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08-15 投稿


bulletin 发音

英:['b?l?t?n]  美:['b?l?t?n]

英:  美:

bulletin 中文意思翻译



bulletin 短语词组

1、electronic bulletin board ─── 电子公告板 [计] ─── 电子公告板

2、bulletin board ─── 布告栏

3、bulletin board system ─── [计] 电子公告牌系统

4、accounting research bulletin ─── [经] 会计研究公报

5、official bulletin ─── [法] 正式公报, 官方公报

6、accessing bulletin boards ─── 进入公告栏

7、information bulletin ─── 情报通[公]报

8、monthly bulletin ─── [经] 月份公报

9、bulletin boards ( ─── 电子)公告牌( bulletin board的名词复数 )

10、Visa Bulletin ─── 移民排期;签证公告; ─── 移民排期表;签证看板

11、annual bulletin ─── [经] 年度报告

12、price bulletin ─── [经] 价格公报

13、staff accounting bulletin ─── [经]

14、all-points bulletin ─── [美国、加拿大英语](警方为追捕嫌疑犯用无线电发出的)告示全境的通告 ─── [略作 APB]

15、federal reserve bulletin ─── [经]

16、Destroyer Tactical Bulletin ─── 驱逐舰战术通讯

17、accounting terminology bulletin ─── [经] 会计名词公报

18、technical bulletin ─── [化] 技术公报

19、news bulletin ─── 新闻广播, ─── 新闻简报

bulletin 词性/词形变化,bulletin变形

动词过去式: bulletined |动词第三人称单数: bulletins |动词现在分词: bulletining |动词过去分词: bulletined |

bulletin 相似词语短语

1、bulletrie ─── 炮弹

2、bullet ─── n.子弹;只选某党全部候选人的投票;豆子;vi.射出;迅速行进;n.(Bullet)人名;(法)比莱

3、bulletining ─── n.公告,公报;vt.公布,公告

4、bullets ─── n.[军]子弹(bullet的复数形式)

5、balletic ─── adj.似芭蕾舞的

6、bulletins ─── n.公告;留言;新闻简报(bulletin的复数);v.公布(bulletin的三单形式)

7、bulletined ─── n.公告,公报;vt.公布,公告

8、bullering ─── 噪声

9、billeting ─── n.宿营;v.为…提供宿舍;驻扎(billet的ing形式)

bulletin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He tacked the notice on the bulletin board . ─── 他把通知钉在了布告板上。

2、Board Bulletin Board Comsenz Discuz Forums Rail Fan Www.Railfan. ─── Cn 火车迷 重庆火车迷 重庆铁丝 Edit 5 more...

3、By virtue of this act, decree, bulletin, or document; by this means. ─── 以此,特此依据这条法令、政令、公告或文件; 以此种方法

4、They post questions from standardized tests on Internet bulletin boards. ─── 他们在互联网里的电子公告栏把标准化的试题贴出来。

5、Posters were pasted up on the bulletin board. ─── 布告栏上贴了一些海报。

6、Refer to Crane actuator bulletin for details of pneumatic and electric actuators. ─── · 请参阅美国克雷恩有关执行机构的资料,了解气动和电动执行机构的详细资料。

7、Aw... I shall look at the bulletin board. ─── 哦!我应该看看告示板才对。

8、Rumor machine, stand by for a bulletin, Tanya thought. ─── 坦妮亚心里在想,谣言机器就要发通告了。

9、And that end our special bulletin for today, Thursday, April 1st.We are now returning you to the studio. ─── 今天 4 月 1 日星期四的专题新闻报道到此结束。现在我们再把各位带回到电视演播室。

10、Unfortunately, copies of the seven volumes of the bulletin are rare today. ─── 不幸地,公告的七册副本是稀罕的今天。

11、He posted up a notice on the bulletin board. ─── 他把通知贴在布告板上。

12、You can look it up in the postal rate bulletin over there. ─── 你可以在那边的价目表中查到。

13、She and her team trolled scientific online bulletin boards, trying to talk fellow scientists and students into becoming quake catchers. ─── 她和她的团队轮番在科学性的在线公告栏上发布信息,试图劝说同行的科学家与学生成为地震捕手。

14、Aw... I shall look at the bulletin board . ─── 哦! 我应该看看告示板才对。

15、The bull was shot with the bullet and ran into the bulletin. ─── 公牛中了子弹,冲破了公告牌。

16、The surgeon probed for the bulletin the man's back. ─── 外科医生在那男子的背部探寻子弹。

17、Students can check exam results on the bulletin board. ─── 学生们可以在公告牌上查询考试结果。

18、They take nearly a thousand prisoners. It's in the bulletin. ─── 他们俘获的战俘差不多有一千名。这是公告上说的。

19、The students put up a poster on the bulletin board. ─── 学生们在布告牌上贴了一张海报。

20、Every Chinese Internet company seems to be building its own online conglomerate to offer online games, shopping, blogs and bulletin boards. ─── 中国的每个网络公司似乎都在建立他们的在线混合聚集体,提供在线游戏、购物、博客和公告牌服务。

