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08-15 投稿


metropolitan 发音

英:[?metr??pɑ?l?t?n]  美:[?metr??p?l?t?n]

英:  美:

metropolitan 中文意思翻译




metropolitan 网络释义

adj. 大都市的;大主教辖区的;宗主国的n. 大城市人;大主教;宗主国的公民

metropolitan 短语词组

1、Mexico City Metropolitan Cathedral ─── 墨西哥城大都会大教堂

2、metropolitan police ─── [法] 都市警察

3、metropolitan shift system ─── [经] 都市轮班制

4、metropolitan country ─── [法] 宗主国

5、metropolitan-area network ─── [计] 城域网

6、metropolitan area network ─── [计] 城域网

7、Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly ─── 东京都会议会

8、metropolitan homeland ─── [法] 宗主国本土

9、Organisation and structure of the Metropolitan Police Service ─── 大都会警察局的组织和结构

10、Tokyo Metropolitan Government ─── 东京市政府

11、Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium ─── 东京大都会体育馆

12、Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department ─── 东京都市警察局

13、Tokyo Metropolitan Television ─── 东京都市电视台

14、Tokyo Metropolitan University ─── 首都大学东京

15、Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building ─── 东京市政府大楼

16、non-metropolitan ─── [网络] 非城市地区

17、metropolitan police department ─── 公安厅

18、Tokyo Metropolitan Art Space ─── 东京都市艺术空间

19、Tokyo Metropolitan Matsuzawa Hospital ─── 东京都市松泽医院

metropolitan 词性/词形变化,metropolitan变形


metropolitan 常用词组

metropolitan area ─── 大城市区域,大都市区;大都会区

metropolitan museum ─── 大都会博物馆

metropolitan police ─── 都市警察

metropolitan 相似词语短语

1、metropolitanate ─── 大都会

2、metropolitans ─── adj.大都市的;大主教辖区的;宗主国的;n.大城市人;大主教;宗主国的公民

3、tetrapolitan ─── 四极体

4、heteropolitans ─── 异端

5、metropolitanism ─── n.大都市主义;大城市生活的特点

6、nonmetropolitan ─── 非大都市

7、heteropolitan ─── 异质的

8、metropolitanize ─── vt.使……大城市化;使(人)有城市居民的风貌

9、metropolitanise ─── 大都会

metropolitan 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly is the fundamental decision-making body of Tokyo Metropolis. ─── 东京都议会是东京都的一个基本决策机关。

2、She left the small island and became famous in metropolitan France. ─── 她离开小岛而在法国的大都市中成名。

3、National treasury disbursements hold a smaller share in the overall metropolitan revenue than that of other local governments. ─── 国库支出金在东京都税收总数上的比例比在其他地方政府税收中的比例小。

4、Watching the lights wink off in major metropolitan areas now doubt looked impressive, but it's worth asking: What was the point? ─── 观看着大都市灯光闪烁无疑让人叹为观止,但是值得问一句:这有什么意义?

5、After a month, insole of " of Fu Erle of the first batch of " walks out of Qin Ling, walked into metropolitan. ─── 一个月后,第一批"福尔乐"鞋垫走出秦岭,走进了大都市。

6、Ethnic enclaves, found particularly in major metropolitan centers, have preserved the language and culture of American immigrants. ─── 在主要大都市里,有许多族群居住的社区,都还保存着移民的文化传统和语言。

7、Also, in the seven states with the greatest income inequality, more than 80 percent of the population lives in or near metropolitan areas. ─── 另外,在收入差距大的7个州80%的人口居住在大城市里或附近。

8、He can not adjust himself to the pace of metropolitan life. ─── 他适应不了都市生活的节奏。

9、Metropolitan Police Service , subject Access Office/sc 4(3) Rm 1229, New Scotland Yard, Broadway, London SWIHOBG UK. ─── 如果申请人居住在伦敦以外的地方,就必须和所在地方的警察局总部联系。

10、It's a simple matter to circulate a newspaper in the metropolitan area. ─── 在大城市的市区内发行报纸是很简单的事。

11、A coherent transportation policy for the metropolitan area has been highlighted as the key to making this mobility sustainable. ─── 制定一项针对市区的连贯的交通政策是促进汽车可持续发展的关键。

12、One city official asked what this microbe could do to the metropolitan area. ─── 一位城市官员问这个微生物对大城市会有什么影响,

13、A predominantly urban region including adjacent towns and suburbs; a metropolitan area. ─── 大都市圈包括邻近城镇和郊区在内在的以城市为主导地位的地区;大都市地区

14、Metropolitan optical transport network RPR technical requirement etc. ─── 城市光传送网弹性分组环(RPR)技术要求等.

