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08-15 投稿


sermon 发音

英:[?s??rm?n]  美:[?s??m?n]

英:  美:

sermon 中文意思翻译






sermon 网络释义

n. 布道;训诫;启示;冗长的讲话vt. 对…布道;对…说教vi. 布道n. (Sermon)人名;(英)瑟蒙;(意)塞尔蒙

sermon 短语词组

1、sermon notebook ─── 布道笔记

2、Areopagus sermon ─── 阿鲁帕格斯布道

3、sermon audio ─── 布道音频

4、sermon writer ─── 布道作家

5、grave clothes sermon ─── 墓葬布道

6、preach a sermon ─── 布道,讲道;说教,劝戒

7、Sermon on the Mount n. ─── 登山宝训 [网络] 山上宝训;山边宝训;山上圣训

8、sermon central ─── 布道中心

9、euroclydon sermon ─── 欧罗克莱登讲道

10、sermon illustrations ─── 布道插图

11、sermon brainwave ─── 布道脑波

12、sermon audio sermons ─── 布道有声 ─── 布道

13、backsliding sermon ─── 背道而驰的布道

sermon 词性/词形变化,sermon变形


sermon 常用词组

sermon on the mount ─── 登山宝训(指圣经马太福音中耶稣在山上所说的话);山上宝训

sermon 相似词语短语

1、Vermont ─── n.佛蒙特州(美国州名,略作VT)

2、sermonet ─── 蛇纹

3、seron ─── 血清子:血清学上抗原类似的病毒组

4、sermonic ─── adj.说教性的;布道的

5、Hermon ─── n.(Hermon)人名;(英、德、捷)赫蒙;(法)埃尔蒙

6、sericon ─── 丝胶

7、seroon ─── 赛隆

8、sermons ─── n.布道(sermon的复数);说教;布道辞

9、seroons ─── 血清子

sermon 习惯用语

1、read sb. a sermon ─── 一本正经的训责某人, 严词申斥某人

2、sermon in stones ─── 冥石的无言启示, 自然万物在精神、道德、真理等方面给予人的启示

sermon 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The subject of his sermon was charity. ─── 他颇有口才,讲题是“慈善”。

2、Too sleepy to follow the sermon. ─── 太想睡以至于无法注意说教

3、It was not in him to say to the wife of his bosom that Mr. Slope's sermon was ill-timed, impertinent, and vexatious. ─── 他不会把内心想的对他的贤内助说,说斯洛普先生的讲道文是不合时宜,傲慢无礼和惹人气恼的。

4、Other people uninterested in the sermon found relief in the beetle, and they eyed it too. ─── 其他的人对牧师的布道也不感兴趣,就拿这只甲虫来解闷,他们也盯着它看。

5、As the man was snoring in the front row one Sunday, the preacher determined he would teach him not to sleep during the sermon. ─── 一个星期天,当坐在前排的一个人正在打鼾时,牧师决定他要好好教训他不要在布道的时候睡觉。

6、A sermon, especially one intended to edifya congregation on a practical matter and not intended to be a theological discourse. ─── 布道一次讲道,尤其是旨在于实际问题上启发会众,而不在于成为神学讲演。

7、As the man as soring in the front row one Sunday, the preacher determined he would teach him not to sleep during the sermon. ─── 一个星期天,正当坐在前排的那个人又在瞌睡时,牧师决定要好好教育他一下,让他不要再在布道时睡觉。

8、Please say in your sermon that Peter Peterson has been a good boy all week. I am Peter Peterson. ─── 你能不能在你的布道里说说就是我。

9、People thronged the church to hear the sermon. ─── 人们涌至教堂听讲道。

10、Any of the declarations of blessedness made by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. ─── 八福词基督登山训众时宣布的任何祝福

11、He fell asleep during the sermon . ─── 他在听著讲道时睡著了.

12、The Sermon on the Mount is the last word in Christian ethics. ─── “登山宝训”是基督教义中的精义。

13、A week later, he and his wife, who are expecting a baby and have two older children, could not stop holding hands during the sermon. ─── 罗伯·哈勒西和他怀孕的妻子已有两个孩子。一周后,他们在做弥撒时情不自禁地把手挽在了一起。

14、T-You and Zane, what were you expecting when you gave your sermon yesterday? ─── 你和赞恩,在昨天的布道上期待些什么?

