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08-15 投稿


nonexistence 发音

英:[?nɑ?n?ɡ?z?st?ns]  美:[n?n?ɡ?z?st?ns]

英:  美:

nonexistence 中文意思翻译



nonexistence 反义词


nonexistence 短语词组

1、nonexistence definition ─── 不存在定义

2、nonexistence of markets ─── 市场不存在

3、nonexistence thesaurus ─── 不存在词库

4、nonexistence data ─── 不存在数据

5、nonexistence or love ─── 不存在或 ─── 不爱

6、nonexistence lyrics ─── 不存在的歌词

7、nonexistence of god ─── 上帝的不存在

8、nonexistence crossword ─── 不存在纵横字谜

9、nonexistence wiki ─── 不存在wiki

10、nonexistence synonym ─── 不存在同义词

nonexistence 同义词

nonentity | absence | nothingness | lack |nothing | unreality

nonexistence 相似词语短语

1、nonresistance ─── n.不抵抗主义,不抵抗

2、consistence ─── n.浓度;[流]稠度;坚固性(等于consistency)

3、co-existence ─── n.共存;和平共处;并立

4、inexistence ─── n.不存在;非存在性

5、non-existence ─── n.不存在;不存在的事

6、coexistence ─── n.共存;和平共处;并立

7、coexistences ─── n.共存;和平共处;并立

8、existence ─── n.存在,实在;生存,生活;存在物,实在物

9、nonexistent ─── adj.不存在的

nonexistence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Government officials held up a response for eight months, convinced that the nonexistence of race at the genome level spoke for itself. ─── 但政府官员相信,与种族差异无关的基因组会为自己答辩,所以迟至八个月后才回应。

2、SL: I know you worked on NonExist's Deus Deceptor with Johan Liiva (ex-Arch Enemy) and some other well known musicians.You probably had to take a different approach to the music, am I right? ─── 据我所知,你和JohanLiiva(前ArchEnemy)还有几个知名的乐手一起合作了NonExist的,我想这音乐风格对你来说应该是很不同,对吧?

3、After then, Pei Wei, Guo Xiang and some others protest, "nonexistence cannot birth ens". ─── 之后的裴頠、郭象等人提出“无不生有”。

4、2 They discovered that all things are from the formless and the existence is from the nonexistence. ─── 他们发现,虽然我们知道万物是来自无形的,"有"是来自"无"的。

5、Keywords time scale;dynamic equation;boundary value problem;solution and positive solution;existence and nonexistence;multiplicity;cone;fixed-point;fixed-point index;semipositone; ─── 测度链;动力方程;边值问题;解和正解;存在性和不存在性;多重性;锥;不动点;不动点指数;半正;

6、But he spoke to empty air; the holoscan had already flickered to nonexistence. ─── 但梅斯对着的已然不过是空荡荡的空气;尤达的全息影像已经消失了。

7、Liberty means the nonexistence of the mandatory measures, and it means that a person may act on his own will or plan. ─── 摘要自由意味着强制之不存在,意味着一个人能够按照自己的意志和计划自由行动。

8、Nonexistence of Positive Solution of a Class of Nonlinear Delay Partial Difference Equation ─── 一类非线性时滞偏差分方程正解的不存在性

9、existence or nonexistence ─── 存在或非在

10、Nonexistence of Global Solution for the Third BVP of a Semilinear Parabolic Equations ─── 关于半线性抛物型方程第三BVP的全局解

11、9 There are space and time, and then, there are life and death, existence and nonexistence. ─── 有了空间及时间,也就有了生死,就有存在及不存在。

12、Nonexistence of Global Solutions to a Class Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equation with Boundary Dissipation ─── 一类具边界耗散的高阶非线性双曲方程整体解的不存在性

13、Nonexistence of the Stable Quasi-harmonic Map ─── 稳定拟调和映照的不存在性

14、In the second chapter, we consider a kind of Kolmogorov system.The sufficient conditions of nonexistence of the closed orbit and existence of the unique and stable limit cycle are obtained. ─── 第二章讨论了一类Kolmogorov系统,得到了系统无闭轨的充分条件和存在唯一稳定极限环的条件,推广了颜向平,张存华等的结果。

15、nonexistence of the contract ─── 合同不存在

16、Nonexistence of monotone solutions of a class of neutral partial difference equations ─── 一类中立型偏差分方程单调解的不存在性

17、On the nonexistence of limit cycle for a type of plane differential system ─── 一类平面微分系统极限环的不存在性