15、This paper puts forward a Linear Optical Network Protocol(LONP) based on Metropolitan Area Network(MAN) protocol DQDB. ─── 在城域网协议DQDB的基础上提出线型光网络协议LONP,组网方式是该协议中的重要一环。

16、Seven municipal councils in the Toronto metropolitan area were amalgamated into the new City of Toronto in 1998. ─── 1998年,7个位于多伦多都市区内的地万单元合并成为新多伦多市。

17、She was getting in the metropolitan whirl of pleasure. ─── 她正投身于这大都市的欢乐的漩涡之中。

18、During July and August I expect to be in the metropolitan New York area except for a trip or two back to Omaha. ─── 七月及八月期间,我期望能在大都市纽约地区除一回两回奥马哈。

19、Education: London Metropolitan University, London, Britain~ Bachelor in Art: Major in Law. ─── 学历:伦敦都会大学,伦敦,英国~文学士:主修法律.

20、Next month, the World Figure Skating Championships will be held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium. ─── 下个月,世界花样滑冰锦标赛将在东京体育馆举行。

21、Metropolitan Tokyo's Fire Department has a budget of $1.8 billion. ─── 东京都市消防署的预算为18亿美元。

22、Metropolitan Digital Library Services Evaluation: Measures and Approaches. ─── 国际大都市图书馆数字图书馆建设评估研究。

23、Catch the Metropolitan to Liverpool Street and then change to the Central Line. ─── 乘都会线,到利物浦街,再转中央线。

24、Do I need a transfer if I go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art? ─── 到大都会美术馆需要换车吗?

25、The metropolitan administrative system was thus established and a governor was appointed. ─── 因此,建立了都行政系统,并任命行政长官。

26、Yangtze Delta Metropolitan Area is the most powerful area, referred to one of the world's sixth largest metropolitan areas. ─── 长三角都市圈是我国经济实力最强的地域之一,被称为世界第六大都市圈。

27、The Head of the Metropolitan Police in London, Ian Blair, is resigning. ─── 伦敦警视厅厅长,伊恩布莱尔,正式辞职了。

28、TRA Rapid Transit Systematize in Metropolitan Area and Regional Railway Primary Construction Project? ─── 台铁都会区捷运化暨区域铁路先期建设计划?

29、An exhibition, “Pen and Parchment”, at the Metropolitan Museum reveals how incorrect that assumption is. ─── 大都会博物馆举办的一场名为“羽毛笔与羊皮纸”的展览揭示了这个论断是多么地不正确。

30、In the works of New-Sense Group there is a phenomenon of displaying west-affected morbid metropolitan view of love. ─── 在新感觉派小说所表现的洋场都市中,病态的“洋场爱”成为情爱生活的主潮。

31、The British museum, Musee de Louver and the Metropolitan Museum of art are the three largest museums in the world. ─── 大英博物馆,展出由百叶窗和大都会艺术博物馆是三个最大的博物馆在世界上。

32、He took the metropolitan examination and finally won an official rank. ─── 他参加了这次的会试,终于考取了功名。

33、Task group of IEEE 802.16 issued the IEEE802.16 2001 standard and gave a wireless metropolitan area network(WMAN) wireless interface criterion to BWA. ─── IEEE802.16工作组于2002年4月8日发布了IEEEStandard 802.162001标,为BWA定义了无线城域网(WMAN)的WirelessMAN空中接口规范。

34、The issue of metropolitan bonds constitutes an important financial resource for developing social capital and rebuilding cities. ─── 东京都债券的发行是发展社会资本和城市改造的一项重要的资金来源。

35、The metropolitan museum is exhibiting Goya's works this month. ─── 大都会博物馆本月正在展出戈雅的作品。

36、The Guggenheim, Metropolitan, and MoMA are the three most notable sited on Fifth Avenue. ─── 古根汉姆博物馆、大都会博物馆和现代美术馆是第五大道上最引人注目的三大场所。

