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08-15 投稿


dental 发音

英:['dent(?)l]  美:['d?ntl]

英:  美:

dental 中文意思翻译



dental 短语词组

1、dental arthritis ─── [医] 牙关节炎, 牙周炎

2、dental assistant ─── [医]牙科助理医师

3、dental antrum ─── [医] 牙窦, ─── [牙]髓腔

4、comparative dental anatomy ─── [医] 牙体比较解剖学

5、dental aplasia ─── [医] 牙发育不全

6、dental anatomy ─── [医] 牙体解剖学

7、dental appliance ─── [网络] 牙胶;牙科用具;口腔矫治器

8、binary dental alloy ─── [医] 二元牙合金

9、dental anesthesia ─── [医] 牙麻醉

10、dental arch relation ─── [医] 牙弓关系

11、dental arteries ─── [医] 牙动脉

12、dental alloy ─── [化] 补齿合金

13、dental ankylosis ─── [医] 牙牙槽骨粘连

14、dental abscess ─── [医] 牙脓肿

15、dental amalgam ─── [医] 银汞合金(充填牙用)

16、dental articulator ─── [医] Ж架, 咬合架

17、dental bulb ─── [医] 牙胚, 牙蕾

18、dental arch ─── [医] 牙弓, 齿弓

19、dental atrophy ─── [医] 牙萎缩

dental 词性/词形变化,dental变形

异体字: dent- |

dental 相似词语短语

1、edental ─── adj.无齿的

2、bidental ─── adj.具二齿的,双牙的

3、mental ─── adj.精神的;脑力的;疯的;n.精神病患者

4、dentel ─── [建]齿饰

5、rental ─── n.租金收入,租金;租赁;租用的房屋(或汽车、设备等);adj.租赁的;收取租金的

6、dentalia ─── 假牙

7、cental ─── n.百磅(重量单位,等于45.3公斤)

8、dentil ─── n.齿状装饰(等于dentel,denticle,denticule)

9、dentals ─── adj.牙科的;牙齿的,牙的;n.齿音

dental 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Oropharyngeal and dental infections can also cause cervical adenopathy. ─── 口咽炎及牙部感染同样导致颈部腺病。

2、Oolong suppresses dental plaque and helps prevent cavities. ─── 乌龙能抑制牙菌斑及帮助预防蛀牙。

3、The 2006 FDI Annual World Dental Congress (AWDC) in China is fast approaching. ─── 2006年FDI年度世界口腔医疗大会很快就要到来了。

4、Boji Dental Clinic Center was established in 2003. ─── 博济牙科中心成立于2003年。

5、The dental trade exhibition will have the latest cutting edge developments on display. ─── 同期举行的牙科行业展览会上将展出代表当今最新科技发展水平的口腔医疗器材和设备。

6、We will talk more in the future about dental care for children and adults. ─── 可知下文作者可能要谈的是成人和孩子的牙齿保健问题。

7、And it explores ways to include dental health in national health care systems. ─── 同时它也探索把牙齿健康纳入国家健康保健系统的方法。

8、A dentist friend asked me to take a look at a firm that was trying to take over his dental company. ─── 一个牙医朋友叫我看看一个公司的股票,这家公司要收购他们的牙具公司。

9、I was about to leave the house on an errand, and my husband was getting ready for a dental appointment. ─── 我正要离家跑一躺腿,我的丈夫正准备去看牙医。

10、Including Anaesthesiology, Dermatology, Dental, Custodial and Others. ─── 包括麻醉科、皮膚科、牙科、覊留病房及其他。

11、Most dental insurance policies provide some coverage for endodontic treatment. ─── 多数的牙科保险都含盖了根管治疗的内容。

12、I have a dental appointment at 3 pm. ─── 我下午3时有个牙科的预约。

13、EBM in dental field of China is at starting stage. ─── 在我国口腔医学领域循证医学刚刚起步。

14、Medical instrument:dental drills,electrocardio gram recorders,test instruments. ─── 医学器具:牙钻、心电图记录器、试验仪器。

15、The department's Dental Service promotes oral health in the community through promotive and preventive oral health services. ─── 卫生署的牙科服务负责推广口腔健康服务,透过预防工作促进市民的口腔健康。

16、British people can't be all that sophisticated if they don't yet understand the concept of dental hygiene. ─── 英国人不能一切先进的,如果他们还不了解口腔卫生的概念。

17、The report notes that several states now employ dental health directors. ─── 报告指出,好几个州聘请了口腔卫生总监。

18、World Health Organization experts say the dental health situation is different for almost every country in the world. ─── 世界卫生组织的专家说,几乎每个国家的牙齿健康状况都不相同,

19、How to maintain dental sanitation? ─── 如何保持牙齿卫生?

