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08-15 投稿


billboard 发音

英:[?b?lb??rd]  美:[?b?lb??d]

英:  美:

billboard 中文意思翻译




billboard 网络释义

n. 广告牌;布告板vt. 宣传;介绍

billboard 短语词组

1、billboard awards ─── 公告牌奖

2、billboard advertising ─── 展台广告

3、electronic billboard ─── 电子广告牌

4、billboard china ─── 公告牌中国

5、billboard news ─── 广告牌新闻

6、japan billboard ─── 日本广告牌

7、billboard music award ─── 公告牌音乐奖

8、billboard antenna ─── [电] 板形天线

9、billboard japan ─── 公告牌日本

10、billboard chart ─── 公告牌排行榜

11、lady gaga billboard lady gaga ─── 广告牌

12、electric billboard ─── 电子广告牌

13、billboard device ─── 广告牌装置

14、hello sorry billboard ─── 你好抱歉广告牌

15、this billboard designed by ─── 此广告牌由

16、billboard music awards ─── 公告牌音乐奖

17、billboard top ─── 广告牌顶部

18、billboard hot tour ─── 公告牌热巡演

19、this billboard designed ─── 这个广告牌设计

billboard 词性/词形变化,billboard变形


billboard 相似词语短语

1、bellyboard ─── 冲浪运动板

2、call-board ─── n.通告板

3、callboard ─── n.通告板

4、bilge board ─── 舱底污水道盖板;污水板;船边盖板;污水沟活动盖板

5、billiard ─── n.台球戏,康乐球游戏;台球,桌球;(台球的)双球连击;连撞两球的一击所得的分数;adj.台球的;n.(Billiard)(美)比亚尔(人名)

6、millboard ─── n.书面厚纸

7、billboards ─── n.[经]广告牌,户外看板(billboard复数)

8、fallboard ─── 木窗板

9、wallboard ─── n.墙板,壁板

billboard 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Teen femme phenom Britney Spears was honored as "Billboard" magazine's Female Artist Of The Year, New Artist Of The Year, Female Albums Artist of The Year, and Female Hot 100 Singles Artist Of The Year. ─── 少年女歌星Britney Spears被"Billboard"杂志评为年度女歌手,年度新艺人,年度女艺人唱片奖和年度hot 100单曲女艺人。

2、Cyclists park beneath a billboard advertising sport shoes, a reflection of China's burgeoning economy. ─── 人们在一面运动鞋的广告牌下面停放自行车,这是一个中国迅猛增长的经济的见证。

3、Shanghai Kwunwun Advertising and Media Co, Ltd is a media and production company that primarily focuses on automobile billboard advertisement. ─── 上海坤威广告传播有限公司是一家具有以车身广告为主的媒体、制作公司。

4、The text on the billboard is French, I do not know, but there are a sign I can understand the meaning of it. ─── 广告牌上的文字是法文,我看不懂,但是上面有一个标志我能够明白它的含义。

5、Other multiple award winners included Latino superstar Ricky Martin and country trio the Dixie Chicks, both of whom won three "Billboard" Music Awards. ─── 其他多奖获得者包括拉丁超级明星Ricky Martin和乡村三重唱Dixie Chicks,他们都获得了三项大奖。

6、Toles depicts Kerry and an advisor strolling past the White House, atop which workmen are busy covering a billboard with an anti-Kerry ad. ─── 在托尔斯的漫画中,克里和一位幕僚正漫步走过白宫,而在白宫顶上两个工人正忙着画完一个写有反对克里标语的宣传牌。

7、Technology has changed the nature of the billboard business, making it a more effective medium than in the past. ─── 科技改变了广告牌行业的性质,使其成为比过去更有效的媒介。

8、The venue also featured an elaborate billboard made by fellow initiates to provide detailed answers to common questions about vegetarianism. ─── 会场也放置同修精心制作的问题回答看版,以问答的形式,详尽解答外界对素食的疑惑。