15、Cardinal Murphy will deliver the sermon on Sunday. ─── 墨菲红衣主教将在周日布道。

16、A sermon, especially one intended to edify a congregation on a practical matter and not intended to be a theological discourse. ─── 布道一次讲道,尤其是旨在于实际问题上启发会众,而不在于成为神学讲演

17、In his last sermon, he encouraged his disciples to diligently seek the truth and not to hold on to that which is impermanent. ─── 在他的最后布道中,他鼓励他的门徒去坚持不懈地寻找真理,不要坚持于暂时,非永久之事物。

18、The Sunday sermon was long and tedious, especially for the six year old boy, who squirmed through most of it. ─── 周日的讲道冗长且沉闷,特别对于一个六岁的男孩而言,他好不容易才撑过去。

19、He knows that human nature needs more lessons than a weekly sermon can convey. ─── 他明白,人类的天性所需要的教导不是每星期一次讲道理能解决的。

20、From now on, you can download the recording and outline of every Sunday's sermon. ─── 从现在起,您可以在本堂网站下载每主日的证道信息及证道纲要。

21、You can right click on the file names ands are generally 1.5Mbkto 3.5Mb each. It's about 2.15Mb for each hob of sermon. ─── 你可以在该档案处按老鼠右键,再选择'另存目标',视窗会问你储存的地方.储存后可用视窗媒体播放程式来播放.

22、Two of the children always remained for the sermon voluntarily, and the other always remained too -- for stronger reasons. ─── 他们三个中间有两个总是自觉自愿地留在那儿听牧师布道,而另外一个因为更重要原因也是每次都留下来。

23、A small knot of women listened to his sermon. ─── 一小群妇女听他的布道。

24、Starting this February, the joint service of every even month will be Communion Sunday. The sermon will be related to Holy Communion. ─── 今年二月份开始,每个双数月的联合主日将定为圣餐主日,当天的讲道也会以宣讲圣餐的信息为重点。

25、Then later in father flynn's last sermon, he mentions "the wind is pushing me to new places". ─── 在神父最后的那场布道之中,他说道:是大风将我刮向了新的去处。

26、A pastor was shot through the heart while giving a sermon. ─── 一名牧师在布道时其心脏部位中弹。

27、A sermon with a traitof humor. ─── 带有一些幽默的布道。

28、ABOUT half-past ten the cracked bell of the small church began to ring, and presently the people began to gather for the morning sermon. ─── 大约10点30分的时候,小教堂的破钟开始响了起来,随即大家便聚集在一起听上午的布道。

29、He dozed off during the sermon. ─── 在做礼拜时,他打瞌睡。

30、The half - baked sermon cause spiritual indigestion. ─── 半生不熟的说教会引起精神上的消化不良。

31、He gave a long sermon against abortion. ─── 他作了一次反对堕胎的长篇演说。

32、No, Jeanie, that would not have the same effect, that would be like reading a sermon. ─── 不,珍妮,那样做效果就不同了。那就象是在念讲稿了。

33、As the man was snoring in the front row on Sunday, the preacher decided he would teach him not to sleep during the sermon. ─── 一个星期天,正当坐在前排的那个人打瞌睡时,牧师决定要好好地教育他不要在布道的时候睡觉。

34、When I arose to begin my sermon, I closed my eyes, and spoke with all my heart and soul of my dreams. ─── 当我站在那里开始我的讲演时,我闭着眼睛把自己心灵深处所有的话都倾吐了出来。

35、She gave reverent attention to the sermon. ─── 她恭敬的聆听布道。

36、No, Jeanie, that would not have the same effect, -that would be like reading a sermon. ─── 不,珍妮,那样做效果就不同了。--那就象是在念讲稿了。

37、In Florence there is a rabble-rousing sermon against him by Tomas Accocinni of the Dominicans, the guarddogs of church dogma. 1615, Rome, the center. ─── 1614年弗罗伦斯有一场哗众的反伽利略布道会,发起人是捍卫教条的道明修会欧可尼。

38、The minister preached a sermon on the parable of the lost sheep. ─── 牧师讲道时用了亡羊的比喻。

39、The congregation can never be too small for a maiden sermon. ─── 听第一篇讲道的会众向来不会太少。

40、It is a blind silly gooes that comes to the fox rs sermon. ─── 只有盲目的笨鹅才会去听狐狸讲道。

