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08-15 投稿


easement 发音

英:['i?zm(?)nt]  美:['izm?nt]

英:  美:

easement 中文意思翻译



easement 词性/词形变化,easement变形


easement 短语词组

1、legal easement ─── [法] 法定地役权

2、apparent easement ─── [法] 明显地役权

3、public easement ─── [网络] 公共地役权

4、easement in gross ─── 独立地役权

5、conservation easement ─── 保存地役权 ─── 保护地役权

6、scenic easement ─── 风景优美的地役权

7、easement by necessity ─── 地役权

8、affirmative easement ─── [法] 地役权

9、equitable easement ─── [法] 平衡法上的地役权

10、continuous easement ─── [法] 连续地役权

11、easement boundary ─── 地役权边界

12、easement by prescription ─── 时效地役权

13、easement appurtenant ─── 地役权附属物

14、negative easement ─── [法] 消极地役权

15、discontinuous easement ─── [法] 间断的役权

16、easement rent ─── 地役税

17、easement of light ─── [法] 采光权

easement 相似词语短语

1、easements ─── n.地役权(easement的复数);便利

2、abasement ─── n.身分低微;屈尊;降低

3、embasement ─── 防腐

4、erasement ─── 擦除

5、debasement ─── n.降低;贬质

6、encasement ─── n.[交]装箱;套;包装

7、basement ─── n.地下室;地窖

8、Casement ─── n.竖铰链窗,门式窗;窗户;窗框;n.(Casement)(美)凯斯门特(人名)

9、erasements ─── 私有的

easement 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Conservation easement ─── 保护管理权交易

2、In general, an easement contract shall contain the items as follows: (1) name and domicile of the related parties; ─── 地役权合同一般包括下列条款:(一)当事人的姓名或者名称和住所;

3、temporary easement ─── 临时建筑物

4、Result: There were significant differences in easement of pain degree and pelvis cavity pathologic change in three groups of patients. ─── 结果:三组患者疼痛缓解程度和盆腔病理改变具有显著差异。

5、Coordinate Method of Setting Out of Easement Curve ─── 缓和曲线的坐标法放样

6、An example of a positive easement is a right of way over another person's land. ─── 对于积极地役权,举个例子就是对他人的土地所享有的权利。

7、Calculation of the Applicable Range of Coordinate Corresponding to the Point at Easement Curve by Utilizing Approximate Value of Chord Tangent Angle ─── 利用弦切角近似值计算缓和曲线上点的坐标适用范围

8、easement boundary ─── 地役权范围

9、Study of Displaying Method of Easement Curve in AutoCAD Environment ─── AutoCAD环境下缓和曲线绘制方法的研究

10、A person may own land notwithstanding that another has an easement, such as a right of way, over it. ─── 一个人可拥有土地,尽管他人对土地具有地役权,诸如通行权。

11、{0>4.Rights: refers to the property rights of superficies, easement, dien, mortgage, mining, fishery, patent, copyright, trademark and others. ─── 四 权利:指地上权、地役权、典权、抵押权、矿业权、渔业权、专利权、著作权、商标权及其他财产上之权利。

12、At work, he dedicated an easement to the revolution, and the mobilization of the two brother Bao Zhao Xi Zhao Xi and participated in the revolution, they were in 1944, died a heroic death in 1945. ─── 在工作中,他全身心地役入革命,并动员两个弟弟赵玺宝、赵玺同参加了革命,他们分别于1944年、1945年壮烈牺牲。

13、Methods:Easement of pain and ability of activity were evaluated in 42 patients randomly divided into chemotherapy group and chemotherapy with Bonin group. ─── 方法 :42例病人随机分为单纯化疗组和化疗联合博宁组 ,对疼痛缓解程度和活动能力改善等进行对照研究。

14、Shanghai Easement Computer Control Equipment Co., Ltd. ─── 上海伊斯曼电脑控制设备有限公司。

15、negative easement ─── 否决使用权

16、This particular structure of easement makes it a pure- technical concept appearance, which conceals the legal effect of making other people offering service. ─── 如此独特的构造,使地役权拥有了纯技术性概念的外观,在很大程度上掩盖了其“役使他人”的法效果,并进而增强了它的亲和力、便利了它的普适性。

17、A person may own land notwithstanding that another has an easement, such as a right of way, over it. ─── 一个人可拥有土地,尽管他人对该土地具有地役权,诸如通行权。

18、Article 165 The easement may not be mortgaged alone. ─── 第一百六十五条地役权不得单独抵押。

19、easement in the land ─── 地役

20、Transfer of the burden of an easement ─── 地役权负担的变更

21、The whole dissertation consistsof four parts: Section one gives a general introduction of easement. ─── 全文共分四个部分:第一节介绍了地役权的一般问题。