18、It was a medical specialty in ancient Egypt and Babylonia But went through a period of virtual nonexistence in medieval Europe before reappearing in the mid-18th century with the founding of the first veterinary schools. ─── 早在古代巴比伦尼亚及埃及即已建立兽医专职。但在中世纪黑暗时代,兽医学实际上已不存在,18世纪中叶当欧洲第一个兽医学院成立后,兽医学才再度复活。

19、66 In the life of limited space and time, any development of creatures is unworthy of flaunting. They change endlessly between emptiness and substance, being and nonexistence. ─── 物种在它们有限时空的生命里,任何的一点发展,都没有什麽值得夸耀之处。它们只是在有与无,空与实之间,不断地转变而已。

20、5 With the cognition, we divide life of creature into three phases. The nonexistence is the first phase; life is second; and death is the third. ─── 有了这样的体认,我们将生物的一生分为三个阶段。未生之前的无有,生的阶段,最后是死。

21、nonexistence of solution ─── 脉冲

22、What do you talk nonsense?The root is a nonexistence, what do you let me face? ─── 我:你们胡说八道什么?根本是不存在的事,你让我面对什么?

23、only His nonexistence could excuse Him." ─── 只有衪的不存在才可原谅衪。"

24、Nonexistence of Global Solutions of a Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equation With Material Damping ─── 具材料阻尼的非线性双曲型方程整体解的不存在性

25、The immediate answer would be “nonexistence,” but this is incorrect. ─── 最直接的回答是“不存在”,但这是不确切的。

26、The gate of heaven is between life and death, existence and nonexistence. ─── 在生与死、存在及不存在之间的地方就是天门了。

27、On the Sufficient Conditions of the Nonexistence of Periodic Solutions for a Planar Nonlinear System ─── 一类平面非线性系统无闭轨的充分条件

28、“‘But within nonexistence there is no existence.’ ─── 亦无之中,不是亦有,

29、Nonexistence of Global Solutions to a Higher Order Wave Equations with Dynamic Boundary Conditions and Positive Initial Energy ─── 具动力边界和正初始能量的高阶波方程整体解的不存在性

30、The consciousness of the form is left trapped in a void of nonexistence until a future ancestor releases the karma through ascension. ─── 肉体的意识被留下而进入非存在的虚空之中,直到未来的后代透过提升而将其释放为止。

31、a metaphysical doctrine asserting the nonexistence of corporeal reality ─── 一种形而上学的教义,宣称物质现实的不存在

32、The Existence and Nonexistence of Global Solutions to Quasi-linear Parabolic Equations with Nonlinear Boundary Conditions ─── 带非线性边界条件的非线性抛物型方程整体解的存在性与非存在性

33、The validity of an arbitration clause or an arbitration agreement shall not be affected by any modification, rescission, termination, expiry, invalidity, or nonexistence of the contract. ─── 合同的变更、解除、终止、失效或无效以及存在与否,均不影响仲裁条款或仲裁协议的效力。

34、nonexistence results ─── 不存在结果

35、Rainbow People also perceive the dark forces vying to destroy, and know how to take vibration to command them into subservience or dissipate them into nonexistence. ─── 彩虹人也能觉察到正在努力破坏的黑暗势力,并懂得如何应用振动来指挥它们变得有益,或者将其驱散而不复存在。

36、How Aesthetic Taste comes into Being from Nonexistence-- The Analysis and the Questioning of New Practical Aesthetics and Practical Aesthetics ─── 人类审美是怎样从无到有的--对新实践美学及实践美学的解析与提问

37、I would never choose nonexistence, like my wife. ─── 我永远不会选择不生存,我妻子可能会,但我不会。

38、Improved fluidity allows for nonexistence of blocking and adherence。 ─── 流动性提高,不堵塞,不粘着。

39、From nonexistence to existence, work steadily and make solid progress from small to large. ─── 从无到有、从小到大,一步一个脚印。

40、Why should I understand this nonexistence of car. ─── 我为什么要去理解这辆车是不存在的呢。

41、global nonexistence ─── 整体不存在性

42、The article uses three different ways to proof that there is nonexistence of 5-fold and upwards of 6-fold symmetry axes in the crystal lattice. ─── 分别用双转轴证明法、单转轴证明法、保持一点不动证明法三种方法证明晶格不具备五度及六度以上旋转对称轴的特性。

43、Still later, in Northern Song Dynasty, Zhang Zai and Wang Fuzhi in Ming and Qing Dynasties, they start from the gas monism regard "ens" of "nonexistence" as different states of gas. ─── 再后来,北宋张载、明清之际的王夫之等人则从气一元论的学说出发,将有或无都看作是气的不同状态。

