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08-15 投稿


extempore 发音

英:[?k?stemp?ri]  美:[?k?stemp?ri]

英:  美:

extempore 中文意思翻译





extempore 网络释义

adj. 当场的,即席的adv. 无准备地;即兴地n. 即席之作

extempore 短语词组

1、extempore 2020 ─── 即席2020

2、extempore pro ─── 即席表演

3、extempore oto ─── 即席表演

4、extempore play ─── 即兴演奏

5、extempore app ─── 即席应用程序

6、extempore define ─── 即席定义

7、extempore is ─── 即席

extempore 词性/词形变化,extempore变形

副词: extemporarily |

extempore 相似词语短语

1、extemporizer ─── 即席

2、extemporiser ─── 即兴表演

3、extemporal ─── adj.权宜之计的;无准备的

4、tempore ─── 暂时的

5、extemporized ─── vi.即兴演奏或演说;临时凑合;vt.即兴演奏或演说;当场作成

6、extemporised ─── 即席

7、extemporises ─── 即兴演奏

8、extemporize ─── vi.即兴演奏或演说;临时凑合;vt.即兴演奏或演说;当场作成

9、extemporise ─── 即兴演奏

extempore 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Extempore Creation in the Process of Shooting a TV Literary Program ─── 文学电视片拍摄中的即兴创作

2、poet once wrote an extempore poem here. ─── 诗人曾经在这里留题了一首诗。

3、his ad-lib comments showed poor judgment; an extemporaneous piano recital; an extemporary lecture; an extempore skit; offhand excuses; trying to sound offhanded and reassuring; an off-the-cuff toast; a few unrehearsed comments. ─── 他的即席评论显得缺乏判断力;临时的钢琴独奏会;即席演讲;即席幽默;临时借口;试图听起来即席又可靠;即席祝酒;一些临时评论。

4、extempore accompaniment ─── 即兴伴奏

5、speak offhand [extempore] ─── 即席发言

6、A great poet once wrote an extempore poem here. ─── 一位大诗人曾经在这里留题了一首诗。

7、an extempore forge had been set up in the yard for the shoeing of hunters; ─── 院子里建起了临时的锻炉,准备给打猎的马儿钉蹄铁;

8、The song was composed extempore. ─── 这个曲子是即席作成的。

9、His means of communication - singing the poems or hymns he had composed extempore - was all his own. ─── 吟唱他即席创作的诗歌或圣歌——是他的特有的交流手段。

10、Host: We have to give Ah Cheng and Ah Hao, the two guitar players, an applause again!I invited them to come here extempore. ─── 啤梨:我们要为两位结他手,阿成和阿豪手再次鼓掌,我临时找他们来,他们都没有练习过!

11、Host: We have to give Ah Cheng and Ah Hao, the two guitar players, an applause again! I invited them to come here extempore . ─── 啤梨:我们要为两位结他手,阿成和阿豪手再次鼓掌,我临时找他们来,他们都没有练习过!

12、compose extempore ─── 即席作

13、an extempore address ─── 即席演讲

14、PETRUCHIO. It is extempore, from my mother wit. ─── 彼特鲁乔:我这些话都是不假思索,随口而出。

15、When he was a boy at Drayton Manor, his father was accustomed to set him up at table to practise speaking extempore and he early accustomed him to repeat as much of the Sunday's sermon as he could remember. ─── 他小时候在德雷顿在园时,他父亲总是让他坐在桌旁练习即席讲话;并且很早使他习惯于尽量重复他所记忆的礼拜天的布道文。

16、1.[Formal] impromptu; extemporaneous; offhand; improvised; ad lib; extempore; 2.to take one's seat ─── 即席

17、At the farewell party the emperor showed great reluctance to leave and Fairy Mother Goddess toasted him again and again, singing extempore ─── 分手时,穆王依依不舍,西王母再三劝饮,即席歌曰

18、He was grasped extempore. ─── 他当场被抓。

19、First is the extempore of the artist"s creativity, make the "incompleteness" art work. ─── 一是画家即兴的绘画状态,使画面产生了“非完整”的效果。

20、an extempore speech ─── 即席讲话

21、an extempore skit; ─── 即席幽默;

22、The instant finding, seizing the opportunity in good time and fully playing on spot in the observation of the accident form the trilogy of the extempore interview. ─── 即兴采访是记者在遭遇意外的情势下,针对已经发生变化的客观环境及时对采访报道进行调整和发挥,使采访沿着新的变化延续下去的一种采访行为。


24、a speech given extempore ─── 即席(或不用讲稿)发表的讲演

25、QUINCE You may do it extempore, for it is nothing but roaring. ─── 昆斯:你不用预备,你只要嚷嚷就算了。

26、Initiated by three-quarters of the Directors, the Chairman can convene extempore Board meeting while memorandum of the meeting shall be kept on file. ─── 由四分之三的董事提议,董事长可以召开临时董事会议,而会议纪要应存档。

27、She studies very hard and has passed the Cambridge English Examination (III) in September, 2006.She won the second place in the 6th Extempore Composition Contest in Suzhou. ─── 因踏实的学习作风,她在06年9月通过了剑桥少儿英语3级的考试,并在第六届当场作文大赛中获得了二等奖,她无疑是六(6)班一颗闪亮的星星。

28、A Report on the Richter Extempore Piano Competition ─── 记李赫特尔即兴钢琴比赛

29、A great poet once wrote an extempore poem here. ─── 一位大诗人曾经在这里留题了一首诗。

30、When he was a boy at Drayton Manor, his father was accustomed to set him up at table to practice speaking extempore and he early accustomed him to repeat as much of the Sunday's sermon as he could remember. ─── 他小时候在德雷顿庄园时,他父亲总是让他坐在桌旁练习即席讲话,并且很早就使他习惯于尽量重复他记忆中的礼拜天的布道文。

31、an extempore skit. ─── 即兴小品。

32、The solid formulation is dissolved in a suitable solvent before being administered to the patient, i. e. being prepared extempore. ─── 该固体制剂在被施予患者前被溶于合适的溶剂,即被临时配制。

33、He is tackled extempore because of stealing the money, before which i think he is a honest man all the way . ─── 他偷钱当场被人抓住,在此之前我一直误以为他是个老实人。

34、The song was composed extempore. ─── 这个曲子是即席做成的。

35、ROLAP involves in complex extempore query on a mass of data.These queries include multi-table join and aggregation operation from SQL's point of view. ─── 摘要在ROLAP中往往涉及到大量数据的复杂即席查询,从SQL角度看,这些查询通常都包含多表连接和分组聚集操作。

36、At the farewell party the emperor showed great reluctance to leave and Fairy Mother Goddess toasted him again and again, singing extempore: ─── 分手时,穆王依依不舍,西王母再三劝饮,即席歌曰:

37、Not Lamine dagger-axe dance was a kind of extempore dance originally. ─── 弗拉明戈舞原来是一种即兴舞蹈。

38、Inspired by him, Wu drew an extempore mural on the wall of the Tiangong Temple. ─── 吴很受他启发,即兴在天宫寺墙壁上画了一幅壁画。

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