22、Keywords printing press;delivery chains;improved guide;easement curve; ─── 印刷机;收纸链条;改进型导轨;缓和曲线;

23、4.One innovative way to do this is to offer landowners a state income-tax credit in exchange for a conservation easement on their property. ─── 给土地所有者提供个人收入所得税扣除,以换取基于所有者财产的保护管理权交易,是一个饶有新意的办法。

24、Secondly, the author thought we should keep to the legislation principles in the legislation of easement system. ─── 其次论述了地役权制度的立法中应坚持的立法原则。

25、A constrained optimization method for deciding easement curve length in the raising operation speed of the existing railway ─── 既有线提速时缓和曲线长度的最优化算法

26、Determination of Cross-sectional Direction of Easement Curves ─── 缓和曲线横断面方向的确定

27、minimum length of easement curve ─── 缓和曲线最小长度

28、This easement, made between a landowner and a conservation organisation, maintains the private ownership of the property while permanently prohibiting certain types of development. ─── 保护管理权交易由土地所有者和保护组织达成,保留土地的私人财产所有权,同时,永久禁止某些类型的开发活动。

29、Chairman Maoisan activist, a prime mover, and originator and master of strategy achieved by alternating surprise, tension and easement. ─── 史密斯似乎对权利感到困惑不安,鲍尔则拼命追求权利。

30、easement of pain ─── 疼痛缓解


32、A person may own land notwithstanding that another has an easement, such as a right of way,over it. ─── 一个人可拥有土地,尽管他人对土地具有地役权,诸如通行权。

33、Therefore the establishment of easement system must be set in major background of public ownership of land to make it acceptable and effective. ─── 因此,要使建构的地役权制度为国人所接受和认可,进而有效运作,就必须把它放到土地公有制这个大背景下。

34、Easement curve was introduced, whereby curvature changes steadily form a straight line to the desired radius. ─── 缓和曲线推出,即曲率变化,稳步形成一条直线,以达到预期的半径。

35、The General Parametric Equations of the Lines Parallel to Easement Curve and Its Application ─── 缓和曲线平行线的通用参数方程及应用

36、forest land easement ─── 林地地役权

37、Study for Establishing of Superelevation Easement Curves in High Grade Highway Route Design ─── 对高等级公路路线设计中超高缓和段设置的探讨

38、the scope of easement ─── 地役权的范围

39、Abstract: Based on the arc length formulae of the parallel to the easement curve and its property, this paper gives the parameter equations of the parallel to the easement curve takiing the arc length itself as variable. ─── 文摘:基于缓和曲线平行线弧长公式及其性质,给出了缓和曲线平行线以其自身弧长为变量的参数方程。

40、affirmative easement ─── 积极地役权

41、On Easement Adjustment Of The Mutual- Utilization Relationship Among Neighboring Buildings ─── 相邻建筑物间之利用关系的地役权调整

42、The present laws ofChina only prescribe the neighborhood rights which are deficient toeffectively regulate the utility of land, however the easement with itsunique characteristics could be a remedy. ─── 我国法律仅规定了相邻权,但是相邻权在调整土地利用关系上存在若干不可克服的缺陷,地役权以其特有的性质可以对相邻权起到弥补作用。

43、legal easement ─── 法定地役权

44、Finally, the author made an explanation about the option of legislation system of easement. ─── 最后对地役权制度立法体系的选择作了说明。

45、Permanent easement ─── 永久性附属建筑物

46、Article 158 The easement shall be established since the easement contract comes into effect. ─── 第一百五十八条地役权自地役权合同生效时设立。

47、But the construction phase can only begin after route selection, easement negotiations, environmental permitting, and many other pre-construction actions have been accomplished. ─── 但是管道的建设期是在管道定线,土地使用权限和环境评估通过之后才能进行,并且大多数的管道施工的前期工作都已经完成了。

48、Easement of real estate ─── 不动产役权

49、scenic easement ─── 点景建筑物

50、third, easement should be renamed serv it of real property in the name selection. ─── 三是在地役权的名称选择上,地役权宜改称为不动产役权。

51、Article 164 The easement may not be transferred alone. ─── 第一百六十四条地役权不得单独转让。

52、Calculation Method of Inside and Outside Line of Easement Curve Segment ─── 缓和曲线加宽内外边线的计算方法

53、Applicable scope and inner right structure of easement ─── 地役权适用范围及内部权利结构

54、Easement curve was introduced, whereby curvature changes steadily form a straight line to the desired radius. ─── 现在,道路的路线设计已经变成了一项伟大的艺术,需要考虑很多的因素。

55、The fourth part: About the legislation thoughts of easement of our state. ─── 第四部分:关于我国地役权制度的立法思考。

56、7. This easement, made between a landowner and a conservation organisation, maintains the private ownership of the property while permanently prohibiting certain types of development. ─── 保护管理权交易由土地所有者和保护组织达成,保留土地的私人财产所有权,同时,永久禁止某些类型的开发活动。收藏指正

