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turpentine 发音

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turpentine 中文意思翻译





turpentine 网络释义

n. 松节油;松脂vt. 涂松节油vi. 提取松节油

turpentine 词性/词形变化,turpentine变形


turpentine 常用词组

turpentine oil ─── 松节油

turpentine 短语词组

1、turpentine camphor weed ─── [网络] 松节油樟脑杂草

2、Canada turpentine ─── [化] 加拿大香胶 ─── [医] 加拿大松脂, 加拿大香脂

3、common turpentine ─── [建] 普通松节油

4、French turpentine ─── [化] 枣红松节油; 法国松节油

5、gum turpentine ─── 树胶精油

6、oil of turpentine ─── [化] 松节油

7、crude turpentine ─── [建] 粗松节油

8、crude wood turpentine ─── [建] 粗木制松节油

9、turpentine enema ─── [医] 松节油灌肠

10、turpentine oil ─── [医] 松节油

11、spirit of turpentine ─── 松节油

12、fat turpentine ─── [化] 脂化松节油; 稠化松节油

13、borduaux turpentine ─── [机] 枣红松节油, 法国松节油

14、turpentine spirit ─── [医] 松节油

15、Bordeaux turpentine ─── [化] 枣红松节油; 法国松节油

16、turpentine stupe ─── [医] 松节油热敷布

17、turpentine camphor ─── [医] 松节油脑, 松油二醇

18、Chian turpentine ─── [医] 希沃斯岛松脂, 笃ō香

19、larch turpentine ─── [机] 威尼斯松节油

turpentine 相似词语短语

1、turpentines ─── n.松节油;松脂;vt.涂松节油;vi.提取松节油

2、to turpentine ─── 松节油

3、turpentined ─── n.松节油;松脂;vt.涂松节油;vi.提取松节油

4、porpentine ─── 松节油

5、serpentine ─── adj.蜿蜒的,弯弯曲曲的;复杂的,阴险的;n.蛇纹石;蛇形之物;(骑术的)蜿蜒跑动训练;(15至16世纪使用的)一种加农炮;v.使迂回曲折地行进;蛇形排列;n.蛇形湖(伦敦海德公园中的湖,theSerpentine)

6、turpentinic ─── 松节油

7、turpentining ─── n.松节油;松脂;vt.涂松节油;vi.提取松节油

8、turpentiny ─── 松节油

9、turpentinous ─── 松节油

turpentine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、That is because many of the men who worked to gather substances from trees wore no shoes.They would make turpentine from tar and get the black, sticky tar on the heels of their feet. ─── 因为许多从棕榈树上采集焦油的人都打着赤脚,他们要从焦油中提取松节油,所以,他们的脚后跟就涂上了黑兮兮、粘糊糊的焦油。

2、Study on Making Paint Primer by Utilizing Turpentine through Waste Fluid in Papermaking ─── 利用造纸废液中松浆油制底漆

3、The general situation of flavor from turpentine oil ─── 从松节油制得的食用香料概况

4、Standard Test Methods of Sampling and Testing Turpentine ─── 松脂的抽样和测试试验方法

5、"Oil of turpentine is favoured over petroleum solvents as an oil-paint thinner, varnish solvent, and Brush cleaner. ─── 在用作油漆、可挥发性溶剂以及油彩刷的清洁剂等方面,松脂比石油效果更好。

6、The sticky mixture of resin and volatile oil from which turpentine is distilled. ─── 松油树指松腊和易挥发的油的粘稠的混和物,松节油就是从中蒸馏出来的

7、’ Splash into the turpentine, wallop into the bluethe white, frantic flourish on the palette,then several fierce strokesslashes of blue on the absolutely cowering canvas. ─── 只见松油飞溅,她在蓝白颜料间挥毫泼墨,在调色板上龙飞凤舞,接着在吓得发皱的油画布上用力东戳西捣几下蓝色。”

8、the cutting of whiskey with water; the thinning of paint with turpentine. ─── 加水的威士忌的冲淡;用松节油的疼痛的冲淡。

9、Keywords isolongifolene;heavy turpentine oil;isomerization; ─── 异长叶烯;重质松节油;异构化;

10、Accelerant Flammable liquids capable of accelerating the ignition and propagation of a fire.Commonly used accelerants(gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, and turpentine)are all derived from crude oil. ─── 可以加速点燃和火势蔓延的可燃性的液体。通常使用的助燃剂(汽油、煤油、柴油和松节油)都是从原油中提炼出来的。

11、In the developed countries, such as the United States of America, 90% of turpentine is made of CST. ─── 在工业发达国家中,以美国为例,90%的松节油来源于CST。

