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08-15 投稿


dairying 发音

英:[?deri??]  美:[?de?ri??]

英:  美:

dairying 中文意思翻译



dairying 短语词组

1、dairying means ─── 乳品加工方式

2、dairying climate ─── 乳业气候

3、dairying aphg ─── 乳品aphg

4、dairying queen ─── 乳品业女王

5、dairying def ─── 乳品def

6、dairying ants ─── 乳品蚂蚁

7、dairying define ─── 乳品业定义

dairying 词性/词形变化,dairying变形

名词复数: dairies |

dairying 相似词语短语

1、carrying ─── v.运送,输送;携带;传染,传播;能记住;承重;承担责任;具有(品质或特点);带来;获得支持或通过;登载;销售;怀孕;进位(carry的现在分词)

2、daining ─── 大宁

3、deifying ─── vt.把…奉若神明;把…神化;崇拜

4、harrying ─── v.不断烦扰;掠夺;骚扰;使……苦恼(harry的现在分词)

5、decrying ─── vt.责难,谴责;诽谤

6、dirtying ─── n.弄脏某物;v.(使)变脏;(精神上)玷污(dirty的现在分词)

7、dallying ─── v.蹉跎,延误;随意调情,戏耍;轻率对待,偶尔想想(dally的现在分词)

8、drying ─── v.(使)变干,把……弄干;擦去泪水;擦餐具;(使)脱水;忘记台词(dry的现在分词);adj.干燥的;n.干燥;(木材的)风干

9、daidling ─── 戏弄

dairying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、According to bright dairying Chief Quality Officer Qian Li said that each batch enter the plant raw material milk can pass through more than 20 projects the examinations. ─── 据光明乳业质量总监钱莉介绍,每批进厂的原料奶都会经过20多个项目的检测。

2、A growing number of studies have found that some lactic acid bacteria do seem to offer health benefits, supporting the lore of traditional dairying cultures. ─── 有越来越多研究已经发现一定量的乳酸菌似乎的确会给健康带来好处,这符合了传统的乳制品培养知识。

3、This news stimulation, the bright dairying stock price is sealed the same day to rises stops. ─── 受此消息刺激,当日光明乳业股价封至涨停。

4、This article first introduces the history , actualities of Shenzhen Wuniu Dairying Co.Ltd. and Wuniu's status in Shenzhen's dairying industry, and establishes the marketing stopgap figure of Wuniu. ─── 本文首先介绍了深圳市五牛乳品有限公司的历史、现状及其在深圳同业中所处的地位,确立了五牛公司市场补遗者的身份;

5、Occurs in US's this dairying event, its order of severity compares with “the melamine” goes beyond. ─── 发生在美国的这次乳业事件,其严重程度与“三聚氰胺”相比有过之而无不及。

6、We may have a look at the world dairying developed once had occurred now some questions, its shocking degree was not inferior to this China “the melamine amine” the event. ─── 我们可以看看世界乳业发展到现在曾发生过的一些问题,其骇人听闻的程度绝不亚于此次中国的“三聚氰胺”事件。

7、For these years, in dairying malformed development's all sorts " the strange phenomenon " let the human understand with difficulty that was also actually real exists. ─── 这几年,乳业畸形发展中的种种"怪象"让人难以理解,却又真实存在。

8、But in the Chinese dairying this melamine event, the government and the enterprise whole-heartedly, is supporting the Chinese dairying healthy development together the heavy responsibility. ─── 但在中国乳业这次三聚氰胺事件中,政府和企业正在全力以赴,共同撑起中国乳业健康发展的重任。

9、The melamine event affects the entire Chinese dairying, some dairy products enterprise possibly will also receive in this year and next year's capital spending plan affects. ─── 三聚氰胺事件波及整个中国乳业,有些乳制品企业在今明两年的投资计划也可能受到影响。

10、At the same day, hoodwinks the cow dairying to open the first half hour in Hong Kong stock market to revoke the priviledges suddenly. ─── 伊利经过多年的积累走到今天,不可能为了这点利益去做这种事情。”据记者了解,添加三聚氰胺的成本很低,只有真实蛋白质原料的1/5。

11、It is known that the bright dairying has 126 large-scale standard pastures in the Shanghai suburb, the science rears in a pen the management. ─── 据了解,光明乳业在上海郊区拥有126个大规模规范牧场,科学圈养管理。

12、The Jiangxi sunlight dairying Limited company to 11 raid of original milks, 33 raid of liquid state milk end products has carried on the examination; ─── 江西阳光乳业有限公司对11批次原奶、33批次液态奶成品进行了检测;

