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08-15 投稿


Afric 发音


英:  美:

Afric 中文意思翻译



Afric 网络释义

adj. 非洲的(等于African)

Afric 短语词组

1、afric plans afric ─── 计划

2、afric cdc ─── 非洲疾病预防控制中心

3、afric oil ─── 非洲油

Afric 相似词语短语

1、agaric ─── n.伞菌,蘑菇

2、auric ─── adj.金的;n.(Auric)人名;(法)奥里克

3、afraid ─── adj.害怕的;恐怕;担心的

4、afrits ─── n.恶魔

5、Africa ─── n.非洲

6、anuric ─── adj.无尿的;无尿症的

7、afrit ─── n.恶魔

8、Afric ─── adj.非洲的(同African)

9、agric ─── abbr.农业的(agricultural);农业(agriculture);农学家(agriculturist)

Afric 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、is a common disease in south afric. ─── 疟疾在南非是种常见的病。

2、How is it that even South Afric Dating is bullying China now? I think we definitely need a battle to earn our respect as a major nation!!!! ─── 怎么连南非也欺负我们中国啊!我想我们确实需要一场战争来树立大国的威严!!!!

3、Especially in Afric , especially in Africa south of the SaharanSahara.But countries that are developed or growing quickly often have unnessary unnecessary surpluses. ─── 在许多发展中国家特别是非洲撒哈拉南部,农民们缺少足够的投入来维持土地肥料。

4、Each student has a advertiser and individual learning programm. Landmark has international students this year from South America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Afric. ─── 每位学生都拥有一位指导员以及个性化学习项目。地标今年全球招收学生有来自南美、欧洲、亚洲、中东以及非洲的。

5、And it became popular with farmers than in other AfricAfrican countries. ─── 这个方法在非洲其它国家的农民中已变得流行起来。

6、And a substantial component of that burden is because of the high levels of child maotalage mortality in AfricAfrica compared with to other regions. ─── 非洲的问题尤其突出,各种疾病的肆虐,使得非洲大陆的早产儿死亡率高达其他欠发达地区的两倍。

7、Than all the gold on Afric's shore. ─── 抵得上非洲海岸的所有黄金。

8、Though I am not Nelson Mandela former president of South Afric,I aslo have a dream. ─── 虽然我不是南非前总统纳尔逊.曼德拉,但我也有一个梦想。

9、Today there are fewer than 5,000 wild dogs alive, which make them Afric. ─── 如今野狗仅存不到5,000只,是非洲最具灭绝危险的大型食肉动物。

10、Last month, people caught a monkey thief in Miller's point. South Afric. ─── 上个月,人们在南非的米勒(据点)那儿抓到了一只猴子小偷。

11、He is in charge of exporting linen to Afric a. ─── 他负责向非洲出口亚麻布。

12、Especially in Afric , especially in Africa south of the SaharanSahara. ─── 农业上的营养平衡与经济发展有关。

13、It Afric claces offers classes in Argentina, China, Gana Ghana and several countries in Europe. ─── 它提供课程在阿根廷、中国、加纳和欧洲的一些国家。

14、President Bush says his trip to Afric was the most exhilarating of his presidency, because America is helping a new generation of African leaders change the continent. ─── 布什总统表示,他的这次非洲之行是他任期中最愉快的一次,因为美国正在帮助新一代的非洲领导人改变非洲。

15、This evidence shows that the importance of afric safety cannot be overemphasized. ─── 例︰这证据显示交通安全的重要性在怎么夸大都不为过。

16、This toolkit is a collection of advice and information th atf farmers in Southern southern Afric ah ave been testing. ─── 这个工具箱就是收集一些建议和信息,这些信息南非一些农民已经在测试了。

17、Datacentre will be powered mainly by renewables and handle all data processing from Europe, the Middle East and Afric ─── 数据中心将主要使用可再生能源并用来处理所有欧洲,中东和非洲的数据运算

18、The generous Afric Kings sent zebra, giraffe, shell ivory and medicine made by rhinoceros horn to the emperor, who in turn sent them gold, spice, silk and other gifts. ─── 这些非洲国王很慷慨,他们给明朝皇帝送来了斑马、长颈鹿、贝壳、大象象牙和犀牛角药品。作为往来,明朝皇帝给他们送去了金子、香料、丝绸和各种别的礼物。

19、Most Afric rhinos potching African rhino poaching is in Zimbabwe and South Africa. ─── 非洲的犀牛偷猎大部分发生在津巴布韦和南非。

20、Now a report from * Amnesty International looks at the struggles with the of poor rural women living with HIV in South Afric. ─── 现在,一项来自全球赦免机构的报告显示,他们正关注南非农村妇女与HIV之间的斗争。

21、UNDP UNECA UNECE United Nations Development Programme UN Economic Commission for Afric ─── 联合国开发计划署联合国非洲经济委员会

hi,my brother, is it hot in Africa or Yiwu?



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