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08-15 投稿


expulsion 发音

英:[?k?sp?l?n]  美:[?k?sp?l?(?)n]

英:  美:

expulsion 中文意思翻译



expulsion 短语词组

1、expulsion of arc ─── 弧熄

2、inducer expulsion ─── 诱导剂驱逐

3、expulsion system ─── 驱逐制度

4、expulsion charge ─── 驱逐指控

5、expulsion pressure ─── 排出压力, ─── 排出压力

6、expulsion order ─── [法] 驱逐出境的命令

7、expulsion of water ─── 脱水,去水

8、expulsion device ─── 驱逐装置

9、expulsion of fetus ─── [医] 胎逼出

10、expulsion fuse ─── 冲出式熔断丝

11、expulsion from military service ─── [法] 开除军籍

12、expulsion gap ─── 冲出式熔丝保护放电器

13、expulsion mechanism ─── 驱动机理

14、deportation and expulsion ─── [法] 驱逐出境

15、expulsion pipe ─── 排出管, ─── 排出管

16、sanction of expulsion ─── [法] 开除处分

17、expulsion from academic status ─── [法] 开除学籍

18、expulsion bladder ─── 驱逐膀胱

19、order of expulsion ─── [法] 驱逐令

expulsion 词性/词形变化,expulsion变形


expulsion 相似词语短语

1、impulsion ─── n.冲动;冲击;原动力

2、expulsing ─── vt.驱逐;排出(等于expel)

3、emulsion ─── n.[药]乳剂;[物化]乳状液;感光乳剂

4、expulsions ─── n.驱逐;开除

5、expansion ─── n.膨胀;阐述;扩张物

6、evulsion ─── n.拔去;拔出

7、expulsive ─── adj.开除的,逐出的;有驱逐权的

8、excursion ─── n.偏移;远足;短程旅行;离题;游览,游览团

9、explosion ─── n.爆炸;爆发;激增;n.(Explosion)《引爆者》(一部中国动作、犯罪电影)。

expulsion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Expulsion is the ultimate Party disciplinary measure. ─── 开除党籍是党内的最高处分。

2、A fart, which is the expulsion of gas from the anus, is often accompanied by a loud noise, a vibrating sensation, and an unpleasant odor. ─── 屁,是从肛门排出的气体,通常伴随一声巨响、阵振动感,以及一股难闻的臭味。

3、Among other examples of protracted generation at relatively shallow depths before expulsion, the Winnipeg and Bakken Formations of the Williston Basin are worthy of note. ─── 在其他的有关排烃之前在较浅深度拖延生油的实例中,威利斯顿盆地的Winnipeg组和Bakken组值得一提。

4、Notice provides that students apply for the examination and, if irregularities, would be a serious expulsion. ─── 公告规定,在校生在报考及考试中,如有违规行为,严重的将被开除学籍。

5、Her hatred of authority led to her expulsion from high school. ─── 她对权威的憎恨导致了她从高中被开除。

6、It had been exasperated by the expulsion of its representative from England upon the execution of Louis, and it declared war against England. ─── 处死路易时,英国驱逐了法国代表,此举惹怒了法国,于是它向英国宣战。

7、Infants begin nursing within a few hours of birth, following expulsion of the placenta. ─── 婴儿在出生后几小时内,胎盘排出后就会开始哺乳。

8、Perhaps the words I can give enrich spiritual satisfaction, inspiration jubilation you could always expulsion of the lonely heart. ─── 也许文字的充实可以带给我精神上的满足,灵感的雀跃总也可以驱逐内心的寂寞。

9、If found guilty the clubs are expected to be punished severely, with relegation, expulsion from European competitions and points deductions set to be meted out. ─── 如果被证明有罪,他们将受到严厉的处罚.降级和扣分,不能参加欧洲联赛.

10、Once the crisis is over, they no longer need you, you will be like as a leprosy patient to carry out the expulsion. ─── 一旦危机过去,他们不再需要你的时候,你就会被当成一个麻风患者一样进行驱逐。

11、expulsion from school; exclusion from school ─── 开除学籍

12、Slandering against anyone in this city by government officials or citizens is strictly prohibited. Violation will lead to expulsion. ─── 严禁任何市民或政府官员在本城市或现实中诽谤本城市中的任何一位市民,否则遂出市外!

