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08-15 投稿


growling 发音

英:[?ɡra?l??]  美:[?ɡra?l??]

英:  美:

growling 中文意思翻译




growling 词性/词形变化,growling变形

动词过去分词: growled |动词现在分词: growling |动词第三人称单数: growls |动词过去式: growled |形容词: growly |

growling 短语词组

1、growling stomach ─── 咆哮的胃

2、growling sigh ─── 咆哮的叹息

3、growling bear ─── 咆哮的熊

4、growling dog ─── 咆哮的狗

5、growling stomach sound ─── 胃鸣音

6、growling gut ─── 咆哮肠

7、growling wolf drawing ─── 狼咆哮图

8、growling tiger ─── 咆哮的老虎

9、growling tiger i am not cat ─── 咆哮的老虎我不是猫

growling 相似词语短语

1、groveling ─── v.卑躬屈膝;爬行(找东西等);(在卑屈、恐惧等时)匍匐(grovel的现在分词);adj.匍匐的,卑躬屈节的

2、troweling ─── v.[建]抹灰,[建]抹光;铁抹赶光(trowel的现在分词)

3、bowling ─── n.滚木球戏;保龄球戏;v.打保龄球(bowl的现在分词);n.(Bowling)人名;(英)鲍林

4、growlingly ─── adv.咆哮地;怒吠地;气冲冲抱怨地

5、cowling ─── n.[航]整流罩;飞机引擎罩;n.(Cowling)人名;(英)考林

6、brawling ─── n.争吵;喧嚷;adj.爱吵架的;v.吵架(brawl的ing形式)

7、growing ─── v.生长;发育;(使)生长;栽种;留(须、发等);产生;发展;增加;(使)扩大;逐渐变得;逐渐开始;逐渐感受到;提升品质(grow的现在分词);adj.增加的

8、Rowling ─── n.罗琳(女子名)

9、prowling ─── v.潜行;徘徊;搜寻;n.徘徊,潜行;悄悄踱步;(动物)出动捕猎;四处搜寻(干某事的机会)

growling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I call it purring, not growling,' said Alice. ─── “我把这说成是打呼噜,不是叫。”爱丽丝说。

2、Their earlier recordings are more gloomy/depresive doom metal with growling vocals, the last release is more melodic. ─── 他们早期的唱片更偏向带有咆哮声的阴郁沮丧的厄运金属,最近的专辑则更注重了旋律。

3、he growled at them and was horrified to see 1000 little dogs growling back at him. ─── 他便开始冲他们狂吠,镜中的1000只小狗也冲着他狂吠,把他给吓坏了

4、Once this threshold is passed, every additional point of PAP adds 5.7 Points of threat to Growl. ─── 一旦超过初始值,那么超过部分每点攻击强度会提高低吼技能5.7的仇恨值。

5、Her growling stomach and the sun high overhead told her when it was time to take a break. ─── 她咕咕直叫的胃和高高顶在头上的太阳提醒她到了休息的时间了。

6、For a time they growl at each other, and then the Spanish dog starts wagging his tail. ─── 它们彼此对嗥了一阵子,然后西班牙种的狗摇起尾巴来。

7、Lumiere's last sentence is drowned out by the very loud growl of Beast. Lumiere looks down, dejected. ─── 吕米埃的最后一句话被野兽的咆哮声给淹没了。吕米埃低着头,不说话了。

8、Growling the foulest imprecations, he crawled along the sand till he got hold of the porch and could hoist himself again upon his crutch. ─── 他咆哮着发出最恶毒的咒骂,爬在沙地上,一直爬到了门廊前,抓着门柱子,用拐将自己的身体重新撑了起来。

9、On his way to the drugstore, he heard something growling behind him. ─── 在往杂货店的路上,他听到有东西在他后面吼叫。

10、They will roar together like young lions; They will growl like lions' whelps. ─── 38他们在一起要像少壮狮子咆哮,像小狮子吼叫。

11、Her people all roar like young lions, they growl like lion cubs. ─── 他们要像少壮狮子咆哮,像小狮子吼叫。

12、Lady Audley happened to enter the room at this very moment, and the animal cowered down by the side of his mistress with a suppressed growl. ─── 奥德利夫人这时碰巧走进房间来了,那头狗儿发出一声抑止住的咆哮,哆嗦着在女主人的身边蹲下。

13、They growl with the passion and yet torn roar, lashing flashing passionately in the melodies, is to unstoppable momentum, heavy metal music swept across China! ─── 他们带着咆哮而不失激情的撕吼,鞭挞中闪烁深情的旋律,正以势不可挡的劲头,席卷中国重金属乐坛!