44、By using potential well method, one threshold result of global existence and nonexistence of solution for each problem is obtained, and two known results are completed and improved. ─── 利用位势井方法,对上述问题各自得到了一个解整体存在与不存在的门槛结果,从而从实质上补充和完善了已有的结果。

45、Nonexistence of Limit Cycles for Some Plane Differential Systems ─── 一类平面微分系统的极限环的不存在性

46、“Nonexistence”, on one hand, derived from the pierced works’ visual feature, indicates the visual dissociation from the physical reality and the “existence” of hollow frame; ─── 他的雕塑作品,是由文字构成的,并且,作品中的文字,成句成文,可以阅读,产生文之意韵与作品主题思想相关联;

47、The nonexistence of atmosphere meant that there was nothing to cushion the incoming bodies. ─── 气氛不存在的意思,没有任何减轻传入的机构。

48、No one ever demonstrated, so far as I am aware, the nonexistence of Zeus or Thor, but they have few followers now. ─── 据我所知,还没有人反证过宙斯或索尔存在,但?们的信徒现在也已寥寥无几了。

49、The uncertain relationship between the double limit ond the quadratic limit is explained and the determination methods to the nonexistence of the odd function's limit are given. ─── 摘要本文阐明二重极限与二次极限的不确定关系,给出齐次函数的极限不存在的判定方法。

50、The nonexistence of global weak solution to elliptic equation and the evolution equation, together with the nonexistence of local weak solution to hyperbolic equation is contained in this paper. ─── 本文运用试验函数法研究了带有非局部源的偏微分方程的全局弱解的不存在性,内容包括椭圆方程、发展方程全局解的不存在性以及双曲型方程的局部弱解的不存在性。

51、As an application, some nonexistence theorems of nonconstant stable harmonic maps from a Finsler manifold to a Riemannian manifold are given. ─── 英文摘要: The first and second variation formulas of the energy functional for a nondegenerate map between Finsler manifolds is derived.

52、Existence and Nonexistence of Positive Solutions for a Class of Nonhomogeneous Boundary Value Problems ─── 一类非齐次边值问题的正解存在性与不存在性

53、Sufficient conditions of nonexistence of monotone solutions of the equation are illustrated.A result of former conclusion is improved. ─── 得到了该方程不存在单调解的几个充分条件,并改进了以前的一个结果。

54、The Imperative Mood or the Present Tense --On the Existence or Nonexistence of Grammatical Category of the Imperative Mood for the English Verbs ─── 祈使语气还是现在时态--也谈英语动词祈使语气语法范畴的有无

55、In philosophy, reality is contrasted with nonexistence (penguins do exist; ─── 在哲学里,实相与不存在形成对照(企鹅真的存在;

56、Keywords global nonexistence;equation of vibration;initial boundary value problem;initial value problem; ─── 整体不存在性;振动方程;初边值问题;初值问题;

57、66 In the life of limited space and time, any development of creatures is unworthy of flaunting. They change endlessly between emptiness and substance, ens and nonexistence. ─── 物种在它有限时空的生命里,任何一点发展都没有什么值得夸耀之处。他们只是在有与无,空与实之间,不断地转变。

58、There are space and time, and then, there are life and death, existence and nonexistence. ─── 有了空间及时间,就有了生死,就有存在及不存在。

59、Meanwhile, "nonexistence" and "nothing" appear nearly at the same time as "existence" and play an important role in the exploration of essence and the ultimate question. ─── 同时,“无”与“不存在”的问题几乎与“存在”问题同时产生,而且在对本质和终极问题的探究中发挥着重要作用。

60、The only problem: somehow beating back the fossil fuel industry to a point of nonexistence. ─── 唯一的问题是:不知该怎么让矿物燃料企业彻底消亡。

61、We have collected abundant evidence of the nonexistence in many places of the conditions necessary for the rise of kinship through males ; ─── 我们收集了丰富证据,在许多地方,通过男性的血族关系的产生所必要的条件是不存在的;

62、Representative activity has a long history。The representative activity in British history experienced a long change ,which is from nonexistence to existence,from non democratic to democratic。 ─── 代表行为由来已久,英国历史上代表的从无到有,从非民主到民主,经历了很长时间的演变。

63、The Buddha insists that this level is indescribable, even in terms of existence or nonexistence, because words work only for things that have limits. ─── 佛陀坚持说,这后一个层次是不可描述的,即便以存在与非存在角度也不可能,因为言辞只适于有限事物。

