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08-15 投稿


braying 发音

英:[?bre???]  美:[?bre???]

英:  美:

braying 中文意思翻译




braying 词性/词形变化,braying变形

动词现在分词: braying |动词过去式: brayed |动词第三人称单数: brays |动词过去分词: brayed |

braying 短语词组

1、braying defined ─── 布雷定义

2、braying definition ─── 叫声定义

3、braying animal ─── 会叫的动物

4、braying animal crossword ─── 叫声动物填字游戏

5、braying fools ─── 吵闹的傻瓜

6、braying plate ─── 制动板

braying 相似词语短语

1、draying ─── n.运货马车;一种撬;vt.用马车运载;vi.以运货马车运;n.(Dray)人名;(英、法)德雷;(意、葡)德拉伊

2、breying ─── 酿造

3、baying ─── n.海湾;狗吠声;vt.向…吠叫;vi.吠叫;大声叫嚷;n.(Bay)人名;(越)七;(英、老)贝;(德、意、罗、捷、土、丹)巴伊;(匈)鲍伊;(瑞典)巴伊

4、abraying ─── 磨损

5、beraying ─── 小麦

6、braving ─── v.勇敢面对;冒险;经受困难(brave的现在分词)

7、brazing ─── n.钎焊;[机]铜焊;[机]硬钎焊;v.用锌铜合金钎接(braze的ing形式)

8、braking ─── v.制动(brake的现在分词);刹车;制动系统;n.刹车

9、bracing ─── adj.令人振奋的,凉爽的;支撑的;n.支撑,支柱;背带;v.绷紧,顶住(brace的现在分词)

braying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a braying laugh ─── 粗声大笑.

2、Keywords Neoplasms/pathology;Brain neoplasms/secondary;Brai neoplasms/therapy; ─── 肺肿瘤/病理学;脑肿瘤/继发性;脑肿瘤/治疗;

3、African penguins (also called jackass penguins for their donkeylike braying) face an uphill struggle to rebuild their population after a century of decline. ─── 非洲企鹅(又称驴子企鹅,因为它们那接近驴嘶的叫声)一个世纪以来数目持续减少,如今的它们正面临着一个艰苦的重建种群的斗争。

4、4.The braying of an ass does not reach heaven. ─── 驴子的叫声传不到天上。

5、Study of correlation between times of a disease and plasma fibrinogen molecular reactivity in patients with acute cere brai infarction ─── 急性脑梗死发病时间与纤维蛋白原分子活性的相关性研究

6、Methods:The scans were performed in the brai n and pelvis using the quadrature head coil and body coil. ─── 方法:使用头颅正交线圈和体部线圈进行脑部和盆腔扫描。

7、This paint,I stress expressing the sky and the ground below the sanguineous set,the war-smoke closes over the sky,the war-horse is braying. ─── 新作[血色苍茫]这幅作品,我着重表现了苍茫血色映衬下的天与地,烽烟蔽日,战马嘶鸣。

8、The braying sound made by a donkey. ─── 驴叫声驴发出的叫声

9、If you've been reading at your desk,walk into someone's office to brai torm on another project. ─── 如果你一直伏案阅读,就去另一同事的办公室为另一计划想些点子。

10、Named for their loud braying sounds, the birds go about their daily business of waddling down to the water and relaxing in the warm sun completely unaffected by the steady stream of human onlookers. ─── 这种企鹅的叫声很像驴叫,因此得名。这些鸟儿们整天忙着蹒跚的走下水游泳或安逸的享受温暖的阳光,一点都不受那些蜂拥而至的游客们的影响。

11、6.At he edge of a nearby canal, donkeys laden with freshly harvested alfalfa waited for their masters to lead them home, braying a fretful counterpoint to the steady thud of an irrigation pump. ─── 在附近一条水渠旁,驴子背上驮着刚割的苜蓿,等着主人牵它们回家去,一面发出一阵阵急促的叫声,和浇地的水泵不断发出的突突声交织在一起。

12、1750. The braying of an ass does not reach heaven. ─── 驴子叫声虽响,但也传不到天上。

13、The mules suddenly started braying. ─── 那些骡突然开始叫了。

14、10. And existence an empty laugh braying across the mysteries; ─── 如果存在不只是对神秘事物的一种空虚的笑声,

