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aetiology 发音

英:[?i?ti??l?d?i]  美:[?i?ti?ɑ?l?d?i]

英:  美:

aetiology 中文意思翻译



aetiology 短语词组

1、aetiology define ─── 病因定义

2、aetiology mythology ─── 病因学神话

3、aetiology definition ─── 病原学定义

4、aetiology of crime ─── [法] 犯罪推理学, 犯罪成因

5、aetiology of schizophrenia ─── 精神分裂症病因

6、aetiology mean ─── 病原学平均值

7、aetiology myth ─── 病因学神话

8、aetiology deutsch ─── 德国病原学

aetiology 词性/词形变化,aetiology变形


aetiology 相似词语短语

1、apiology ─── n.[蜂]蜜蜂学;[蜂]养蜂学

2、angiology ─── n.[解剖]血管学;[解剖]脉管学

3、actinology ─── n.光化学;放射线学

4、anthology ─── n.(诗、文、曲、画等的)选集

5、agriology ─── n.原始人类学

6、aerology ─── n.高空气象学

7、deltiology ─── 图画明信片的收集

8、alethiology ─── 毒物学

9、etiology ─── n.[病理]病因学;[基医]病原学;致病源

aetiology 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Atopic dermatitis is a pruritic, chronic, recurrent, inflammatory and genetic anaphylactic predisposition-related skin disease with a complex aetiology and unclear pathogenesis. ─── 特应性皮炎是一种与遗传过敏素质有关的慢性、复发性、瘙痒性、炎症性皮肤疾病,其病因复杂,发病机制尚未明确。

2、Study on detecting aetiology of pneumonia in children with terminal blood ─── 小儿肺炎病原学末梢血检测的研究

3、Despite the multifactorial aetiology of these ocular syndromes, smoking is an independent risk factor that has dose-response effects. ─── 虽然这些眼疾的成因众多,但是吸烟是独立的风险因素,有著剂量反应的影响。

4、A study of the aetiology of acute viral hepatitis in children ─── 小儿急性病毒性肝炎病原学调查

5、The aetiology of RSS is still unclear but it has been correlated with the degrees of gene methylation. ─── 目前,导致RSS的病因仍不明瞭,但近来研究显示可能与部分基因的甲基化程度有关。

6、Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a common chronic disease in childhood, and its aetiology is unclear. ─── 1型糖尿病 (type 1DM)是儿童期一种常见的慢性病 ,其病因未明。

7、Crohn's disease(CD) is a lifelong disease and the precise aetiology is still unknown. ─── 克罗恩病(CD)是一种病因不明的终生性疾病。

8、The Analysis of the Aetiology of the Sheep's Eclamptic Toxemia ─── 浅析羊妊娠毒血症

9、Keywords Filariasis;aetiology;mosquito vector;surveillance; ─── 丝虫病;病原学;蚊媒;监测;

10、Our aim was to investigate changes in the population-based incidence of intracerebral haemorrhage according to age and likely aetiology. ─── 我们的目的是研究以人口为基的出血性脑卒中的发病率随年龄的变化和其可能的病因学。

11、2 The basic aetiology isstomach malnutrition Spleen and Stomach Qi deficiency. ─── 2 脾胃气虚,胃体失养为其本;

12、Due to the unclear aetiology and pathogenesis, the therapeutic options of eczema are relatively limited. ─── 由于湿疹的病因复杂多样,发病机制不清,治疗效果不甚理想,严重影响患者的生活质量。

13、The most complex and earliest forms often have unspecified aetiology. ─── 最复杂的初期表现形式通常是无特殊病因。

14、the aetiology of malaria ─── 疟疾的病因研究.

15、Common problems in sorghum dwarf mosaic disease in China such as aetiology, illness, invades dye circulation, popular condition were introduced and control measures put forward accordingly。 ─── 介绍了我国高粱红条病的病原、病症、侵染循环、流行条件等常见问题,并提出了相应的防治措施。

16、WANG Ping-ping; WANG Jian; XIANG Gui-ju; et al.Department of Aetiology and Immunology; Medical College; Anhui University of Science &Technology(Huainan 232001; China); ─── 安徽理工大学医学院病原学与免疫学教研室;安徽省淮南市新华医院;

17、Subarachnoid Hemorrhage of Unknown Aetiology:A Clinical Analysis of 42 Cases ─── 不明原因的蛛网膜下腔出血(附42例临床分析)

18、Statistical Analysis of Aetiology of 150 Cases with Melasma ─── 150例黄褐斑患者发病因素的统计分析

19、unknown aetiology ─── 原因不明

20、Methods The methods of epidemiological survey and fieldwork sampling were applied to find out the aetiology. ─── 方法采用流行病学调查和现场采集样品检测的方法,综合分析,寻找原因。

