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08-15 投稿


intermediate 发音

英:[,?nt?'mi?d??t]  美:[,?nt?'mid??t]

英:  美:

intermediate 中文意思翻译




intermediate 同义词

in | between | intervening | intermediary | average | midway | transitional | medium | liaise | intercede |middle | mediate | halfway | in between | arbitrate | in-between

intermediate 短语词组

1、intermediate account ─── [经] 中间帐户(科目)

2、intermediate amputation ─── [医] 间期切断术

3、intermediate area ─── [经] 中间地区

4、court of intermediate appeal ─── [法] 中级上诉法院

5、federal intermediate credit banks ─── [经] 联邦中期信贷银行

6、intermediate accounting ─── [经] 中级会计

7、intermediate appelate court ─── [法] 受理调解上诉法院

8、first intermediate host ─── [医] 第一中间宿主

9、Gowers' intermediate process ─── [医] 高尔斯氏中间突, 脊髓侧角

10、intermediate abortion ─── [医] 中期流产

11、dye(stuff) intermediate ─── [化] 染料中间体

12、chemical intermediate ─── [化] 化学中间体; 化学半成品

13、frequency intermediate ─── [电] 中频

14、Hannover's intermediate menibranes ─── [医] 汉诺佛氏中间膜(釉膜)

15、intermediate assignment ─── [计] 中间赋值

16、competitive intermediate market ─── [经] 竞争性中间市场

17、intermediate (storage) tank ─── [化] 中间储罐

18、hydrochloric acid intermediate storage tank ─── [化] 盐酸中间贮槽

19、intermediate annealing ─── [机] 还软退火

intermediate 反义词


intermediate 词性/词形变化,intermediate变形

副词: intermediately |动词第三人称单数: intermediates |动词过去式: intermediated |名词: intermediacy |动词现在分词: intermediating |动词过去分词: intermediated |

intermediate 相似词语短语

1、to intermediate ─── 到中间

2、intermediates ─── n.中型物;中间事物;光泽辊;媒介(intermediate的复数);v.调解;充当调解人(intermediate的三单形式)

3、intermediary ─── adj.中间的;媒介的;中途的;n.中间人;仲裁者;调解者;媒介物

4、intermediated ─── v.充当调解人;斡旋(intermediate的过去式及过去分词)

5、intermediately ─── adv.在中间

6、intermediacy ─── 中间性

7、intermedial ─── adj.中间的(等于intermediate);n.媒介

8、intermediator ─── n.仲裁者;调解者

9、intermedia ─── n.媒介物,中间物;adj.综合使用多种艺术表现手段的;综合媒介的

intermediate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、wherein the intermediate reactor feedstock comprises at least one of a fatty acid and a fatty acid ester. ─── 其中中间反应器原料包含脂肪酸和脂肪酸酯中的至少一种。

2、A metamorphic rock,intermediate between shale and slate,that does not possess true slaty cleavage. ─── 厚层泥岩一种变质岩,在页岩与板岩之间,不具备真正的板块解理

3、No intermediate states are recognized or accepted. ─── 不能识别或接受任何中间状态。

4、Iminodiacetic acid(IDA) is an important intermediate in fine chemical industry. ─── 亚氨基二乙酸(IDA)是一种重要的精细化工中间体。

5、They will talk to an intermediate before they release the results. ─── 他们在公布结果前要先和中间人谈谈。

6、A computer of intermediate size and computing power, between a minicomputer and mainframe. ─── 在小型计算机和大型计算机之间,具有中等容量和计算能力的计算机。

7、For intermediate coat on the surface of zinc silicate or metal coating to reduce popping. ─── 作为中间涂层涂于涂有硅酸锌或金属涂料的表面以减少起泡现象。

8、In addition, NDIS intermediate driver is applied widely in many other areas, such as VPN, NAT, VLAN. ─── 另外,NDIS中间驱动程序的应用很广泛,不仅仅应用在个人防火墙方面,还可以用来实现VPN、NAT、VLAN等。

9、Put in drier and reseal the box when intermediate storage. ─── 如果需要中间存储时,还要放入干燥剂,重新密封。

10、Between first-time users and intermediate users there are many people who use sovereign applications only on occasion. ─── 在首次用户和中间用户之间,有很多人仅仅是偶尔使用独占应用。

11、Being at neither one extreme nor the other; intermediate. ─── 中部的,居中的既不在一端,又不在另一端的; 中间的

12、The artificial Earth Satellites occupy a peculiar intermediate position between science and technology. ─── 人造地球卫星在科学和技术之间占有一个独特的中介地位。

13、Intermediate accounting /Donald E.Kieso, Jerry J.Weygandt, Terry D. ─── Warfield = 中级会计 / 基索, 韦安特, 沃菲尔德著.