37、Metropolitan buildings become taller than ever. ─── 大城市的建筑变得比以前更高。

38、Two years ago, he signed over his art collection to the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. ─── 两年前,他签字把他的艺术收藏品转让给了纽约大都会艺术博物馆。

39、Peking University has descended from Jing Shi Da Xue Tang (the Metropolitan University), which was a product of the Reform Movement of 1898. ─── 北京大学的前身是京师大学堂。 它是戊戌维新运动的产物。

40、With the onset of the Great Depression in the early 1930s, the Metropolitan Opera began losing large sums of money. ─── 20世纪30年代初,由于大萧条的威胁,大都会歌剧院开始损失大量资金。

41、Jeff, a former Detective Chief Superintendent with the Metropolitan Police, heads the investigation team. ─── 主管调查组的列斯,是伦敦都会警队的前任侦缉总警司。

42、In 1881 they returned to Dublin, where Yeats studied at the Metropolitan School of Art. ─── 1881年他们迁回了都柏林,叶芝在那里的都市艺术学院学习。

43、Beginning of wide-spread adoption of Strowger equipment for metropolitan areas both in the U. ─── 包括美国及海外许多大城市开始普遍接受史端乔设备。

44、Metropolitan residents are used to fast rhythm. ─── 大都市的居民习惯于快节奏。

45、Canadian French is different from the language of metropolitan France. ─── 加拿大的法语与法国本土的法语不相同。

46、They alter the metropolitan soul as well as its character, through they are reluctant to admit. ─── 他们改写着城市灵魂。改写着城市性格。虽然他们懒得承认。

47、Within metropolitan Tokyo the trend of a long-term decline in the number of livestock farmers is coming to a halt. ─── 东京都长期以来所面临的畜牧业农民数量减少的趋势有望得到遏制。

48、He has also appealed to the Metropolitan Police for a Mandarin-speaking officer to be seconded to the case. ─── 他们说现场有电脑跟几部手机被警方带走进行分析,又没说现场没有丢东西!这两件事情扯不上关系。

49、DQDB metropolitan area network is a promising solution for the evolution from current networks to B-ISDN. ─── DQDB城域网是实现现有通信网络向B-ISDN过渡的优选网络。

50、The metropolitan government levies taxes on 16 items among the local taxes shown in the schematic drawing of the Local Tax System. ─── 地方税体系的示意图显示,东京都政府在地方税里制定了16项税收条目。

51、In one large metropolitan area I sureyed, fewer than half the millionaires lived in high-rent districts. ─── 在一个大城市城区,也只有不到一半的百万富翁住在房费高昂的地区。

52、Rights-of-way of overhead lines in metropolitan areas are very expensive or are prohibited entirely. ─── 在大都市地区,架空线路走廊是非常昂贵的,或根本就受到禁止。

53、Metropolitan regions should develop strategies to encourage such infill development over peripheral expansion. ─── 大都市区将会开发战略以促进这种加密开发超越外围的扩张。

54、At the enchanted metropolitan twilight I felt a haunting loneliness sometimes. ─── 在大都市迷人的黄昏时刻,我有时感到一种难以排遣的寂寞。

55、The Home Secretary said that the Metropolitan Police had not been at full strength for ten years. ─── 内务大臣说,大城市的警察10年来从没有满额。

56、They have reserved a box for us in the Metropolitan Theater. ─── 他们为我们在首都戏院预定了一个包厢。

57、Even if it was not such a big metropolitan as Berlin, it seemed more international in terms of the popularity of English. ─── 但是她那种国际城市的感觉比柏林更浓郁些,单单英语的普及程度就相对要高。

58、Traffic jams have long been a problem that preoccupies many metropolitan cities such as New York, Tokyo, and Beijing. ─── 堵车在很多大城市中是一个困扰人们很久的问题,比如在纽约、东京和北京。

59、Some metropolitan newspapers would make sizable volumes if printed in book form. ─── 如果印成书的形式,有些大城市的报纸的*量会相当可观。

60、Visitors to the fair can stroll over to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to see "Tapestry in the Baroque" which opens on October 23rd. ─── 博览会的访客还可以逛至纽约大都会艺术博物馆,参观10月23日即将开幕的“巴洛克式挂毯”。

61、Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department said the Tokyo Odaiba Tokyo telecentres emitting thick black smoke near the building. ─── 东京警视厅透露,东京台场的东京电信中心大楼附近冒出浓浓的黑烟。