21、Among the cardiac aetiology group,21 had VF(ventricular fibrillation)as initial rhythm,4(19 0%) of them were discharged alive. ─── 心源性患者中以室颤为初始心电图者 2 1例 ,4例 (19 0 % )存活出院。

22、POF is a highly heterogeneous condition and the aetiology of it varied from different races and different districts. ─── 疾病,在不同的种族和地区可能有不同的病因。

23、Research on Causative Aetiology for the Abnormal Mortality of Scallop Chlamys Farreri ─── 栉孔扇贝大规模死亡致病病原研究

24、Keywords Tinea capitis;Pets;Aetiology;Health education; ─── 头癣病;家养宠物;病原学;健康教育;

25、a headache of unknown aetiology ─── 原因不明的头痛

26、In order to understand the pathogen and pathogenesy of the disease, the aetiology, pathology and virulence factors were studied. ─── 本试验对其病原学、病理学及致病因子的致病作用等进行了研究,其目的在于搞清该病的病原与致病机理,为养殖生产中有效地诊断和防治该病提供科学依据。

27、Aetiology study on urethral discharge about main syndrome in STD clinic ─── 性病门诊以尿道分泌物为主要表现的病因研究

28、Our aim was to inestigate changes in the population-based incidence of intracerebral haemorrhage according to age and likely aetiology. ─── 我们的目标是调查以为人群基础的、依据年龄和可能的病因学的、颅内出血的发病率变化。

29、Keywords Pathogenic qi theory;Traditional Chinese medicine aetiology;Pathogenic microorganism;Academical history of Traditional Chinese Medicine; ─── 杂气学说;中医病因学;病原微生物学;中医学术史;

30、Now human parasites are still important pathogens to harm human health.Researches on parasites have ranged from the simple aetiology to the field of studying vital phenomena by modern science. ─── 人体寄生虫仍然是目前危害人类健康的重要病原体,现代科学对于寄生虫的研究已经从单纯病原学的范围发展到对生命现象的研究领域。

31、aetiology, etiology ─── n. 病因学, 病原学

32、Methods 138 cases with primary osteoporosis fracture when treated,combined with medicine,traditional Chinese and western medicine and pulse electromagnet field for aetiology treatmet. ─── 方法对138例原发性骨质疏松骨折,在治疗骨折的同时采用联合用药,中西医结合用药及脉冲电磁场进行病因学治疗。

33、Study on Aetiology of Pathogenic Escherichia coli from Chicken ─── 山西省雏鸡致病性大肠杆菌病原学研究

34、Early antiplatelet and antithrombotic therapy in patients with a history of recurrent miscarriages of known and unknown aetiology ─── 习惯性流产患者早期抗血小板及抗血栓形成治疗

35、plant aetiology ─── 植物毒理学

36、To the catastrophe of the APC gene possess very important significance, it can conduce to the research of tumorous aetiology, nosogenesis and early diagnosis. ─── 检测APC基因突变具有重要的意义,有助于对肿瘤病因学、发病机制及早期诊断的研究。

37、All tests related to (infectious) disease aetiology including sample tests should be operated in a bio-safety cabinet, not in laminar flow cabinet (standards). ─── 凡是病原微生物或疑似(包括可能的样品检测)病原微生物的操作均应在生物安全柜内操作,不宜在超净台内操作。

38、This article reviews the research progress of BSE with epidemiology, aetiology and pathology, discusses the biological property, pathogenic mechanism and replicating model in detail. ─── 本文从流行病学、病原学、病理学等方面论述了疯牛病的研究进展情况 ,详细讨论了朊病毒的生物学特性、致病机理和增殖模式

39、Methods Five cases of CD confirmed by surgery and pathology were presented and relevant literatures were reviewed,its aetiology, clinical presentation, pathology, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prognosis were discussed. ─── 方法通过5例经手术及病理证实的Castleman病的病例分析,结合文献复习,对本病的病因、临床表现、病理、诊断、鉴别诊断、治疗及预后进行讨论。

40、Aetiology is the science of causation, or an inquiry into something's origins. Etiolate is to make or become pale for lack of light. ─── 病因学是科学上的因果关系,或是对某事起源的调查。Etiolate(使变苍白)是由于光线缺乏而变得苍白。

41、The patient is waitting for another operation now.The incidence, aetiology, clinical manifestations, pathogenesis of stone formation, and treatment of pediatric urolithiasis were also discussed. ─── 本篇即是报告一位5岁男孩,因变形杆菌感染而发生两侧性鹿角形肾结石,并参考文献,讨论其发病率、病因、临床徵候、及治疗方法。

42、Studies on Aetiology of Feed Poisoning of Ducklings Caused by Eating Mouldy Husked Gaoliang (Chinese Sorghum) in Yakeshi area ─── 牙克石地区雏鸭霉高粱中毒的病因研究