9、Cold November rains drenched the earth and lent everything the gloomy air of a Flemish landscape: the ground crew ran gear, a flag atop a squat airport building, a BMW billboard. ─── 11月砭人肌肤的冷雨将大地涂得一片阴沉,使得身披雨衣的地勤工、呆然垂向地面的候机楼上的旗,以及BMW广告板等的一切的一切,看上去竟同佛兰德派抑郁画幅的背景一般。

10、Billboard spreads will be simpler and more eye-catching. ─── 广告牌广告会比较简单且更引人注目。

11、A worker gives a final touch-up to the giant Chinese New Year billboard in down town Kuala Lumpur, in celebration for the Lunar New Year celebrations. ─── 吉隆坡市中心一名工人完成一幅庆祝中国新年巨幅看板的最后修饰,为农历新年庆祝活动做准备。

12、Billboard magazine says the top album of 2002 was recorded by rap music artist Eminem. ─── 《排行榜》发布2002年最受欢迎的专辑是说唱音乐歌手艾米纳姆的专辑

13、On their FIFA or PES games they immediately go to Real Madrid because the player on the billboard was wearing a Madrid kit and the kid owns one too. ─── 在FIFA或者PES游戏里,孩子们会立马选择皇马,因为在广告牌上那些球员穿着皇马的球衣,而这些球衣他们也有一件。

14、The billboard of multicoloured everywhere bristly, peddle emphaticly as one falls, all these makes a person happy. ─── 五颜六色的广告牌四处林立,抑扬顿挫的叫卖声此起彼伏,这一切都使人欣喜。

15、With a minimal architectural subversion, the billboard could embed living, stocking, technical or working spaces and become a relevant infrastructure for the construction site. ─── 伴随最低限度的建筑破坏,广告牌可以嵌入生活,储存,技术或工作空间,并成为有关基础设施的施工现场。

16、After a brief spell in the armed forces,he ploughed his energies into his father's billboard business. ─── 在军队中短暂地呆了一段时间后,特纳把精力投入到父亲的广告牌业务中。

17、There is a Starbucks in the Forbidden City, a billboard for Clinique cosmetics outside a Beijing department store, signs at the Temple of Heaven translated into uneasy English. ─── 中国的发展,成长和壮大之快让人目瞪口呆。

18、The Billboard Awards had been a staple since 1989, but handed out what appeared to be its last award in 2006. ─── 美国公告牌音乐奖从1989年开始成为美国的一项基本内容,但2006年举行了似乎是最后一场的颁奖典礼。

19、The billboard fell to the ground and luckily, no one was hurt. ─── 广告牌砸倒在地,幸运的是无一人受伤。

20、On the strength of their singles,including the crushing title track and the more pensive" What's This Life For",Creed topped countless year end charts and was recognized as the Rock Artist of the Year at Billboard's 1998 Music Awards. ─── 凭借单曲的实力,包括所向披靡的主打歌与一首较为感伤的《此生为何》,"信念"雄踞无数的年终排行榜之冠,还荣膺"排行榜音乐大奖1998年度最佳摇滚艺人奖"。

21、A billboard in Vice City Stories for the PSP appears to reference to a new GTA game for PSP. ─── 在PSP上的罪都故事上里一块广告牌上出现了一个新的对应PSP的GTA游戏。

22、If you've seen the hit movie Daredevil, you've heard a Little Rock band that is making it's way up the Billboard Charts! ─── 如果你观看过热门影片《夜魔侠》,你就听到过一个来自小石城的乐队的演唱,他们正在“公告牌”排行榜上节节上升。

23、It looks like the comma before "Harry" everyone had fought for in the teaser poster went missing from the billboard. ─── 在之前的海报上,大家能看到在“哈利”字样前有一个逗号,可这块广告牌看上去好像丢掉了这个逗点。

24、Teen femme phenom Britney Spears was honored as "Billboard" magazine's Female Artist Of The Year,New Artist Of The Year,Female Albums Artist of The Year,and Female Hot 100 Singles Artist Of The Year. ─── 少年女歌星Britney Spears被“Billboard”杂志评为年度女歌手,年度新艺人,年度女艺人唱片奖和年度Hot 100单曲女艺人。