41、He dropped asleep during the sermon. ─── 他在听布道时睡着了。

42、Cihua Edition which is more interesting and attractive can be said and sung and is rhymed for the purpose of sermon. ─── “词话本”文本是有说有唱、韵散杂糅的,其立意是以说教、有趣味、有吸引力为主的,总体风格是俗中带雅。

43、If He had appeared with kingly pomp, how could He have taught humility? how could He have presented such cutting truths as in the Sermon on the Mount? ─── 他若以君王的威荣出现,怎能给人谦卑的教训呢?又怎能讲出像山边宝训那样深刻的真理呢?耶稣若以帝王之尊荣住在人间,一般卑微的人还有什么希望呢?

44、He had to be a little nervous, but he began the service with a surefire winner, a children's sermon. ─── 他肯定有点紧张,但是他选择为孩子们布道作为礼拜仪式的开始,认定这样肯定可以带来仪式的成功。

45、I said in my last sermon here two weeks ago, we ve got to understand again what faith is. ─── 我在两周前讲道时说:我们要再次了解甚么是信心。

46、He was chatting during the sermon. ─── 他在听讲道时和别人聊天。

47、You could choose almost any text from the New Testament for a sermon and make a tract for our times of it. ─── 你能从《新约全书》选择几乎任何篇章做布道稿并以此作为我们时代的教训。

48、You every Sunday is taken write believer people devotional, sermon, but they are in below sleep! ─── 就是因为如此你才下地狱的.你每个礼拜天都带著信徒们祷告,讲经,但他们都在下头睡觉!

49、And if he has forgotten, his memory can easily be refreshed by a Sunday sermon, his wife, or the tax collector. ─── 如果他已经忘记,他的记忆也能轻易地被一场礼拜日的布道,他的妻子,或一个收税员恢复。

50、I endured last night and this morning a sermon about my intercourse with you. ─── 关于我和你交往的事,昨晚和今天早上我都挨了一场训诫。

51、When she went to church, she kept her veil in place and wince at the sermon. ─── 她来到教堂,摘下面纱,畏缩在神坛前。

52、It is a silly goose that comes to the fox's sermon. ─── 唯有傻瓜才来听狐狸的说教。

53、He preaches the same sermon every Christmas. ─── 他每逢圣诞节都宣讲同一教旨。

54、After listen the sermon of Dr.Tang. Now I have much more to know the God. ─── 听完听了唐牧师的布道会,现在更加清楚的的认识什么是上帝。

55、She dropped off during the sermon. ─── 她在听布道时睡着了。

56、One Sunday morning the minister preached a sermon on spiritual gifts. ─── 一个主日早上,牧师传讲了一篇有关属灵恩赐的讲章。

57、A good example is this best sermon. ─── 以身作则是最好的说教。

58、It isw silly goose that comes to dthe fox's sermon. ─── 只有呆鹅才去听狐狸说教。

59、"We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount" (Omar N. Bradley). ─── “我们已经把握了原子的神秘本质,并拒绝‘登山宝训’” (奥马尔·N·布拉德利)

60、He was preaching me sermon about giving up smoking to his son . ─── 他正在对他的儿子讲有关戒烟的大道理。

61、The time came for the sermon and he ascended the pulpit steps. ─── 布道的时间到了,他迈上了讲坛的台阶。

62、Reverend Goodvibes performed what started out to be a nice service until he went into his sermon. ─── 古德维伯牧师主持的仪式开始还挺不错,但到他宣道时就出了问题。

63、They had been hid in the unused gallery listening to their own funeral sermon! ─── 他们刚才一直躲在那没人的长廊里,倾听着追悼他们的颂词哩!