12、Our main commodities include gum rosin, rosin ester, gum turpentine, sisal products, jute bag, canned vegetables, Star Aniseed, Cassia, essentials oils est. ─── 公司经营的主要出口产品有:松香、树脂、松节油、剑麻产品、麻袋、水果罐头、八角、桂皮、香料油等。

13、oil of turpentine = spirit of turpentine ─── 松节油

14、The microstructure of raw materials produeing Chinese traditional ink, Turpentine soot and China wood oil soot was studied by HRTEM. ─── 利用高分辨透射电镜(HRTEM)对传统工艺生产的制墨用桐油烟和松烟的微结构进行研究发现桐油烟和松烟具有比较典型的同心取向准石墨结构。

15、Among the oleoyl phospholipids the emulsifiability of the product with acylating ratio 82.3% is the highest for turpentine and n-hexane. ─── 在油酰化磷脂中,酰化率为82.3%的改性磷脂对松节油和正己烷的乳化性最高。

16、They were told to brew up a foul mixture of chicken and goose grease, pine, rosin, pitch and turpentine in an earthenware pot. ─── 手册教导他们,在陶罐中,调配一种混合了鸡和鹅的脂肪、松木、松香、树脂以及松节油的茶。

17、Our main commodities include gum rosin, gum turpentine, sisal products, jute bag, canned vegetables, Star Aniseed, Cassia, and essentials oils est. ─── 公司经营的主要出口产品有:松香、松节油、剑麻产品、麻袋、水果罐头、八角、桂皮、香料油等。

18、Keywords turpentine oil;juvenile hormone analogs(JHA); ─── 松节油;保幼激素类似物;

19、Oil of turpentine for pharmaceutical purposes ─── 医药用松节油

20、try some turpentine. That might take the stink away. ─── 用一些松脂大概可以除去臭味。


22、crude turpentine obtained from the cluster pine tree of southern Europe ─── 从产于南欧的丛生松树上获得的天然树脂

23、He was drink ing coffee while he worked, and frequently dipped his brush in a beaker of turpentine to clean it. ─── 他工作时喝着咖啡,不停地把刷子放进一个松子油杯子里清洗。

24、Main Products: Sheet Galvanized Iron, Iron Drum for Rosin Industry, Gum Rosin, Gum Turpentine ─── 公司主要经营产品:镀锌铁皮、松香铁桶、松香、松节油

25、Forbes' emulsion of oil of turpentine ─── [医] 福贝斯氏松节油乳剂

26、7.The basis of the biopin products: tung oil, linseed oil, beeswax, castor oil, vegetable wax, lemon, turpentine, dryer without lead or barium, mineral pigment, borax etc. ─── 产品成分主要有:桐油,亚麻油,蜂蜡,蓖麻油,加那巴蜡,柠檬,香脂松节油,不含铅和钡的干燥剂,矿物颜料,硼砂等。

27、To extract turpentine from(a tree). ─── 从(树上)提取松脂

28、gum turpentine oi ─── 松节油;橡胶用溶剂汽油

29、Keywords Alcohol;Turpentine oil;Azeotropy;Deresination; ─── 乙醇;松节油;共沸;脱脂;

30、Keywords turpentine;separation;pinene;azeotropic distillation; ─── 松节油;分离;蒎烯;共沸蒸馏;

31、A half - and - half mixtureof linseed oil and turpentine. ─── 亚麻籽油和松节油两种成分各占一半的混合物。

32、At the same time, the quality of the Honduras rosin and turpentine were improved by the authors. ─── 同时,对质量较差的洪都拉斯松香和松节油产品作了改进,达到中国同类产品的特级标准。

33、destructive distillation turpentine ─── 干馏(木)松节油

34、Keywords Turpentine;Terpineol;catalyse hydration;solid superacid; ─── 松节油;松油醇;催化水合;固体超强酸;

35、“Well, I dosed him good with a half pint of linseed oil, a tablespoon of turpentine, and three tablespoons of castor oil. ─── 我给我的马服下了一剂药,半品脱的亚麻子油,一大汤匙的松节油,还有三大汤匙的蓖麻油呢。”

36、5 Do not use spirited eradicator, be like household cleanser, turpentine, benzine or other the clean leather sofa such as mordant solution. ─── 5切勿使用烈性去污剂,如去污粉、松节油,汽油或其他有腐蚀性的溶液等清洁皮革沙发。

37、but I still got the turpentine on my hands, too careless! ─── 可我的双手还是沾到了,太不小心了我!

