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08-15 投稿


restricting 发音

[ r?'str?kt]

英:  美:

restricting 中文意思翻译




restricting 网络释义

n. 整形,限制;扼流v. 限制(restrict的ing形式)

restricting 短语词组

1、restricting signal ─── 限速[ ─── 限制]信号

2、restricting syn ─── 限制syn

3、restricting material ─── 限制材料

4、restricting element ─── 节流元件

5、restricting inhibitions ─── 限制 ─── 限制

6、restricting cocoon ─── 限制茧

7、restricting flow ─── 限制流量

8、restricting lives ─── 限制生命

9、restricting tape ─── 限制磁带

10、restricting def ─── 限制def

11、restricting anorexia ─── 限制性厌食

12、restricting access to ─── 限制获取 ─── 限制接触 ─── 限制访问

13、restricting friends access on facebook ─── 限制好友访问facebook

14、restricting inhibition ─── 限制抑制

15、restricting catch ─── 限定渔获量

16、restricting access ─── 限制进入

17、restricting access to it ─── 限制访问它

18、restricting salt ─── 限制盐

restricting 词性/词形变化,restricting变形


restricting 相似词语短语

1、restriction ─── n.限制;约束;束缚

2、restrictive ─── adj.限制的;限制性的;约束的;n.限制词

3、destructing ─── 破坏(destruct的现在进行时)

4、restrictions ─── n.限制;限制条件(restriction的复数形式)

5、abstricting ─── vt.使缢离;vi.脱落;缢离

6、districting ─── n.分区;空间聚合;v.分区(district的ing形式)

7、derestricting ─── 取消限速

8、astricting ─── v.束缚,限制

9、redistricting ─── n.新行政区划;重划选区;重新区划;v.重新划区,重新划分区域(redistrict的现在分词)

restricting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、No units or individuals shall obstruct or restrict them. ─── 任何单位和个人不得限制和阻挠。

2、Restrict your story to the facts. ─── 你讲的话必须符合事实。

3、Judge Temple tells the company about a new law restricting hunting. ─── 坦普尔法官向他们宣布了限制打猎的新法令。

4、Thermization is therefore a useful means of extending the storage life of raw milk without restricting the possibilities of its final use. ─── 所以这是一种非常有效的方法,它可以用来处长乳的贮存期而又不限制牛乳的最终用途。

5、How to restrict your application to one instance only? ─── 怎样限制你的应用在一个实例内?

6、There exists restricting relation between the prescription stipulated in penal law and the protection of copyright. ─── 刑法规定的诉讼时效与著作权的保护期之间存在著制约关系。

7、Can be used to restrict queries made against the group table. ─── 可以用来限制对组表的查询。

8、Restricting the range of application of the noun modified. ─── 加以限定的用来修饰名词范围的

9、To hem in,hinder,or restrict with or as if with a hedge. ─── 围住,包围用树篱或者好象用树篱包围、设障碍、阻碍。

10、No organizations or individuals shall obstruct or restrict them. ─── 任何组织和个人不得阻挠和限制。

11、Well, increasingly there is an opportunity to restrict it territorially. ─── 对许多体育组织来说,这是他们最关心的,因为他们担心通过互联网转播的比赛,全世界的人都能看到,将转播限定在某个区域越来越成为可能。

12、Congress is considering measures to restrict the sale of cigarettes. ─── 国会正考虑采取措施限制香烟销售。

13、As farmers attempt to regain power of choice over seed, Monsanto is trying to take it away by restricting access to non-GM varieties. ─── 随着农民试图恢复自己选择种子的权力,孟山都公司通过限制获得非转基因品种而剥夺农民的这种权利。

14、It imposes constrains, restricting nature's freedom. ─── 它具有限制自然界自由度的强制性。

15、Do you need to restrict the access to certain applications? ─── 想限制应用程序打开的权限吗?

16、Restrict access to cylinder storage areas. ─── 对进入钢瓶储存区域加以限制。

17、She argued for import control, ie the restricting of imports. ─── 她主张实行进口限制.

18、However, due to some degradation, filmogen is not restricting its use. ─── 但由于有些薄膜材料不可降解,限制了它的使用。

19、Goya, however, tends to restrict the bodyaaaaas expressive role. ─── 可是哥雅,他比较会限制身体的表达脚色。

20、The account receivable management level is restricting the enterprise whole management level promotion. ─── 应收账款管理水平制约着企业整体管理水平的提升。

21、You must restrict the values to 0 and 1 in the schema manually. ─── 您必须在架构中手动将值限制为0和1。

22、In my opinion , overly strict regulations are just another way of restricting imports . ─── 依我的意见,过于严格的规章正是另一种方式限制进口。

