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08-15 投稿


innumerable 发音

英:[??nu?m?r?b(?)l]  美:[??nju?m?r?b(?)l]

英:  美:

innumerable 中文意思翻译



innumerable 网络释义

adj. 无数的,数不清的

innumerable 词性/词形变化,innumerable变形

副词: innumerably |名词: innumerableness |

innumerable 短语词组

1、innumerable words ─── 千言万语

2、murmuring of innumerable bees ─── 无数蜜蜂的嗡嗡声

3、innumerable directions ─── 无数个方向

innumerable 相似词语短语

1、invulnerable ─── adj.无懈可击的;不会受伤害的

2、innumerate ─── adj.不懂数学的和不懂科学的

3、denumerable ─── adj.[数]可数的;可列的

4、innumerableness ─── 数不清

5、numerable ─── adj.可计数的;可计算的

6、enumerable ─── adj.可列举的;可点数的

7、innumerably ─── adv.无数地,数不清地

8、insuperable ─── adj.不能克服的;无敌的

9、insufferable ─── adj.难以忍受的;不可忍受的;令人厌恶的

innumerable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Some other says amazon. com shows the "financial characteristics that have driven innumerable retailers to disaster throughout history. ─── 其他人则称amazon.com反映出“史无前例的使无数零售商陷入灾难的金融特征。

2、He took the innumerable bags with which she travelled and scattered them among the attendants. ─── 他拿起她带着旅行的许多袋子,把它们分发给的随从们。

3、Today, the uses of aluminum are innumerable. ─── 今天铝的用途多得不可胜数。

4、A drop of ditch-water harboured a whole community of innumerable tiny creatures. ─── 一滴污水中藏有各种难以计数的微生物。

5、In the eternal night at the bottom of the great oceans, innumerable metal nodules are spread over the never-ending deep-sea plains. ─── 在海洋深处的漫漫长夜中,在永无尽头的海底平原上,散落着难以计数的金属结核。

6、"Each Buddha is attended by innumerable and uncountable transformed bodhisattvas. ─── "一一化佛,亦有众多无数化菩萨,以为侍者。

7、They had to preserve and face up to innumerable setbacks before they achieved their goal. ─── 在他们达到目标之前,必须预料和勇敢面对数不清的挫折。

8、Moreover, we may from face observer's pellet edge seeing innumerable bright faculae. ─── 另外,我们可以从面向观测者的颗粒边缘看见无数明亮的光斑。

9、Diving in the ocean exposes the skin to innumerable microorganisms. ─── 在海洋中潜水时会把皮肤暴露给无数的细菌。

10、The situation in certain areas is still unsatisfactory and innumerable challengers remain. ─── “在一些地区形势不容乐观,还有数不清的挑战。

11、It is the pang of separation that spreads throughout the world and gives birth to shapes innumerable in the infinites sky. ─── 分离的苦痛弥漫时间,在无尽的天际里有无数种体现。

12、Innumerable books have been written on the subject. ─── 已经有无数书籍写过这个主题。

13、The human life feeling is many, the true love innumerable, decreeing by destiny no luck us will own. ─── 人间情多,真爱无数,有缘无缘我们都会拥有过。

14、I shall now expound to you all the virtues of this sutra and all that is practiced by innumerable boundless Buddhas(14). ─── 我现在向你阐述这一经典所有的美德而且有无量的佛实践了它。

15、Her shoes, stockings, hats and accessories in general were innumerable. ─── 她的鞋子,袜子,帽子和一般零碎东西简直数不清。

16、The millennium history, ferments the innumerable cultural relics buried treasure and the cultural connotation. ─── 千年的历史,酝酿出无数的文物宝藏和文化内涵。

17、The stars in the night sky are innumerable. ─── 夜空中的星星数不清。

18、There are innumerable stars in the sky. ─── 天空中有数不清的星星。

19、The lunar highlands are scarred by innumerable craters ranging up to 236 km in diameter. ─── 在月球的高地上留下无数环形山,有的直径达236千米。