21、We listened intently to the news bulletin about the former president. ─── 大家都专心收听有关前总统的最新消息。

22、Please click here to download Ming Pao JUMP Bulletin Aug Issue. ─── 八月份于明报JUMP刊登之资料,请按此下载。

23、Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica. ─── 中央研究院数学集刊。

24、She repeated the gist of the AP bulletin. ─── 她把美联社电讯的要点又讲了一遍。

25、You can also post messages on electronic bulletin boards. ─── 也可能在电子布告栏上留言。

26、And that ends our special bulletin for today, Thursday, April lst. ─── 今天--4月1日,星期四--的专题新闻节目到此结束。

27、They are listening to a news bulletin put out by Radio Beijing. ─── 他们在收听北京台的新闻联播。

28、He listened to every news bulletin on the radio. ─── 他收听电台广播的每一条简明新闻。

29、In this example, the current page is a post page in an online bulletin board or forum. ─── 在此示例中,当前页是联机公告板或论坛中的一篇文章所在的页。

30、VB100 award is given by Virus Bulletin magazine. ─── VB100测试奖是由《病毒公告》(Virus Bulletin)杂志颁发的。

31、A week after the crash, I found a note on the base bulletin board from her parents. ─── 爆炸后的一个星期,我在基地的公告板上发现了她父母的留言。

32、If you want to obtain data on employment opportunities, a good source is the Bulletin of the Department of Labour. ─── 如果你想得到就业机会的材料,劳动部公报是一极好的来源。

33、Data are disseminated to the media daily and published in a bulletin every month. ─── 天文台将网络所录得资料,每天发布给传媒知道,并刊载于月报内。

34、Listen and fill in the bulletin board notices: Lost and Found. ─── 听短文,填写失物招领告示牌。

35、No, but there's a map of the campus on that bulletin board. ─── 我不知道,但那边的公告栏有一幅校园地图。

36、A special issue of the WMO Bulletin will be issued in conjunction with the Year during 2003. ─── 《世界气象组织简报》将结合2003 年国际年出版一期特刊。

37、You might want to cut this out and pin it on your bulletin board as a reminder. ─── 您可能想把它剪下来钉在您的公告牌上作为提醒。

38、The great forum for this 'bush nationalism' was the hugely popular Bulletin magazine. ─── 十分受欢迎的Bulletin杂志就是针对这种‘丛林民族主义’的大型论坛。

39、He pasted the bulletin on the wall . ─── 他把公告贴在墙上。

40、But already, with things like bulletin boards or electronic mail, we're beginning to glimpse the potential. ─── 但是已经,由于事物像公告董事会或电子邮件,我们正在开始投以一瞥潜在性。

41、Administrators at the Christian-based school said e-mails, posters and campus bulletin boards were just too easy to ignore. ─── 这所基督教学校的管理人员表示,电子邮件、海报和校园公告栏都太容易被大家忽视。

42、This was what they had posted on the bulletin board then! This was what the blacksmith was reading! ─── 原来贴在布告牌上的就是这么回事! 铁匠在看的原来就是这个!

43、Surfwatch allows parents to prohibit access to specific web sites, newsgroups, and bulletin boards. ─── 过滤器软件可以让父母禁止对特定的网站、新闻组和电子布告栏的访问。

44、Hi. I saw your Ad on the bulletin board yesterday. Do you still have a room for rent? ─── 嗨!我昨天在告示板上看到你们的广告。你们是否还有空房要出租呢?

45、Kid B:decals head use of.(You of be the face difficult way a bulletin board? ─── 小朋友B:贴纸头用的。(你的脸难道是布告栏?

46、This was what they had posted on the bulletin board then! ─── 原来布告牌上讲的是这么回事!

47、Figure 24-7: Here’s a typical bulletin dialog box. ─── 图24-7 这是一个典型的公告对话框,它从来不会由用户发起。

48、I caught the news bulletin on the radio. ─── 我从收音机里听到了那新闻公报。

49、You push it into walls or bulletin boards. ─── 你能将它推进墙或者是布告板中。

50、Bulletin Quick Search field below. ─── 可进行公报的快速检索。

51、'To end our special news' bulletin, ' said the voice of the television announcer, ' we are taking you to the macaroni fields of Calabria'. ─── 电视播音员说:“在结束我们的专题新闻报道时,我们现在把各位带到卡拉布里亚的通心粉小麦田里。”

52、I bought it second - hand from a man who put up a notice on the university bulletin board. ─── 一个人在学校公告栏上贴了广告,我从他那儿买的二手货。

53、The mid-day bulletin had not mentioned any definite area. ─── 中午的公报没说具体的地点。

54、It allows users to post and retrieve messages that are not directed to a specific user, much like announcements are posted on an office bulletin board. ─── 它允许用户的投递或回收消息,这些消息不是针对某一个具体的用户发送的,它就像在办公室的公告牌上发布通知一样。

55、The first item about her impending marriage appeared in an Associated Press bulletin. ─── 她将要结婚的第一条新闻首先在美联社的新闻稿上披露。