14、Intermediate Language (MSIL) files, which the CLR then executes. ─── 中间语言( msil )文件,其中的CLR ,然后执行。

15、Term from the intermediate user or group. ─── 以后的术语从中间的用户或组来计算下一个术语。

16、A stable radical intermediate is a necessary requisite to loss of carbon dioxide. ─── 一个稳定自由基的中间体是脱除二氧化碳所需的必要条件。

17、Beijing No.2 intermediate People′s Court has accepted Respondent′s application to review this matter. ─── 北京市第二中级人民法院已决定立案审理。

18、An intermediate state or stage. ─── 中间状态中间形态或中间阶段

19、W/O/W emulsions have an intermediate behaviour. ─── W/O/W型乳剂则两者的特性均有。

20、Some manufacturers list the specific solvent for each BPC and intermediate. ─── 一些制造商列出了每一原料药和中间体的具体溶剂。

21、Diphenyl thiourea is an important intermediate of medicine and dyestuff. ─── 二苯硫脲是重要的医药和染料的中间体。

22、Intermediate Bus Architecture - Is it for Every One? ─── 中间总线结构的局限性?

23、Vision intermediate between photopic and scotopic vision. ─── 介于明视觉与暗视觉之间的视觉。

24、The Intermediate level for the Chinese Proficiency Test (CPT). ─── 11华语文能力测验中级。

25、Aligning intermediate shaft and propeller shaft after launching. ─── 下水后中间轴和螺旋桨连接后校中。

26、He has 10 days to a eal agai t the verdict by the Beijing No 1 Intermediate Court. ─── 他如不服北京市第一中级人民法院的判决,可在十日内提出上诉。

27、In a queuing system, messages are stored at intermediate nodes until the system is ready to forward them. ─── 在一个队列系统中,消息被存放在中间节点,直到系统准备好发送他们。

28、A plane with intermediate range. ─── 中程飞机。

29、Dye intermediate, solid, corrosive, n.o.s. ─── 固体染料中间体,腐蚀,

30、Flexible exchange rates yield an intermediate outcome in the face of capital-flow shocks. ─── 变动汇率在面临资本流动冲击时能产生一种缓冲的效果。

31、An intermediate class is more difficult than a beginner's class but easier than an advanced one. ─── 中级班比初级班难些,比高级班容易些。

32、A type of cherry intermediate between a sweet and a sour cherry. ─── 公爵樱桃介于甜与酸樱桃之间的一种樱桃

33、He wanted to sell his old house through an intermediate agent. ─── 他想通过中介把老房子卖掉。

34、The lowest female voice or voice part, intermediate in range between soprano and tenor. ─── 女低音最低的女声或女声部,在音域上处于女高音和男高音之间

35、Honestly, the harder classes that I'm in are intermediate microeconomics. ─── 老实说,我现在上的更难的课程是中级微观经济学。

36、It was surely fun to design but was not particularly easy to use after you became an intermediate. ─── 它设计起来确实很好玩,但当你成为一个中间用户后,特别不好用。

37、Medicine domestic animal liver piece trematode 1 intermediate. ─── 医药牲畜肝片吸虫1号的中间体。

38、You can pass the intermediate examination of English without difficulty. ─── 你可以轻而易举地通过中级英语考试。

39、Intermediate frequency instability has had the most uneven history. ─── 中频不稳定性的研究经历了极为曲折的道路。

40、In SNA, a subarea node with intermediate routing function. ─── 在系统网络体系结构(NA),具有中间路由选择能力的子区网点。

41、When the PCY valve sticks in the intermediate position, the engine idles rough and stalls frequently. ─── PCV阀在过渡状况被粘住时,发动机会出现怠速不稳和频繁息火的故障。

42、Many of the particles in the atmosphere are in the intermediate region of size. ─── 大气中的许多粒子均属中等尺度。


44、Students are categorized as novice, intermediate, or advanced. ─── 学生分为新生、中级生或高级生。

45、Any of various products, such as partially refined petroleum or ore, that are intermediate in quality, size, price, or grade. ─── 中档货质量、体积、价格或等级处于中等的一种商品,如不完全精炼的石油或矿石

46、Intermediate polars are a type of cataclysmic variable star system. ─── 中度的极化双星系统是激变星中的一种类型。

47、An intermediate line state that appears as a tag on a line state display. ─── 一种中间线路状态,作为一个标记出现在线路状态显示中。

48、An intermediate resting place for righteous souls awaiting the Resurrection. ─── 天堂,天国正直灵魂等待复活的中间休息场所

49、Medium Term Holding an asset for an intermediate period of time. ─── 在中等年期内持有资产。

50、This tutorial is written for relational database professionals whose skills and experience are at a beginning to intermediate level. ─── 本教程专门为水平在中低级之间的关系数据库专业人员编写的。

51、This intermediate would not be expected to build up to any appreciable concentration. ─── 不应指望这个中间体会以可观的浓度存在。

52、Some of those intermediate steps are grouped under what I call mid-bands here. ─── 一些中间的步骤被聚集在我所称中间的-乐团为这里的之下。

53、To do this, the Database Engine must create a worktable to store intermediate results. ─── 为此,数据库引擎必须创建一个工作表来存储中间结果。

54、Glutamate is an intermediate in its breakdown. ─── 在其降解过程中可形成谷氨酸。

55、The F1 plants were vigorous and somewhat intermediate. ─── F1植株生长健壮,其中有一些表现中间性。

