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08-15 投稿


transubstantiation 发音

英:[?tr?ns?b?st?n?i?e??n]  美:[?tr?ns?b?st?n?i?e??n]

英:  美:

transubstantiation 中文意思翻译



transubstantiation 网络释义

n. 变质;改变;圣餐变体论

transubstantiation 短语词组

1、transubstantiation definition ─── 转质定义

2、transubstantiation mean ─── 转化平均值

3、transubstantiation dogma ─── 转化教条

4、transubstantiation refers to ─── 指转移

5、transubstantiation mass ─── 换质质量

6、transubstantiation kids ─── 变性儿童

7、transubstantiation reddit ─── 转化红细胞

8、transubstantiation miracle ─── 转化奇迹

transubstantiation 词性/词形变化,transubstantiation变形

名词: transubstantiationalist |

transubstantiation 相似词语短语

1、consubstantiation ─── 圣体共在论;同体论

2、transubstantiate ─── vt.使变质

3、transubstantiating ─── vt.使变质

4、transubstantiates ─── vt.使变质

5、transubstantiationalist ─── n.变质;改变;圣餐变体论(transubstantiation的变形)

6、transubstantiations ─── n.变质;改变;圣餐变体论

7、transubstantiated ─── vt.使变质

8、transubstantial ─── 超实体

9、substantiation ─── n.证实;实体化

transubstantiation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Holy Eucharist; Symbolized the last communion with Jesus and his followers. This practice became very controversial because of the concept of "Transubstantiation". ─── 圣餐:象征着与耶稣和他的追随者的持续联系。由于“化质说”的概念,这种实践变得非常有争议性。

2、At last, in attacking sacerdotal power, he was led to deny transubstantiation, which he called a deceit and a blasphemous folly. ─── 最后,当他攻击祭司权时,他进而否认了化体说,把化体说称作一桩欺骗和渎神的蠢事。

3、When a doubt concerning the doctrine of transubstantiation forced itself upon him, he regarded it as a temptation from Satan, and by prayer and confession sought to free himself from it; ─── 当他有一次对“圣体”的道理发生怀疑时,他就认为这是从撒但来的试探,于是祷告认罪,设法摆脱这思想;

4、You are, each of you, All-That-Is experienced through your own individuality, and the transubstantiation of your flesh. ─── 你们每个人都是经由你们自己的个性而经历的一切全有,你们的肉体是它的变形。

5、But for those with little sentimental attachment to books as objects, and even less disposable shelf space, the offer of transubstantiation might well be seen as a blessing. ─── 但对那些对书缺乏情感,把书当做物品,而且几乎没有自由空间可供支配的人,变体就变体,反而是一件好事。

6、My story "Transubstantiation" won the 2006 Prix Aurora Award, Canada's national science fiction award, for Best Short-Form Work in English. ─── 我的小说《质变》赢得了加拿大国家科幻奖——曙光奖的2006年度最佳英文短篇小说奖。

7、Both rejected transubstantiation as well as the Roman Catholic understanding of the mass as a sacrifice. ─── 都拒绝化质说,以及罗马天主教把弥撒当作献祭的认识。

8、You are, each of you, All-That-Is experienced through your own individuality, and the transubstantiation of your flesh. ─── 你们每个人都是经由你们自己的个性而经历的一切全有,你们的肉体是它的变形。

9、English theologian and religious reformer. His rejection of the biblical basis of papal power and dispute with the doctrine of the transubstantiation of the host anticipated the Protestant Reformation. ─── 威克里夫,约翰1328?-1384英国神学家和宗教改革者,他反对圣经作为教皇权力的基础,抨击圣体论,由此激起新教改革运动

10、Up until 1519, it appears Luther agreed with the official doctrine of transubstantiation. ─── 直到1519之前,路德似乎同意化质说的官方教义。

11、A broader solution is industrial-grade transubstantiation: using a new kind of reactor to break down the actinides [see “Smarter Use of Nuclear Waste,” by William H. ─── 一个更大胆的解决方案是工业上的体变:(译注:体变意为基督教中面包和葡萄酒经过圣祝后变成基督的身体和血液,只留下外形还是面包和酒。)

12、Egyptian priests practiced "transubstantiation" , claiming to be able to transfer the sun god Osiris into a circular wafer. ─── 古埃及祭司也有“圣餐仪式”,他们声称能够把太阳神奥西里斯转化到一个圆形的薄饼里。

13、Jean turned to the viewport and thought of the phoenix once more, the transubstantiation of an entire race. ─── 吉音转向窗口,又想起了整个因维人族群变作的凤凰。

14、To modern minds the idea that men would go to war over, for example, transubstantiation seems improbable. ─── 以现代的思维来看,人们会因为圣体论而走向战争在现今社会是不太可能发生的。

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