38、Metal parts were cleaned with turpentine and painted in plain black. ─── 我使用松脂将金属部分漆成黑色。

39、Old North State Turpentine State ─── [美]北卡罗来纳州(North Carolina)的别名

40、Importer & Exporter of All Native Products: Gum Rosin, Gum Turpentine, Chinese Cassia, Star Anise, Galangal, Chinaroots, White Paraffin Wax. ─── 土产出入口商:松香、脂松节油、中国桂皮、八角、莨姜、土茯苓、白腊。


42、For the rest he used his color without a medium of any kind, neither oil, turpentine or any other mixture. ─── 余下的部分他直接用颜料而不用任何媒介如油、松节油或者其他的混合物。

43、Keywords turpentine;terpine hydrate;ultrasound;terpineol; ─── 松节油;水合萜二醇;超声波;松油醇;

44、firs perspire a fine balsam of turpentine. ─── 冷杉分泌出一种质地优良的松树胶。

45、Turpentine State ─── [美]北卡罗来纳州别名

46、Studies on Reaction Mechanism of turpentine Catalyzed by Super-acidic Mesoprorous Molecular Sieves ─── 中孔分子筛超强酸催化松节油化学反应机理研究

47、In the process of producing turpentine,it's hard to measure the turpen tine directly. ─── 在用蒸汽蒸馏连续法生产松香和松节油的过程中,在线检测松节油的含油量是一难点。

48、5 turpentine, naphtha can be slow congest because of cold and pharynx and larynx, what oedema brings is unwell, can promote haemal circulation. ─── 5松脂,挥发油能舒缓因感冒及咽喉充血,水肿带来的不适,并能促进血液循环。

49、Keywords Turpentine;Sodium Terpene Xanthogenate;IR Spectrum.; ─── 松节油;萜烯黄原酸钠;红外光谱;

50、He had it bad.” “So, what did you do for him?” asked the first farmer.“Well, I dosed him good with a half pint of linseed oil, a tablespoon of turpentine, and three tablespoons of castor oil. ─── 有疾病啊.你用什麽方法治好它吗?请求第一个农夫.好.我的方法是约半斤亚麻子油,1大匙的松脂和3大匙的蓖麻油.

51、a half - and - half mixture of linseed oil and turpentine. ─── 亚麻籽油和松节油两种成分各占一半的混合物

52、For paint stains on the surface of cotton and silk fabrics, wipe it off with kerosene or turpentine oil before washing. ─── 棉、丝织品上若沾染油漆渍,需先用煤油或松节油擦到去渍为止,然后洗衣。

53、The firs perspire a fine balsam of turpentine. ─── 冷杉分泌出一种质地优良的松树胶。

54、Separation of Industrial Pinene Directly from the Turpentine Oil in Continuous Distillation Process of Oleoresin ─── 松脂连续蒸馏直接提取工业蒎烯

55、They would make turpentine from tar and get the black, sticky tar on the heels of their feet. ─── 他们用焦油制造松节油,这样他们的脚上就会沾上黑色黏稠的焦油。

56、They were told to brew up a foul mixture of chicken and goose grease, pine, rosin, pitch and turpentine in an earthenware pot. ─── 手册教导他们,在陶罐中,调配一种混合了鸡和鹅的脂肪、松木、松香、树脂以及松节油的茶。

57、Effects and Action of the Turpentine in the Course of Leaching Bauxite ─── 塔尔油对铝土矿溶出过程的影响

58、California evergreen having a fruit resembling a nutmeg but with a strong turpentine flavor. ─── 豆蔻的常绿树种,有强烈的松脂味道。

59、Her suggestion that he try thinning the paint with turpentine. ─── 她叫他不妨试试用松节油稀释油漆的建议。

60、turpentine soot ─── 松烟松树枝熏制的碳黑

61、The high efficiency cleaning wax has the basic components of natural wax, oxidized wax, light mineral oil, turpentine, emulsifier, dispersant, siloxane and water. ─── 一种高效清洗蜡,基本组成为:天然蜡、氧化蜡、轻质矿物油、松节油、乳化剂、分散剂、硅氧烷和水。

62、On 6 Nov 2002, vice-president of CFNA, Ni Rulin met with a gum turpentine customer from Mexico, and introduced the situation of forest chemicals in China. ─── 2002年11月6日,倪如林副会长会见墨西哥松节油客户,介绍了我林化产品行业的情况。

63、borduaux turpentine ─── [机] 枣红松节油, 法国松节油

64、Association of the German wholesale trade in resins, turpentine oil ─── 德国树脂,松油,清漆批发贸易协会

65、The ancient Egyptians could make glass, tile, turpentine, soap and dyes. ─── 古埃及人制造了玻璃、瓷砖、松脂、肥皂和染料。