13、His own expulsion from there had been already decided on by the high powers of the diocese. ─── 他自己从那儿被逐出,已经由主教区的最高权力机构作出决定了。

14、The Ordovician Winnipeg may have been 200 my old or older during its main oil expulsion phase. ─── 奥陶系Winnipeg组可能已处于主要石油排出期长达200百万年或更早。

15、It is hard to calculate and determine the expulsion radius and single well control production of oilgas wells while studying oil reservoir engineering. ─── 在油藏工程研究中,计算油、气井的排驱半径与单井控制储量是一个常见而又难以确定的问题。

16、Without prior approval of the Mayor, any deletion of information in the city is strictly prohibited. Dismissal or expulsion will be exercised in case of violation. ─── 严禁任何市民或政府官员未经市长许可,删除本城市任何资料,轻则会被革职,重则遂出市外!

17、He said the Afghan government threatened him with expulsion. ─── 他说,阿富汗政府还以驱逐令威胁过他。

18、It could be anything from a fine up to an expulsion from Congress. ─── 刑罚可能从罚款到驱逐出国会。

19、The evolution of mechanic characteristics of Shahejie source rocks and its effects to hydrocarbon expulsion in Shahejie Formation of Jiyang Depression were analyzed by using diagenism. ─── 从成岩作用角度,分析了济阳断陷盆地沙河街组烃源岩力学性质的演化及其对排烃过程的影响。

20、The expulsion of the Soviet advisers from Egypt in 1972 suddenly took on a new significance. ─── 一九七二年把苏联顾问驱逐出埃及一事突然之间具有了新的意义。

21、The hydrocarbon expulsion efficiency of source rockprimary migration is usually high because of its property of natural drive. ─── 因油气初次运移为自然驱替,因此源岩的排烃效率较高。

22、No defacing, scripting, or smearing on desks, white/black boards, walls or other school properties. Violations will lead to suspension or expulsion. ─── 不在课桌、黑板、墙壁及校内任何地方涂写,更不可书写不文明的语句。若有违反,将予以停课和退学处理。

23、And in those days Enoch received books of zeal and wrath, and books of disquiet and expulsion. ─── 以诺接受了愤怒之书、催促之书及鼓动之书。

24、The headteacher threatened the three girls with expulsion. ─── 校长以开除来威胁这三名女学生。

25、Induced termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or fetus that is incapable of survival. ─── 堕胎促使怀孕的停止和无法存活的胚胎或胎儿排出

26、Sudan's expulsion of aid agencies following the indictment shows that the danger is real. ─── 巴希尔被起诉之后,苏丹将国际援助机构驱逐出了达尔富尔,这证明了人们的担心并非是多余的。

27、There have is three expulsion from the school this year. ─── 今年学校已开除了三名学生。

28、To cause the expulsion of (an embryo or fetus) before it is viable. ─── 使堕胎:在(胚胎或胎儿)能够成活之前导致其排出。

29、The episodic hydrocarbon - expulsion in the effective source rock and the episodic hydrocarbon - filling in the sandstone which are two processes relatively independent and connected with each other. ─── 在欠压实区的某些特定范围内,岩性油藏的形成过程具有典型的幕式特征,有效烃源岩的幕式排烃和烃源岩区内砂岩体的幕式聚烃是两个相对独立但又彼此联系的过程。

30、The bend,which is located in the low position in the dregs thick liquid expulsion system,is first washed out,becomes thin and finally is damaged. ─── 在渣浆输送系统中位于低位置的弯头最先被冲刷变薄而破坏,引起泄漏,影响生产。

31、Hawks in the opposition are already baying for the expulsion of thousands of illegal migrant workers from Armenia and for a ban on flights between Armenia and Turkey. ─── 在野党的华克早已经开始驱逐来土尔其工作的数千名来自亚美尼亚的非法移民,并且开始终止土尔其和亚美尼亚之间的航线。

32、The King ordained the persecution and expulsion of the Jews. ─── 国王颁布了犹太人的迫害和驱逐。