20、Talk to your dentist or dental hygienist about your oral health practices. ─── 告诉你的牙医或者牙科保健师你的口腔保健习惯。

21、I've got a dental appointment at 3 o'clock. ─── 我约了下午3点看牙医。

22、I usually go to the dental department of the Veteran's Hospital. ─── 我通常在荣民医院的牙科。

23、Some ancient people like the Maya did not treat dental disease. ─── 一些古人类,如玛雅人,没有治疗过牙病,

24、A bridge made in the dental laboratory on plaster models. ─── 技工室在石膏模型上制作假牙。

25、Hartz? DENTAL? Chew' n Clean? are patented balls that help clean your dog's teeth and gums, removing harmful tartar. ─── 专业兽医研制,帮助清洁狗狗的牙齿和牙龈,去除有害牙石。

26、You can get free dental treatment for a limited time. ─── 你可以在一定期限内得到免费的牙科治疗。

27、All institutions have their own hospitals or sick bays providing basic medical treatment,health and dental care. ─── 所有惩教机构均设有医院或诊疗室,负责提供基本的医疗、保健和牙科护理服务。

28、Do I get partial or full dental coverage? ─── 我的牙齿保险是部分还是全额给付?

29、But dental health professionals say people should take good care of their teeth and gums. ─── 但是牙齿健康专家表示,人们应该好好照顾自己的牙齿和牙龈。

30、Any dental cement can be used to retain a crown on a permanent abutment. ─── 任何牙科所使用的粘固剂都可以来黏住齿冠于永久支台上。

31、Subsequently, dental healthcare costs can also prove to be a burden for many governments and individuals alike. ─── 因此,牙保健的费用对许多政府和个人都是一个负担。

32、Among the Heraeus organization in China, Heraeus Kulzer Dental Ltd. ? ─── 其中“贺利氏古莎齿科有限公司”??

33、Lew suspended Anderson's dental license last month. ─── 刘法官上月暂时吊扣安德森的牙医执照。

34、Likewise, poor nutrition can lead to dental problems. ─── 同样,营养不良也会引起口腔问题。

35、Dental drug delivery systems have been used for a long time, in particular for the local therapy of diseases affecting the oral cavity. ─── 口腔给药系统已经使用了很长一段时间,特别是对当地治疗疾病影响口腔。

36、A shaft on which a working tool is mounted,as in a dental drill. ─── 心轴用于安装工具的蕊棒,如牙钻蕊棒。

37、That is when the world's first dental school opened in the American city of Baltimore, Maryland. ─── 也就是世界第一家牙科学校在美国马里兰州的巴尔的摩市成立的时候。

38、I'd really like to go, but I have a dental appointment tomorrow afternoon. ─── 我实在很想去,但我明天下午和牙医有约。

39、A dental laser shines a powerful beam through a fiber-optic cable connected to a hand piece resembling a standard drill. ─── 医牙激光通过连在手上类似一个标准牙钻的东西上的光导纤维索而发射出强大的光束。

40、DMFT describes the amount or the prevalence of dental caries in an individual. ─── DMFT反应个体的数量和程度。

41、Dental implants have been used to restore missing teeth for a period of time. ─── 植牙技术运用于改善患者缺牙问题已有一段时间。

42、In particular, it is not candy bedtime to prevent dental caries. ─── 尤其是临睡前不要吃糖,预防龋齿。

43、You will automatically get free dental treatment if you are under 18. ─── 18 岁以下的人一律免费得到牙科治疗。

44、I like to use dental floss rather than toothpick. ─── 我喜欢使用牙线而非牙签。

45、Dental CAD system is the significant component of dental CAD/CAM system. ─── 口腔修复CAD系统是口腔固定修复CAD/CAM技术的重要组成部分。

46、Analyzing the cause on medical dispute in the dental treatment. ─── 口腔医疗中医患纠纷原因分析。

47、Have "Tongzi" Fossils Symptom of Dental Fluorosis? ─── "桐梓人"化石具有氟斑牙的病征吗?

48、In 2005, she visit Fukuoka Dental College in Japan to study implantology. ─── 专长为种植体支持的赝复体修复,硅橡胶配色及假体制作。

49、If a beaver needed dental work, where would it go? ─── 如果一只海狸需要补牙,那么它应该去找谁呢?

50、Check with your doctor before having any dental or medical work done. ─── 如果你有任何检查前牙医师或医疗工作。

51、Boji-Meihua Dental Clinic located in the core area of Guangzhou Dongshan. ─── 博济牙科梅花门诊部位于广州东山核心区。

52、Amid a stream of blood and saliva, the two halves of a dental plate fell out of his mouth. ─── 在鲜血和口水中,他的嘴里掉出来打成两半的一排假牙。

53、ZrO 2-CBC is a kind of promising dental implant material. ─── ZrO2 -CBC是一种有前途的牙科种植体材料

54、Dental caries result in tooth decay and cavities. It is the most common disorder affecting the teeth. ─── 导致蛀牙和牙洞产生,是影响牙健康最常见的牙病。

55、How to make dental indolence? ─── 怎样怎样使牙齿不痛?