64、A Note on Nonexistence of Positive Solutions to Singular Problems with Higher Order Singularities ─── 一类具有高阶奇性问题正解的不存在性

65、I was left with puzzlement as to the existence or nonexistence of God. ─── 我对上帝存在与否这个问题依然感到困惑。

66、Reasons for Nonexistence of VAT in the States and the Lessons from It ─── 美国为何不引进增值税及其启示

67、Then we discuss nonexistence of weak solutions for some partial differential inequalities on H-type groups. ─── 然后,我们讨论了H型群上一些偏微分不等式弱解的不存在性。

68、This paper gut some results of the existence, uniqueness and nonexistence of limit cycles for a class of cubic systems. ─── 讨论三次系统当时的情形,得到了一些极限环存在性、唯一性和不存在性的结果。

69、Nonexistence of Positive Solutions to Quasilinear Elliptic Obstacle Problems with Critical Exponents ─── 带有临界指数的拟线性椭圆障碍问题的正解的非存在性

70、Keywords Limit cycle;Nonexistence;Exitence uniqueness.; ─── 极限环;不存在性;存在唯一性;

71、Nonexistence and existence criteria for eventually positive solutions of a class of neutral differential equations ─── 一类中立型微分方程最终正解的存在性和不存在性

72、YANG Zhijian,SONG Changming.On the existence and nonexistence of global solutions for a class of nonlinear evolution equation[J].Acta Math Appl Sinica,1997,20(3):321-331. ─── [9]杨志坚,宋长明.关于一类非线性发展方程整体解的存在性问题[J].应用数学学报,1997,20(3):321-331.

73、By introducing a family of potential wells we obtain a threshold result of global existence and nonexistence of solutions. ─── 通过引进一族位势井,得到了解的整体存在性与不存在的门槛结果。

74、In most computerized systems, there are only two states: nonexistence or full-compliance. ─── 多数计算机系统只有两种状态,即不存在或者全部一致。

75、Nonexistence of Positive Solution for an Inhomogeneous Semi-linear Oval Equation ─── 一类非齐次半线性椭圆型方程正解的非存在性


77、Government officials held up a response for eight months, convinced that the nonexistence of race at the genome level spoke for itself. ─── 但政府官员相信,与种族差异无关的基因组会为自己答辩,所以迟至八个月后才回应。

78、Their only difference in the result is "nonexistence" unity in "ens" or "ens" unity in "nonexistence". ─── 其区别仅仅在于是“无”统一于“有”,还是“有”统一于“无”。

79、The uniqueness of the positive solution to the problem under certain conditions is also proved.The nonexistence of the positive solution is discussed. ─── 同时,证明了一定条件下正解的惟一性,最后讨论了正解的不存在性。


81、I could feel that a deep longing for annihilation, for nonexistence, was now becoming much stronger than the instinctive desire to continue to live. ─── 我能感觉到那时一种对毁灭、不存在深深的渴求是如此强烈以至于超过了继续生存的本能渴求。

82、Negation, the notion of the absence or nonexistence of something or of the denial of a proposition, is conceivable to the human mind. ─── 无,这个概念,如用来指称某些事物的不存在,或某一命题不成立,这是人心可以想像的。

83、6 The nonexistence, life and death are the trilogy of creature. ─── 以无有为首,生为体,死为归宿,这就是生物的三部曲。

84、And dbm.The crystal is stable in the air due to nonexistence of solvent molecules in the cell. ─── 因为晶胞中没有溶剂分子存在,此晶体在空气中很稳定。

85、The uncertain relationship between the double limit and the quadratic limit is explained and the determination methods to the nonexistence of the odd function's limit are given. ─── 本文阐明二重极限与二次极限的不确定关系,给出齐次函数的极限不存在的判定方法。

86、flow nonexistence ─── 无流动可能

87、nonexistence of global solution ─── 整体解的不存在性

88、Global Existence and Nonexistence for a Nonlinear Parabolic Equation with a Nonlinear Boundary Condition ─── 一类带非线性边界条件的非线性抛物方程的解的整体存在性与不存在性

89、In the beingness sense, the ancient Chinese philosophy of "ens" and "nonexistence" has had two different meanings.One of it is "have form" and "have name", "nonexistent form" and "nonexistent name"; ─── 摘要在存在论的意义上,中国古代哲学中的“有”和“无”曾具有两种不同的含义:一种是“有形”、“有名”,“无形”、“无名”;

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