25、After the final tallies were in,her debut had landed at the No.1spot on the Billboard charts. ─── 当最后的记录完成时,她的首张专辑在Billboard排行榜上高居首位。

26、A group has put up this billboard showing a gaunt, naked woman next to this ad showcasing a model. ─── 一个团队将画着一名憔悴的裸体妇女的广告牌放在另一块广告牌上,那块广告上是一名模特。

27、Billboard technology is applied to optimize particle system, and texture mapping technology and blending technology are applied to render the particles of missile exhaust plume. ─── 应用公告板技术对粒子系统进行了优化,应用纹理映射技术和融合技术对火焰粒子进行渲染。

28、How 2005 Billboard of Chinese Universities Comes Out? ─── 2005年中国大学排行榜是如何产生的?

29、Come Away with Me has been on the Billboard charts for 51 weeks and now stands at No.3 --a feat of astounding longevity. ─── 专辑里其他原创歌曲听起来甚至也有点旧曲重唱的感觉。到目前为止,《远走高飞》专辑在排行榜上持续了51周,现在排名第3,可算是惊人的长寿了。

30、I certainly can not let her do not register account, so she attacks, and hit my face, I used the door to the billboard, I have another hat and necktie bad. ─── 不登记我当然不能让她进去,于是她就骂人,并且打了我一巴掌,还用门口的广告牌打我,把我的帽子和领带也都扯坏了。”

31、In our eyes, the outdoor billboard is not solely an enlarged picture.It is an art, art of the street, art of the city. ─── 在我们看来,户外看板并不仅仅是一张放大了的图片,我们把它当作一门艺术,街道的艺术,城市的艺术。

32、By using an existing billboard's support structure Aeroform has a minimal impact on the environment and its site. ─── 利用现存广告牌的支撑结构,Aeroform对环境和基地的影响很小。

33、Daniel, come and look at this billboard. ─── 大牛,你来看看这个。禁牌。

34、So the plane landed in between the buildings and got to a full stop in front of this little billboard. ─── 之后飞机降落在一些楼的中间,并停在了这个小广告牌的前面。

35、If you do not like my song.....you can just take a look at the billboard.....the professional western song ranking board.... ─── 幸福是什么?....幸福就是猫吃鱼,狗吃肉,奥特曼打小怪兽!

36、Billboard says the male rock group Nickelback recorded the top single record of 2002. ─── 《排行榜》2002年最受欢迎单曲来自男子摇滚组合五分钱乐队(Nickelback),

37、We will be present at the music pioneer billboard ceremony today. ─── 今天我们要参加音乐先锋榜的颁奖典礼哦!

38、The billboard advertisements got the best reactions. They are eye catching as well as original enough to make a good impression on the target age group. ─── 很好.但我的想法和你不同.我计划用媒体组合来达到市场目标.我们的主要目标是在目标顾客中建立起品牌知名度.查看全文来源分类:商务外贸

39、Despite the aggressive nature most tennis players possess, Anna Kounakouva still trembled as she was hoisted high to sign on her own billboard. ─── 尽管在球坛上的库尔尼科娃杀气腾腾的,但是,当人们把她吊到半空为商家作广告宣传时,她还是吓得周身发抖。

40、So, here's one -- pulled from a glowing holographic billboard -- that we've captured for your closer inspection. ─── 因此,我们特地摘选出一副闪闪发亮的全息广告牌,供大家仔细瞧个清楚。

41、"Wear high like Yan'an over there, press a regulation to cannot establish billboard, but there were two signs all the same last year. ─── “像延安高架那里,按规定不能设立广告牌,但去年照样有两块牌子。”

42、car shaped some of the most lasting aspects of American culture: the roadside diner, the billboard, the motel, even the hamburger. ─── 汽车塑造了美国文化中一些最恒久的一面:路边餐馆、广告牌、汽车旅馆,甚至汉堡包。