56、I really like to go, but I have a dental appointment tomorrow afternoon. ─── 我实在很想去,但我明天下午有牙医有约。

57、Some dental floss will help to loosed the grip of the old adhesive. ─── 一些牙线将帮助减小旧胶粘剂的粘合力。

58、In persons over 35, periodontal disease causes the loss of more teeth than does dental caries, or decay. ─── 在35岁以上的人中,牙周病引起的脱齿比龋齿还多。

59、FOSHAN COXO MEDICAL INSTRUMENT CO., LTD is a professional medical instrument and dental component manufacturer. ─── 佛山市宇森医疗器械有限公司是一家专业从事齿科医疗器械和齿科医疗配件生产的企业。

60、He is affected too much by his dialect and can't pronounce dental sounds well. ─── 他说话方言很重,发不好舌尖音。

61、All these rise to protect action to dental enamel. ─── 所有这些都对牙齿的珐琅质起到保护作用。

62、A new study suggests that gum disease may result from reduced levels of a key enzyme in cells in addition to indifferent dental hygiene. ─── 一项新的研究提示,牙龈疾病除了口腔卫生不良以外,还可能由于细胞内一种重要酶的水平降低而发生。

63、Experts say these activities will help everyone improve their dental health throughout their lives. ─── 专家说,这些做法将帮助人们在生活中改善他们的牙齿状况。

64、I've got a dental appointment at 3 o'clock. ─── 我约了3点看牙医。

65、A Novel System for Constructing Voxel-based Finite Element (FE)Models of Dental Implant and Jawbone. ─── 基于体素的牙种植体及颌骨的有限元建模

66、Dental Clinic Information Management System. ─── 优医联盟口腔诊所管理系统。

67、The insurance I had did not cover6 eye and dental care,which were very expensive. ─── 我的保险不包括眼睛和口腔,因为这两项费用太贵。

68、How to Manage Your Dental Clinic Successfully? ─── 如何成功地建立私立牙科诊所?

69、You will automatically get free dental treatment if you are under 18. ─── 以下的人一律免费得到牙科治疗。

70、A dental technician specializing in making and fitting dentures as a direct service to the public rather than through a licensed dentist. ─── 假牙师一种牙科技术师,其专长在于制造和安装假牙,他可以直接为公众服务,而不必通过有执照的牙科医生

71、Many of the bodies were unidentifiable except by dental records. ─── 许多尸体若不是靠牙科病历就无法辨认。

72、Dental clinics shall be made available within ten miles of each community. ─── 应该在每个社团的十英里内开一个牙科诊所。

73、I will like to have a dental checked - up. ─── 我要去牙科做一次检查。

74、A shaft on which a working tool is mounted, as in a dental drill. ─── 心轴用于安装工具的蕊棒,如牙钻蕊棒

75、Brushing teeth, gargle to clean mouth, dental protection is only a complement to it. ─── 刷牙、漱口对清洁口腔、保护牙齿仅是它的补充。

76、I don't need to use it in the dental clinic as I've got my technique down pat. ─── 我在牙科诊所里并不需要穿戴假腿,因为我的技术已经炉火纯青。

77、When use dental floss, how to bleed gum lane? ─── 使用牙线时,如何不把牙龈弄出血?

78、I had undergone a major dental operation. ─── 我经受了一次牙科大手术。

79、But is it a true representation of the state of dental health in the UK population, or an unsubstantiated convenient statement? ─── 但它是否真的能够真正代表国家的牙齿健康,英国的人口,或未经证实的方便声明?

80、Does your current plans adequately cover your medical and dental expenses? ─── 您目前的保险足够支付医疗及牙科保健开支吗?

81、Dental bar chairs are necessarily reclined. ─── 可以约上几个平日要好的朋友或同事,或者是通过网站发帖来邀请志同道合的驴友们去同一目的地集体出游,不但可以一起包车,还可以团购景区的门票,一起在餐馆就餐。

82、The following appeared in a newsletter on dental health. ─── 下述文字摘自有关牙齿健康的一份时事通讯。

83、I am a dental assistant (nurse, hygienist). ─── 我是口腔科助手(护士,卫生士)。

84、Usually pay attention to dental health, and protect teeth. ─── 平时要注意牙齿卫生,保护好牙齿。

85、The doctor told me that I have many dental problems. ─── 医生说我的牙齿问题很多。

86、At the party here, Karen Schotanus, a 42-year-old dental hygienist who met Ms. ─── 42岁的牙科保健师凯伦.修塔娜丝在邻居的车库拍卖会中结识柯坦。

87、Facilities for dental treatment, especially in cases of emergency. ─── 得到牙病治疗的便利,特别是在紧急情况下。

88、We had a completely equipped dental clinic and a medical room with a full-time nurse in charge. ─── 我们有一间设备完全的牙科诊疗所和一间由一个全日工作的护士来管理的医药室。

89、People also should use dental floss to remove plaque from between the teeth. ─── 人们应该使用牙线来清除牙齿间的牙斑。


teethn.齿;牙( tooth的名词复数 );齿状部份;致力于( 有难度的事);tooth的复数形式;(组织、法律等)强大有效;不顾危险(或反对等)



armaturen.电枢;衔铁; 转子;支架

densn.窝点;牙齿,齿状部分;兽窝( den的名词复数 );休息室;书斋


I have a loose tooth.



Deposits of plaque build up between the tooth and the gum.



Which tooth pains you?



Thoroughly brush teeth and gums twice daily



You can get free dental treatment.


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