13、It is known that these four provincial capital areas are the dairying enterprise centralized areas. ─── 据了解,这四个省区都是乳业企业较集中的地区。

14、But US's dairying henceforth has not been unable to recover in these events. ─── 但美国的乳业并没有在这些事件中从此一蹶不振。

15、Ely stock (600887, quotation, information, main force business) domestic dairying profession main item. ─── 伊利股份 (600887 股吧,行情,资讯,主力买卖)国内乳业行业龙头。

16、Occurs in US's this dairying event, its order of severity compares with “the melamine” goes beyond. But US's dairying henceforth has not been unable to recover in these events. ─── 发生在美国的这次乳业事件,其严重程度与“三聚氰胺”相比有过之而无不及。但美国的乳业并没有在这些事件中从此一蹶不振。

17、The dairy business; dairying. ─── 乳品业;酪农业

18、6.Kindly note that, from this day, the goods from my manufacture at Dairi will be supplied direct only by my Kobe branch house. ─── 6、自即日起,我大理厂制品全部直接由我神户分公司供应,请鉴察。

19、Australian cow dairy product price generally compared to other brands high about 10%, why is this The Australian cow dairying leaf always indicated that this is high grade, the high cost reflection. ─── 澳牛乳品的价格普遍比其他品牌高10%左右,这是为什么?澳牛乳业叶总表示,这是高质量、高成本的反映。

20、All of which combines to make the economics of water-buffalo dairying in the United States totally brutal. ─── 所有这些因素加起来,使得美国的水牛乳制品业完全无法生存。

21、The domestic securities trader has not given the complexion regarding the bright dairying. ─── 国内券商对于光明乳业也没有给出好脸色。

22、Secondly, it makes a conclusion that the dairying industry is a rising-sun industry through a detailed marketing analysis about the dairy industry's competition . ─── 其次通过对乳品行业竞争力作详细的分析,得出了乳品行业是朝阳产业的结论;

23、Additionally, Antam has recently acquired a new exploration area near the Dairi project. ─── 另外,安塔最近刚在达里项目附近获得一个新的勘探区域。

24、The question and the adjustment are inevitable, does not have the question not to grow, was precisely the question discovery and the solution only then promoted a dairying healthier development. ─── 问题和调整是不可避免的,没有问题就没有成长,正是问题的发现和解决才推动了乳业更加健康的发展。

25、Kindly note that, from this day, the goods from my manufacture at Dairi will be supplied direct only by my Kobe branch house. ─── 自即日起,我大理厂制品全部直接由我神户分公司供给,请鉴察。

26、This visit's Zhaodong Ely dairying Limited liability company, is the Ely group second big liquid state milk plant, mainly supplies places the such as Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning markets. ─── 此次参观的肇东市伊利乳业有限责任公司,是伊利集团第二大液态奶生产厂,主要供应黑龙江、吉林、辽宁等地的市场。

27、Occurs in US's this dairying event, its order of severity compares with "the melamine" goes beyond. ─── 发生在美国的这次乳业事件,其严重程度与“三聚氰胺”相比有过之而无不及。

28、It has developed wild foods,IT industry ,dairying,new construction material and package material etc.non-steel business which has showed a broad and bright prospect. ─── 先后开发了野生商品,IT信息业,牛奶业,新型建材,维纶水溶纱复合包装产品等主体非钢产业,呈现出广阔的发展前景。

29、For example, the cultural adoptions of agriculture and dairying have, in humans, caused genetic selection for the traits to digest starch and lactose, respectively. ─── 例如,农业和制酪业的文化采纳,曾经在人类中分别造成了消化淀粉或乳糖的遗传性状选择。

30、Three Yuan stocks (600429) serves under somebody's banner three Yuan milks, the bright dairying (600597) serves under somebody's banner the bright milk not in " the question powdered milk " the ranks. ─── 三元股份(600429)旗下三元牛奶、光明乳业(600597)旗下光明牛奶则不在"问题奶粉"的行列。

31、The Chinese dairying after having experienced this baptism, is advantageous in the long-term development. ─── 中国乳业在经历过这次洗礼之后,有利于长远的发展。

32、: National Institute for Research in Dairying, c1985. ─── 出版地/出版者/出版年 Reading,Eng.