20、"When you see Amitayus, you will also see innumerable Buddhas of the ten quarters. ─── "见无量寿佛者,即见十方无量诸佛。

21、When she moved about there was an incessant clicking as innumerable pottery bracelets jingled up and down upon her arms. ─── 她走动的时候,不断发出丁当丁当的声音,因为许多假玉手镯在她胳臂上面上上下下地抖动。

22、The British coastline, indented with innumerable inlets, is over two thousand miles in circumference, without including Ireland. ─── 大不列颠的海岸线犬牙交错,有着无数的海湾,周围长达两千余英里,还不包括爱尔兰在内。

23、She has done me innumerable courtesies. ─── 她对我一直极为有礼。

24、This year, the flood has damaged innumerable mulberry fields, which is quite distressing. ─── 今年的洪水冲坏了无数桑田,真让人痛心。

25、Because of this, the Third Band was broken down into innumerable sub-bands coincident with belief-system orientation. ─── 因此,第三个环带被分裂为无数副环带,它们与信念系统取向保持一致。

26、Human beings once created innumerable miracles. ─── 人类曾经创造了无数的奇迹。

27、His work is therefore a form of escape from life - from his wife, from his social duties, from innumerable demands, and so on. ─── 他的工作成为他生活的一种逃避手段–逃离妻子、逃离社会责任、逃离无数其他需要等。

28、I have such innumerable presents from him that it is quite impossible for me to value. ─── 他送给我的礼物数不过来,我不可能样样都当做宝贝。

29、The innumerable words hard put an expression, end only :Bless you, Hong Kong! ─── 千言万语不知如何表达,最终只有一句:祝福妳,香港!

30、Who in innumerable guises portrays the surprising involvement of the outsider. ─── 他以数不清的伪装呈现:所谓局外人,其实已介入局内,这是意外,却也是必然。

31、He has shot himself, stabbed himself in the liver (both "accidental") and has had innumerable bouts of undiagnosed pain and illness. ─── 他用枪射击自己,刺伤肝脏(都是意外),还有无数次查不出病因的疼痛和疾病。

32、There were innumerable visitors. ─── 参观的人多得数不过来。

33、Ha I most like the snowscape, because has the snow to support may let me lay out the innumerable good pictures. ─── 哈哈 我最喜欢雪景 因为有雪的承托 可以让我拍出无数好的照片。

34、The Elvis legend has been inflated since 1977, pumped up by innumerable websites, books and fringe groups that border on the lunatic. ─── 在无数网站、书籍和接近抓狂的边缘团体推波助澜下,猫王的传奇自一九七七年以来越传越盛。

35、The weeping and the laughter of the lost hours shall be heard once more sweetly echoing up the cliff of the innumerable years. ─── 往昔的哭泣和欢笑也必将在无穷的岁月峰顶上回音缭绕。

36、Chris saw innumerable mistakes in the company bookkeeping. ─── 克里斯发现公司簿记有数不清的错误。

37、There are innumerable constellations in the sky. ─── 天空中有数不清的星座。

38、This year's 60th anniversary of the Anglo-American victory in World War II will call forth innumerable orations about the triumph of liberty. ─── 今年是美国二战胜利60周年,在纪念活动中,自由获得的胜利将无数次的被人们赞美。

39、China's anti-imperialist and anti-feudal revolution went through innumerable cruel defeats. ─── 中国反帝反封建革命经历过无数次悲惨的失败。

40、Mr Daschle’s innumerable entanglements with those groups might have helped to assuage their worries. ─── 但达施勒和这些集团错综复杂的关系却有助于缓和他们的焦虑。

41、In the number of language bindings, it is only surpassed by GTK+, its RAD tools are innumerable, and there's even an OS/2 port. ─── 在可用语言的绑定数上,它仅仅落后于GTK+,它的RAD工具有太多,甚至有OS/2的版本。