15、This method could be used as the pre-process of more advanced algorithm, 3D reconstruction, quantification ofcerebral atrophy and digital brai... ─── 该算法对复杂图像处理研究的预处理,可视化三维重建,脑萎缩定量诊断以及数字化脑图谱制作等方面均具有的应用价值。

16、In Peiping, the braying autumn cicada, just like cricket and mouse, is simply the home insect kept in every family. ─── 这秋蝉的嘶叫,在北平可和蟋蟀耗子一样,简直象是家家户户都养在家里的家虫。

17、And existence an empty laugh braying across the mysteries; ─── 如果存在不只是对神秘事物的一种空虚的笑声

18、The scenes in London's clubland, where arrogant spymasters down cocktails with braying City bankers, are especially well drawn. ─── 伦敦夜总会里,高傲自大的间谍头目们同伦敦商业区的银行家们开怀畅饮,高声谈笑,作者对这一场景的描写尤为出彩。

19、but to the ass this was nothing more than braying, to the serpent, only hissing. ─── 但对于驴子来说,那只不过是嘶鸣,对蛇来说也只是咝咝声。

20、He had a loud, braying laugh. ─── 他发出响亮的粗声大笑。

21、Man with the Screaming Brai. ─── 惊异大脑的男人。

22、small penguin of South America and southern Africa with a braying call. ─── 南美和南非叫声似驴叫的小企鹅。

23、English: The braying of an ass does not reach heaven. ─── 中文:驴子叫声虽响,但也传不到天上。

24、small penguin of South America and southern Africa with a braying call. ─── 南美和南非叫声似驴叫的小企鹅。

25、Life is a vulgar flare amid the cool radiance of the stars, and existence an empty laugh braying across the mysteries. ─── 生命不仅仅是星体交织的寒光中的一点平庸的火花。人生也不仅仅是喧噪于神秘之乡的空虚的一笑;

26、Hisbody jerks uncontrollably as he emits a series of deep, braying laughs that end with a little nasal honk. ─── 当他迸发出一连串以一丝鼻鸣为终止的尖声大笑时,他的身体也颤动得难以自已。

27、Now my director and I brai torm all the whatifs in advance. ─── 在完成过去的工作项目时,你是否按工作任务所指定的界限进行呢?

28、e.g. The computer, which seems to play the role of a human brai n, is often called an electronic brain. ─── 由于电子计算机起着类似人脑的作用,所以常称作电脑。

29、But, if this world is not merely a bad joke, life a vulgar flare amid the cool radiance of stars, and existence an empty laugh braying across the mysteries; ─── 但是,如果这个世界不仅是一个恶意的玩笑,生命因庸俗照明凉爽的光芒的恒星,并存在着一个空的笑声叫声跨越的奥秘;

30、"And be moderate in thy pace, and lower thy voice; for the harshest of sounds without doubt is the braying of the ass." ─── 你应当节制你的步伐,你应当抑制你的声音;最讨厌的声音,确是驴子的声音。”

31、fat embolism of brai ─── 脑脂肪栓塞

32、But, if this world is not merely a bad joke, life a vulgar flare amid the cool radiance of the stars, and existence an empty laugh braying across the mysteries; ─── 但是,即使这个世界不仅仅是个拙劣的玩笑,生命不仅仅是星体交织的寒光中的一点平庸的火花。人生也不仅仅是喧噪于神秘之乡的空虚的一笑;

33、The braying of an ass does not reach heaven. ─── 驴子叫声虽响,但也传不到天上。

34、They wanted the swaggering, braying bully to get his come-uppance. ─── 他们希望张牙舞爪、到处大吼的恶棍得到应得的惩罚。

35、a braying voice ─── 刺耳的声音

36、” Beyond the braying, wheezing, and squawking, penguins exude a truly noxious smell of guano. ─── 因为企鹅除了会发出驴叫声,喘息声和呱呱的叫声外,它的身体还散发出鸟粪般的有毒的味道。

37、Organize your thoughts before writing: brai torm、make an outline、etc. ─── 下笔前整合思绪:脑力激荡,写出纲要等。

38、But, if this world is not merely a bad joke, like a vulgar flare amid the cool radiance of the stars, and existence an empty laugh braying across the mysteries; ─── 如果人生不只是群星寒光中平凡的一闪;如果存在不只是对神秘事物的一种空虚的笑声;