33、In the ring after the expulsion of law, in Section Suni Ye also dismissed the team and the team have all pulled out of this year's Tour de France. ─── 在被环法驱逐后,里科也被苏尼耶车队解雇,而该车队也全体退出了今年的环法大赛。

34、The experimental results indicate that the mode of hydrocarbon expulsion of carbonate source rocks is different from that of the argillite, and has its own special characteristics. ─── 实验结果表明,碳酸盐岩排烃模式与泥岩的模式不同,有其特殊的排烃方式;

35、Episodic expulsion is an important manner in the evolvement of source rocks,and hydrocarbon migration is in the manner of mixed phase. ─── 幕式排油是烃源岩系统演化过程中的一种重要排油方式,此时烃类以混合相形式运移。

36、Expulsion from school is a harsh form of punishment. ─── 开除学籍是严厉的惩罚。

37、The expulsion of thousands of people represents a humanitarian catastrophe of enormous proportions. ─── 驱逐成千上万人意味着人道主义的巨大灾难。

38、His bad behaviour resulted in his expulsion from school. ─── 他的不良行为导致他被学校开除了。

39、the forceful expulsion of something from inside. ─── 从内部猛烈喷出的现象。

40、Your son may face expulsion. ─── 你孩子可能要面临开除。

41、Shortly before the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492 Pico della Mirandola in Florence conceived a Christian version of the Cabala. ─── 在1492年,犹太教徒被从西班牙逐出前不久,佛罗伦萨的皮科·戴勒·米兰多拉创立了一种喀巴拉的基督教版本。

42、Abortion is defined as termination of pregnancy resulting in expulsion of an immature, nonviable fetus. ─── 妊娠终止导致未成熟的、无法成活的胎儿被排出体外称为流产。

43、The puerperium extends from the time of expulsion of the placenta until the maternal organism returns to its normal nonpregnant state. ─── 产后期是指从胎盘排出,母体生殖器官恢复到正常不孕的阶段。

44、Moreover, the movement is very important one expulsion of toxin, the movement to perspires slightly, metabolism will have a distinct improvement. ─── 另外,运动是很重要的一个排毒,运动到微微出汗,代谢就会有一个明显的改善。

45、Following the court battle, ASLEF was forced to re-admit him into the union, against the union rules, because of the 1992 law that prohibited expulsion from a union on a basis of party membership. ─── 在官司之后,因为1992年的法律禁止工会驱逐会员,ASLEF被迫重新让他加入工会,因而违反了工会的规则。

46、Any instances of poor sportsmanship as deemed by the judges, event organizers and/or sponsors will result in either point deductions or expulsion from the event or both. ─── 任何实例穷人体育视为由裁判,事件的组织者和/或赞助商将导致无论是点中扣除或开除该事件或两者兼而有之。

47、In a partial climb down, the European Commission said it would not sue France for racial discrimination over its expulsion of Romanies. ─── 针对法国驱逐吉普赛人这一事件,欧盟委员会做出部分让步,表示不会以种族歧视为名起诉法国。

48、Perhaps the Proterozoic Nonesuch shale of the Superior Basin holds the record as the apparently effective source sequence with the biggest time-spread between deposition and expulsion. ─── 也许苏必利尔盆地的元古界农萨奇页岩,拥有有效烃源岩层序中由沉积到排烃时间最长的记录。

49、You will be faced with possible expulsion from said party. ─── 你就可能被逐出舞会。

50、It is the hydrocarbon-generating pressurization that is the main driving force of hydrocarbon expulsion of carbonate source rocks. ─── 在碳酸盐岩排烃过程中生烃增压是主要的排烃驱动力;

51、During diagenetic compaction (the same time of oil primary expulsion), both oil and clay water are squeezed out from hydrocarbon-producing beds. ─── 在成岩压实作用阶段(相当于油气的初次析出阶段),油气与粘土水一道从生烃层内被挤出。

52、We seem to have become accustomed to this natural aggression, the expulsion of local residents in tourism development model. ─── 我们似乎已经习惯了这种侵略自然,驱逐本土居民的旅游开发模式。

53、In deciding on or approving an expulsion, Party organizations at all levels should study all the relevant facts and opinions and exercise extreme caution. ─── 各级党组织在决定或批准开除党员党籍的时候,应当全面研究有关的材料和意见,采取十分慎重的态度。