33、This influence, the bright dairying's stock price is day after day declined, after yesterday opened lowly, also fell finally stops closing. ─── 受此影响,光明乳业的股价连日走低,昨日低开之后最终也以跌停收盘。

34、The innocent baby in the groan, the sad mother in the sob, to the Chinese dairying, “the melamine” in the so big area “the stage” on shameless jump about, is an unprecedented disaster nearly. ─── 无辜的患儿在呻吟,伤心的母亲在哭泣,对中国乳业来说,“三聚氰胺”在如此大面积的“舞台”上的无耻跳踉,几乎是一次空前的灾难。

35、It is applied in food industry in recent years.This article introduces the ultra-high pressure technology in brief and its application in dairying. ─── 该文简要介绍了超高压杀菌技术及在乳品中的应用可能。

36、Therefore, making sure of the future development strategy is the most urgent task for Longdan Dairying Group. ─── 因此,明确公司未来的发展战略,是龙丹乳业发展的当务之急。

37、A growing number of studies have found that some lactic acid bacteria do seem to offer health benefits, supporting the lore of traditional dairying cultures. ─── 有越来越多研究已经发现一定量的乳酸菌似乎的确会给健康带来好处,这符合了传统的乳制品培养知识。

38、Some of its ideas were limited - goat-dairying and running doll hospitals - but many were more practical. ─── 其中有些想法缺乏创意——比如饲养山羊制造奶酪,还有开设洋娃娃修理店——但很多主意都更为实用。

39、Storey's Guide to Raising Dairy Goats: Breeds, Care, Dairying. ─── 《饲养奶用山羊的分层指导》:繁殖,护理与挤奶用书。

40、Kindly note that, from this day, the goods from my manufacture at Dairi will be supplied direct only by my kobe branch house. ─── 自即日起,我大理厂制品全部直接由我神户分公司供应,请鉴察。

41、In our country, with the continual increase of national economy, the dairying has developed rapidly. ─── 随着国民经济持续增长,我国乳业也有了飞跃的发展。

42、The day friend dairying company also indicated that recently the sales volume grew 30% compared to the normal level, the partial varieties even start to fall short of demand. ─── 天友乳业公司也表示,近来销量已比正常水平增长三成,部分品种甚至开始供不应求。

43、What made matters worse was that its proliferation coincided with sweeping changes in agriculture and a massive shift from sheep farming to dairying. ─── 事情更糟的是,它的肆虐生长正值当时农业的彻底改变及由牧羊业向乳品业的巨大转变之际。

44、As Chinese dairying leader's Ely group after the question powdered milk event occurs, the rapid start emergency mechanism, guarantees the dairy product the quality security. ─── 作为中国乳业领头者的伊利集团在问题奶粉事件发生后,迅速启动应急机制,确保乳品的质量安全。

45、The sheep population in the agriculture -based country fell sharply by 4.3 million or 11 percent in the past year alone due to drought and more dairying. ─── 以农立国的纽西兰因旱灾及制乳业竞争增加的影响,单单去年一年,绵羊数量就骤减了四百三十万头,相当于整体的一成一。

46、In Zhengding County the dairying group, Che Jun with everybody together, analyzes the influence enterprise to resume the production earnestly daily the crux to be. ─── 在正定县天天乳业集团,车俊与大家一起,认真分析影响企业恢复生产的症结所在。

47、????Therefore, if finds out the question, also cannot put the blame on directly to bright dairying on. ─── 因此,万一查出问题,也不能直接归咎到光明乳业头上。

48、Must let more people continue to drink the milk, the only means are the thorough reorganization dairying, thorough settlement each kind of question, lets the consumer regain the confidence. ─── 这位从大学卫生检验专业毕业、多年从事食品乳品行业的行家里手,憋了太多话要说。

49、3.Finding a way to survive in crack and avoid being closed down for more than 1500 medium or small Dairying companies in our country. ─── 3.为我国1500多个中小乳制品企业寻找一条夹缝中生存,避免倒闭命运的途径。

50、dry-lot dairying ─── 舍饲奶牛业

51、Small changes in production or consumption of dairy products in the major dairying countries can lead to volatility in world dairy product prices. ─── 在主要的乳业国家中奶制品的生产或消费上的小的变化可以导致全球奶制品价格的短暂变化。

52、At present, “the Canadian high grade milk project” is the safeguard adds one of dairying healthy development key measures. ─── 目前,“加拿大高质量牛奶项目”是保障加乳业健康发展的主要措施之一。

53、Ever does not dare to buy feels relieved buys, Uncle Chen the manner transformation reflects the Chinese dairying promotion the hope. ─── 从不敢买到放心买,陈大爷态度的转变折射出中国乳业振兴的希望。

54、But the bright dairying and so on is after the news issue, is blocked on the raising limit. ─── 而光明乳业等更是在消息发布后,被封死在涨停板上。

55、But US's dairying henceforth has not been unable to recover in these events. ─── 但美国的乳业并没有在这些事件中从此一蹶不振。

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