23、MUST be able to restrict unauthorized use as Mail Relay. ─── 必须限制未经认证的使用邮件转发。

24、Patriarch use only function,to restrict kids use disk and cd only. ─── 家长专用功能,限制小孩子只能使用的软件和光盘

25、Some aerators can restrict flow to less than 1.0 gpm. ─── 一些通气器可以限制流量小于1.0界面。

26、This house would restrict the number of private cars in big cities. ─── 应该限制大城市中的私家车的数量。

27、Their policy was to restrict our growth. ─── 他们的政策是限制我们的发展。

28、You cannot restrict people to just seeing some files in the Public folder. ─── 不能限制用户只能查看公用文件夹中的某些文件。

29、The lack of talent is the bottleneck restricting the development of China's advertisement cause. ─── 对于中国的广告事业来说,人才短缺已成为制约其发展的最大瓶颈。

30、Restrict your drinking,even on special occasions. ─── 即使在特殊场合,也要节制饮酒。

31、Would it make sense for the city authorities to further restrict parking? ─── 对于市政当局来说,进一步限制停车是否有意义?

32、But for argument’s sake, let’s restrict this to spirituality. ─── 但是由于讨论的缘故,我们把这个限制在精神主义上。

33、This was seen as a way of restricting women's articulation of grievances. ─── 这曾被认为是一种限制妇女表达不满的方法。

34、Implement traffic management scheme, such as restricting or diverting traffic at certain sensitive hours. ─── 实施交通管理计划,如禁止车辆于敏感时段行驶部份道路或进行交通改道。

35、Accessibility and general weather prospects further restrict the choice. ─── 可达到的条件和一般的气象资料进一步限制了选择。

36、S.Evironmental protection Agency(EPA) promulgated rules restricting THM concentrations in drinking water. ─── 1979年,美国环保局发布命令限制饮用水中的THM浓度。

37、It has laws that restrict deforestation in the rest. ─── 剩下的森林也有严格的法律限制砍伐。

38、In some situations, you might want to restrict a property to a known value. ─── 在某些情况下,您可能需要将属性限制到已知值。

39、Non-executive di-rectors invariably restrict themselves to purely advisory and supervisory roles. ─── 往往,他们的角色仅局限于咨询和监督的范围。

40、The holes themselves have a restricting or stabilizing effect because flow may become sonic. ─── 因为这时流动可成为音速流动,所以这些小孔本身有一种节制作用或稳定化作用。

41、To restrict to limited allotments, as during wartime. ─── 定量供给在例如战争期间等时候,把某物供应制定在一定数量以下

42、Don't restrict the proper activities of children. ─── 不要拘束孩子们的正当活动。

43、To be confronted with restricting chemosynthesis pesticides used in organic orchards, insect pest control had become a bottleneck. ─── 面临有机果园不准使用化学合成农药的限制,果树害虫防治成为瓶颈问题。

44、Be aware that restricting delivery is extremely process-intensive and can affect server performance. ─── 应注意到限制传递极大地占用处理器资源,并且可能影响服务器性能。

45、Restrict contents of a rowset to rows matching a set of conditions. ─── 将行集的内容限制为与条件集相匹配的行。

46、But the idea of restricting right with right cannot alleviate the environmental crisis. ─── 但是以权利制约权利的构想不能够遏制环境危机。

47、A condition to restrict the values that are returned from the column list. ─── 一个限制从列列表返回的值的条件。

48、Why Britain did not pass laws restricting the small-scale manufacture of clothing in the colonies? ─── 为什么英国没有通过法律限制殖民地的小规模服装生产?

49、Clearly, restricting water flow throughout all the 20 floors of Sunnyside Towers will increase our profits further. ─── 很明显,限制整个S塔楼的二十层的水压会使我们获利更多。

50、Similarly, a mother may excuse her son's behavior as "testing his wings" when the father wants to restrict him. ─── 同样,一个母亲会以“考验他的翅膀硬不硬”为由原谅儿子的行为,而父亲本是要严加管束的。

51、Limited resources are restricting our capacity for developing new products. ─── 有限的资源正制约着我们开发新产品的能力。

52、Restricting the freedom to marry based on racial classifications violates the central meaning of equal protection. ─── 基于种族区分的约束结婚自由侵犯了平等保护的中心内涵。

53、Students should keep in mind those regulations which restrict their behavior. ─── 学生应牢记那些规范自己的行为准则。

54、Still, the company faces challenges as the U. S. Food and Drug Administration considers restricting or banning menthol. ─── 此外,由于美国食品与药品管理局考虑限制或禁止薄荷卷烟,罗瑞拉德也面临着挑战。

55、State enterprises were told to restrict their share purchases. ─── 国企被要求严格限制股票买卖。