56、Building skills for the TOEFL iBT : high intermediate / Helen S. ─── Zhuxin Hua=新 TOEFL 考试技能培训教程 (中高级) / 索洛萨诺 著 ;

57、An intensive reading course of intermediate Chinese II. ─── 中级汉语精读教程2。

58、An intermediate place or state. ─── 中间过渡地带,不安定的状态

59、The operand type of an Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) instruction. ─── Microsoft中间语言(MSIL)指令的操作数类型。

60、They have to assess your level and steer you to the right class, beginner, intermediate. ─── 他们必须评估你的水平然后把你分到正确的班级,如初级班,中级班。

61、Of an intermediate balance, under the circumstances, there is no possibility. ─── 在这种情况下,要想不好不坏,保持中不溜的状态,是根本做不到的。

62、For intermediate paint in epoxy floor coating series on sealer or putty to increase film thickness and smoothness. ─── 作为环氧地坪涂料系列的中间漆,涂于封闭底漆或腻子之上,用来增加漆膜厚度和涂层的平整性。

63、Is The Intermediate Stratum Forming in China? ─── 中国的中间阶层正在形成?

64、An intermediate shaft between the powered and driven shafts in a belt drive. ─── 副轴,天轴传送带上介于动力轴与驱动轴之间的中间轴

65、Diarylamine is a kind of important intermediate which has wide utility. ─── 二芳胺作为一种重要的化工原料有着十分广泛的用途。

66、Education: At least college in mechanical, and intermediate certificated. ─── 2学历要求:机械类本科以上学历并有中级职称。

67、The intermediate fat pad was found absent in two of our patients. ─── 在2例患者中发现颞中脂肪垫缺如。

68、Two independent check valves with intermediate vacuum breaker and relief vent. ─── 两个独立止回阀配置中间真空断路阀和安全阀。

69、ID mark on face of upper and intermediate piston rings must point toward piston crown. ─── 上和中活塞环面上ID标记必须指向活塞头。

70、One intermediate ring between the two outer rings. ─── 两个外圈之间带一个隔圈。

71、Intermediate arrays have porosities falling between these limits. ─── 中间的排列方式,孔隙率介于这两个值之间。

72、The intermediate level students were improving rapidly. ─── 中等生的进步很快。

73、Of course, if you can offer easier or more powerful idioms without compromising the interaction for intermediate users, that is often best. ─── 当然了,如果你设计的产品在不影响中间用户交互使用的情况下还能考虑到即容易且强大的习惯用法,那么肯定是再好不过了。

74、Floating backlit wall intermediate 13ji le days posture different life. ─── 中间背光浮壁13尊伎乐天,姿态各异,栩栩如生。

75、Is a workspace for holding temporary objects or intermediate result sets. ─── 一个工作空间,用于保存临时对象或中间结果集。

76、Hybrids apparently excel in competitive ability on the intermediate soils. ─── 在居间土壤上杂种显然在竞争能力上占上风。

77、QUICK QUILTS is the perfect magazine for beginning and intermediate quilters. ─── QUICK QUILTS是本很适合初学者以及中级拼布玩家的拼布志。

78、Aligning main engine's crank shaft and intermediate shaft after launching. ─── 下水后主机曲轴和中间轴连接后校中。

79、NDIS Intermediate Drivers complete source code can be used directly. ─── (译):NDIS中间驱动程序完整的源代码可以直接使用。

80、Forest fallow is an intermediate class between forest and non-forest land uses. ─── 休耕林是林地和非林地的中间阶段。

81、The intermediate ground, however, was beautifully studded with timber. ─── 中间的那片园地上,很美丽地点缀着林木。

82、Simultaneous determination of imidacloprid and its intermediate by HPLC. ─── 吡虫啉及其中间体的高效液相色谱法同时测定。

83、Who is the only hook tapeworm final host, the pigs are Taenia solium one of the intermediate host. ─── 人是有钩绦虫的唯一终末宿主,猪是有钩绦虫的中间宿主之一。

84、Wolf pup barking seems to be an intermediate noise you grow out of. ─── 狼崽的吠声就好比是在它成长发声过程中的一个中间产物。

85、Low or intermediate frequency combustion instability generally involves the interaction of several components of an engine system. ─── 低频或中频燃烧不稳定性通常包含发动机系统中几个组件的相互作用。

86、A small, usually rectangular bar of iron or steel in an intermediate stage of manufacture. ─── 坯段制造过程中的一小条铁或钢,通常为长方形的坯段

87、Top or intermediate coat in epoxy systems in severely corrosive environment. ─── 在严重腐蚀环境下用作环氧漆系列的面漆或中间漆。

88、Something intermediate between extremes; a mean. ─── 中部,中间,平均两个极端的中间事物;中项

89、Intermediate walkers had two bouts of l0 to l5 minutes,and short walkers did three stints of 5 to l0 minutes. ─── “中距离步行者”每天步行两次,共10到15分钟,“短距离步行者”每天步行三次,共5到10分钟。





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