64、The Archibishop of Canterbury, Abbott, forbade one of his clergy from preaching a sermon supporting the crown, and he was replaced. ─── 坎特伯雷大主教不许他手下一位牧师讲道时支持国王,被国王撤换。

65、The sermon was his customary one on the big bang, black holes, time and the universe, with the theology coming in the question-and-answer period. ─── 他整场布道仍是一如往常,讲授大霹雳、黑洞、时间和宇宙;至于神学,那就只能留待现场答问时段。

66、This beatitude not only sets the tone for Jesus’ “sermon on the mount”, but it’s also the bedrock of Jesus’ ministry. ─── 八福的演说不仅揭开耶稣登山宝训的序幕,也是耶稣事工的基础。

67、Do not come on to the new female pastor, unless she winks at you during the sermon. ─── 不要跟着一个新来的女牧师,除非在布道是她向你眨眼。

68、He gave reverent attention to the sermon. ─── 他听布道很虔敬。

69、The grand master tapped with his hammer, all sat down in their places, and one began reading a sermon on the necessity of meekness. ─── 分会会长敲了一下槌子,大家都各自入座,其中一人宣读有关谦逊的必要性的训词。

70、Sit down.I don't want you sitting so stiff and proper.We're not in church listening to a sermon. ─── 坐下来,我不要你这样正襟危坐,又不是礼拜堂听说教。

71、Christian sermon is principally the proclamation of God's grace, the Gospel, but it also presupposes the proclamation of God's law . ─── 基督徒的讲道是上帝恩典宣讲的基本原则,福音,也是宣告上帝律法的前提。

72、An eloquent speaker; an eloquent sermon. ─── 一个雄辩的演讲家; 雄辩的说教

73、A good sermon should be like a woman's skirt: short enough to rouse the interest, but long enough to cover the essentials. ─── 好的佈道應像女人的裙子:短得足以激起興趣,又長得足以遮掩重要部位

74、He fell asleep during the sermon. ─── 他在听著讲道时睡著了。

75、He chanted and sang virtually his entire sermon in rhythmic cadences punctuated by the sound of the spoons that the men were beating on their knees. ─── 在布道的过程中,他差不多是在吟咏或高唱,声音抑扬顿挫,富有节奏,不时伴随着人们用乐勺敲打膝盖发出的声响。

76、At the next Friday sermon, the women who were sitting in the side room of the mosque began to share their distress at the state of affairs. ─── 到下个星期五的布道,那些在清真寺侧房里的女人开始讨论她们对时势的担忧。

77、Download the weekly sunday service sermon here. ─── 在这里您可以下载牧师的最新的证道记录。

78、English: A good example is the best sermon. ─── 中文:良好的范例是最好的训诫。

79、It was not in him to say to the wife of his bosom that Mr. Slope's sermon was ill-timed, impertinent, and vexatious. ─── 他不会把内心想的对他的贤内助说,说斯洛普先生的讲道文是不合时宜,傲慢无礼和惹人气恼的。

80、His speech branched out into a long tedious sermon. ─── 他的演说扯了开去,成了一篇冗长的说教。

81、In Spurgeon's days, one woman became converted from a single page of his sermon wrapped around some butter. ─── 在司布真时期,有一位妇女因为读到一张用来包乳酪的纸上记录他的讲道内容而信了主。

82、The genres also vary, and include romance, Breton lai, sermon, beast fable, and fabliaux. ─── 乔叟在庇护者失宠期间,被剥夺了官位和年金,经济拮据。

83、What a sermon'. divided into four hundred and ninety parts,each fully equal to an ordinary address from the pulpit,and each discussing a separate sin! ─── 什么样的一篇讲道呀,共分四百九十节,每一节完全等于一篇普通的讲道,每一节讨论一种罪过!

84、His sermon awoke me to a sense of sin. ─── 他的讲道使我意识到自己的罪恶。

85、J.Gossip.During one hectic week, he didn't have his customary amount of time to prepare his sermon. ─── 在一个极其繁忙的星期里,他无法像往常一样有足够的时间准备讲章。

86、Now, Marmee, that is very cunning of you to turn our own stories against us, and give us a sermon instead of a romance!' cried Meg. ─── “呀,妈咪,你好狡猾,用我们自己的故事来对付我们,不讲故事,却跟我们讲起大道理来了!”梅格嚷道。

87、A man sobering up from the night before was sitting through the Sunday sermon, finding it long and boring. ─── 从一个人清醒的前一晚坐在通过周日布道中,寻找那漫长而无趣的人。

88、Could you have a sermon about a raise in my allowance? ─── 你能不能准备一篇关于给小孩子零花钱要提高的布道?

89、"Churchgoers in Sunday finery sweat out a sermon with the help of handheld fans in Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia's steamy capital. ─── “在湿热的法属波利尼西亚塔希提首府帕皮提,身着礼拜天华服的礼拜者们在手摇扇慰藉下热汗淋淋地听着布道。

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