54、With regard to the range of ages recognized for oil source beds at the time of expulsion, the documented maximum time of expulsion after deposition of a source bed is at least 300 million years (my). ─── 关于石油的源岩层排烃所公认的年代范围,文献中记载的源岩沉积后到排烃的最长时间是300百万年。

55、Any violation of any of said rules or guidelines may result in expulsion from competition. ─── 如有任何违反上述规则的参赛者将被除名。

56、The elapsed time between deposition and expulsion on the flank of the Basin could have been more than 500 my. ─── 在盆地的侧翼沉积作用与排烃之间的延滞时间可能达到500百万年。

57、In another development, Britain has ordered two Iranian diplomats to leave the country following Iran's expulsion of two British envoys. ─── 参考翻译:在两名英国派往伊朗的特使被驱逐之后,英国下令另外两名驻伊朗大使离开伊朗。

58、the expulsion of sb. from school ─── 开除某人学籍

59、The formation of polygonal fault is associated with early compaction of sediments and fluid expulsion. ─── 它的形成与沈积物的早期压实作用和流体排出作用有关。

60、He said he believed attempts were under way for a general expulsion of Christians. ─── 他说他相信,全面驱逐基督徒的尝试正在进行。

61、They can also face expulsion in addition to any other punishment if they are found guilty of a serious crime. ─── 如果他们犯法可能在接受惩罚之外还会被驱逐。

62、Like, and never get out of this debt-ridden team is facing expulsion from the danger. ─── 像、和这样债台高筑的豪门球队面临着被驱逐出的危险。

63、Greece is to escape expulsion from the euro even though it was revealed yesterday that Athens gave false deficit figures to enable it to join the single currency. ─── 希腊将逃过被驱逐出欧元区的下场,尽管昨天透露的消息说,希腊政府为加入欧洲单一货币区,曾提供虚假财政赤字数据。

64、But when the white settlers began to claim for their lands, these assimilation proved no protection against expulsion. ─── 但是这些融合的行为并没有能保护他们,当白人需要占领他们的土地的时候,无力反抗的印第安人只能接受被放逐的事实。

65、From the evidence of these and other examples not included above, a conclusion seems justified that the degree of compaction and cementation must vary markedly at the time of expulsion. ─── 从上面所提到的和未提到的许多实例中的证据来看,得出这样的结论是公允的:压实和胶结的程度在排烃期肯定有十分明显的变化。

66、As part of an effort to modernize Castile, they banned all religions other than Roman Catholicism, leading to the Spanish Inquisition (1478) and the expulsion of the Jews (1492). ─── 作为把卡斯提尔现代化的一部分,他们下令取缔天主教以外的一切宗教,设立异端裁判所(1478),逐出犹太人(1492)。

67、After the Fifth Plenary Session there were two further historic inner-Party struggles, namely, the struggles at the Tsunyi Meeting and in connection with the expulsion of Chang Kuo-tao. ─── 五中全会以后,又有过两次有历史意义的党内斗争,这就是在遵义会议上的斗争和开除张国焘出党的斗争。

68、Youngsters with the GABRA2 risk variant more frequently display conduct problems, such as trouble with the police, fighting and expulsion from school, rather than early drinking. ─── 带有GABRA2风险基因变异的年轻人,则更常出现行为问题,好比与警察起冲突、打架及遭退学等,而非提早开始喝酒。

69、For the expulsion, Ping Yu Center for the denial, it is understood that the national team Wang Hao of the punishment will be thinking of education. ─── 对于开除这一说法,乒羽中心进行了辟谣,据了解,国家队对王皓的处罚将以思想教育为主。

70、Oxfam's International Director, Penny Lawrence tells VOA that her organization is trying to reverse the expulsion order. ─── 乐施会国际部主任彭妮.劳伦斯告诉美国之音,乐施会正在努力让政府收回驱逐令。

71、The settlers are generally against the peace process, because it could mean their expulsion. ─── 定居者反对和平进程,因为这意味着他们将被驱逐。