43、Media agent, advertising at Capital International Airport, CI billboard planning, promotion of travel businesses, hotels, exhibition organizers and product brands. ─── 媒体代理,机场广告,CI路牌广告策划,以及旅游、酒店、展览业企业及产品的品牌宣传策划。

44、During his long career, he's taken 21 songs to the top of Billboard's Country chart. ─── 在他的音乐生涯里,曾经有21首歌登上排行榜乡村版的头名位置。

45、Billboard says the second most popular song of the year was recorded by the top female recording artist of 2002. ─── 《排行榜》第二首最受欢迎的单曲由2002年最红的女歌手录制。

46、Later I found that the characters of the billboard are all Chinese. The spring festival passed nearly one week, does this place have many overseas Chinese? ─── 后来才发现,火车站前广场上的花圃里,居然是恭贺新禧几个中文。春节过去一个星期了,难不成这里有不少的老中?

47、In the latter round, presented an interesting interlude, the ball after being out-of-bounds rolls the billboard, the referee and the player in abundance seek for the rubber ball. ─── 在后一个回合中,出现了一个有趣的插曲,球在出界后滚到了广告牌后,裁判和球员纷纷寻找起皮球来。

48、Dare to be different, please don't smoke!" pleads one billboard campaign aimed at reducing smoking among teenagers—teenagers, who desire nothing more than fitting in. ─── 敢于不同,请勿吸烟!”一个旨在减少青少年吸烟的广告牌的标语,因为青少年最渴望融入他人。

49、Pakistani street vendors walk past a billboard outside a garment shop in Rawalpindi, 18 June 2007. ─── 巴基斯坦街头小贩18日走过拉瓦平第一家服饰店外面的大型广告看板。

50、A tour throughout the States has meant " Swear It Again" is rapidly climbing the Billboard charts. ─── 全美巡演令《再度发誓》在排行榜上急速攀升。

51、Despite the aggressive nature most tennis players possess , Anna Kounakouva still trembled as she was hoisted high to sign on her own billboard. ─── 尽管在球坛上的库尔尼科娃杀气腾腾的,但是,当人们把她吊到半空为商家作广告宣传时,她还是吓得周身发抖。

52、The debut single, "Somebody Like You" sits at No. 4 on Billboard's Hot Country Singles Chart as I write this review, and is still moving up. ─── 初次登场独身者," 某人喜欢你" 当我写这检讨, 而且仍然正在移动,坐在布告板的热国家独身者图解上的 4 号前在上面。

53、FRANCE.Paris. 2003.A man walks by a billboard with a goldfish and fishbowl on it. ─── 2003年,法国,巴黎,一名男子经过一副画着金鱼和玻璃鱼缸的广告牌。

54、R &B diva Mariah Carey was selected as the "Billboard" Artist Of The Decade, an award that recognized the singer for her continued dominance[3] of the pop charts in the '90s. ─── r &b天后mariahcarey被评为"billboard"的artistofthedecade。这个奖项是专门为了奖励carey在90年代在流行乐坛所做出的杰出贡献。

55、They spend vast sums on nationwide advertising campaigns ,competing for markets from every billboard ,newspaper ,and television ,screen . ─── 他们在花大钱开展全国性的广告活动,在每一个招贴广告栏,每一张报纸,每一台电视屏幕上争夺市场。

56、The framed structure of the billboard contains unused space that could and should be activated by a reassessment of its purpose and program. ─── 在框架结构的广告牌内蕴藏有未使用的空间,应该启动重新评估其目的和计划。

57、Cent numerous medium withholds advertising of business of its Internet ad, cinema only Wu and business of traditional and outdoors billboard. ─── 分众传媒只保留其互联网广告业务、影院广告业务以及传统户外广告牌业务。

58、After a brief spell in the armed forces,he ploughed his energies into his father's billboard business,purchasing a radio station and using empty billboards to advertise it. ─── 在军队中短暂地呆了一段时间后,特纳把精力投入到父亲的广告牌业务中。他购买了一家广播电台,然后利用空闲的广告牌为电台做宣传。