56、You can also use the " Feedback" page, to sign up for our general information &softball e-mail bulletin list. ─── 你能也使用“反馈”分页,到为我们的一般信息与垒球电子邮件告示表报名。

57、His final cards remain on my bulletin hoard today. ─── 他最后给我的卡片至今仍留在我的记事板上。

58、Let's pin the notice on the bulletin board. ─── 咱们把这个通知钉在布告牌上吧。

59、It can spread on floppy discs, but travels mostly on e-mails and files downloaded from the World Wide Web and bulletin boards. ─── 它可以通过软盘传播,但是更多的是通过伊妹儿和从万维网以及电子信息布告栏下载文件传播。

60、A new bulletin has been put up on the city wall. ─── 城墙上新贴出一张告谕。

61、I am applying for the vacant position in your Accounting Division announced in your bulletin. ─── 我从贵公司的简报中获悉了你们会计部空缺的职位,现致函应聘。

62、I buy it second- hand from a man who put up a notice on the university bulletin board. ─── 一个人在学校公告栏上贴了广告,我从他那儿买的二手货。

63、Implement safety policy in the factory (bulletin boards, announcements, safety sheet for each machine. ─── 在公司执行安区政策(负责公告栏,机器设备上的安全通告)

64、In the November2,19- issue of the Japan trade bulletin, you advertise fountain pen, pencil, etc. ─── 从19—年11月2日《日本贸易公报》看到贵公司有关钢笔和铅笔等广告。

65、Amazon on behalf of the Internet bulletin board, said the company is experiencing the event under the influence of order. ─── 亚马逊代表在网上公告栏中称,该公司正经历影响下订单的事件。

66、His final card remains on my bulletin board today. ─── 他最后一次送给我的这张贺卡如今仍保存在我的记事牌上。

67、The minutes of their meeting were fully transcribed in the bulletin. ─── 他们的会议记录详尽地登载在会刊中。

68、You may design and put up the bulletin board. ─── 你可以设计一个作品并贴在公告栏上。

69、Edit bulletin of the association, further have it developed to the magazine named "Western Professional Managers". ─── 从每月一期《简报》发展协会的杂志《西部职业经理人》杂志。

70、There is lots of information on the bulletin board. ─── 在公告牌上有很多信息。

71、BBS -- Bulletin Board System. ─── 公告牌系统。

72、A bulletin board backstage in a theater for posting instructions and notices. ─── 公告板戏院后台的布告板,用于张贴指示和通知

73、In this Bulletin we will show how ATR can help us achieve more accurateexits. ─── 在本文中我们将向大家展示ATR如何帮助我们更准确的离市。

74、From a boss bulletin board: come to me with your ideas, not your problems. ─── 总裁告示部下:你有问题先别来找我,你有点子速来敲门。

75、In the November 2, 19 - issue of the Japan Trade Bulletin, you advertise fountain pen, pencil, etc . ─── 从19-年11月2日《日本贸易公报》看到贵公司有关钢笔和铅笔等广告。

76、bulletin was released announcing that the president was out of immediate danger. ─── 发布了公告,宣布总统暂时脱离了危险。

77、Deformation sequence of UHP rocks from the Dabie Mountains, China. Chinese Sciences Bulletin, 1995. ─── 大别山与合肥盆地的构造耦合,科学通报,1997。

78、And that end our special bulletin for today,Thursday,April 1st. We are now returning you to the studio. ─── 今天4月1日星期四的专题新闻报道到此结束。现在我们再把各位带回到演播室。

79、Bulletin of the Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute. ─── 北海道区水产研究所研究报告。

80、A secretary nailed a notice on the bulletin board. ─── 一位秘书把通知钉在了布告牌上。

81、Stick up a notice on a bulletin board. ─── 在布告板上张贴通知。

82、He posted a bulletin on the board. ─── 他在布告板上贴了一张公告。

83、This was what they had posted on the bulletin board then!This was what the black smith was r eading! ─── 原来贴在布告牌上的就是这么回事!铁匠在看的原来就是这个!

84、A: Oh really? What is bulletin board? ─── 哦是吗?什么是电子公告板?

85、American Oriental Bioengineering (Amex: AOB) was originally a Bulletin Board stock. ─── 国内企业在美国投资设立美国东方生物工程公司,原先是一个电子公告牌股票。

86、And that end our special bulletin for today, Thursday, April1st. We are now returning you to the studio. ─── 今天4月1日星期四的专题新闻报道到此结束。现在我们再把各位带回到电视演播室。

87、The Internet is the largest computer bulletin board in the world, and it's growing. ─── 因特网是世界上最大的电子布告栏,并且仍在不断扩大。

88、They posted up the notice on the bulletin board. ─── 他们把通知贴在布告板上。

89、Modify Bulletin Board name from list of selectable Bulletin Boards. ─── 修改来自可选公告栏列表的公告栏名称。

Notice board阅读理解?



布告栏 ; 通知板 ; 告示板


There is a notice on the bulletin/notice board.


Notice board阅读理解?



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