66、the cutting of whiskey with water; the thinning of paint with turpentine ─── 加水冲淡威士忌;用松节油稀释油漆

67、spirits of turpentine ─── n. 松香油

68、Keywords turpentine;hydroquinone;terpene phenolic resin; ─── 松节油;对苯二酚;萜烯-对苯二酚树脂;

69、California evergreen having a fruit resembling a nutmeg but with a strong turpentine flavor. ─── 加州一种果实类似于肉豆蔻的常绿树种,有强烈的松脂味道。

70、Based on a series of experiments ,a satisfactory physic chemical method was selected for clarification of crude sulphate turpentine. ─── 对粗硫酸盐松节油的净化方法加以探讨,总结出较为理想的化学-物理净化法。

71、Bamboo salt contains natural sulfur and turpentine, can dissolve inside the body, and the metal toxins. ─── 竹盐中含有天然硫磺和松脂的成分,可以中和、化解身体内的重金属毒素。

72、We are a chemical company in Guangxi province,China, we mainly supply forest chemical products, such as gum rosin (colophony), turpentine oil , tung oil , tall oil and etc. ─── 广西南宁科森林产化工有限公司成立于二00二年七月,专业生产经营松香、松节油及桐油系列林化产品,具有自营进出口权。

73、Red turpentine beetle (Dendroctonus valens, RTB), which was probably introduced from USA, is one of the most important invasive pests in Chinese forest ecological system. ─── 摘要红脂大小蠹是我国重要的外来入侵害虫,给我国林业生产和国土生态安全带来巨大危害。

74、Keywords Turpentine;Terpinolene;Two-stage catalyze;Solid superacid; ─── 松节油;异松油烯;两步催化;固体超强酸;

75、Keywords turpentine;minim total sulfur content;microcoulometry; ─── 松节油;微量总硫含量;微库仑法;

76、8.a medium for oil-paints; linseed oil mixed with mastic varnish or turpentine. ─── 一种油画颜料的溶解液,由亚麻子油和乳香、清漆或松节油混合而成。

77、(2) turpentine in metal containers that can easily produce red brown Su. ─── (2)松节油在铁桶中很容易生成红棕色素。

78、Most paints reduce with turpentine. ─── 许多油漆可用松节油稀释。

79、steam-distilled wood turpentine ─── 木松节油

80、Keywords turpentine oil;synergist;pesticide;juvenile hormone analog; ─── 松节油;增效剂;杀虫剂;保幼激素类似物;

81、Keywords RODbaffle heat exchanger;structural design;turpentine distilling; ─── 折流杆换热器;结构设计;松节油分馏;

82、Our country is the number one export country of rosin, activated carbon, turpentine and camphor of the world, and dominates the international market to some degree. ─── 中国是世界松香、活性碳、松节油和樟脑出口第一大国,在一定程度上左右国际市场。

83、Our country is the number one export country of rosin,activated carbon,turpentine and camphor of the world,and domina... ─── 中国是世界松香、活性碳、松节油和樟脑出口第一大国,在一定程度上左右国际市场。

84、Properties:Completely dissolved in solvent such as coal tar system,esters,turpentine and plant oil.Undissolved in Solvent such as alcohol and partly dissolved in oil. ─── 性能:在煤焦系,酯类溶剂?松节油?植物油中完全溶解,不溶于醇类溶剂,在石油系溶剂中部分溶解。

85、wood spirits of turpentine ─── 木材松节油

86、Wu Xuan, Qilin producing chemical plant in Guangxi Province, Wuxuan County, the main raw material to produce resin for rosin and turpentine. ─── 武宣华奇林产化工厂位于广西省武宣县,主要以松脂为原材料生产松香和松节油。

87、The aseptic turpentine oil was injected into rabbit′s thigh and caused the muscle to form abscess. The relation between the characteristics of ultrasonic color Doppler imaging and pathologic changes was explored. ─── 对家兔大腿注射无菌松节油造成肌肉脓肿,观察正常和损伤部位超声图像与病理学改变之间的关系。

88、Properties: Completely dissolved in solvent such as coal tar system, esters, turpentine and plant oil.Undissolved in Solvent such as alcohol and partly dissolved in oil. ─── 性能:在煤焦系,酯类溶剂﹑松节油﹑植物油中完全溶解,不溶于醇类溶剂,在石油系溶剂中部分溶解。

89、The Red turpentine bark beetle, Dendroctonus valens LeConte, is an invading pest of pines in China. ─── 摘要红脂大小蠹是我国近年来重要的入侵害虫。

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