14、"Was that disrespect for your leader I heard?" he teased in a mock growl. ─── "我听到的你领袖的那一个不敬是"? 他在一个假的吠声中欺负。

15、In fact, Stec hangs out with Mayor Stubbs most days at Nagley's General Store, even though she notes, "He's growling at me right now. " ─── 事实上,Stec整天与市长Stubbs在杂货店办公,虽然,她写道,“他正在对着我咆哮。”

16、Growling and grumping, they ran straight to the river and dived into the cold water to cool off their tails. ─── 他们嚎叫抱怨着径直冲向河边,跳进冰凉的水中让尾巴冷却下来?

17、He discovered that there was a growling (groaning) center in midbrain in cat,and its excitability may be involved the mechanism of emotion and pain. ─── 他主要用其研究情绪表征的神经机制。发现猫中脑怒叫中枢,且其兴奋性可能与疼痛及情绪机制有关。

18、If you assist someone and use your pet, either growl or the pet itself will drastically reduce the experiance they receive from the kill. ─── 如果你帮助别人杀死一个怪物,哪怕仅仅是低吼,都会显著降低他们本应该获得经验值。

19、He brings talent and inventiveness into the realm of alternative music, armed with a dynamic voice capable of bellowing out a death metal growl or a lilting angelic whisper. ─── 他将天分和创造力带入了另类音乐王国,他那充满活力的声音既能胜任死亡金属的嗥叫也能胜任天使般的低吟。

20、He answered the question with growl. ─── 他咆哮着回答了这个问题。

21、Intimidating Growl causes an enemy to run away in fear at an increased movement speed. ─── 使敌人感到恐惧,以高于正常的速度逃跑。

22、A barking dog is not usually a sign of aggressive behavior; it is the silent, snarling or growling dog that is actually most dangerous. ─── 啡叫的狗不具有攻击行为,但不出声的,或者低吼,咆哮的狗最危险。

23、As the fat man hit the box with his ax, Buck jumped at the sides, growling and biting, pulling with his teeth at the pieces of broken wood. ─── 他用斧子砸木箱的时候,巴克扑向壁板,咆哮着,咬啮着,用牙齿撕扯着断木碎屑。

24、Late in the afternoon, thunder growling, that same old green pickup rolled in and he saw Jack get out of the truck, beat-up Resistol tilted back. ─── 下午晚些时候,雷声开始隆隆轰鸣。那辆熟悉的绿色旧卡车驶入了埃尼斯的眼帘,杰克从车上跳出来,一巴掌把翘起来的车尾拍下去。

25、Her voice, which if unchanged would have moved the heart to pity, became a growl, more fit to inspire terror. ─── 她的声音本来是能唤起人们的恻隐之心的,现在却成了嗥叫,令人毛骨悚然。

26、Well, then,' the Cat went on, `you see, a dog growls when it's angry, and wags its tail when it's pleased.Now I growl when I'm pleased, and wag my tail when I'm angry. ─── “好,那么,”猫接着说,“你知道,狗生气时就叫,高兴时就摇尾巴,可是我,却是高兴时就叫,生气时就摇尾巴。

27、to be that of growling, ill-tempered lawyer Ling Woo, which Liu filled with such aplomb that she was signed on as a regular cast member. ─── 部分原来是到着,坐立不安暴躁律师灵胡刘其中充满挥洒自如,她签订了正规投下会员。

28、His accent, an inimitable polyglot growl, radiates a weariness that comes with being what he calls a “global nomad. ─── 他咆哮般的口音是通晓多种语言的人独有的特点,散发着一种被他称为“全球流浪者”所独具的疲惫感。