62、More than one million stray dogs and over500,000 stray cats live in the New York City metropolitan area. ─── 在纽约市区生活着一百多万只流浪狗和五十多万只流浪猫。

63、The detective department of the metropolitan police force of London. ─── 伦敦都市警察机关的侦缉处。

64、Metropolitan area is heavy with state offices. ─── 大都会区到处都有非政府机关。

65、Shanghai is one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world. ─── 上海是世界上最大的大都会之一。

66、Flowers in Shanghai accounts a story of prostitute and brothel visitors in brothels of Shanghai, and reflects metropolitan culture of Shanghai. ─── 《海上花列传》通过上海青楼中一群妓女和狎客的故事,折射出上海的都市文明。

67、It would be with extreme reluctance that I should leave the Metropolitan Museum, which contains the key to beauty -- a beauty so neglected. ─── 多么不情愿,我要离开大都会博物馆,那里有开启美的钥匙,这种美又被忽视了。

68、There's no essential difference between a metropolitan and a peasant. ─── 大城市人和农民之间没有什么本质的区别。

69、She caught a trolley-bus, and then went on the Metropolitan underground to the Temple stop. ─── 她上了一辆无轨电车,后来又转乘都市线地下车到潭普尔车站下车。

70、Shanghai is a world-famous metropolitan city. ─── 上海是世界著名大都市,是面向西方的窗口。

71、Be in contemporary metropolitan li of simple implementation " cannot Ju Mozhu " ! ─── 在现代的大都市里简单的实现了“不可居无竹”!

72、More than half live in the metropolitan areas of Oklahoma City, the capital, or Tulsa, its other sizeable city. ─── 一半以上生活在俄克拉荷马州的主要城市,首都,或者塔尔萨,另一个大城市。

73、First, the earthquake would shake metropolitan areas including Seattle and Portland. ─── 首先,地震将撼动包括西雅图和波特兰在内的大都市地区。

74、Chronic injury in metropolitan region is common. ─── 大城市地区慢性危害是常见的。

75、Visitors roam at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the United States, June 26, 2007. ─── 6月26日,美国纽约大都会博物馆内人头攒动。

76、We also went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, but we were crunched for time and only got to see a few exhibits. ─── 今次出席的老师除了有黄创老师、梁景桓老师之外,还有江珍璧老师。

77、He serves as an undercover narcotic detective in the Metropolitan Police Department. ─── 他在大都会警局做麻醉药物秘密侦探。

78、The Metropolitan Opera House was crammed with people eager to shed $50 at the box office or $100 under the counter. ─── 大都会剧院挤满了人,人们急于想在售票处买到五十美元一张的票,或出一百美元买“黑”票。

79、Ian Blair, London's Metropolitan Police commissioner, said the event was going "very well". ─── 大伦敦警察局局长伊恩·布莱尔说诺丁山狂欢节进行得非常顺利。

80、He said that if he were in New York , he would visit the current exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum. ─── 他说,如果他在纽约的话,他会去参观正在大都市博物馆举办的展览会。

81、A Cabbage Field makes an appearance at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building! ─── 东京都厅大楼出现了一片卷心菜地!

82、Which is the exit for The Metropolitan Museum? ─── 大都会博物馆出口是哪个?

83、Kit Malthouse, Deputy Mayor of London and Chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority, said the police did a good job. ─── 伦敦副市长和都会警察局主席KitMalthous说警察们做的不错。

84、Manners nowadays in metropolitan cities like London are practically non-existent. ─── 如今在如伦敦这样的大都市中,礼仪实际上是不存在的。

85、In the 1950s he taught at the Metropolitan Opera ballet school and at the Juilliard School. ─── 1950年代在大都会歌剧院芭蕾舞学校和茱丽亚音乐学院任教。

86、Therefore, with the exception of certain municipalities, the metropolitan government oversees all of these services. ─── 因此,除了一部分市町村,都政府统一处理相关事务。

87、Thus, the foreign traveler to New York city can feel more secure here than in most other large metropolitan areas of the U.S. ─── 因此,比起大部分其他的美国都会区,来纽约市的外国游客在此地会觉得比较安全。

88、Their large metropolitan counties center on three southern cities. ─── 他们的繁华大都会都集中在三个南方城市。

89、There are many advantages in metropolitan life, for example, great schools, libraries and theaters. ─── 住在大都市有很多好处,像有好的学校,图书馆及戏院。

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