43、From Jan. 1989 to Dec. 1993, 198 Patients hospitalized for fever of unknown origin (FUO) were studied. They were diagnosed with the methods of aetiology, serology, histology, etc. ─── 对198例原因不明发热(Fever of Unknown Origin FUO)患者行病原学、血清学、组织学等方法检查确定其诊断。

44、Objective To study the clinical application value of double contrast barium enema (DCBE) in the diagnosis and differentiation of ucerative colitis (UC) and to analyze the aetiology. ─── 目的 探讨结肠双对比造影 (DCBE)对溃疡性结肠炎的诊断价值 ,并对其病因及鉴别诊断进行分析。

45、Normal microbial flora takes part in the formation of skin barrier and innate immunity, and plays an important role in the aetiology of related mucocutaneous diseases. ─── 微生物群落参与皮肤屏障及天然免疫形成,在皮肤黏膜相关疾病的病因学中,具有不容忽视的影响。

46、So we should improve our policy and strategy according to the requirements of medical science development,and develop aetiology to a seperate and systematic subject in order to stimulate medical science progress. ─── 我们应适应目前医学发展的需要,运用现代医学模式发展疾病的病因学研究、建立独立系统科学体系以推动医学突破性进步和迅猛发展

47、2 cases were unknown aetiology. ─── 原因不明2例。

48、To find out the variation and epidemic characteristics of influenza virus in Wuhan area, we conducted a five year aetiology and epidemilogy surveillance. ─── 为了解武汉地区流感病毒变异及其流行趋势 ,进行了 5年的病原学和流行病学监测。

49、Aetiology and treatment of intestinal obstruction in 84 cats wereexamined and analysed. ─── 本文对84例猫肠梗阻的致病因素与治疗方法等进行了研究分析。

50、This article revews the progress of vascular dementia about in its aetiology,classification,pathogenisis,diagnosis and its prevention and cure. ─── 文章就血管性痴呆的病因、分类、发病机制、诊断及防治进展作了综述。

51、Methods 101 patients presenting the typical symptom and sign of GMC with a panticular reference to the aetiology and pathology were reviewed to evaluate the outcome of surgical treatment. ─── 方法对101例具有臀肌挛缩症典型临床表现患者的病因、病理特点进行分析,并对手术效果进行随访评价。

52、Further field and laboratory investigations are being performed to identify the aetiology. ─── 正在开展进一步现场和实验室调查以查明病因。

53、Notes on the Aetiology of Hydatid Disease in Human and Sheep Infection from Northwest China ─── 人体和绵羊细粒棘球蚴病原生物学的比较研究

54、POF is a highly heterogeneous condition and the aetiology of it varied from different races and different districts. ─── POF是一种高度遗传异质性疾病,在不同的种族和地区可能有不同的病因。

55、Diagnosing Value of CT and Fiber-bronchoscopy to the Aetiology in Patients with Hemoptysis but Normal Chest X-ray ─── CT与纤维支气管镜对X线胸片正常咯血患者病因的诊断价值

56、Keywords male infertility;meiotic recombination;aetiology; ─── 男性不育;减数分裂重组;病因学;

57、Methods Venous blood and terminal blood of 500 sick children were detected respectively aetiology of pneumonia in the same time with ELISA,the result of qualitative analysis was compared. ─── 方法采用酶联免疫吸附(ELISA)法对肺炎患儿500例标本同时进行静脉血和末梢血病原学检测,对两种方法的检测结果进行比较。

58、Keloid (KD) is a dermal fibroproliferative tumor of unknown aetiology, also unique to humans frequently met in plastic surgery. ─── 瘢痕疙瘩(Keloid,KD)是病因不明的皮肤纤维增生瘤,是仅与人类相关的整形外科常见病症。 既可由微小的损伤如蚊虫叮咬、痤疮、穿耳孔引起,也可因烧伤、创伤、手术所致;

59、Hou Wen; Wang Jian; Sun Lin; et al.Department of Aetiology and Immunology; Medical College; Anhui University of Science &Technology; Huainan 232001; ─── 安徽理工大学医学院病原生物学与免疫学教研室;安徽理工大学医学院妇产科护理学教研室;安徽淮南新华医院妇产科;232001;

60、Keywords Diprospan Atrophy Aetiology Granulometric lipocyte injected; ─── 关键词得宝松;萎缩;病因;脂肪颗粒注射;

61、So are the Aetiology and Effect Measure blogs. ─── 病因学和效应测量的博客也是如此。

62、The second part deals with the aetiology of hysteria in Sethe. ─── 第二部分是关于塞丝癔症病因的探寻。

63、Objective To study the aetiology and epidemiology of tick borne spotted fever in northeastern area. ─── 目的对我国东北地区蜱传斑点热进行病原学和流行病学研究。