29、Their roar is like that of the lion, they roar like young lions; they growl as they seize their prey and carry it off with no one to rescue. ─── 他们要吼叫像母狮子,咆哮像少壮狮子。他们要咆哮抓食,坦然叼去,无人救回。

30、Oh, my stomach is growling. ─── 啊,我肚子咕噜咕噜作响。

31、Growl of Fortitude increases the maximum health of the bear. ─── 坚韧咆哮增加熊的生命值上限。

32、Still weak from illness, Oliver was terrified by the growling dog. ─── 仍很虚弱的奥利弗被这条狂吠的狗吓坏了。

33、When he saw the 1000 unfriendly looking dogs staring back at him, he growled at them and was horrified to see 1000 little dogs growling back at him. ─── 一看到有1000只小狗不友好地盯着他,他便开始冲他们狂吠,镜中的1000只小狗也冲着他狂吠,把他给吓坏了.

34、Back in the kitchen, he began to growl. ─── 他回到了厨房,开始吼叫。

35、A low snarling growl, the ground trembling beneath your feet, and a shivering tingle up your spine. ─── 一阵低沉的咆哮声传来,大地在你的脚下颤动,战栗的感觉爬上你的脊梁骨。

36、He sounded like a wounded beast; there was a growl in his throat. ─── 他像受伤的野兽一样,喉咙里咕噜噜地响。

37、Suppose you want the dog object to howl, growl or whimper?How do you make the changes dynamically? ─── 假如你要让狗对象发出其他各种各样的叫声,你该如何动态的改变这些属性呢?

38、Simonet and her students started by recording dogs at play. They eventually isolated the growling, whining, barking and the sound she now calls laughter. ─── 她和她的学生们开始先记录下狗在玩耍时发出的声音,最后终于将低沉的咆哮,悲伤的高音嗥叫,吠叫和现在称之未笑声的喘息声区分开来。

39、We hear a louder growl. Guess who is growling? ─── 我们听到了一声更大的咆哮。猜猜是谁在咆哮?

40、"If everybody minded their own business," the Duchess said in a hoarse growl, "the world would go round a great deal faster than it does. ─── “倘使每一个都只管自己的事情的话,”公爵夫人以嘶哑的声音说:“这世界就会比现在转动得快多了。

41、There was a growl and a push from the rest of the crowd. ─── 人群里有人发起了牢骚。

42、Growl taunt effectiveness reduced. ─── 咆哮的嘲讽效果降低。

43、Making due without a manual transmission option, the Charger and 300 do at least add 10 more horsepower and the sweetest exhaust notes this side of NASCAR for those sold on a guttural growl. ─── 作出应有没有手动变速箱选项,充电器和300做至少新增10马力和最甜蜜的排气注意到这方面的纳斯卡对那些出售的喉音咆哮。

44、Then come the dog's twelve years, and he lies in the corner growling , no longer having teeth with which to bite. ─── 然后是狗的十二年,那时他失去了利齿,咬不动东西,只能躺在墙脚忿忿不平地低吼。

45、His voice deepened to a growl. ─── 他的声音变成了低沉的怒吼。

46、Oh, the dinosaurs, big as trees. Dinosaurs, brains like peas! Jaws and claws and teeth and bone, that used to growl and groan and moan. ─── 噢,恐龙,大得如树一般。恐龙,头脑象豌豆!腭、爪子、牙齿和骨头,那是用来咆哮、呻吟和呼啸的。

47、But all at once the noise stopped and again the soft alarm growl vibrated in the air. ─── 但是,喧嚣声突然停止,低颤的警报声声又在空中响起。

48、In fact, it's the open-top XK, with its baritone growl, thanks to a particularly unrestrictive exhaust, that grows on me the most. ─── 事实上,它的开顶XK,其男中音咆哮,由于特别不受限制废气,生长在我最。

49、As an added benefit, remembering to pack a snack helps to keep swimmers focused on the task at hand rather than their growling stomachs. ─── 作为另一项好处,带点小点心可以让游泳者把注意力集中到手头的任务上,而不是他们咕噜噜叫的胃。