59、R&B diva Mariah Carey was selected as the "Billboard" Artist Of The Decade, an award that recognized the singer for her continued dominance[3] of the pop charts in the '90s. ─── R&B天后Mariah Carey被评为"Billboard"的Artist Of The Decade。 这个奖项是专门为了奖励Carey在90年代在流行乐坛所做出的杰出贡献。

60、The view is hidden by the billboard. ─── 广告板把视线挡住了。

61、The 3D engine first renders the 3D tree model to a texture, then places that texture in your scene as a billboard. ─── 3D引擎渲染的首先步骤是给3D树模型加入纹理,然后把你在场景中寄予的纹理当做一个公告板。

62、You will see a big "GIORDANO" billboard on a shop opposite the road in front of u. ─── 乘电梯往下,你会看到一个大的“佐丹奴”招牌店就在马路对面。

63、The company did respond to questions about how much Xinhua is paying for the billboard. ─── SherwoodEquities未回复新华社所付租金是多少的问题。

64、"My dream casting would be for Sean and Kristin to extend for another year, " she said, "and keep that billboard in Times Square. " ─── “我梦想的情形是西恩和克里斯汀再演一年”,她说,“让那广告牌留在时代广场。”

65、You will expect to hear the No.1 song in the Billboard Charts. So we play that. ─── 你可能希望听到"公告牌"排行榜上第一名的歌曲,那么我们就播放这些歌。

66、It is recommended to be far away from billboard, temporary building and old tree to prevent from injury while being out of door. ─── 如果在室外,要远离广告牌、临时搭建物和老树,避免砸伤。

67、Jinling Hotel, Changzhou have to do tomorrow airport billboard design, we strive for distinguished work, luxurious, dependable, honorable to show customers. ─── 在为常州金陵明都大饭店做机场广告牌设计时,我们的作品力争尊贵、华、方,以显示顾客的尊贵。

68、The moment the announcement of Mei Lanfang's performance was written on the billboard outside the theater, tickets sold out in a rush. ─── 剧场门外的水牌上刚写出梅兰芳的演出预告,票就被抢购一空了。

69、That success was capped by a flurry of honors,most notably a Billboard award for Top Female Country Artist of 1994 and an Academy of Country Music award for Favorite New Female. ─── 一系列荣誉又为成功锦上添花,其中最瞩目的是1994年"排行榜最佳乡村女歌手奖"及"乡村音乐学院奖"之"最受欢迎的新女歌手"。

70、She desperately wants to be famous and uses her savings to buy a billboard. ─── 她急切地希望触摸,并且利用她的储蓄购买了一个广告牌。

71、R&B diva Mariah Carey was selected as the "Billboard" Artist Of The Decade,an award that recognized the singer for her continued dominance[3] of the pop charts in the'90s. ─── R&B天后Mariah Carey被评为"Billboard"的Artist Of The Decade。这个奖项是专门为了奖励Carey在90年代在流行乐坛所做出的杰出贡献。

72、The superior billboard effect is heightened by rotogravure-printed labels, which are cleverly designed half-red and half-white, underscoring the product's reduced calories status. ─── 优越的广告牌效果更加凹版印刷印制的标签,这是巧妙设计半红半白,强调产品的减少热量的地位。

73、One of the next Billboard-chart-topping musical artists is patiently rehearsing in her garage. ─── 下一届排行榜冠军音乐艺术家正在她的车库中不厌其烦地排练;

74、The billboard pictured a handsome, thirtyish man smoking a cigarette. ─── 在这个广告牌是一位30岁左右的英俊男子在抽烟的照片。

75、Britney Spears,Backstreet Boys,Ricky Martin hold court at Billboard Awards. ─── Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys, Ricky Martin在Billboard大奖中榜上有名。

76、The song, which features belated singer and producer Static Major, opened at # 56 on Billboard’s Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart. ─── 与老调的歌手兼制作人Static Major合作的这支Lollipop首发便排在了公告牌最热R&B/Hip-Hop单曲榜第56名的位置。

77、She is also a perennial favorite at the American Music Awards, the Blockbuster Awards, and Billboard Awards. ─── 她还是美国音乐奖、靡唱片奖及公告牌等奖中的不落之星。

78、Small billboard proceeds shall may be owned? ─── 小区广告牌收益应归谁所有?