56、This increase can be moderated by restricting event forwarding to events that are above a designated severity level. ─── 可以通过将事件转发限于超过指定严重级别的事件来缓解这种通信流量增加。

57、The news comes as China continues trying to cool the economy by restricting monetary policy and imposing anti-inflation measures. ─── 当前,中国正继续通过收紧货币政策和实施抗通胀措施给经济降温。

58、To hem in, hinder, or restrict with or as if with a hedge. ─── 围住,包围用树篱或者好象用树篱包围、设障碍、阻碍

59、It is up to a company to restrict access to confidential information. ─── 公司有责任采取措施防止公司的机密消息被盗。

60、It protects the premises without restricting the view. ─── 它保护的前提下限制了看法。

61、You gain a greater ability to recognize limiting, disharmonious, and restricting energies and forms. ─── 你获得更大的能力去认识到限制、不和谐和约束的能量及形式。

62、It is used to derive a new simple type from an existing simple type by restricting the base type. ─── 使用它,可以通过限制基类型来从现有的简单类型派生新的简单类型。

63、Tag !ine restrict swinging of !oad. ─── 可限制负荷摆动弧度的牵线。

64、Usage is limited by IP address range restricting licenses by geographic area, depending upon network topology. ─── 依据网络拓扑,根据区域,可以实现IP地址的使用限制。

65、The rights of civil society restrict the power of the state. ─── 市民社会权利以各种形式制约国家权力。

66、Restrict your choice of full-text key columns to a small column. ─── 仅选择较小的列作为全文键列。

67、The threat or use of force to prevent, restrict, or dictate the action or thought of others. ─── 强制使用或威胁使用强制力量来阻拦、限制或命令他人的行动或思想

68、It is important factor of restricting rural development that poor health hinders the development of rural economy . ─── 对健康缺失阻碍农村经济发展没有清楚的认识,是制约农村卫生发展的重要因素。

69、He feels this new law will restrict his freedom. ─── 他觉得这一新法律会限制他的自由。

70、Use this tab to restrict the rows in your result set. ─── 使用该选项卡可限制结果集中的行。

71、Enable or restrict user input to the DataGridView control. ─── 允许或限制用户向DataGridView控件中输入数据。

72、He berated me for letting down the President by not restricting the number of NSC participants. ─── 他训斥我没有限制参加国家安全委员会会议的人数,这样办事对不起总统。

73、On the other hand restrict the internal users with WWW proxy daemon procedure. ─── 同时使用WWW应用代理程序,控制内部用户对Internet的访问。

74、And Mr Sun is scaling down his deposit-taking operation, restricting it now to company workers. ─── 孙也将吸收存款控制在公司内部的员工之间。

75、They attemp to restrict the scope of disease. ─── 他们设法将疾病控制在小范围之内。

76、Don't restrict her proper activities. ─── 不要拘束她的正当活动。

77、To modify,limit,or restrict,as by giving exceptions. ─── 修饰修饰、限定或限制,如通过给出异议

78、Sufferring other to restrict additionally is not sufferable. ─── 另外受他人制约是不可容忍的。

79、ACLs can restrict the delivery of routing updates. ─── ACL能限制路由更新的传送。

80、And why should I restrict myself, segregate myself? ─── 况且我何必限制自己,孤立自己呢?

81、You can also restrict the posts by author. ─── 你也可以根据作者限制文章数目。

82、SQL Server does not support restricting a mixed type to a simple content. ─── SQL Server不支持将混合类型限于简单内容。

83、You can use search criteria to restrict the number of rows returned by a query. ─── 可使用搜索条件限制查询返回的行数。

84、Rewards can unduly restrict performance. ─── 奖励能过度的限制表现。

85、They want to know, she said, if the United States will cede its global leadership role by restricting engagement with the United Nations. ─── 他们想要知道,美国是否会通过约束在联合国的投入而让出自己的全球领导角色。

86、You need to restrict access to those machines. ─── 您需要限制对这些计算机的访问。

87、You can restrict your search to the title of a document. ─── 您可以将搜寻限制在一份文件的标题。

88、To "open wide", or to "restrict"? ─── 两种方针,放还是收呢?

89、Restrict sb/oneself(to certain conditions,a fixed occupation or place,etc. ─── 使某人[自己]受(某环境、固定的职业或地点等的)约束

be defined by是什么意思?

bedefinedby的中文翻译  bedefinedby  被定义的  双语例句  

1  Theseclassificationscanbedefinedbysystemoperatorusingfilterrules.  这些分类可由系统操作者使用过滤规则来界定。  

2  Otherscanbedefinedbytheuser,byextendingorrestrictingthebasictypes.  其他的可由用户通过对基本类型进行扩展或限制进行定义。  

3  Eachtestcasecanbedefinedbystates,too.  每个测试用例也可以由状态来定义。

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