42、He rose high into the air and saw innumerable mountain-tops spread out beneath him in the moonlight. ─── 他一下飞上了天空。月光下他看到了数不清的山峰分布在他的下方。

43、The progress of humanity, arising from an innumerable multitude of individual wills, is continuous in its motion. ─── 人类的运动由不计其数的人们的随意行为所产生,是持续不断地进行着的。

44、During the evening we played innumerable games of piquet, and bravely, not to disappoint my efforts, he tried to appear interested. ─── 吃了晚饭以后我们玩了无数局皮克牌。为了不叫我失望,他强打起精神,装作玩得津津有味的样子。

45、Buddhism has formed the unique culture and agglomerated the innumerable wisdom treasure during several thousand years. ─── 佛教在几千年的发展过程中形成了独特的文化特质,积聚了无尽的智慧宝藏。

46、But I learn to bear up and stand up bravely, though I go through innumerable tumbles. ─── 但我学着坚强,勇敢地站起来,即便是无数次的跌倒.

47、In endless flow of absolute truth, there are innumerable relative truths. ─── 在绝对真理的长河中,有无数的相对真理。

48、The energy from which every pattern is shaped does not exist only as innumerable actualizations but also as potential. ─── 塑造了每个形态的的能量,不仅作为无数的现实化,同时也作为无数的可能性而存在着。

49、He filed innumerable complaints with the Public Service Commission,and he started several suits against the telephone company. ─── 他向公众服务委员会提出申诉并且开始对电话公司有数起的诉讼。

50、So severe and complex is the crisis that the only certain fact is the existence of innumerable uncertainties. ─── 危机是那样的严重和复杂,以至唯一可以确认的事实就是:存在有无数的不可确认的问题。

51、They arrived at their destination after traveling across innumerable mountains. ─── 他们翻过千山万岭,到达目的地。

52、There are innumerable stars in the sky. ─── 天空中有无数颗星。

53、His heroic conduct during the retrieval innumerable lives, afterward is as if always creating the serious destructiveness. ─── 他的英勇行为在挽救无数的生命同时,似乎总在事后造成严重的破坏性。

54、The radio is already consciously used for this purpose by innumerable people. ─── 为达到此目的,收音机早已被无数人有意识地使用。

55、The grass, watered by innumerable sprinklers, is a brighter shade of green. ─── 头顶上的电线忽然消失,跑地下去了;草坪在无数个花园洒水器的浇灌下,绿意更盎然。

56、Innumerable cases go straight to the same miserable end: God seems to refuse to help too many of His worshipers. ─── 无数的情况下直接进入相同的可悲下场:上帝似乎拒绝帮助过他的崇拜者很多。

57、After innumerable hardships, the prospecting team discovered a lot of new ores. ─── 地质勘探队员们历尽千辛万苦,找到了不少新矿藏。

58、Among those innumerable branches of curly upwarding vines,there was one that nearly ascended to the pointed roof. ─── 在那无数枝卷曲向上的藤蔓中,有一枝几乎攀上了那尖尖的屋顶。

59、He asked innumerable questions about the New Deal, and Roosevelt's foreign policy. ─── 他又问到许多关于美国新政和罗斯福外交政策的问题。

60、There are innumerable (or countless) stars in the sky. ─── 天上有无数颗星星。

61、Before Liberation, innumerable poor peasants and needy city-dwellers in China languished in poverty. ─── 在解放前,无数贫农和城里的贫苦市民受尽了贫困的折磨。

62、He read widely, and wrote innumerable reviews and articles. ─── 他涉猎甚广,书评和论文也洋洋可观。

63、In the endless flow of absolute truth there are innumerable relative truths. ─── 在绝对真理的长河中有无数相对真理。

64、Filled with the innumerable disasters and the conflict. ─── 充满了无数的灾难与冲突。

65、It was not through the cities that this main stream flowed, but through innumerable little country towns and villages. ─── 这一主流还不在城市,而是在乡村,在不计其数的村镇中。

66、He has invented innumerable excuses, told endless lies. ─── 他编造了数不清的借口,说了无止尽的谎言。

67、Stars resemble innumerable dots of lights in the night sky. ─── 夜空中,星星象无数的小亮点。

68、In the universe,there are innumerable starsother cosmic substances. ─── 在宇宙中,有数不清的星星与其他宇宙物质.