50、Growling, he threw himself at the snow, and a moment later, he had jumped upwards into the daylight. ─── 一会儿功夫之后,它便一跃而上,到了光天白日之中。

51、With an induction-enhanced growl from the V6, the IS C sounded as though it was ready to rumble. ─── 同一个感应增强咆哮的V6发动机,该是C听起来好像准备隆隆。

52、To snarl; growl. ─── 咆哮;吼叫,嗥叫

53、Thursday, I hurried to the kitchen as soon as coming home. Xia Bi Ha still growled me. But when I touched him, he stopped growling and did not hide. ─── 周四,我一回家就直奔厨房,狭必哈依旧哈我,不过我用手摸摸他,他就不哈了,也没有躲。

54、And senior Russians, especially the top brass, are growling in response. ─── 俄罗斯高层,尤其是高级军官,给以激烈反应。

55、Crystal: My stomach's growling again! ─── 克莉丝:我的肚子又在叫了!

56、You know, the voice sort of comes up as part of the character, and then the growl comes with it, you know? ─── 你知道,声音好像是人物的一部分,然后用它咆哮,你知道?

57、This CD lyrically deals with the scenario of a war between the West and Islamic terrorists, sung in true death metal style growling by vocalist Juan Urteaga. ─── 不过他们的观点是对于阿拉伯国家的否认,甚至有一些过激。封面就是一把带有浓烈阿拉伯色彩的刀将地球劈开,鲜血淋漓。

58、I call it purring, not growling," said Alice. ─── 我认为它是喵喵叫,不是咆哮。”爱丽丝说。

59、He said in his gruff, moist, somehow mournful growl, "What Burak has said, we've all made a solemn pledge to carry out. ─── 他用粗哑类似哀嚎的声音说道,“刚才巴拉克所说的,我们都庄重的发过誓,要将它实施。

60、Another short forte gives way to an entry of the third theme, which then hides ever more effectively beneath shivering and growling bundles of notes. ─── 另一段短小的强音将第三主题再次引入,在颤动和咆哮的音符下隐藏进了更多的东西。

61、The desk officer answered my greeting with a growl. ─── 值勤警官粗鲁地回答我的问候

62、He put his paw on the prize and glared across the water with a defiant growl. ─── 他把他的爪子放在猎获物上,盯着河对岸,发出一声挑衅的吼叫。

63、They will roar together like young lions; They will growl like lions'whelps. ─── 他们在一起要像少壮狮子咆哮,像小狮子吼叫。

64、Growl you will and go you must. ─── 你抱怨也得去。

65、But soon, as if to prove our guide Larson right, they begin to cry out, something between a growl, a hoot and a chirp. ─── 但随即,彷佛为了证实我们的导游拉森所言不假,牠们开始叫喊起来,那声音听起来像是混杂著狗吠声、猫头鹰的呼呼笑与小鸟尖促的鸣叫。

66、Sound Identification: Timing gears, chains, and belts can produce noise varying from a high-pitched howl (fitted too tight) to a low-level chatter or growl (badly worn). ─── 声音辨别:正时齿轮,正时链条和正时皮带可以制造各种不同的噪音,从尖锐的啸声(安装的太紧)到低沉的卡嗒声或轰鸣声(磨损太大)。

67、Big growl, refuse food. ─── 大吼一声,扔掉食物。

68、The princess, hearing the bear growl so loudly that night, assumed that he must be growling with satisfaction, having made an end of the tailor. ─── 公主听到熊那晚叫喊得这么大声,以为他一定是因为把那个裁缝给解决了感到满足才叫的。

69、Iraq's President and two Vice Presidents have tried to ease tension with Syria, saying that a diplomatic growl between the two countries should be resolved through dialogue. ─── 伊拉克总统和两名副总统试图缓解与叙利亚的关系,称两国的外交芥蒂应通过对话解决。

70、He had a lot of money, and he was growling around about the church needing to improve the teaching and preaching and all. ─── 他有许多钱,他忿忿不平:教堂需要来改善教学和布道。