57、Accuracy analysis of coordinating calculation of easement curve ─── 缓和曲线坐标计算的精度分析

58、The Parametric Equations of the Parallel to the Easement Curve and Its Application ─── 缓和曲线平行线的参数方程及应用

59、apparent easement ─── 明显地役权

60、A location map of occupancy shall be submitted upon the application for a registration of superficies or easement, if they are created based on a positive prescription. ─── 因主张时效完成,申请地上权或地役权登记时,应提出占有范围位置图。

61、Abstract: The concept of easement (servitutes praediorum) has always maintained a specific intrinsic prescriptive identity from Roman law to some important modern civil codes. ─── 文章摘要: 自罗马法到近现代一些重要的民法典,地役权概念始终保持了明确的内在规定性。

62、{0>The easement obligee whose benefit has been reduced shall keep the easement right under the benefit ceiling. ─── 因重划致地役权人不能享受与从前相同之利益者,得于保存其利益之限度内设定地役权。

63、Research and Application of Characteristics of the Road Easement Complex Curve (Oval Curve) ─── 公路缓和复曲线(卵型曲线)特性的研究及其应用

64、The third part: The influence of public ownership of land to easement. ─── 第三部分:我国土地公有制对地役权制度的影响。

65、incomplete easement ─── 不完整缓和曲线

66、Article 159 The holder of servient tenement shall allow an easement holder to use his/its land in accordance with the contract, and may not hamper the latter from exercising the right. ─── 第一百五十九条供役地权利人应当按照合同约定,允许地役权人利用其土地,不得妨害地役权人行使权利。

67、Article 156 An easement holder shall, according to the contract, be entitled to utilize the realty of someone else so as to enhance the efficiency of his own realty. ─── 第一百五十七条设立地役权,当事人应当采取书面形式订立地役权合同。地役权合同一般包括下列条款:(一)当事人的姓名或者名称和住所;

68、Easement of pain,activity range,walking ability,and daily action of treatment group were superior to that of control group,there was significant difference between two groups(P

69、Article 108 A location map shall be submitted upon the application for a registration of superficies, permanent lease, easement or dien, if they are created over specific parts of a land. ─── 第108条于一宗土地内就其特定部分申请设定地上权、永佃权、地役权或典权登记时,应提出位置图。

70、With the development of the economy and the improvement of the living level,the scope of the easement will be changed. ─── 然经济的发展、需求的提高,地役权范围必随之变动。

71、Article 157 For creating an easement, the parties shall enter into a contract for easement in written form. ─── 第一百五十七条设立地役权,当事人应当采取书面形式订立地役权合同。

72、Give thy misgivings easement, good my lord. ─── 把你的疑虑放下吧,阁下。

73、gage easement ─── 曲线上轨距加宽量

74、easement of light ─── [法] 采光权

75、Article 157 For establishing an easement, the parties concerned shall enter into an written easement contract. ─── 第一百五十七条设立地役权,当事人应当采取书面形式订立地役权合同。

76、Complete easement ─── 完整缓和曲线

77、easement rent ─── 地役税

78、As a condition of approval, the California Coastal Commission required him to record an easement giving the public lateral access to the beach from adjacent beach property. ─── 作为批准条件之一,加利福尼亚海岸委员会要求拥有者签署一份租约,规定公众从邻近海滩通行此附属物的权利。

79、easement of space ─── 空间役权

80、An easement is a segment of a spiral that provides a smooth transition between tangents and curves, and curves of different radius. ─── 介曲线是一组用来保证在直轨和弯道之间,以及不同半径的弯道之间进行平稳过渡的螺旋线。

81、In this paper, the author make an exploitation of easement under the condition of public ownership of land on the foundation of other"s research accomplishment. ─── 本文在借鉴他人研究成果的基础上,对土地公有制条件下的地役权制度进行了探讨。

82、Easement or Transition Curve ─── 渐曲线

83、westbank> In general, an easement contract shall contain the items as follows: ─── 地役权合同一般包括下列条款:

84、Cue up a touch more quantitative easement, in the shape of that big bad bond buy. ─── 为再多一些定量宽松做好准备吧,其形式是大规模的不良债券购买。

85、Calculation of the area concerning easement curve or its parallel ─── 与缓和曲线及其平行线有关的面积计算

86、floating easement ─── 不固定地役权

87、As outright land purchases have decreased, conservation is increasingly becoming an easement business. ─── 由于完完全全的土地买卖减少了,土地保护越发成为一项高枕无忧的工程。

88、5.It presents the rigorous method to calculate the intersecting point coordinate of the straight line with the parallel to the easement curve. ─── 提出了计算直线与缓和曲线平行线交点坐标的严密方法。

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