69、There were also innumerable examples of bad taste. ─── 另有许多败人兴致的东西。

70、The Fifth Canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam tells of innumerable universes. ─── 《圣典博伽瓦谭》第五篇讲述了有无数宇宙存在。

71、Look, there is only the moon among innumerable stars in the sky. ─── 你看,满天繁星中却只有一轮月亮。

72、Both lungs will have innumerable metastatic foci and lymphangitic involvement. ─── 双侧肺内出现无数的转移病灶和淋巴管性播散。

73、A generation of writer, the writer has created the innumerable literary work for us, bright culture. ─── 一代代的文学家,作家给我们创作了无数的文学作品,灿烂的文化。

74、Schopenhauer Arther: The human is the desire and the demand incarnation, is the innumerable desire congealment. ─── 叔本华:人是欲望和需求旳化身,是无数欲求旳凝结。

75、She called on spirits and Buddhas and made innumerable vows, all to no avail. ─── 她把一切的神佛都喊到了,并且许下多少誓愿,都没有用。

76、History be the essence of innumerable biographies . ─── 历史是无数传记的精华。

77、The ways of people have been recorded in innumerable myths, folktales, novels, poems, plays, and popular or philosophical essays. ─── 人类记录的方法有无数的神话,寓言,小说,诗歌,游戏和流行的或哲学的散文

78、Because of His arrival into the dark and dirty mundane world, an innumerable number of sentient souls yearning for liberation were illuminated. ─── 祂就是举世闻名的释迦牟尼佛祖,因祂的降临,在秽暗的娑婆世界,照亮了无数渴望解脱的众生灵魂。

79、A rich public domain made it possible to generate an innumerable amount of benefits for the entire society. ─── 一个丰富的公有领域可能为整个社会带来无穷的利益。

80、In our world of commingled cultures and traditions, we may confront innumerable moral codes, all different from one another. ─── 在混合着不同文化、习俗的世界,我们也许会遇到无数道德标准--它们彼此都不同。

81、Yuanming yuan was a unadulterated Oriental museum. Innumerable art treasures were ever conserved in Yuanming yuan. Now Yuanming yuan is a relics park. ─── 圆明园是一座名副其实的东方博物馆,其中究竟藏有多少珍宝和文物已无从知晓。今天,圆明园是一座遗址公园。

82、The innumerable stars in the sky are too far from us. ─── 天上无数的星星离我们太远了。

83、n He felt as if he must shout and sing, he seemed to hear about him the rustle of unceasing and innumerable wings. ─── 他觉得得自己简直想大喊大唱,耳边仿佛传来无数翅膀的拍打声。

84、M: One of the many. For everything there are innumerable causal factors. ─── 任何一个。每一事件的起因有如恒河沙数。

85、Innumerable restaurants across the country dubiously claim they sell "genuine" Lanzhou-made beef noodles which enjoy a high reputation. ─── 兰州牛肉拉面在国内享有盛誉,因此各地打着"正宗兰州拉面"招牌的店不计其数。

86、As he does so, an effulgence illuminates everywhere in the ten quarters and innumerable Buddha-lands shake in six ways. ─── 剃除须发。端坐树下。勤苦六年。行如所应。

87、Big banks are bureaucracies in which the decisions are not taken by the innumerable shareholders but by managers. ─── 大银行沦为官僚机构,决策权不在无数的股东身上,而是由管理层控制着。

88、In the universe,there are innumerable stars and other cosmic substances. ─── 在宇宙中,有数不清的 星星与其他宇宙物质.

89、You can think of the innumerable birds. ─── 你可以想象那些数不清的鸟

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