71、If you're too busy to remember to eat, your stomach will remind you it's time to refuel by growling. ─── 如果你过于忙碌而忘记吃饭,你的胃便会开始咕咕地叫,提醒你要补充食物能量了。

72、I am not pelting you," answered the first, growling. ─── 我没有打你。”第一个咆哮着回答。

73、So playing a dog -- panting, growling and barking -- was great fun and easy for me. ─── 因此扮演狗狗,不管喘息、嗥叫和狂呔都难不倒我,也很好玩。

74、Growling the foulest imprecations, he crawled along the sand till he got hold of the porch and could hoist himself again upon his crutch. Then he spat into the spring. ─── 他嘟嘟哝哝地骂着最下流的脏话,在沙地上一直爬到门廊那里,才抓住柱子撑着拐杖站了起来,然后他朝泉水里吐了一口。

75、There, on his right, two fellows were drinking wine out of a bottle wrapped in a paper bag , and he could hear soft gurgling in the dark.His stomach gave a low, gnawing growl. ─── 在他的右边,两个人正喝着用纸袋裹着的一瓶酒,他在黑暗中听见轻轻的咕嘟声,肚子里随之响起一阵阵令人难受的鸣叫。

76、The crumbling began with a whisper and grew to a growl as the first tower imploded. ─── 世贸中心的第一栋大厦开始倒塌,吱呀声很快就变成一片轰鸣。

77、Avoid biting when a simple growl will do. ─── 可以咆哮,但不要咬人。

78、There's lots of screaming and growling and he comes out with his clothes all torn, covered in blood an half dead. ─── 传出一阵尖叫和咆哮声,男人满身的血、衣衫褴褛、半死不活的走了出来。

79、NIV] Their roar is like that of the lion, they roar like young lions; they growl as they seize their prey and carry it off with no one to rescue. ─── [和合]他们要吼叫象母狮子,咆哮象少壮狮子;他们要咆哮抓食,坦然叼去,无人救回。

80、With honey-tongued the desire that will replace those urgent growl growl, one pace ground takes him into your body, is this kind of feeling more ambiguous and romantic? ─── 于是两个坏蛋放着一桌子碟儿呀碗儿呀不顾乐呵呵地跑进卧室。

81、You don't want her to strike at you with her paw or hiss and growl. ─── 你可不会希望她用爪子攻击你或发出嘶叫或低声叫声。

82、Small portions can leave stomachs growling. ─── 吃得少,你的胃会很难受。

83、Ga is probably short for garuru, which is a growl. ─── Ga 可能是 garuru 的缩写,表示咆哮声。

84、Looked for a small restaurant and sat down, hungry for a day in the stomach growling. ─── 找了个小饭馆坐了下来,饿了一天的肚子咕咕叫。

85、The speaker changes your voice with a filter to sound like the growling dragon speaks. ─── 喇叭可以改变您的声音就像像咆哮龙在讲话。

86、Minutes earlier, I had heard the tiger's deep-throated growl of annoyance as the beaters on elephant-back forced him to abandon his kill in a narrow gully. ─── 几分钟之前,我听见了这只老虎的喉咙深处发出的嘟囔,象背上的猎人迫使它放弃了狭窄山谷中已经到手的猎物。

87、When your pet gains a level, it will automatically gain a new rank of Growl if one is available at that level. ─── 低吼技能会随着宠物升级而自动升级(如果那一级可以学到高级的低吼),不用像以前还要找会高级低吼的野兽来学,然后再扔掉。

88、Exceedingly red-eyed and grim, as if he had been up all night at a party which had taken anything but a convivial turn, Jerry Cruncher worried his breakfast rather than ate it, growling over it like any four-footed inmate of a menagerie. ─── 他双眼通红,脾气很大,仿佛彻夜不眠参加了晚会回来,而那晚会又无丝毫乐趣。 他不是在吃早饭,而是在拿早饭发脾气,像动物园里的居民一样对它嗥叫。

89、It was dark and windy outside, and before I went to sleep I could hear a dog growling in the distance. ─── 外面很黑,刮着风,临睡前我还听到远处的狗叫。

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