64、The aetiology of AD remains unknown and as yet, there is no known cure. ─── 由于AD发病机理十分复杂,迄今为止尚不清楚,因此尚无理想的防治药物问世。

65、Study of Pathogen Aetiology and Drugs Susceptibility in Neonatal Septicemia ─── 新生儿败血症病原学和药物敏感性变化的研究

66、The aetiology, clinical characteristics, and management of this case are discussed. ─── 将探讨病因,临床上的特徵以及处理方法。

67、Multiple sclerosis(MS)which has unknown aetiology and etiopathogenesis, is a chronic, autoimmune disease of the central nervous system(CNS). ─── 多发性硬化(MS)是中枢神经系统常见的慢性炎症性自身免疫性疾病,目前病因及发病机制尚不清楚。

68、Research and Practice on Proficiency Testing of Aetiology in Animal Quarantine Laboratory ─── 动物检疫实验室病原学能力验证的研究与实践

69、Factors contributing to the development of vitiligo remain largely unknown. However, a number of hypotheses exist to explain the aetiology: neurochemical-mediated effects on melanocytes, intrinsic melanocyte defect and autoimmunity. ─── 白癜风的病因尚未明确,但存在许多假说可以解释白癜风的病因:神经化学因子学说,黑素细胞自身破坏学说和自身免疫学说。

70、aetiology of crime ─── 犯罪成因

71、the aetiology of a folkway ─── 民间习俗的起因

72、Keywords aetiology;molecular rickettsiology;rickettsia hei longjiangii;tick borne spotted fever; ─── 病原学;分子立克次体学;黑龙江立克次体;蜱传斑点热;

73、This article reviewed the major reasons, damages and preventing measures of the disease from its aetiology, epizootiology, diagnosis and the preventive medicine in Europe especially England. ─── 本文从病原学、流行病学、临床诊断学和防制学等方面,较为详细地综述该病在欧洲特别是英国暴发流行的主要原因、造成的危害、以及控制流行所采取的措施。

74、In this article, we examine the genetic and neurobiological aetiology of these disorders and possible treatment options. ─── 在本文中,我们研究遗传和神经生物学病因这些障碍和可能的治疗方案。

75、The biological characteristics, aetiology, pathogenicity, Symptom types, transmission, immunity, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of anthrax and anthrax bacillus were reviewed in this article. ─── 从生物学的角度,就炭疽与炭疽杆菌的生物学特点、病原学、致病性与症状类型、传播、免疫性、诊断、预防和治疗作了综合评述。

76、Aetiology of Peptic Ulcer ─── 消化性溃疡的病因

77、Traditional Chinese medicine aetiology ─── 中医病因学

78、HOU Wen; SUN Lin; WANG Jian.Department of Aetiology and Immunology; Medical College; Anhui University of Science and Technology(Huainan 232001; China); ─── 安徽理工大学医学院病原生物学与免疫学教研室;安徽理工大学医学院病原生物学与免疫学教研室淮南;

79、Typical foam in the tear film, a feature of posterior chronic biepharitis, with a aetiology of dysfunction of meibomian glands, common in patients with acne rosacea. ─── 典型的泡沫状泪膜,后部慢性睑缘炎的一个表现,原因是睑板腺功能障碍,常见于酒糟鼻的病人。

80、liver disease without aetiology ─── 病因不明的肝病

81、Multiple sclerosis(MS)which has unknown aetiology and etiopathogenesis,is a chronic,autoimmune disease of the central nervous system(CNS). ─── 多发性硬化(MS)是中枢神经系统常见的慢性炎症性自身免疫性疾病,目前病因及发病机制尚不清楚。

82、The aetiology of RSS is still unclear but it has been correlated with the degrees of gene methylation. ─── 目前,导致RSS的病因仍不明瞭,但近来研究显示可能与部分基因的甲基化程度有关。

83、In the 90 years since the syndrome was first described in World War I soldiers, much progress has been made in understanding its aetiology and treatment. ─── 格林-巴利综合征于一战士兵中被首次发现并描述,此后的90年间,对格林-巴黎综合征病因及治疗方面的研究有了很大进展。

84、Further field and laboratory investigations are being performed to identify the aetiology. ─── 正在开展进一步现场和实验室调查以查明病因。

85、Conclusions: More than half of DCM cases are of viral aetiology. ─── 一半以上的扩张型心肌病的病例是病毒性的。

86、Aetiology and management of vocal nodule in children ─── 儿童声带小结的病因和干预


88、1. Occlusion does not play a major role in the aetiology of TMD. the impact of occlusion is not zero, however, and should be determined in each individual case. ─── 合因素在TMD的病因学中不起主要作用。但是其影响不是没有。影响多大是由每个个体病例决定的。

89、Intrauterine Growth Restriction Aetiology and Management ─── 宫内生长受限

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