39、This paint , I stress expressing the sky and the ground below the sanguineous set, the war -smoke closes over the sky, the war -horse is braying. ─── 新作[色苍茫]这幅作品,我着重表现了苍茫血色映衬下的天与地,烽烟蔽日,战马嘶鸣。

40、African penguins (also called jackass penguins for their donkeylike braying) face an uphill stuggle to rebuild their population after a century of decline. ─── 非洲企鹅(因其声音象驴,也被称作驴企鹅)面临一个艰难的竞争以在一个世纪的的不断减少后重新增加他们的数量。

41、African penguins( also called jackass penguins for their donkeylike braying) face an uphill struggle to rebuild their population after a century of decline. ─── 非洲企鹅(称驴子企鹅,因为它们那接近驴嘶的叫声)个世纪以来数目持续减少,如今的它们正面临着一个艰苦的重建种群的斗争。

42、He had a loud, braying laugh. ─── 他发出响亮的粗声大笑。

43、Their name comes from their loud, braying cry, similar to a donkey's. ─── 它们因其高声的、与驴子相似的叫声而得名。

44、small penguin of South America and southern Africa with a braying call ─── 南美和南非叫声似驴叫的小企鹅

45、Birdbrain has long been a colloquial term of ridicule.The common notion is that birds' brai are simple, or so scientists thought and taught for many years. ─── 人们通常认为鸟类大脑简单,科学家们很多年来也是这么认为和这么教人的。

46、The Ass will put on a crown and then clamber above all that is most lofty and terrify the people with its hideous braying. ─── 驴子会戴上冠冕,然后登上最高的位置,用骇人听闻的驴叫声恐吓人们。

47、One holds that birds' brai make the same kinds of internal co ectio as do mammalian brai and that intelligence in both grou arises from these co ectio . ─── 一方坚持认为:鸟类大脑内部联系的方式和哺乳动物大脑一样,而鸟类和哺乳动物的智力都来自这种大脑内部的联系;

48、They wanted the swaggering , braying bully to get his comeuppance. ─── 他们希望张牙舞爪、到处大吼的恶棍得到应得的惩罚。

49、London, the big, braying capital, was stilled as over a million mourners of Diana, Princess of Wales, kept vigil along the route to Westminster Abbey. ─── 当一百多万名悼念威尔士王妃戴安娜的人们沿着去WestminsterAbbey的路上默哀,伦敦,这座喧嚣的首都大城市,变得鸦雀无声。

50、Scientists know that our brai shrink with aging, but does le gray matter really matter? ─── 科学家们已经得知,随着年龄的逐渐增长,人们的大脑也会相应地老化,发生萎缩。

51、His body jerks uncontrollably as he emits a series of deep, braying laughs that end with a little nasal honk. ─── 他的身体不由自主地晃动起来,还接连发出低沉还带有鼻音的笑声。

52、He knew him as a scoundrel, a liar, a cheat, athief, a coward and, not least, a toady, ever able to make himself shine in theeyes of his braying superiors. ─── 他知道福莱西曼是个恶棍、骗子、窃贼、懦夫,除此之外,还是个永远知道如何在大声呵斥的上级面前出巧露乖的人。

53、The paper analyzed feasibility of combining role theory with agent technology to construct a brain component satisfying all brai. ─── 分析了融合角色理论和智能主体技术构建一个满足所有智力功能的智力构件的可行性,进一步细分了协同虚拟主体的类型。

54、A donkey was braying on the hill behind the house. ─── 房子后面的山上传来驴叫声。

55、African penguins( also called jackass penguins for their donkeylike braying) face an uphill stuggle to rebuild their population after a century of decline. ─── 非洲企鹅(其声音象驴,也被称作驴企鹅)临一个艰难的竞争以在一个世纪的的不断减少后重新增加他们的数量。

56、After a few days the tiger gradually became accustomed to the donkey’s braying and was no longer so afraid. ─── 几天以后,老虎听惯了驴子的叫声,不再象以前那样害怕了。

57、This mare is indeed braying cheerfully! ─── 这头草驴叫得真欢呀!

58、"We found that, on average, men aged 64 years have smaller brai than men aged 60," said Helen Christe en of the Australian National University. ─── 据美国“生活科学”6月10日报道,澳大利亚国立大学的研究人员通过分析446人的脑部扫描图以及研究了这些人的问卷调查结果后,得出了上述结论。

59、She ate of it, and like the others ran off into the court braying away. ─── 她吃了,像其他人一样跑到院子里,叫个不停。

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