necessity of keeping training. ─── 大部分的运动员均了解不断练习的必要性。

30、They looked upon this as an absolute necessity. ─── 他们认为这是绝对需要的。

31、In physical training, perseverance is a primary necessity. ─── 体育锻炼中,持之以恒的毅力是最为必要的。

32、As a struggling mom with a high school education, 34-year-old Karen Hoxmeier had always been a bargain hunter . by necessity. ─── 作为一个只有高中学历,在困境中挣扎的母亲,为了生活的必须,34岁的KarenHoxmeier总是购买廉价货。

33、He'll never learn German until the necessity. ─── 他不会学德语,除非需要用到。

34、To them, slavery was no longer just a question of right or wrong. It was a necessity for survival. ─── 对于他们而言,拥有奴隶不再是一个对与错的问题,而是生存之所必须。

35、We were discussing the necessity of employing more staff. ─── 我们在讨论是否需要雇用更多员工。

36、His family is in dire necessity. ─── 他的家庭赤贫如洗。

37、Want and necessity break faiths and oaths. ─── 匮乏和需要可以打破信仰和誓言。

38、Can the choices of a free agent come about by necessity? ─── 一个自由行为者的选择能否必然实现呢?

39、Water is of vital necessity in the desert. ─── 在沙漠地区水是维持生命的必需品。

40、A single sign-on authentication method is a necessity. ─── 单点登录认证是一种必不可少的方法。

41、She writes: "Gorbachev and his advisers did not comprehend the chance that had opened up, and the necessity of moving quickly to seize it. " ─── 她写道:“戈尔巴乔夫及其顾问没有理解他们面前出现的机遇,以及迅速行动抓住这个机遇的必要性。”

42、He did so under the stress of necessity. ─── 他受情势所需的压迫而这样做。

43、There had never been any necessity for her to go out to work. ─── 她从来就没有出去工作的必要。

44、Millet cakes are a necessity for festival ceremonies. ─── 小米糕是祭典必备食品。

45、Configuration is a necessity for expert users. ─── 对于专家用户来说,配置是必需的。

46、Necessity has no Law; Why? Because 'tis not to be hadwithout Money. ─── 人穷不讲法律?为什么?因为先有温饱才有法律。

47、His aspirations were submerged by the necessity of making a living. ─── 他的志向被琐碎的求生事务湮没了。

48、Free judgment has its rationality and necessity. ─── 处罚自由裁量权,其存在有其必要的合理性及必要性。

49、Rochester: Where do you see that necessity? ─── 你从哪儿看出非走不可呢?

50、Necessity compels me to make use of you. ─── 你必须帮我一下。

51、He urged us on the necessity of patience. ─── 他力劝我们忍耐是必要的。

52、Not just out of necessity but also as status symbols. ─── 不只是需要,更是一种身份的象征。

53、He seemed to feel the necessity of some explanation. ─── 他似乎觉得有必要作些解释。

54、Your bad behaviour lays me under the necessity of punishing you. ─── 你的恶行使我不得不惩罚你。

55、She realizes with a sudden wave of sympathy that Charlotte, a rather homely girl of advancing years, married Mr. Collins out of necessity, fearing a lonely and poverty-stricken life as an old maid. ─── 她心中蓦地涌起一股同情,意识到夏绿蒂只是因相貌平平,年龄日见增长,由于害怕成为老姑娘,过孤独、贫寒的生活才不得已嫁给了柯林斯先生。

56、Peace is the primary necessity of the world's people. ─── 和平是世界人民的第一需要。

57、Living in London he felt, was an unfortunate necessity. ─── 他觉得在伦敦生活既不幸又无奈。

58、Early treatment against time is absolutely of necessity. ─── 因此,早期治疗非常必要。

59、Water is a basic necessity of life. ─── 水是一种基本生活必需品。

60、If you do not accept this suggestion, there's not any necessity in further discussion. ─── 如果你们不接受这一建议,那就没有必要再讨论下去了。

61、He urged the necessity for immediate action. ─── 他极力主张马上采取必要的行动。

62、In most instances, necessity is the mother of invention. ─── 在绝大数情况下,需要是发明之母。

63、He talked fluently about "the necessity for every man to get on". ─── 他却仍在滔滔不绝地讲述着,“每个人都必须奋发向前”。

64、Shopping is no longer just a necessity; it has become a form of entertainment. ─── 购物不仅仅是一种需要,它还成为一种娱乐休闲方式。

65、Both governments were agreed on the necessity of increasing trade. ─── 两国政府都同意有必要扩大贸易。

66、The necessity for making decisions devolves on him. ─── 作出决策乃当务之急,此事必然地落在他身上。

67、"The rehabilitation of the cabin became a necessity" (Bret Harte). ─── “小屋的重新修建已是不可避免的了” (布雷特·哈特)。

68、You do not have necessity to make a call to twice. ─── 你没必要打两遍。

69、Being a professional actor necessity means working night and Sunday. ─── 作为一个职业演员当然意味着要在夜间和星期日工作。

70、Labour is not only a necessity but also a pleasure. ─── 劳动不仅是人生所必需的,而且是一种乐趣。

71、Discontent is the first necessity of progress. ─── 不满是进步不可或缺的第一步。

72、There's no necessity (for you) to write to your mother every single day. ─── (你)不必每天都给你母亲写信。

73、There is agreement on the necessity of reforms. ─── 关于改革的必要性有一致意见。

74、For many families, esp. in Tokyo, two incomes are a necessity. ─── 对于许多的家庭而言,尤其是东京,双收入是有必要的。

75、In certain cases friction is an absolute necessity. ─── 在一定场合下摩擦是绝对必要的。

76、Furniture is both a daily necessity and a handicraft. ─── 家具是人们日常生活的用具,同时也是一种工艺品。

77、N is for necessity. Necessity knows no law. ─── 代表“需要”。需要面前无法律。

78、In fact the adjective is becoming a real necessity on occasion. ─── 事实上,这个形容词有时确实是必不可少的。

79、He was driven by necessity to change the plan. ─── 他迫不得已改变了计划。

80、Is it a logical necessity that higher wages will lead to higher prices? ─── 工资一高物价就高,这是不是合乎逻辑的必然规律?

81、They say that necessity is the mother of invention. ─── 人们说,需要是创造发明之母。

82、The doctor asked us to call him during the night except in case of necessity. ─── 医生吩咐我们,除非必须,否则不要在夜里叫他。

83、Physical training is an absolute necessity to university students. ─── 参加体育锻炼对大学生来说是绝对必要的。

84、Basements. Not a fan but it's a necessity at the moment. ─── 地下室,我不是爱好者,但在这个时刻却是一定要待的。

85、Hence the necessity for radical reform of these systems. ─── 因此,必须从根本上改变这些制度。

86、He emphasized the necessity for taking strong measures. ─── 他强调采取强硬手段的必要性。

87、In some cases, precaution is of the biggest necessity. ─── 在一些情况下,谨慎是最必需的。

88、He is member of the party in power, so, of necessity, he should say what the government is favour of. ─── 他是一个执政党的党员,因此他当然应该说些政府赞成的话。

89、Invention is the mother of necessity. ─── 发明是需要之母.

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