72、Now Mr Maroni has decreed that the migrants should be held at a new identification and expulsion centre on Lampedusa itself until they are repatriated. ─── 如今,马罗尼先生下令移民在被遣送回国前需要待在兰佩杜萨当地的一个新的鉴定和遣返中心里。

73、The liptinite macerals of rich hydrogen are not much,but there are indications that they have made a contribution to the hydrocarbon generation and expulsion of stronger reducible type of humic coal. ─── 富氢的稳定组显微组分虽然含量不多,但有迹象表明,它们对较强还原型腐殖煤的生烃排烃做出了应有的贡献。

74、Despite the Sudanese government's defiant rhetoric and the expulsion of the aid agencies, it has quietly shifted on several points. ─── 尽管苏丹政府发出挑衅的言辞并驱逐外国援助机构,但其在其它各方面悄然有了态度上的转变。

75、They resulted in an ultimatum from the Organization of American States to the Honduran interim authorities: restore the elected president power or face expulsion from the organization. ─── 他们最后决定由美洲国际组织向洪都拉斯临时政府发出最后通牒:恢复当选总统的权利或者被从该组织驱逐。

76、ELECTRICAL DOOR PUMP OPEN OUTSIDE The system can be mounted to the expulsion door of all kinds and size, with opening both on the left-hand and on the right-hand. ─── 客车电动外摆自动门系统此系统可安装于不同类型和尺寸的外摆门,可向左侧和右侧开启。

77、The movement of its expulsion front into the shallower parts of the Basin may have continued into tertiary time. ─── 其排油的前缘向盆地内较浅部地层的运动一直延续到第三纪。

78、Wherever we are, from the very first year of our work we must bear in mind the many years to come, the protracted war that must be maintained, the counter-offensive, and the work of reconstruction after the enemy's expulsion. ─── 任何地方必须从开始工作的那一年起,就计算到将来的很多年,计算到长期坚持战争,计算到反攻,计算到赶走敌人之后的建设。

79、II. The expulsion of members (representatives). ─── 二、会员(会员代表)之除名。

80、To cause the expulsion of(an embryo or fetus) before it is viable. ─── 使堕胎在(胚胎或胎儿)能够成活之前导致其排出

81、Expulsion of breath in speech. ─── 发音时的送气

82、Inducing the expulsion of gas from the stomach and intestines. ─── 引导气体从胃部和肠子里排出的。

83、The Iraqis have demonstrated considerable combat ability in several recent operations, including the expulsion of insurgent and militia forces from Basra and Mosul. ─── 伊拉克部队在最近的战斗中展示了相当可观的作战能力,包括把反叛分子和武装分子从巴士拉和摩苏尔赶出去。

84、Britain responded to Iran's expulsion of two British diplomats by sending two of Iran's packing. ─── 作为伊朗驱逐两名英国外交官的回应,英国同样驱逐了两名伊朗外交官。

85、No fighting, theft or any other forms of misconducts. Violations will lead to suspension, expulsion or prosecution. ─── 不骂人打架,不偷窃和任何违法行为。若有违反,将视情节给予处理,包括停课,退学,以及交当地执法机关处理。

86、Only last summer he'd gotten an official warning that had stated quite clearly that if the Ministry got wind of any more magic in Privet Drive, Harry would face expulsion from Hogwarts. ─── 就在去年夏天,他得到一次正式警告,警告说得很清楚:如果魔法部得到风声,说他如果在女贞路再次施展魔法,那霍格沃茨就有可能开除哈利。

87、His other expulsion for United had come in 2004, during a game with Aston Villa. ─── 2004年罗纳尔多还曾经在和维拉的比赛中拿到红牌。

88、Expulsion is highly undesirable during the resistance spot welding for it decreases the weld quality. ─── 在电阻点焊过程中喷溅的产生直接降低焊接接头的强度,因此是最不希望出现的焊接缺陷。

89、Primary organic inclusions in diagenetic minerals are widely used to determine the time of oil re-servoir formation, oil expulsion, migration as well as hydrocarbon maturity. ─── 利用有机包裹体测温和包裹体中烃类组成特征、结合盆地模拟技术的精细时-温埋藏史、古地温史恢复来研究油气运聚期次、成熟度,可有效地指明成藏史。

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