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08-15 投稿


cognation 发音

英:[[k?g'ne???n]]  美:[[k?g'ne???n]]

英:  美:

cognation 中文意思翻译



cognation 相似词语短语

1、cognitions ─── n.认识;知识;认识能力

2、cognations ─── n.同族,血亲;血族关系

3、cognition ─── n.认识;知识;认识能力

4、cogitation ─── n.深思;思考

5、conation ─── n.[心理]意动;努力;乞求

6、agnation ─── n.宗族关系;男系亲属

7、coronation ─── n.加冕礼

8、carnation ─── n.[园艺]康乃馨;肉色;粉红色;adj.肉红色的

9、connation ─── n.合生;合生作用;愈合;连着

cognation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On the Cultural Cognation Accepted by the Chinese School ─── 试论中国学派的文化认同性

2、In the light of the present situation of state-owned construction enterprises such as the relaxed management,and the faint cognation,etc. ─── 针对国有建筑企业管理上松懈、认识上模糊等现状,提出了重构现代企业管理模式的途径。

3、Survey the Imagery Position of English Prepositions from the View of Cognation ─── 从认知观点看英语介词的意象定位

4、Perspectives of Moral Cognation in the Western World and its Implications ─── 当代西方德育视野中的道德认知观及其启示

5、Acidity change law of halogen acid neither abides by the successive change law of the highest price oxyacid acidity for cognation nonmetal nor conformes to the vivacity successive change law of cognation nonmetal. ─── 氢卤酸的酸性强弱规律既不满足同族非金属最高价含氧酸酸性递变规律,又不满足同族非金属活泼性变化规律。

6、natural cognation ─── 自然血亲

7、Objective To improve cognation and the levels of diagnosis and treatment for peritoneal encapsulation and abdominal cocoon. ─── 目的提高对小肠禁锢症的认识、诊断及处理水平。

8、reason of cognation ─── 认知理性

9、family that becomes photograph cognation and them is finish marriage this one " life important matter " work when, city not marriage a group of things with common features sadly arisen. ─── 当相亲族以及他们的家人为了结婚这一“人生大事”忙活儿时,都市不婚族悄然兴起。

10、On breed, he recorded kind of cognation of hare seriously, prevent inbreeding, make kitten leads kind of hare, young hare survival rate all achieves 97 % above. ─── 繁育上,他认真记录了种兔的亲族,防止近亲交配,使种兔产仔率,仔兔成活率均达到97%以上。

11、"Lu and Mu" as Well as the Examples of their Lexical Cognation ─── "卢牟"及其同族词词例

12、On the Cultural Cognation Accepted by the Chinese School ─── 试论中国学派的文化认同性

13、"Lu and Mu" as Well as the Examples of their Lexical Cognation ─── “卢牟”及其同族词词例

14、The family that becomes photograph cognation and them is finish marriage this one " life important matter " work when, city not marriage a group of things with common features sadly arisen. ─── 当相亲族以及他们的家人为了结婚这一“人生大事”忙活儿时,都市不婚族悄然兴起。

15、This essay tries from the view of cognation to simplify the functions of English prepositions into two sides: dynamic state and static state, and analyzes their function in these states. ─── 文章尝试从认知角度将英语方位介词的功能简化为静态和动态两类,并分析它们在定位中的作用。

16、We could draw lessons from the global international financial crisis in many perspectives. However, we should pay attention to its globality and cognation. ─── 吸取全球国际金融危机的经验教训,能够有不同的视角,更要注意其全球性和关联性。

17、Study on Salivary Testosterone Secretion Variation, Seriousness of Depression, and Pathological Cognation Mode in Patients with Partial Androgen Deficiency in the Aging Male ─── 老年男性雄激素部分缺乏综合征患者唾液睾酮分泌模式、抑郁严重程度、病理性认知模式研究

18、Keywords amyloid peptide;AD mouse model;cognation;retention;Chinese herbs;Alzheimer s disease; ─── 淀粉样多肽;AD模型小鼠;认知;记忆;中药;

19、Perspectives of Moral Cognation in the Western World and its Implications ─── 当代西方德育视野中的道德认知观及其启示

20、Survey the Imagery Position of English Prepositions from the View of Cognation ─── 从认知观点看英语介词的意象定位

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