79、And on differing ends of the rock spectrum, both Metallica and Creed were honored with two "Billboard" awards each. ─── 在摇滚音乐方面,Metallica和Creed各自获得两项"billboard"大奖。

80、He ploughed his energies into his father's billboard business. ─── 他把精力投入到父亲的广告牌业务中。

81、And after a week of complaints, this racy Chicago billboard has been removed from its downtown perch. ─── 在被抱怨了一周之后,这幅芝加哥市中心的广告版终于被搬走了。

82、In order to realize more realistic results of simulation, the research is made on ways to apply billboard technology, texture mapping technology and blending technology. ─── 为使模拟效果更逼真,研究了公告板技术、纹理映射技术和融合技术。

83、And Focus Media would keep holding its internet advertising, cinema advertising and traditional outdoor billboard business. ─── 分众传媒将保留其互联网广告业务,影院广告业务以及传统户外广告牌业务。

84、History exert compares paper towel case, also can hang on the wall, girl hand baseplate, do not smoke please billboard, a kind very what the canal uses is breathed. ─── 史努比纸巾盒,也可以挂在墙上,女孩手机座,请勿吸烟告示牌,一种很管用的无声。

85、Within ten years, the newspaper outgrew the building and moved on, but Eidlitz's famous monument still stands, flashing news and announcements on its giant billboard of lights. ─── 十年之内,报业不断的扩张,这栋大楼也需要扩建,但是爱德利兹的纪念碑还是留在原地,在那面巨大的灯光看板上还是继续闪动着新闻与各式各样的公告。

86、Low power consumption, long service life and strong fog-penetrability. Square, airport, dock, station, billboard and exhibition lighting. ─── 寿命长,透雾能力强。适用于广场、机场、码头、车站及广告牌,展览馆等聚光照明。

87、The concept of a human billboard is hardly new. ─── 其实,拿人身打广告并不新鲜。

88、Rolex billboard on the side of a Four Seasons hotel under construction overlooks Red Square. ─── 一座四星级宾馆一侧,一劳力士广告牌正在修建。广告牌俯视着红埸。

89、On a large billboard there is a computer-generated design for neat rows of apartment blocks and even a swimming-pool. ─── 在一个很大的公告版上绘有电脑设计的整整齐齐的住宅楼,甚至还有游泳池。





比如抖森。请把要长相有长相要才华有才华的抖森的英文名Tom Hiddleston快速连读二十遍,就会收获抖森的昵称了,鹅且,抖森本人也已经知道了他的外号~


有两个昵称的并不只384,前一阵子搭档屈臣氏小姐出演美女与野兽的Dan Stevens,也有两个昵称!当年一部的《唐顿庄园》,让蓝眼睛的Dan Stevens收获了大表哥的昵称,这个昵称来的,简单粗暴,因为他出演的马修克劳利,就是Lord Grantham的表亲,也是女主Mary的大表哥……

不过Dan还有一个萌萌的昵称叫做丹丹龙,这个称呼的由来,也是有点复杂。起因是爱好中文的大表哥在和中国粉丝互动之后,用了坑爹的谷歌翻译,发出了一条“希望我能继续做好中偶尔鸣叫!”的推特,大家在一脸懵逼之后发现把“to tweet”翻译成了鸣叫……所以开始叫他偶尔鸣叫,之后大表哥又想要在自己的中文昵称当中加入dragon(龙)的元素,而他的名字又叫Dan,大家就帮他相出了——偶尔鸣叫的丹丹龙这个称号,简称丹丹龙!大表哥本人也是相当喜欢~还在来中国宣传美女与野兽的时候讲到过。

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